
川﨑 繁男

カワサキ シゲオ  (Shigeo Kawasaki)


国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究所 宇宙機応用工学研究系 特任教授
学術博士(University of California, Los Angels(アメリカ合衆国))




  • Zhengdong Lin, Daisuke Kobuchi, Yoshiaki Narusue, Tamotsu Suda, Shigeo Kawasaki
    Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, APMC 542-545 2023年  
    This paper presents the fabrication of an Active Integrated Phased Array Antennas (AIPAA) sensor system prototype utilizing Information, Communication & Energy transfer (ICEt) technology. Through the high-density integration of hardware components and software algorithms, this system enables adaptive adjustments in diverse scenarios, leading to optimal system performance. The proposed prototype demonstrates the capability to fulfill sensing, communication, and energy transfer tasks in various environments, including spacecraft exploration and river disaster warning systems. This research represents a significant step towards the development of advanced wireless sensor networks with ICEt technology for multifunctional applications.
  • Hideo Takeuchi, Yuto Omuku, Ryota Onoda, T. Nakaoka, Jun Utsumi, Shigeo Kawasaki, Masatoshi Koyama
    Optics Continuum 2022年9月29日  
  • Hyoseong Park, Tatsuya Watanabe, Isao Yoda, Yoshinori Shohmitsu, Shigeo Kawasaki, Toshihiro Nakaoka
    SN Applied Sciences 2(12) 2020年12月1日  
    We report on the irreversible and reversible resistance changes for γ-ray irradiation in amorphous GeTe thin films with Ag electrodes. The γ-ray irradiation at a dose of 1 kGy irreversibly decreased the DC resistance by two orders of magnitude. The irreversible resistance change was caused by the formation of a conductive region that consisted of Ag-Te compounds. In-situ real-time DC resistance and AC impedance measurements revealed reversible variations in several electrode structures with DC resistances ranging widely from about 10 kΩ to about 5 MΩ. The DC resistance decreased by 2–5% with a time constant of about 3–7 min following the γ-ray irradiation with a dose rate of 0.5–2 kGy/h, and recovered on interruption. The AC impedance measurement was analyzed with a simple equivalent circuit consisting of a parallel RC circuit of the Ag-diffused GeTe matrix, connected serially to the interface resistance. The interface resistance and the capacitance of the matrix exhibited a fast reversible variation, which is explained by trapping and detrapping of carriers in the charged defects formed by the Ag re-diffusion. The resistance of the matrix showed a slow reversible variation with a time constant of 7 min, similar to the DC resistance. The slow reversible variation is attributed to the growth and dissolution of the conductive region caused by the Ag re-diffusion.
  • Satoshi Yoshida, Kenjiro Nishikawa, Shigeo Kawasaki
    IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 30(10) 997-1000 2020年10月  
    © 2020 IEEE. In this letter, a frequency-tunable rectifier in the $C$-band designed by a hybrid semiconductor integrated circuit (HySIC) concept is proposed. A GaAs monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) and a Si radio frequency integrated circuit (RFIC) were utilized as the HySIC configuration in the rectifier design. For the purpose of initial confirmation of this design validity, the GaAs and Si chips were fabricated and packaged onto the copper tungsten plate with gold plating. As measured results, frequency-tunable range from 3.82 to 4.55 GHz was measured. Maximum radio frequency (RF)-direct current (dc) conversion efficiency and output dc power in the measured power range from-10.0 to 17.8 dBm were 28.7% and 17.3 mW, respectively.
  • Satoshi Yoshida, Kentaro Matsuura, Daisuke Kobuchi, Naoto Yabuta, Toshihiro Nakaoka, Kenjiro Nishikawa, Shigeo Kawasaki
    IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest 2020-August 1180-1183 2020年8月  
    © 2020 IEEE. The 24 GHz communication system was demonstrated with wireless multi-sensors by wirelessly powering at 5.8 GHz. The wireless sensors for health monitoring in a space vehicle work as the sensors of temperature, humidity, acceleration, illuminance, battery voltage and sound in this study. Under output power of 30W from a GaN transmitter, a GaAs rectifier of energy harvester was operated with more than 80% RF-DC conversion efficiency.
