
後藤 健

ゴトウ ケン  (Ken Goto)


国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究所 教授





  • Tran Huu Nam, Ken Goto, Yuta Tobata, Yuki Kubota, Masahito Ueda, Satoshi Kobayashi
    Journal of Composite Materials 57(5) 929-940 2023年3月  査読有り
  • Yuta Tobata, Shinsuke Takeuchi, Ken Goto
    Journal of the European Ceramic Society 41(16) 113-122 2021年12月1日  
    Stress–strain relations at different degrees of peak stress were investigated using loading–unloading tests to elucidate cumulative damage mechanisms of short fiber type C/SiC under tension. Damage observations revealed their crack length, number, and angle characteristics. Furthermore, stress–strain relations were estimated by expanding Basista's equations and by substituting measured damage characteristics into them, which revealed a nonlinear stress–strain relation. Cracks propagated in transverse fiber bundles without fiber fracture, connecting other cracks that had 75 ° – 90 ° orientation to the tensile axis. Stress–strain relations estimated qualitatively and quantitatively suggest that mixed mode I and mode II crack opening in transverse fiber bundles in the through-thickness plane caused the stress–strain nonlinear relations.
  • Yuta Tobata, Shinsuke Takeuchi, Ken Goto
    Journal of Composites Science 5(9) 2021年9月1日  
    A cumulative damage mechanism for short fiber type C/SiC during shear loading– unloading testing was examined and quantified using Iosipescu specimens parallel in the in-plane and through-thickness plane, and by using modified fracture and damage mechanics theory referring to measured damage characteristics (crack length, number and angle). A nonlinear stress–strain relation was found for both specimens. Decrease in the apparent modulus was confirmed with increased peak stress, although permanent strain increased. Inelastic strain of the decomposed tensile direction derived from shear stress was greater than that of the compressive one. Cracks propa-gated perpendicularly to the tensile direction, intruding on the boundary of the transverse fibers and connecting to other cracks. The theoretical damage mechanics model succeeded to predict the stress–strain relation, proposing that the shear mechanical properties are predictable by measuring the damage characteristics.
  • Yuta Tobata, Shinsuke Takeuchi, Ken Goto
    This study investigated cumulative damage mechanisms of short fiber type C/SiC under compression. To measure mechanical properties (unloading modulus and permanent strain) before fracture, repeated loading-unloading tests were conducted using a strain gage. Damage was observed to assess characteristics of crack density, length, number, and propagation angle. Furthermore, relations between mechanical properties and damage characteristics were elucidated by application of Basista's equations and by substituting crack densities inferred from damage observations. Stress-strain relations revealed nonlinear behavior. The unloading modulus did not change, but the permanent strain increased. Cracks propagated mainly between fibers, without fiber fracture, connecting other cracks in the direction of orientation 0 deg to 30 deg to the compressive axis. We estimated permanent strain using Basista's equations and damage characteristics. Estimates roughly agreed with experiment results, suggesting that the permanent strain increase is attributable to closed crack sliding and friction caused by increased crack density.
  • Takao Nakagawa, Ken Goto, Hidehiro Kaneda, Hideo Matsuhara, Jun Matsumoto, Tadahito Mizutani, Hiroyuki Ogawa, Masaru Saijo, Yoichi Sato, Kenichiro Sawada, Hiroshi Shibai, Keisuke Shinozaki, Hiroyuki Sugita, Shinsuke Takeuchi, Chihiro Tokoku, Thierry Tirolien, Hideki Uchida
    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 11443 2020年  
    We present an overview of the cryogenic system of the next-generation infrared observatory mission SPICA. One of the most critical requirements for the SPICA mission is to cool the whole science equipment, including the 2.5 m telescope, to below 8 K to reduce the thermal background and enable unprecedented sensitivity in the mid- and far-infrared region. Another requirement is to cool focal plane instruments to achieve superior sensitivity. We adopt the combination of effective radiative cooling and mechanical cryocoolers to accomplish the thermal requirements for SPICA. The radiative cooling system, which consists of a series of radiative shields, is designed to accommodate the telescope in the vertical configuration. We present thermal model analysis results that comply with the requirements to cool the telescope and focal plane instruments.


