
森田 泰弘

モリタ ヤスヒロ  (Yasuhiro Morita)


国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究所 宇宙飛翔工学研究系 教授




  • Hirohito Ohtsuka, Naruhisa Sano, Masaru Nohara, Yasuhiro Morita, Takahiro Ito, Takayuki Yamamoto, Hiroto Habu
    Advances in the Astronautical Sciences 171 3903-3918 2020年  
    © 2020, Univelt Inc. All rights reserved. ISAS/JAXA has successfully launched the micro-satellite “TRICOM-1R” by the world’s smallest orbit rocket “SS-520 No.5” from Uchinoura Space Center on February 3rd in 2018. ISAS modified the existing sounding rocket SS-520 adding a small 3rd-stage solid-motor and the attitude control system. It flies spinning for the attitude stabilization in the flight. Therefore, we devised the rhumb-line control system with a new scheme. This rhumb-line system has the high-performance functions; the high-preciseness, the high-maneuver rate and the suppression of the unnecessary nutation angle generated at the RCS injection. This paper reports the development of the G&C system and the flight results.
  • Hirohito Ohtsuka, Yasuhiro Morita, Kensaku Tanaka, Takanao Saiki, Takayuki Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Yamaguchi, Yasunobu Segawa, Hitomi Gotoh
    Advances in the Astronautical Sciences 156 2063-2073 2016年  
    The first Epsilon rocket was launched successfully with a small payload 'HISAKI' on September 14th, 2013 in Japan. Epsilon has a new absorber structure in Payload Attach Fitting to reduce the vibration condition for payload. We designed the robust control logic to satisfy the compatibility of robust stability and response against various disturbances. The 3rd Stage under spinning has a Rhumb-line Control function which reduces the pointing error at separation and ignition of solid motor. We could insert the payload into the orbit precisely by 'LVIC' guidance, suitable for low thrust propulsion in Post Boost Stage. We will present the flight results of the Guidance & Control (G&C) system and dynamics of Epsilon rocket.
  • 大塚 浩仁, 田中 健作, 斉藤 晃一, 森田 泰弘, 加藤 洋一, 佐伯 孝尚, 山本 高行, 後藤 日当美, 山本 一二三
    日本航空宇宙学会誌 63(5) 148-154 2015年  
  • 徳留 真一郎, 井元 隆行, 森田 泰弘
    溶接学会誌 83(3) 215-219 2014年  
  • Yasuhiro Morita, Takayuki Imoto, Shinichiro Tokudome, Hirohito Ohtsuka
    Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC 11 8242-8248 2013年  
    The Epsilon launch vehicle, the newest version of Japan's solid propulsion rocket, has successfully had its maiden flight in this September carrying the extreme ultra-violet planetary telescope satellite SPRINT- A. It should be emphasized that the JAXA appreciates the advantages of combined power of the standardized small satellites and the Epsilon's highly efficient launch system, both developed by JAXA, to increase the level of space activities. Although the launch site of the Epsilon rocket, the Uchinoura Space Center (USC), was originally considered a highly compact launch complex, some modifications were made to become more efficient. The efficient launch vehicle and the compact USC established one of the most powerful tools that contribute to small missions (tentatively, maximum 1.2 ton into LEO and 450kg into SSO, as of the first flight). The purpose of the Epsilon rocket is to provide small satellites with a responsive launching, which means in this study we focus on a low cost, user friendly and ultimately efficient launch system. To realize this, the design concept of the Epsilon involves various innovative next generation technologies such as the highly intelligent autonomous checkout system and the mobile launch control. Owing to these endeavors, it was proved that the lift-off can be executed in less than 6 days after the first stage motor stand-on although the first flight took longer for extra tests and operations to complete the entire development. Another aspect that small satellites will most welcome is more user-friendly character involving: A reduction in the acoustic vibration level by refined ground facilities an attenuation of the sinusoidal vibration environment by a special vibration attenuator and a highly accurate orbit injection by a liquid propelled upper stage. Their effectiveness was well demonstrated. Now that the first flight was finished, the most important is what the next step will be in the future. JAXA has been conducting intensive researches on a next generation Epsilon to launch a more powerful and lower cost version Epsilon (El) in 2017 (TBD). In order to minimize the level of technical risks, JAXA plans to take a step by step approach to improve the cost and performance of the launch system toward El. According to this strategy, the second flight will be conducted in 2015 with an enhanced launch capacity of more than 500kg into SSO. This paper provides the results of the first flight of the Epsilon and reveals its evolution plan. Copyright© (2013) by the International Astronautical Federation.


