
羽生 宏人

ハブ ヒロト  (Hiroto HABU)


国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究所 学際科学研究系 教授
東京大学 大学院工学系研究科 化学システム工学専攻 教授
横浜国立大学 総合学術高等研究院 リスク共生社会創造センター 客員教授
相模女子大学 客員教授




  • 羽生 宏人, 岡田 実, 伊藤 正則, 野副 克彦, 川野 達也, 松本 伸二, 吉田 裕二
    Science and Technology of Energetic Materials : journal of the Japan Explosive Society 73(5) 147-152 2012年12月31日  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 羽生宏人, 和田英一, 丹羽崇博, 近藤靖雄, 川村尚史, 丸山信也, 岡村彩乃, 山科早英良, 永井康仁, 中道達也, 上道茜, 田中成明, 小林直樹, 笠原次郎, 森田泰弘
    航空宇宙技術(Web) 9 15-21 2010年  査読有り筆頭著者
    The educational hybrid-rocket was successfully launched and it also landed within the predicted area. Aerodynamic characteristics of the rocket designed by students of Tsukuba University were evaluated by the wind tunnel testing with the support of Tokai University. The flight path affected by the environmental condition, especially wind direction and velocity, was simulated with the original calculation program. The altitude of the rocket was measured with the optical equipment and the apex was 123 m although the calculation indicated 198 m. We expected that the insufficient filling or the volatilization of Nitrous oxide as an oxidizer led to this result. And then, the apex was verified with a function of the oxidizer filling ratio. The results showed that 81.2 % of the oxidizer volume in comparison with the firing test condition was accumulated in the tank at the launch.
  • 羽生 宏人, 堀 恵一
    Science and Technology of Energetic Materials : journal of the Japan Explosive Society 67(6) 187-192 2006年12月31日  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 羽生 宏人, 野副 克彦, 霜田 正隆, 山谷 寿夫, 堀 恵一, 齋藤 猛男
    火薬学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Explosives Society : explosion, explosives and pyrotechnics 60(2) 83-90 1999年4月30日  査読有り筆頭著者




  • 中尾達郎, 山田和彦, 秋元雄希, 羽森仁志, 森みなみ, 満野真里絵, 平田耕志郎, 高澤秀人, 永田靖典, 石丸貴博, 今井駿, 前田佳穂, 前原健次, 羽生宏人, 鈴木宏二郎
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 2021年
  • 松永浩貴, 羽生宏人, 羽生宏人, 野田賢, 三宅淳巳
    火薬学会春季研究発表会講演要旨集 2021年
  • K. Wakamatsu, D. Hagiwara, H. Adachi, K. Ashigaki, A. Iwasaki, Y. Yamada, H. Habu, T. Nakamura
    Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2020 2020年1月
    © 2020 IEEE. In recent years, expectations for low-cost and high-frequency rocket launches for space exploration have increased. Solid fuel rockets are small, inexpensive, and easy to handle. However, in the production of solid fuel, the mixing process and the transportation process are separate batch processes, leading to an increase in maintenance costs and disposal costs. In addition, being a manual process, it is difficult to manufacture large amounts simultaneously in a safe method. The authors have developed a mixing and transportation device that simulates the movement of the intestinal tract by using an elastic duct and a low pneumatic drive. In addition, actual fuel production has been carried out in a mixing and transporting experiment using this device. The effectiveness of this device has been exhibited from the combustion test of the produced fuel. In this paper, we present a high-quality and efficient method of mixing and transporting solid propellant material. This is a mixing of solid and liquid achieved by peristaltic movement done in real-time by adjusting the mixing degree of the mixture inside the device. The degree of mixing is determined by the solid propellant's volume and viscosity change. Therefore, we first investigate whether the content volume can be detected when the rigid bodies with different volumes are inserted. Next, we focus on the change in the viscosity of the mixture that occurs during the mixing process. We also examine the viscosity of the contents when fluids having different viscosities are inserted.