  • 後藤, 健, 丸, 祐介, 山田, 和彦, 志田, 真樹, 福島, 洋介, 山本, 高行, 徳留, 真一郎, 野中, 聡, 峯杉, 賢治, 竹内, 伸介, 佐藤, 泰貴, 澤井, 秀次郎, 羽生, 宏人, 阿部, 琢美, GOTO, Ken, MARU, Yusuke, YAMADA, Kazuhiko, SHIDA, Maki, FUKUSHIMA, Yosuke, YAMAMOTO, Takayuki, TOKUDOME, Shinichiro, NONAKA, Satoshi, MINESUGI, Kenji, TAKEUCHI, Shinzuke, SATO, Yasutaka, SAWAI, Shujiro, HABU, Hiroto, ABE, Takumi
    観測ロケットシンポジウム2020 講演集 = Proceedings of Sounding Rocket Symposium 2020 2021年3月  
    第3回観測ロケットシンポジウム(2021年3月24-25日. オンライン開催) 3rd Sounding Rocket Symposium (March 24-25, 2021. Online Meeting) 著者人数: 14名PDF再処理の為、2023年3月17日に差替 資料番号: SA6000162017 レポート番号: Ⅴ-3
  • 鈴木仁研, 中川貴雄, 小川博之, 北本和也, 篠崎慶亮, 竹内伸介, 内田英樹, 後藤健, 西城大, 佐藤洋一, 澤田健一郎, 東谷千比呂, 松原英雄, 松本純, 水谷忠均, 山田亨, 山村一誠, 金田英宏
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2021 2021年  
  • 戸端 佑太, 後藤 健, 竹内 伸介, TOBATA Yuta, GOTO Ken, TAKEUCHI Shinsuke
    第35回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム:講演集録 = Proceedings of 35th Symposium on Aerospace Structure and Materials 2019年12月  
    第35回宇宙構造・材料シンポジウム(2019年12月2日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所 (JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県資料番号: SA6000146015レポート番号: A-14
  • 宇井 恭一, 峯杉 賢治, 紙田 徹, 後藤 健, 竹内 伸介, 伊海田 皓史, 星野 剛, 坂本 満也, 佐野 成寿, 小杉 幸寛, 藤本 智也, 西尾 誠司, 日吉 誠, 迎田 健一
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 60 6p 2016年9月6日  
  • 小林 訓史, 眞保 友彰, 後藤 健, 岩田 稔
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集 60 4p 2016年9月6日  
  • 間澤 朋哉, 東海林 和典, 岡田 康彦, 飯田 浩, 中川 貴雄, 小川 博之, 後藤 健, 竹内 伸介, 山脇 敏彦, 水谷 忠均, 松原 英雄
    年会講演会 = JSASS annual meeting 47 3p 2016年4月  
  • 中内 結依子, 後藤 健, 米山 聡, 有川 秀一
    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集 2015(23) "215-1"-"215-3" 2015年11月14日  
  • 田中 大樹, 久保田 勇希, 井上 遼, 向後 保雄, 後藤 健
    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集 2015(23) "217-1"-"217-3" 2015年11月14日  
    ZrB_2-SiC-ZrC(ZSZ) is known as one of ultra-high temperature ceramics (UHTCs) composite materials. In this study, four different composition of the ZSZ and ZrB_2-SiC were fabricated by spark plasma sintering. The specimens were oxidized at 1700℃ for 10 min in two different oxygen partial pressure. After the oxidation tests, SiO_2 and ZrO_2 were formed on the surface of both ZSZs and ZrB_2-SiC. In addition, unoxidized region still remained under these oxides. In case of the ZSZ, thickness of oxidized layer increased with ZrC volume content. After oxidation test under low oxygen partial pressure, porous layer was observed in the ZrB_2-SiC, but no such layer was observed in the ZSZs. Since the porous layer is brittle and low strength, the ZSZ has an advantage in the mechanical properties after oxidation. In order to validate the advantage of the ZSZ, the oxidation behavior was thermodynamically analyzed using volatility diagrams.