  • 山口敬之, 森田泰弘, 井元隆行, 横田清美, 山本高行, 佐伯孝尚, 大塚浩仁, 田中健作
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 63rd 2019年  
  • Hiroyuki Yamaguchi, Yasuhiro Morita, Takayuki Imoto, Takayuki Yamamoto, Takanao Saiki, Hirohito Ohtsuka, Kensaku Tanaka
    Advances in the Astronautical Sciences 166 233-241 2018年  
    © 2018 Univelt Inc. All rights reserved. The Epsilon launch vehicle, the newest version of Japan’s solid propulsion rocket, made its maiden flight in September of 2013. The purpose of the Epsilon launch vehicle is to provide small satellites with responsive launching with low-cost, user-friendly and efficient launch system. The first flight was successfully finished, JAXA has been conducting intensive researches on a more powerful and lower cost version of Epsilon. In order to minimize technical risks and to keep up with demand of future payloads, JAXA plans to take a step-by-step approach toward Future Launch System. As the first upgrade toward Future Launch System, JAXA has started the development of the Enhanced Epsilon. This development is mainly the renewal of the second stage, and also includes each subsystem’s improvement. This paper describes the development and flight result of the Enhanced Epsilon’s Guidance and Control System.
  • 五十地 輝, 大田部 晃, 植松 努, 加藤 信治, 堀 恵一, 森田 泰弘, 秋葉 鐐二郎
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 60 4p 2016年9月6日  
  • 山口 敬之, 森田 泰弘, 井元 隆行, 山本 高行, 佐伯 孝尚, 森 治, 池本 和晃, 大塚 浩仁, 田中 健作
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 60 4p 2016年9月6日  
  • 森田 泰弘
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 60 5p 2016年9月6日  
  • 山口 敬之, 森田 泰弘, 井元 隆行
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 59 3p 2015年10月7日  
  • 森田 泰弘, 井元 隆行, 山城 龍馬, 徳留 真一郎, 岸 光一, 大塚 浩仁
    日本航空宇宙学会誌 63(8) 265-272 2015年  
    イプシロンの目指している世界は何か? 来るべき本格的宇宙利用の時代を視野に入れると,出発点はコストと性能である.しかし,これだけで未来永劫世界と勝負できるわけではない.大事なのは付加価値を含めた高い次元の総合力,いわゆるユニバーサルデザインであろう.それは,ユーザの視点では乗り心地や使い勝手に代表される利便性,輸送性の観点としては打ち上げシステムの革新である.言うなれば,F1レーシングカーのように特殊な宇宙ロケットという乗り物を高級乗用車並みに身近な乗り物に転換していこうということである.宇宙もこれからは「おもてなし」の時代なのである.
  • 大塚浩仁, 田中健作, 森田泰弘, 佐伯孝尚, 山本高行, 山口敬之, 斉藤晃一
    自動制御連合講演会(CD-ROM) 58th 2015年  
  • MORITA Yasuhiro, IMOTO Takayuki, TOKUDOME Shinichiro, OHTSUKA Hirohito
    The development of the Epsilon launch vehicle, Japan's next generation solid rocket launcher, has just moved to the final stretch for its first launch scheduled in the summer of 2013 to carry the planetary telescope satellite SPRINT-A. The JAXA appreciates the advantages of combined benefits of the standardized small satellites and the Epsilon's highly efficient launch system in order to increase the level of space activities. The primary purpose of Epsilon is to provide small satellites with a responsive launch that means "Small, Low cost, Fast and Reliable". The attention should be directed toward the innovative design concept of Epsilon, which aims at developing the next generation technologies such as the highly intelligent autonomous checkout system and the mobile launch control. Now that the full-scale development is about to be finished, the most important is what the next step should be beyond the Epsilon. This paper deals with the significance of the Epsilon launch vehicle and how it contributes to the possible evolution of future space transportation systems.