  • Asato Wada, Hiroto Habu
    AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum 2020年
    © 2020, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA. All rights reserved. Low toxicity ionic liquid monopropellant thrusters, such as hydroxylammonium-nitrate-based and ammonium-dinitramide-based monopropellant thruster, have been continuously developed and researched as replacement for conventional hydrazine thrusters. In this study, for the attitude and orbit control thruster of spacecraft, a chemical plasma space propulsion with ammonium dinitramide based ionic liquid has been proposed. The ignition systems have been used the discharge plasma of arc or non-equilibrium, and the generation methods of discharge plasma have been researched for decomposition and combustion of ionic liquid monopropellant. This paper presents the results of open-cup firing tests with discharge plasma for an ionic liquid monopropellant. This liquid monopropellant is a eutectic mixture of ammonium dinitramide, monomethylamine nitrate, and urea. In addition, the effects of ambient pressure on the characteristics of electric and ignition were evaluated. As a result, the breakdown and ignition of the ionic liquid were confirmed under sea-level condition and vacuum condition. After breakdown and ignition, exhaust flame was observed from downstream of reaction system at sea-level condition. In a range of ambient pressure from 10 Pa to 30 Pa, the plasma plume of decomposition gas was observed. In addition, at the each condition, the pulse discharge of unsteady state was observed from discharge waveforms after breakdown of the ionic liquid.
  • 若松康太, 足立遼, 松井大育, 萩原大輝, 岩崎祥大, 山田泰之, 羽生宏人, 中村太郎
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2020年
  • 和田明哲, 渡邊裕樹, 伊東山登, 池田知行, 月崎竜童, 飯塚俊明, 佐原宏典, 各務聡, 松永浩貴, 伊里友一朗, 塩田謙人, 松本幸太郎, 勝身俊之, 三宅淳巳, 笠原次郎, 志田真樹, 船瀬龍, 船木一幸, 羽生宏人
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 2020年
  • BUYAKOFU Valentin, 野田朋之, 澤田悟, JOSEPH Victoria, 後藤啓介, 石原一輝, 渡部広吾輝, 伊東山登, 川崎央, 松岡健, 松山行一, 笠原次郎, 中田大将, 内海政春, 松尾亜紀子, 船木一幸, 竹内伸介, 和田明哲, 岩崎祥大, 羽生宏人
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 2020年
  • 伊東山登, 和田明哲, 松永浩貴, 笠原次郎, 羽生宏人
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 2020年
  • 松永浩貴, 伊東山登, 和田明哲, 塩田謙人, 伊里友一朗, 松本幸太郎, 勝身俊之, 早田葵, YU Xiuchao, 久保田一浩, 野副克彦, 羽生宏人, 野田賢, 三宅淳巳
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 2020年
  • 寺嶋寛成, 岩崎祥大, 羽生宏人, 山口聡一朗
    応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 2020年
  • 松永浩貴, 伊東山登, 和田明哲, 松本幸太郎, 塩田謙人, 伊里友一朗, 勝身俊之, 羽生宏人, 羽生宏人, 野田賢, 三宅淳巳
    火薬学会春季研究発表会講演要旨集 2020年
  • 松永浩貴, 加藤勝美, 羽生宏人, 羽生宏人, 野田賢, 三宅淳巳
    火薬学会春季研究発表会講演要旨集 2020年
  • 松本幸太郎, 岩崎祥大, 羽生宏人
    火薬学会春季研究発表会講演要旨集 2020年
  • Hiroki Matsunaga, Katsumi Katoh, Hiroto Habu, Masaru Noda, Atsumi Miyake
    Proc. 32nd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2019年6月21日
  • Takayuki Yamamoto, Takahiro Ito, Takahiro Nakamura, Takashi Ito, Satoshi Nonaka, Hiroto Habu, Yoshifumi Inatani
    On February 3, 2018 at the JAXA Uchinoura Space Center, JAXA experimented SS-520 No. 5 launch with a 3U sized cube sat called TRICOM-1R aboard. After liftoff, flight of SS-520 No. 5 proceeded normally. Around 7 minutes 30 seconds into flight, TRICOM-1R separated and was inserted into its target orbit. And the launcher became the world's smallest class satellite launcher. SS-520 launch vehicle is one of sounding rockets operated in JAXA/ISAS, and originally two stage rocket. In this experiment, to make this vehicle put a satellite into orbit, the third stage motor is added. And this sounding rocket has four tail fins for spin stabilization, but usually don't have an attitude control system during the flight. But in this mission, it is needed to control its attitude to ignite second and third motor toward horizontal after first stage bum-out. The gas jet system is installed into between the first stage and the second stage of the vehicle as a unique active attitude control system. The gas jet system can control the spin axis direction and the spin rate of the vehicle during the coasting fight. Because of this constraint, the apogee altitude after the burn out of the first stage motor almost correspond with the perigee altitude of the elliptical orbit. In this mission, the sounding rocket-based Nano launcher is planned to put TRICOM-1R into the elliptical orbit. Its targeted apogee altitude is about 1,800 km and its perigee altitude is about 180 km. Because the perigee altitude is relatively low, the orbit life is very short. One of the mission requirements is to make the vehicle an orbit insertion with more than 30 days orbital lifetime. The vehicle error or the environment error deeply affect the achieved trajectory. These errors must be small enough to put TRICOM-1R into orbit. This paper discusses about the trajectory design on how to manage the sounding rocket into a satellite launching vehicle, the effect of the orbital distribution depending on the various errors, the flight safety analysis, and finally flight performance evaluation.