  • 浅井 里美, 後藤 健, 米山 聡, 長 秀雄, 有川 秀一, 小林 訓史
    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集 2015(23) "127-1"-"127-3" 2015年11月14日  
  • 眞保 友彰, 小林 訓史, 後藤 健, 岩田 稔
    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集 2015(23) "313-1"-"313-3" 2015年11月14日  
    In the present study, long term durability of the candidate material for the next radio astronomy satellite under space environment were investigated. The materials were high modulus PAN based carbon fiber reinforced polycyanate ester and epoxy. In order to simulate the space environment, thermal cycle tests between -197 and 120 ℃ were conducted. Surface observations and bending modulus measurements were also conducted. Transverse cracks in 90 ° plies were observed at 1 cycle and the number of crack increased with cycles. Bending modulus, however remain constant during thermal cycles. Microscopic damage in carbon fiber reinforced polycyanate ester was suppressed at the late stage of the thermal cycle. This result indicated the long term durability for carbon fiber reinforced polycyanate ester was superior.
  • 村上 英記, 小林 直樹, 白石 浩章, 田中 智, 早川 雅彦, 後藤 健, 石原 吉明, 山田 竜平, 川村 太一, 月内部構造探査WG
    日本惑星科学会秋期講演会予稿集 2014 "P2-36" 2014年9月10日  
  • 田中 大樹, 新井 優太郎, 久保田 勇希, 石川 真志, 向後 保雄, 郭 樹啓, 後藤 健
    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2014 "S0420204-1"-"S0420204-4" 2014年9月7日  
    ZrB_2-SiC-ZrC (ZSZ), which is known as one of ultra high temperature ceramics (UHTCs) composite material, with four different compositions containing 16 vol.%SiC and ZrB_2-16 vol.%SiC were sintered by spark plasma sintering. These sintered compacts are oxidized at 1700 ℃ by IR image furnace in airflow. The result showed that all samples were covered with SiO_2 and ZrO_2. Moreover, oxide scale of ZSZs containing higher ZrC than ZrB_2 has been damaged. Observation of the cross-section of all samples revealed that oxide area was consist of five different layers: SiO_2 layer, SiO_2 with ZrO_2 layer, SiC-depleted layer and unoxidized area. Furthermore, the thickness of oxide layer of ZSZs containing more ZrB_2 than ZrC was thinner. Thus, it was expected that these samples have good resistance to oxidation.
  • 後藤 健, 峯杉 賢治
    工業材料 62(7) 57-59 2014年7月  
  • 小山 翔平, 田中 孝治, 白澤 洋次, 豊田 裕之, 後藤 健, 横田 力男, 加藤 秀樹, 森 治, 高浦 直己, 井筒 正義, 岩瀬 将美, 畠山 省四朗
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 114(48) 43-47 2014年5月23日  
    木星以遠の惑星探査においては,従来原子力エネルギーが用いられてきた.しかし,我が国の惑星探査においては,原子力利用は困難である.一方, JAXAでは光子を用いる推進と電気推進を組み合わせたソーラー電力セイルの研究が進められており,薄膜太陽電池を用い,従来にない軽量で柔軟性を有する大規模発電システムの研究開発を行っている.本稿では,形状制御,コーティングを行った薄膜太陽電池の評価試験,耐宇宙環境性,融着技術の検討による大面積薄膜発電システムに関して報告する.
  • 梶沼 隆志, 後藤 健
    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集 2013(21) "118-1"-"118-5" 2013年11月8日  
    Ultra thin fiber reinforced plastic plates, with around l0μm thickness, were fabricated using the uni-directionally aligned carbon nanotube (CNT) sheet. The CNT sheets are drawn wound around the bobbin from the CNT array developed on the silica glass base plate. The CNT used in this study was multi-walled CNT with diameter of around 40 nm. The CNT/epoxy resin prepreg was created by heating the CNT sheet put on the epoxy resin sheet at the temperature of 100℃ for 3 minutes using a hotpress. The CNT/epoxy resin composite material is laminated on the symmetrical cross ply lamination ([90/0]s). To minimize the content of epoxy resin to have thinner thickness, the CNT sheet with out resin were used to 0° layers and the prepreg to 90° layers. The total thickness of the composite became around 40 μm with high volume fraction of ≈ 30 to 50 %. However, the modulus and strength of the composites in tensile test became low. The low modulus attributes from the ply thickness un-uniformity where 0° ply thickness became about 1.5 times larger than 90° ply. Because of this thickness un-uniformity, CNT volume fraction in 0° plies became small to make tensile modulus low To improve mechanical properties of thin CNT composite film, process optimization to have thinner and uniform ply thickness were required as a future work.