  • 山口敬之, 森田泰弘, 井元隆行, 山本高行, 佐伯孝尚, 大塚浩仁, 田中健作
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 58th 2014年  
  • 羽生宏人, 津田雄一, 徳留真一郎, 三宅淳巳, 堀恵一, 森田泰弘
    火薬学会年会講演要旨集 2014 2014年  
  • 岩田拡也, 羽生宏人, 加藤晋, 森田泰弘
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 58th 2014年  
  • 森田 泰弘, 井元 隆行, 徳留 真一郎, 堀 恵一, 大塚 浩仁, 宮川 清, 秋葉 鐐二郎, 次世代固体ロケット研究会, イプシロンロケットプロジェクトチーム, Morita Yasuhiro, Imoto Takayuki, Tokudome Shinichiro, Hori Keiichi, Otsuka Hirohito, Miyagawa Kiyoshi, Akiba Ryojiro, Epsilon Launch Vehicle Project Team
    平成25年度宇宙輸送シンポジウム: 講演集録 = Proceedings of Space Transportation Symposium FY2013 2014年  
    平成25年度宇宙輸送シンポジウム(2014年1月16日-17日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県資料番号: SA6000016009レポート番号: STCP-2013-009
  • 森田 泰弘
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 57 7p 2013年10月9日  
  • 羽生宏人, 徳留真一郎, 井元隆行, 三宅淳巳, 堀恵一, 森田泰弘
    火薬学会年会講演要旨集 2013 2013年  
  • 羽生宏人, 徳留真一郎, 井元隆行, 三宅淳巳, 堀恵一, 森田泰弘
    安全工学シンポジウム講演予稿集 2013 2013年  
  • 岩田拡也, 羽生宏人, 松本治, 森田泰弘
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 57th 2013年  
  • 植草康之, 森田泰弘, 羽生宏人, 田中直浩, 神澤匠, 名出智彦, 藤原暉雄
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 57th 2013年  
  • 植草康之, 森田泰弘, 羽生宏人, 田中直浩, 神澤匠, 名出智彦, 藤原暉雄
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 56th 2012年  
  • 岩田拡也, 羽生宏人, 松本治, 森田泰弘
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 56th 2012年  
  • 森田 泰弘, 井元 隆行, 徳留 真一郎, 大塚 浩仁
    日本航空宇宙学会誌 59(695) 371-377 2011年  
  • 植草康之, 森田泰弘, 羽生宏人, 高橋吉郎, 宮川清, 田中直浩
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 55th 2011年  
  • Morita, Yasuhiro, Hori, Keiichi, Imoto, Takayuki, Ohtsuka, Hirohito, Fukuchi, Apollo, Akiba, Ryojiro
    Advances in the Astronautical Sciences 138 2010年  
  • 森田泰弘, 徳留真一郎, 宇井恭一, 澤井秀次郎, 大塚裕仁, 矢木一博, 真弓敦
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 54th 2010年  
  • 植草康之, 森田泰弘, 羽生宏人, 岡屋俊一, 宮川清, 田中直浩
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 54th 2010年  
  • 羽生宏人, 徳留真一郎, 堀恵一, 森田泰弘, 中野信之, 矢代顕慎, 反野晴仁
    火薬学会秋季研究発表講演会講演要旨集 2009 177-180 2009年12月  
  • 森田泰弘, 井元隆行, 堀恵一, 大塚浩仁, 是木武正, 福地亜宝郎, 植草康之, 秋葉鐐二郎
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 53rd 2009年  
  • 福地亜宝郎, 松浦新, 宮崎繁文, 是木武正, 岡本久夫, 堀恵一, 森田泰弘, 秋葉鐐二郎, 秋葉鐐二郎, 秋葉鐐二郎
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 53rd 2009年  
  • 植草康之, 森田泰弘, 羽生宏人, 宮川清, 是木武正, 勝亦正晃
    火薬学会年会講演要旨集 2009 2009年  
  • 岩田拡也, 羽生宏人, 松本治, 森田泰弘
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 53rd 2009年  
  • 井元隆行, 森田泰弘, 羽生宏人
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 53rd 2009年  
  • 植草康之, 勝亦正晃, 森田泰弘, 羽生宏人, 宮川清, 田中直浩, 是木武正
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 53rd 2009年  
  • 羽生宏人, 徳留真一郎, 堀恵一, 森田泰弘, 中野信之, 矢代顕慎, 反野晴仁
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 53rd 2009年  
  • 安田誠一, 森田泰弘, 高野雅弘, 柳澤昇, 大塚浩仁, 佐藤豊, 湊将志, 増田純一
    宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料 JAXA-SP- (07-023) 2008年  
  • 福添森康, 羽生宏人, 森田泰弘
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 52nd 2008年  
  • 森田泰弘, 井元隆行, 羽生宏人, 大塚浩仁
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 52nd 2008年  
  • Yasuhiro Morita, Shinichi Goto
    ACTA ASTRONAUTICA 62(1) 1-8 2008年1月  
    The M-V launch vehicle of Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has successfully injected Japan's fifth X-ray space telescope "SUZAKU" into its low earth orbit in this past July. The attitude and vibration control algorithm of the M-V rocket used to be highlighted by its H-infinity robust stability since its first flight conducted in 1997. Beyond this, its robustness character has been further enhanced using the mu-synthesis approach to get better robust characteristics not only in stability but in tracking performance under uncertainty of the system dynamics. The performance has been validated by the latest back-to-back successful flights of the vehicle: in May 2003 to directly inject Japan's first asteroid sample return spaceship "HAYABUSA" into the planned inter-planetary trajectory and in this past July to launch the telescope. The mu-synthesis has been applied for the first time ever for Japan's launcher control beyond the reliable H-infinity design. The plant dynamics has an extremely high-order and unstable characteristics, thus the standard mu-synthesis format cannot be directly applied. The paper gives a unique methodology to apply the theory to such a real high-order complicated system. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 福添森康, 三保和之, 羽生宏人, 井元隆行, 森田泰弘