  • 松下和樹, 塩田謙人, 伊里友一朗, 羽生宏人, 三宅淳巳
    火薬学会春季研究発表会講演要旨集 2019年
  • 松永浩貴, 加藤勝美, 羽生宏人, 羽生宏人, 野田賢, 三宅淳巳
    火薬学会春季研究発表会講演要旨集 2019年
  • 羽生宏人, 羽生宏人, 羽生宏人, 松永浩貴, 塩田謙人, 伊里友一朗, 勝身俊之, 山田泰之, 山田泰之, 松本幸太郎, 岩崎祥大, 伊東山登, 中村太郎, 中村太郎, 三宅淳巳
    火薬学会春季研究発表会講演要旨集 2019年
  • 伊東山登, 伊里友一朗, 三宅淳巳, 羽生宏人
    火薬学会春季研究発表会講演要旨集 2019年
  • 竹下雅人, 村田駿介, 寺嶋寛成, 岩崎祥大, 羽生宏人, 山口聡一朗
    応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 2019年
  • 若松康太, 萩原大輝, 足立遼, 芦垣恭太, 岩崎祥大, 山田泰之, 羽生宏人, 中村太郎
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2019年 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
    <p>We have been developing a peristaltic mixer simulating the intestines to realize safe and continuous solid propellant mixing and transport. In this report, we propose quantitative packing mixed transportation of mixed materials in order to avoid cleaning the inside of the device, to avoid mixing of air bubbles into the material, and to improve the quantitative control of mixed materials. Specifically, a mixing experiment was conducted with the mixture in a bag. Based on the experimental results, we believe that mixing is possible even if the material is packed.</p>
  • 松下和樹, 塩田謙人, 伊里友一朗, 羽生宏人, 三宅淳巳
    火薬学会秋季研究発表講演会講演要旨集 2019年
  • 松永浩貴, 加藤勝美, 羽生宏人, 羽生宏人, 野田賢, 三宅淳巳
    火薬学会秋季研究発表講演会講演要旨集 2019年
  • 若松康太, 萩原大輝, 足立遼, 芦垣恭太, 岩崎祥大, 野副克彦, 山田泰之, 羽生宏人, 中村太郎
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 2019年
  • 和田明哲, 伊東山登, 羽生宏人
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 2019年
  • 岩崎祥大, 芦垣恭太, 萩原大輝, 田上賢悟, 野副克彦, 山田泰之, 中村太郎, 羽生宏人
    日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 2019年
  • K. Ashigaki, A. Iwasaki, D. Hagiwara, K. Negishi, K. Matsumoto, Y. Yasuyuki, H. Habu, T. Nakamura
    Proceedings of the IEEE RAS and EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics 2018年10月9日
    © 2018 IEEE. In recent years, because the development of space technology has been increasing for the purpose of improving the social infrastructure, the expansion of space transportation systems based on low-cost and high-frequency rockets is important. Solid propellants used in solid-fuel rockets have properties of the compactness, inexpensiveness, and easy-handling. However, solid propellants are highly viscous slurries and highly explosive. As there is no device capable of continuously and safely transporting solid propellant, the process of manufacturing solid propellant is a batch process. We focused on the movement of human intestines that knead and transport with a small force as part of the development process. In this report, we design a mechanism for the mixing process by using a peristaltic mixing transporting device for efficiency and by automating the equipment. Specifically, we conduct two experiments with samples using an adjusted fluid ratio: A comparison experiment on fluidity and a pressure response experiment. We investigate the possibility of automatic control and efficiency by using the factors of pressure and flow rate.