  • Takuya Obara, Satoshi Yoshida, Kenjiro Nishikawa, Shigeo Kawasaki
    2020 33rd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, URSI GASS 2020 2020年8月  
    © 2020 URSI. This paper analyzes and optimizes the structure of gallium nitride (GaN) planar Schottky barrier diode (SBD) to maximize the rectifier RF-DC conversion efficiency (PCE) and the operating dynamic range. The analysis indicates a small series resistance and a small zero-bias junction capacitance were needed to improve the wide dynamic range performance of the rectifier circuit. The prototype single-shunt rectifiers using the proposed GaN SBDs for evaluation achieves a conversion efficiency of more than 80% at an input power of 40dBm at 5. 8GHz. The high efficiency design rectifier achieves 87% peak PCE with 23dB dynamic range. The wide dynamic range design rectifier achieves 78% peak PCE with 32dB dynamic range.
  • Satoshi Yoshida, Kenjiro Nishikawa, Shigeo Kawasaki
    2019 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference, WPTC 2019 595-598 2019年6月  
    © 2019 IEEE. This paper demonstrates fundamental evaluation results of a C-band rectifier using gallium nitride (GaN) high electron mobility transistor (HEMT). To achieve rectification at high power range, the GaN HEMT is utilized. TGF2023-2-05 of Qorvo is used for the HEMT. A rectifier circuit is designed on a RO4350B substrate. Only fundamental wave matching is considered. The designed rectifier is fabricated and measured. Maximum rectification efficiency of 44.8 % at 5.78 GHz while the load resistance is 20Omega is obtained from the measurement. Maximum output DC power is 9661 mW when RF input power is 44.2dBm.
  • Yuta Kobayashi, Atsushi Tomiki, Shigeo Kawasaki
    An X-band, Gallium nitride (GaN)-based solid-state power amplifier (SSPA) was demonstrated formore than one year in deep space for the first time. The SSPA consisted of three-stage amplifiers and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) GaN high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) were used in both the second-and the final-stage amplifiers. During its one year of continuous operation, the GaN SSPA improved equivalent isotopically radiated power with low power consumption such as an average output power of 41.7 dBm (14.8W), average power consumption of 43.5 W, and average efficiency of 33.7%. In addition, the deterioration rate of output power calculated from the inclination of the linear approximation line was no more than -0.08 dB per year. These results stand comparison with the results of high-temperature, long-term continuous operation test or a total ionizing dose test conducted on the ground. This paper illustrates the space applicability and reliability of the SSPA using a COTS GaN HEMT.
  • 林大介, 川﨑繁男
    日本航空宇宙学会論文集 67(1) 9-15 2019年2月  
  • Proc. 2019 Radio & Wireless Symposium WE2A-1 2019年1月  査読有り
  • Yuta Kobayashi, Atsushi Tomiki, Shigeo Kawasaki
    IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 55(2) 930-938 2019年  
  • The 30th Symposium on Phase Change Oriented Science PCOS 2018 3 2018年12月  査読有り
  • 川﨑 繁男
    Proc. 2018 Asia Pacific Microwave Conf. 46-48 2018年11月  査読有り
  • APMC2018 WE1-L01 2018年11月  査読有り
  • 川﨑 繁男
    Asian Wireless Power Transfer Workshop 2018年11月  査読有り
  • 川﨑 繁男
    IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. Dig. Th2B-3 1265-1268 2018年6月  査読有り
  • in Proc. Int. Wireless Symp 2018年5月  査読有り