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 51st 2007年  
  • 羽生宏人, 森田泰弘
    火薬学会年会講演要旨集 2007 2007年  
  • 森田泰弘, 羽生宏人, 福添森康, 加藤弘一郎, 大塚浩仁, 湊将志, 長谷川和雄
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 51st 2007年  
  • 羽生宏人, 徳留真一郎, 堀恵一, 森田泰弘
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 51st 2C09 2007年  
  • 森田泰弘
    エンジンテクノロジー(日本機械学会) 9(4) 21-28 2007年  
  • Y. Morita
    J. of Vibration and Control 10(9) 1243-1254 2004年9月  
  • Yasuhiro Morita
    JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control 10(9) 1243-1254 2004年9月  
    This paper presents a methodology for applying μ-synthesis to a real high-order system: launch vehicle attitude and vibration control. The design involves robust characteristics against uncertainties of the system parameters as well as precise tracking performance under limited rigidity. As the plant dynamics has an extremely high order and unstable character, the standard μ-synthesis cannot be directly applied. Thus, the standard procedure is modified in a special way in order to make the approach more efficient. The methodology provided in the study will contribute to a better understanding of how to apply the robust control theory to complicated real problems.
  • Proceedings of the 16th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace, St.Petersburg, Russia Printing 2004年  
    June, 2004
  • Proceedings of the 16th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace, St.Petersburg, Russia Printing 2004年  
    June, 2004
  • M Lepetic, D Matko, Skrjanc, I, Y Morita
    Altitude control of winged a body is realized with predictive functional controller (PFC). Although the predictive controllers are more or less in the domain of process industry, this paper proves that computational efficient PFC can be implemented on the systems with fast dynamics. The nonlinear model of winged body was written in the form of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model, the form that is suitable for implementation with PFC. High quality control requirements are short settle time with aperiodical step response and zero steady state error and was achieved using PFC. Predictive controller proved as a good solution.
  • Y Morita, J Kawaguchi, Y Inatani, T Abe, H Nagai
    ACTA ASTRONAUTICA 53(12) 971-981 2003年12月  
    Despite huge amount of data collected by the previous interplanetary spacecraft and probes, the origin and evolution of the solar system still remains unveiled due to limited information they brought back. Thus, the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) of Japan has been given a commitment to pave the way to an asteroid sample return mission: the MUSES-C project. A key to success is considered the reentry with hyperbolic velocity, which has not ever been demonstrated as yet. With this as background, a demonstrator of atmospheric reentry system, DASH, has been designed to demonstrate the high-speed reentry technology as a GTO piggyback mission. The capsule, identical to that of the sample return mission, can experience the targeted level of thermal environment even from the GTO by tracing a specially designed reentry trajectory. After the purpose of the mission was outlined at the last IAF symposium, the final fitting tests have been conducted in the ISAS Sagamihara Campus involving the flight model hardware. Furthermore, a series of rehearsals for recovery have been already executed. The paper describes the current mission status of the project. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 森田 泰弘, 川口 淳一郎, 山田 哲哉
    宇宙科学シンポジウム 3 113-116 2003年1月9日  