  • 山田 泰之, 中村 太郎, 芦垣 恭太, 岩崎 祥大, 萩原 大輝, 根岸 海, 吉浜 舜, 松本 幸太郎, 野副 克彦, 羽生 宏人
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2018年 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
    <p>In recent years, the demand for rocket launching has increased due to the development of space technology. However, using inexpensive rockets is not always possible. Although the cost of solid-propellant rockets is relatively reasonable, safely manufacturing a large amount of solid propellant is difficult, and the manufacturing process is disjointed. Therefore, to achieve safe and continues manufacturing of solid propellant, we have developed the peristaltic mixing conveyor with pneumatic artificial muscle. In Dec.2017, we succeed manufacturing of the over 1kg practical composition propellant by our system, and in Feb.2018, we succeed burning test of it on ground.</p>
  • 羽生宏人
    安全工学シンポジウム講演予稿集 2018年
  • 山田泰之, 芦垣恭太, 岩崎祥大, 萩原大輝, 根岸海, 吉浜舜, 松本幸太郎, 野副克彦, 羽生宏人, 中村太郎
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2018年
  • 岩崎祥大, 芦垣恭太, 萩原大輝, 松本幸太郎, 田上賢悟, 山田泰之, 中村太郎, 羽生宏人
    火薬学会春季研究発表会講演要旨集 2018年
  • 塩田謙人, 伊里友一朗, 松永浩貴, 羽生宏人, 三宅淳巳
    火薬学会春季研究発表会講演要旨集 2018年
  • 伊東山登, 羽生宏人
    火薬学会春季研究発表会講演要旨集 2018年
  • 塩田謙人, 伊里友一朗, 松永浩貴, 羽生宏人, 三宅淳巳
    火薬学会春季研究発表会講演要旨集 2018年
  • 松永浩貴, 加藤勝美, 羽生宏人, 野田賢, 三宅淳巳
    火薬学会春季研究発表会講演要旨集 2018年
  • 伊東山登, 伊里友一朗, 三宅淳巳, 羽生宏人
    火薬学会春季研究発表会講演要旨集 2018年
  • 羽生宏人
    火薬学会春季研究発表会講演要旨集 2018年
  • 村田駿介, 寺嶋寛成, 細見直正, 岩崎祥大, 羽生宏人, 山口聡一朗
    応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 2018年
  • 松永浩貴, 伊東山登, 塩田謙人, 伊里友一朗, 勝身俊之, 羽生宏人, 野田賢, 三宅淳巳
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 2018年
  • 芦垣恭太, 萩原大輝, 岩崎祥大, 若松康太, 松本幸太郎, 山田泰之, 羽生宏人, 中村太郎
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 2018年
  • 寺嶋寛成, 村田駿介, 岩崎祥大, 羽生宏人, 山口聡一朗
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 2018年
  • 山本高行, 伊藤琢博, 伊藤隆, 中村隆宏, 羽生宏人, 稲谷芳文, 大塚浩仁
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 2018年
  • 坂井智彦, 久木田明夫, 入門朋子, 羽生宏人, 野原勝, 釣井陽一, 稲垣盛人, 岩倉定雄, 土佐政宗, 東健太
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 2018年
  • 羽生宏人
    衝撃波シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2018年
  • Takahiro Ito, Takayuki Yamamoto, Takahiro Nakamura, Hiroto Habu, Hirohito Ohtsuka
    Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2018年
    Copyright © 2018 by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). All rights reserved. This paper investigates the launch capability of the SS-520 as a CubeSat launch vehicle. The SS-520 was developed by JAXA originally as a two-stage, spin-stabilized, solid-propellant sounding rocket. With less than 2.6 tons in total mass and 10 meters in length, the SS-520-5 successfully launched a single 3U-sized CubeSat into orbit on February 3, 2018. The SS-520-5 obtained its capability as a CubeSat launch vehicle by installing a 3 rd stage solid motor in addition to the RCS between the 1st and 2nd stages. However, its launch capability was limited (in target altitudes of perigee and apogee at 180 km and 1800 km, respectively) due to its rocket system configuration. In order to pursue the SS-520's launch capability, two effective modifications from the SS-520-5 are proposed: thrust enhancement of the 1st stage motor and installation of an additional RCS between the 2nd and 3rd stages. Furthermore, the framework of launch capability analysis is established by a multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA), where its two objectives are selected as the altitudes of perigee and apogee. The problem maintains its simplicity through the selection of only eight design variables of the six acceleration directions and two coasting durations. The analysis reveals that the two proposed modifications to the SS-520-5 work effectively but differently. The 10% increase of the 1st stage enhancement is particularly effective when the target altitude of perigee is low (e.g., 200 km), whereas the installment of the additional RCS with 30 kg increases accessibility to a much higher altitude of perigee, even to circular orbit reaching altitudes of 550 km for a 1U-sized CubeSat and 280 km for a 6U-sized CubeSat. Each modified configuration with the 1st stage enhancement and additional RCS installment enables carrying a payload about twice as heavy as that of the SS-520-5. The application of both modifications would result in launch capability able to deliver a 10-kg payload. From a more general perspective, the results in this paper suggest that it is possible for a very small launch vehicle of the 3-ton class and 10 meters in length to deliver a 10-kg-class payload into low Earth orbit.