  • Tadayuki Takahashi, Motohide Kokubun, Kazuhisa Mitsuda, Richard L. Kelley, Takaya Ohashi, Felix Aharonian, Hiroki Akamatsu, Fumie Akimoto, Steven W. Allen, Naohisa Anabuki, Lorella Angelini, Keith Arnaud, Makoto Asai, Marc Audard, Hisamitsu Awaki, Magnus Axelsson, Philipp Azzarello, Chris Baluta, Aya Bamba, Nobutaka Bando, Marshall W. Bautz, Thomas Bialas, Roger Blandford, Kevin Boyce, Laura W. Brenneman, Gregory V. Brown, Esra Bulbul, Edward M. Cackett, Edgar Canavan, Maria Chernyakova, Meng P. Chiao, Paolo S. Coppi, Elisa Costantini, Steve O' Dell, Michael DiPirro, Chris Done, Tadayasu Dotani, John Doty, Ken Ebisawa, Megan E. Eckart, Teruaki Enoto, Yuichiro Ezoe, Andrew C. Fabian, Carlo Ferrigno, Adam R. Foster, Ryuichi Fujimoto, Yasushi Fukazawa, Stefan Funk, Akihiro Furuzawa, Massimiliano Galeazzi, Luigi C. Gallo, Poshak Gandhi, Kirk Gilmore, Margherita Giustini, Andrea Goldwurm, Liyi Gu, Matteo Guainazzi, Daniel Haas, Yoshito Haba, Kouichi Hagino, Kenji Hamaguchi, Ilana M. Harrus, Isamu Hatsukade, Takayuki Hayashi, Katsuhiro Hayashi, Kiyoshi Hayashida, Jan Willem Den Herder, Junko S. Hiraga, Kazuyuki Hirose, Ann Hornschemeier, Akio Hoshino, John P. Hughes, Yuto Ichinohe, Ryo Iizuka, Hajime Inoue, Yoshiyuki Inoue, Kazunori Ishibashi, Manabu Ishida, Kumi Ishikawa, Kosei Ishimura, Yoshitaka Ishisaki, Masayuki Itoh, Masachika Iwai, Naoko Iwata, Naoko Iyomoto, Chris Jewell, Jelle Kaastra, Tim Kallman, Tsuneyoshi Kamae, Erin Kara, Jun Kataoka, Satoru Katsuda, Junichiro Katsuta, Madoka Kawaharada, Nobuyuki Kawai, Taro Kawano, Shigeo Kawasaki, Dmitry Khangulyan, Caroline A. Kilbourne, Mark Kimball
    Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems 4(2) 021402 2018年4月  査読有り
    © The Authors. The Hitomi (ASTRO-H) mission is the sixth Japanese x-ray astronomy satellite developed by a large international collaboration, including Japan, USA, Canada, and Europe. The mission aimed to provide the highest energy resolution ever achieved at E > 2 keV, using a microcalorimeter instrument, and to cover a wide energy range spanning four decades in energy from soft x-rays to gamma rays. After a successful launch on February 17, 2016, the spacecraft lost its function on March 26, 2016, but the commissioning phase for about a month provided valuable information on the onboard instruments and the spacecraft system, including astrophysical results obtained from first light observations. The paper describes the Hitomi (ASTRO-H) mission, its capabilities, the initial operation, and the instruments/spacecraft performances confirmed during the commissioning operations for about a month.
  • 吉田賢史, 西川健二郎, 川崎繁男
    電気学会論文誌D 38(7) 615-622 2018年  
  • Shigeo Kawasaki, Ray Katoh, Tamotsu Suda, Yuki Nakano, Kazuhiro Fujimori, Jun Matsumoto, Hideki Kato, Osamu Mori, Junichiro Kawaguchi
    2018 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium(RWS) 91-93 2018年  
  • Satoshi Yoshida, Kenjiro Nishikawa, Shigeo Kawasaki
    IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications 138(7) 615-622 2018年  
    © 2018 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. In this paper, we demonstrate the experimental evaluation of system feasibility of a wireless sensor network system powered by a hybrid energy harvester inside a reusable vehicle test (RVT). The hybrid energy harvester consists of a solar cell and a microwave rectifier as a passive and an active powering method, respectively. Basic characteristic measurement of the hybrid energy harvester under line-of-sight conditions and multi-sensor operation under non-line-of-sight conditions were carried out using the real RVT which is covered by an aeroshell.