  • 中山 宏一, 大島 かほり, 後藤 健, 米山 聡, 有川 秀一, 島村 佳伸, 井上 翼, 大山 紀隆
    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集 2013(21) "119-1"-"119-3" 2013年11月8日  
  • Yutaro Arai, Masashi Ishikawa, Yasuo Kogo, Shu-qi Guo, Ken Goto, Hironori Suzuki, Takuya Yasuno
    Proceedings of 13th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition 2013年11月  
  • 新井 優太郎, 石川 真志, 向後 保雄, 郭 樹啓, 後藤 健, 鈴木 裕宣, 安野 拓也
    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2013 "S042011-1"-"S042011-4" 2013年9月8日  
    ZrB_2-SiC-ZrC(ZSZ) with four different compositions containing 16 vol% SiC were sintered by hot pressing and spark plasma sintering. In this study, ZSZs were oxidized in the ultra-high temperature range by two different tests. Firstly, ZSZs were oxidized at 1973 K in an airflow by an IR image furnace for several minutes. The result showed that ZSZs have oxidation resistance in this temperature range due to formation of oxide scale which acts as a barrier against oxygen diffusion into the unoxidized area. Moreover, ZSZ containing more ZrC formed ZrO_2 rich scale, whereas ZSZ containing more ZrB_2 formed SiO_2 rich scale. These results suggested that the highest oxidation resistance would berealized if the silica scale is formed with ZrO_2 rigid skelton. In the next step, ZSZ, ZrB_2-SiC and monolithic SiC were oxidized continuously up to 2073 K in air by a ZrO_2 furnace to compare their oxidation resistance. The results revealed that oxide scale disappeared from monolithic SiC surface, whereas ZSZ and ZrB_2-SiC maintained their oxide scaleduring the oxidation test. Comparing ZSZ with ZrB_2-SiC, ZSZ formed silica scale with ZrO_2 skelton, whereas no ZrO_2 skelton was formed in the silica scale of ZrB_2-SiC. The IR image furnace test implied that it is important to have not only high oxidation resistant SiO_2 layer but also coexistence rigid oxide scale. Therefore, it is suggested that ZSZ is more attractive candidate for the advanced aerospace heat-resistant material than SiC and ZrB_2-SiC.
  • 小林 訓史, 冨手 政寛, 岩田 稔, 後藤 健
    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集 2013(19) 227-228 2013年3月14日  
    For a high accuracy antenna in next radio astronomy satellite, a candidate material is Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics (CFRP). Because longitudinal thermal expansion coefficient of unidirectional CFRP is negative, we can design a laminate without thermal expansion. This enables high structural accuracy under large temperature fluctuation like space. On the other hand when the laminate is subjected to thermal impact, thermal stress occurs and causes microscopic damages. In this study, we characterize damage progress in CFRP laminates under cyclic thermal impact. Specimens were subjected to thermal cycle from -197℃to120℃. Thermal cycle is periodically stopped for surface observation and flexural loading. Transverse cracks accumulated with thermal cycle and saturated at about 80 cycles. Flexural modulus decreased at l cycle and remained the same.