  • Hirohito Ohtsuka, Naruhisa Sano, Masaru Nohara, Yoshifumi Inatani, Hiroto Habu, Takahiro Ito, Takayuki Yamamoto, Sadao Iwakura, Tsumori Sato, Shinichi Nakasuka, Takeshi Matsumoto
    Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2018年
    © 2016 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.. All rights reserved. JAXA has successfully launched the SS-520 No.5 with micro-satellite 'TASUKI' on February 3rd 2018 at Kagoshima Space Center at Uchinoura in Japan. The base-line of the SS-520 sounding rocket is a two-stage rocket which has a capability for launching an 80kg payload to a maximum altitude of about 1000 km. and spun by 4 tails for attitude stability. Enhanced SS-520 No.5 is a three-stage rocket for the smallest-class launch system in the world, which has the orbit injection capability of a micro-satellite of a few kilograms by adding a high-performance third solid motor and advanced rhumb-line control system. Total length of the rocket is about 9.6 meters, the gross weight is 2.6 metric tons, and the reference diameter is 0.52 meters. The `TASUKI` has some experimental purposes for 'store & forward' communication on orbit and earth observation by some commercial cameras and others. The key points of this launch was to newly develop the rhumb-line control system, compact and high performance avionics, some lightweight structures, and the third motor made of CFRP. The rhumb-line control system established an attitude maneuver of about 70 degrees to inject the 'TASUKI' into the orbit of perigee altitude 180km and apogee altitude 2000km. This rhumb-line control system has some high performance functions. It has an angular momentum control function with high attitude maneuver rate, and the suppression function of nutation angle generated by the disturbance of RCS thruster injection during high spin rate of about 1.6Hz. We performed a Motion Table (M/T) Test 'Real-time Simulation Test' with flight models of the avionics for verification of the rhumb-line control design and the soft-wear in the loop test for verification of the flight soft-wear. An active nutation control (ANC) function is also equipped for the reduction of the residual nutation angle after the rhumb-line control. We show the outline of the rocket system and developments, especially the rhumb-line control system with the compact avionics system. Finally flight results are showed and we show one of the future enhanced ideas of SS-520 No.5 type launcher for 10 kilograms class satellite.
  • 松永浩貴, 加藤勝美, 羽生宏人, 羽生宏人, 野田賢, 三宅淳巳
    火薬学会秋季研究発表講演会講演要旨集 2018年
  • Mamoru Hayata, Kento Shiota, Yu-Ichiro Izato, Hiroki Matsunaga, Hiroto Habu, Atsumi Miyake
    Proc. 31st International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2017年6月9日
  • Kento Shiota, Yu-Ichiro Izato, Hiroki Matsunaga, Hiroto Habu, Atsumi Miyake
    Proc. 31st International Symposium on Space Technology and Science 2017年6月9日
  • Kento Shiota, Yu-ichiro Izato, Hiroki Matsunaga, Hiroto Habu, Atsumi Miyake
    Proc. The 16th International Symposium on Fireworks 2017年4月