  • Koshi Hamano, Ryuya Tanaka, Satoshi Yoshida, Hiroto Sakaki, Kenjiro Nishikawa, Shigeo Kawasaki, Kunihiro Kawai, Hiroshi Okazaki, Shoichi Narahashi, Naoki Shinohara
    European Microwave Week 2017: "A Prime Year for a Prime Event", EuMW 2017 - Conference Proceedings; 47th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2017 2017- 1155-1158 2017年12月19日  査読有り
    This paper proposes and demonstrates a novel wide dynamic range rectifier. The proposed rectifier consists of two rectifying circuits in parallel, an asymmetrical output impedance power divider for RF input signal, and a DC combiner. The asymmetric power divider sequentially distributes the RF signal to the rectifier for high input power from the rectifier for low input power without switch devices, according as the input signal power level increases. The fabricated 2.45 GHz rectifier verified the proposed technique and expanded the operating input power range. The fabricated rectifier demonstrated more than 25dB dynamic range with an efficiency of higher than 30%. The maximum efficiency of the rectifier achieved 47.5% at 15dBm input power.
  • Koshi Hamano, Ryuya Tanaka, Satoshi Yoshida, Hiroto Sakaki, Kenjiro Nishikawa, Shigeo Kawasaki, Kunihiro Kawai, Hiroshi Okazaki, Shoichi Narahashi, Naoki Shinohara
    2017 12th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference, EuMIC 2017 2017- 415-418 2017年12月19日  査読有り
    This paper proposes and demonstrates a novel wide dynamic range rectifier. The proposed rectifier consists of two rectifying circuits in parallel, an asymmetrical output impedance power divider for RF input signal, and a DC combiner. The asymmetric power divider sequentially distributes the RF signal to the rectifier for high input power from the rectifier for low input power without switch devices, according as the input signal power level increases. The fabricated 2.45 GHz rectifier verified the proposed technique and expanded the operating input power range. The fabricated rectifier demonstrated more than 25dB dynamic range with an efficiency of higher than 30%. The maximum efficiency of the rectifier achieved 47.5% at 15dBm input power.
  • Koshi Hamano, Ryuya Tanaka, Satoshi Yoshida, Akihira Miyachi, Kenjiro Nishikawa, Shigeo Kawasaki
    IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest 1042-1045 2017年10月4日  査読有り
    © 2017 IEEE. This paper proposes and demonstrates a concurrent 2.45GHz/5.8GHz rectifier. The proposed concurrent dual-band rectifier drastically improves its RF-DC conversion efficiency with a harmonic signal control technique. The proposed rectifier employs two key designs. A microstrip spurline notch filter in the output section realizes high RF-DC conversion efficiencies at the dual bands. The quarter-wave length open stub of the 8.25 GHz connected at diode cathode effectively terminates the harmonic signal generated by mixing the input signals. The proposed configuration provides the high RF-DC conversion efficiency even when two-tone signals input the rectifier. The fabricated the dual-band rectifier achieves the RF-DC conversion efficiencies of 64.8 %, 62.2 %, and 67.9 % at 2.45 GHz, 5.8 GHz, and their two-tone input signals, respectively.
  • 2017 IEEE Int. Symp. on Radio-Frequency Integrated Technology (RFIT) Dig 147-149 2017年9月  査読有り
  • 川﨑 繁男
    2017 Thailand-Japan MicroWave FR3-04 2017年6月  査読有り
  • ISTS, ISSFD & NSAT 2017 2017年6月  査読有り
  • ISSFD & NSAT 2017 2017年6月  査読有り
  • Proc. Vietnam-Japan Microwave Conf. 2017年6月  査読有り
  • 2017 Thailand-Japan MicroWave TH1-17 2017年6月  査読有り
  • 2017 Thailand-Japan MicroWave FR3-04 2017年6月  査読有り
  • 川﨑 繁男
    2017 IEEE Int. Microwave Symp. Proc. 1042-1045 2017年6月  査読有り
  • S. Yoshida, K. Hamano, A. Miyachi, K. Nishikawa, S. Kawasaki
    This paper demonstrates fundamental evaluation results of a C-band rectifier using Si substrate for HySIC application. Usage of the Si substrate is attractive for future integration with other mixed signal circuit. Because of large loss tangent of the Si substrate, applicability as a circuit substrate to the C-band rectifier is discussed. Two types of the rectifier, conventional printed circuit board and the Si substrate, are designed and fabricated. Maximum rectification efficiency of 10.4% at 5.39 GHz while the load resistance is 20 Omega is obtained from the measurement.