  • 中山 宏一, 後藤 健, 米山 聡, 有川 秀一, 内藤 公喜, 島村 佳伸, 井上 翼
    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集 2012(20) "802-1"-"802-4" 2012年11月30日  
  • 新井 優太郎, 向後 保雄, 石川 真志, 郭 樹啓, 後藤 健, 安野 拓也
    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会 M&P 20 4p 2012年11月30日  
    ZrB_2-SiC-ZrC (ZSZ) ceramics were oxidized by two different methods to evaluate their oxidation mechanism and oxidation resistance at ultra high temperature region. Firstly, ZSZs were oxidized at 1700℃ by IR image furnace. Experimental results revealed that the glass formed on specimens with ZrB_2 rich composition was flown during oxidation and removed from the surface by the airflow. These results lead to the depletion of oxidation resistance because it is attribute to formation of the glass,. In addition, ZSZs were also oxidized continuously up to 1700℃ using a zirconia ultra high temperature furnace. The result showed that the ZSZs formed oxide scale, and the specimen after the experiment still had unoxidized area. These results imply that ZSZs have resistance of the active oxidation of the SiC. The results of two oxidation tests predict that ZSZs have optimal composition, and that the oxidation mechanism at ultra high temperature region should be taken into account to determine the optimal composition.
  • 北澤 留弥, 香川 豊, 垣澤 英樹, 後藤 健
    ガスタービン定期講演会講演論文集 (40) 321-322 2012年10月17日  
    Deformation behaviors of TBC system under four major modes of thermo-mechanical fatigue test conditions have been studied, i.e., in-phase and out-of-phase conditions under stress or strain control modes. Stress-strain behavior of TBC system under each thermo-mechanical fatigue condition was compared qualitatively considering elastic, creep and thermal strains. Micro-scale deformation behaviors of TBC system under thermo-mechanical fatigue conditions were discussed using calculated macro-scale behaviors.
  • 新井 優太郎, 向後 保雄, 石川 真志, 郭 樹啓, 後藤 健, 安野 拓也
    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2012 "S042011-1"-"S042011-4" 2012年9月9日  
    ZrB_2-SiC-ZrC (ZSZ) ceramics with four different compositions containing 16 vol% SiC were sintered by hot press and spark plasma sintering. The relative density of all the ZSZ ceramics made by both methods reached around 95%. These ZSZs oxidized continuously up to 1500℃ using thermo gravimetric analysis. The ZSZ containing the highest ZrB_2 indicated the lowest weight gain, and that containing the highest ZrC indicated the highest weight gain. After the oxidization, the microstructure of the samples' surface and cross section were studied by X-ray diffraction analysis, optical microscope and field emission scanning electron microscope along with X-ray dispersive spectroscopy. Results of these analyses for the samples revealed that ZSZs have oxidation resistance due to formation of the oxide scale, which act as the barrier for oxygen diffusion into the unoxidized substrate. In the next study, ZSZ ceramics was heated continuously up to 1700℃ in air using zirconia ultra high temperature furnace. Oxidation test was earned out at 1700℃ by IR image furnace. The surface of the oxidized specimen had a number of bubbles and appeared to be covered with zirconia and glassy compounds. These results suggest that the active oxidation of SiC was occurred at the interface between the oxide scale and the substrate. In addition, because the spallation between the oxide scale and the substrate was not occurred, it was implied that ZSZs showed the resistance to the active oxidation of SiC.
  • 後藤 健, 徳留 真一郎, 奥野 福実夫, 八木下 剛, 羽生 宏人
    年次大会 2011 _S042043-1-_S042043-3 2011年  
    A nozzle and a combustion chamber of a small liquid fuel rocket engine used as an upper stage engine of solid propellant rocket and an apogee engine of a satellite requires to operate without cooling by cryogenic fuels. From this reason, materials that can be used at high temperature in oxidizing environment are highly required for such thrusters. To meet with this demand, trial manufacture of a thruster made of SiC fiber-reinforced SiC matrix composite are carried out in this study. A SiC/SiC composite thruster was successfully manufactured by CVI and PIP combination process. The thruster passed the proof pressurize test up to 5.0 MPa (2.5 times higher than operation pressure, 2.0 MPa). However, First trial ended in an explosion just after the ignition of the engine. By changing engine start sequence (provide fuel and oxidizer just before the ignition to avoid penetration of the liquid into the pores), 30s continuous oneration of the engine succeeded.