  • Ryoko Kishikawa, Harunobu Seita, Akihira Miyachi, Yuki Furuse, Toshiya Nakaoka, Satoshi Yoshida, Kenjiro Nishikawa, Masahiro Horibe, Shigeo Kawasaki
    This paper reports on a rectifier with 100 mW class dc output at 5.8 GHz using a gallium nitride (GaN) shottly barrier diode and silicon (Si) matching circuit. The originality of the study lies in its adaptation of the hybrid semiconductor integrated circuit (HySIC) technology that utilizes different types of semiconductors. We have completed the basic steps for developing a rectifier based on the HySIC technology. A nonlinear measurement system of GaN diodes with a jig was constructed and an equivalent circuit model of the diode was established. Based on the diode model, a Si matching circuit was designed. The size of the HySIC rectifier was 3.9 mmx9.5 mm. The RF-dc conversion efficiency of the HySIC rectifier was 10.3% at 5.8 GHz.
  • Ryoko Kishikawa, Harunobu Seita, Akihira Miyachi, Yuki Furuse, Toshiya Nakaoka, Satoshi Yoshida, Kenjiro Nishikawa, Masahiro Horibe, Shigeo Kawasaki
    This paper reports on a rectifier with 100 mW class dc output at 5.8 GHz using a gallium nitride (GaN) shottly barrier diode and silicon (Si) matching circuit. The originality of the study lies in its adaptation of the hybrid semiconductor integrated circuit (HySIC) technology that utilizes different types of semiconductors. We have completed the basic steps for developing a rectifier based on the HySIC technology. A nonlinear measurement system of GaN diodes with a jig was constructed and an equivalent circuit model of the diode was established. Based on the diode model, a Si matching circuit was designed. The size of the HySIC rectifier was 3.9 mmx9.5 mm. The RF-dc conversion efficiency of the HySIC rectifier was 10.3% at 5.8 GHz.
  • 岸川諒子, 川﨑繁男
    電子情報通信学会論文誌C J100-C(12) 561-568 2017年  
  • Shigeo Kawasaki, Akihira Miyachi
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS E99C(10) 1085-1093 2016年10月  査読有り
    The concept, state of the art, and future development directions of hybrid semiconductor integrated circuits (HySICs), which combine RF-CMOS ICs with compound semiconductor monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) are described in this paper, taking up recent wireless technologies as example applications. It is shown that ICs with superior function can be designed by mixing the optimal characteristics from the different semiconductors. To realize new semiconductor ICs, several component technologies for RF-HySIC are introduced in terms of chip/MMIC design, measurement, and breadboard model fabrication. A prototype RF-HySIC is described for the combination of a GaN Schottky barrier diode with a Si RF-IC matching network developed at 5.8 GHz. A GaN diode structure, measurement and characterization of nonlinear devices, a GaN amplifier, and a GaAs MMIC are introduced as component technologies. In addition, the design for using an RF-CMOS matching network circuit with a size of 1.2 mm x 2.3 mm and room-temperature chip/wafer direct bonding under high-pressure conditions are explained. For advanced and autonomous ICs, HySIC and chip/MMIC topologies combined with a processor are proposed for application of HySIC to wireless sensor systems.
  • IEICE TRANS. ELECTRON. E99C(10) 1140-1146 2016年10月  査読有り
  • 2016 Thailand-Japan Microwave Workshop 2016年6月  
  • Hitoshi Shimamura, Ryuya Tanaka, Hiroto Sakaki, Satoshi Yoshida, Kenjiro Nishikawa, Shigeo Kawasaki
    2016 46TH EUROPEAN MICROWAVE CONFERENCE (EUMC) 934-937 2016年  査読有り
    Wireless Communication and Power Transmission (WiCoPT) is a technology that enables to transfer data and power simultaneously. This paper analyzes and clarifies the impact of input modulated signals on the RF-DC power conversion behavior of the rectifier. The RF-DC power conversion efficiency (PCE) was characterized by input power, symbol rate, and roll -off factor of the modulated input signal. On the low symbol rate signal, the impact of the peak to average power ratio (PAPR) value on the PCE is low, while the impact of PAPR value on the PCE is high on the high symbol rate signal. In addition, the optimal combination of the symbol rate and the roll off factor greatly improves the RF-DC PCE. Finally, the paper proposes the channel bandwidth as an index of the PCE.
  • Koshi Hamano, Ryuya Tanaka, Satoshi Yoshida, Akihira Miyachi, Kenjiro Nishikawa, Shigeo Kawasaki
    This paper proposes and demonstrates a novel dual-band rectifier at 2.45 GHz and 5.8 GHz. The proposed rectifier employs a microstrip spurline notch filter to realize dual-band high RF-DC conversion efficiency. The control of reflected signals from the output filter to maximize the voltage swing at the diode, and use of the spurline notch filter provide high-level conversion efficiencies at both operating frequency bands. The fabricated proposed dual-band rectifier achieves the RF-DC conversion efficiencies of 55.9 % and 55.4 % at 2.15 GHz and 5.84 GHz, respectively. These results are top-level performances of the dual-band rectifiers.
  • Satoshi Yoshida, Akihira Miyachi, Ryoko Kishikawa, Masahiro Horibe, Kenjiro Nishikawa, Shigeo Kawasaki
    This research reports a 5.8-GHz band GaN (Gallium Nitride) diode rectifier for high power microwave power transmission (MPT) systems. Designed rectifier is fabricated and measured. The fabricated rectifier has Cu heat sink because of the high power operation. The GaN diode is directly mounted on the heat sink. Also, fabricated substrate is screwed to the heat sink. Measured RF-DC conversion efficiency and output DC power at 5.9GHz are 32.6% and 3042mW, respectively. This report makes a first step for future miniaturization by the hybrid semiconductor integrated circuit (HySIC) technology which utilizes different type semiconductor devices.
  • Tatsuro Kuwahara, Koushi Hamano, Ryuya Tanaka, Satoshi Yoshida, Kenjiro Nishikawa, Tomohiro Seki, Shigeo Kawasaki
    This paper investigated coexistence possibility of high efficiency Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) system and high-speed communication system in Short-range Wireless Communication and Power Transfer (WiCoPT) system. To realize both high power transfer efficiency and high data rate, this paper proposes the WiCoPT system, which is supported by the Short-Range Multiple Input and Multiple Output (SR-MIMO) transfer technique. Relationship between the antenna element spacing and the transmission performance was analyzed to clarify the maximum performances of the power transfer efficiency and the data rate. The paper analyzed and demonstrated a 4x4 MIMO WiCoPT system. The numerical analysis indicates that the antenna element spacing to maximize the power transfer efficiency is different from that to realize the highest channel capacity. In addition, the analysis clarifies there are two suitable antenna element spacing for high power transfer operation. Therefore, our proposing system chose the antenna element spacing to realize the second peak for the high-level power transfer efficiency simultaneously. The 4x4 MIMO WiCoPT system achieved a channel capacity of 45 bit/s/Hz and a power transfer efficiency of 64.8 %.
  • Ryoko Kishikawa, Masahiro Horibe, Akihira Miyachi, Makoto Matsunoshita, Shigeo Kawasaki
    This paper summarizes the uncertainty estimation for gallium nitride shottky diode based on vector network analyzer measurements at 5.8 GHz. The results were traceable to the metrology standard of S-parameter at NMIJ. Considering the uncertainty of the measurements, bias voltage must be applied over 2 V in measuring bias voltage dependence of reflection coefficient. The measurement uncertainty was propagated from reflection coefficient to impedance. As a result, the expanded uncertainty of real and imaginary part of impedance were 0.56 Omega and 0.57 Omega at 5.8 GHz, respectively.