  • 吉村 純一, 広嶋 登, 八田 博志, 後藤 健, 向後 保雄
    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集 2010(18) "541-1"-"541-3" 2010年11月27日  
  • 青木 卓哉, 森本 哲也, 小笠原 俊夫, 後藤 健, 永尾 陽典
    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集 2010(18) "105-1"-"105-4" 2010年11月27日  
  • 後藤 健, 香川 豊
    セラミックス 45(8) 617-621 2010年8月1日  
  • 小林 寛, 後藤 健, 八田 博志, 小山 昌志, 福田 博
    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集 2009(17) "431-1"-"431-2" 2009年11月6日  
  • 吉田 裕一, 後藤 健, 徳留 真一郎, 八田 博志, 福永 俊晴
    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集 2009(17) "445-1"-"445-2" 2009年11月6日  
  • 小栗 佳樹, 小山 昌志, 後藤 健, 峯杉 賢治, 石田 雄一, 福田 博
    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集 2009 _244-1_-_244-2_ 2009年  
  • 後藤 健, 八田 博志, 塩田 一路
    材料システム 25 11-17 2007年  
  • 後藤 健
    まてりあ : 日本金属学会会報 45(11) 819-819 2006年11月20日  
  • 後藤 健, 八田 博志
    高温学会誌 31(5) 267-270 2005年9月29日  
  • 石井 孝佑, 小山 昌志, 八田 博志, 塩田 一路, 後藤 健
    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集 2005(11) 205-206 2005年3月17日  
    The formation technology into complicated shapes is often required for the applications of C/Cs to hot structures. A newly devised hybrid bonding method was proposed as a bonding technique for C/Cs, which is easily applicable and results in high strength. This bonding is composed of carbon bonding infiltrated with Si melt in the cracks in bonding layer. Thus the hybrid bonding is formed without pressurization. Optimum process conditions of the hybrid bonding were first explored. Then using the optimized procedure, the strength of the hybrid bonding using 2D-C/Cs as substrates was evaluated at temperatures up to 2000K. The strength of the hybrid bonding increased with rise in test temperature. This bonding strength enhancement was shown to be caused by the presence of SiC within bonding layer (crack arrester) and the release of thermal mismatch stress between the bonding layer and substrate C/Cs.
  • 佐藤 英一, 澤井 秀次郎, 後藤 健
    宇宙科学シンポジウム 5 429-431 2005年1月6日  
  • 後藤 健, 八田 博志, 西山 勇一, 樋口 太郎, 杉林 俊夫
    日本複合材料学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society for Composite Materials 30(5) 207-213 2004年9月15日  
    Spin burst tests of carbon-carbon (C/C) rings were carried out to confirm fracture criterion under high speed rotation as a function of the inner/outer diameter ratio R. The C/C rings were of a quasi-isotropic lamination type and were confirmed to have isotropic strength by static tensile tests. The burst rotation speeds of the C/C rings were found to be much lower than those expected from stress distributions. Detailed inspection of stress distributions in the C/C rings revealed that rotational unbalance inherent in C/Cs caused high average hoop stress and stress concentration at around inner radius. These effects were shown to lower fracture rotation speeds.
  • 八田 博志, 後藤 健
    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集 2004(10) 353-354 2004年3月3日  
    Tensile strength and creep behavior of a 2D laminate carbon-carbon composite (C/C) were examined from room temperature to 2773 K in an inert atmosphere. The tensile strength of the C/C was monotonically enhanced with increasing test temperatures. In particular, significant improvement was observed at temperatures higher than 1773 K. In this temperature range, nonlinear stress-strain curves were observed at low deformation rates, but with increasing test speed, the stress-strain curves became linear until total fracture. The source of the apparent nonlinearity was thus concluded to be creep deformation, which appeared from 1773 K. Two ruling mechanisms for the strength enhancement of the C/C at elevated temperatures were identified. The first source was de-gassing of absorbed water, which had a dominant influence on the strength enhancement up to 1773 K. The second was creep deformation. This phenomenon was notable at temperatures higher than 1773 K, and produced much larger enhancement than the de-gassing.
  • 八田 博志, 後藤 健, 向後 保雄, 福田 博, 佐藤 哲也, 棚次 亘弘
    宇宙科学研究所報告. 特集 46 203-224 2003年3月  
    Feasibility studies were carried out aiming at the application of carbon/carbon (C/C) composites to a turbine disk, heat exchangers, and a plug nozzle for an ATREX engine intended for use in a future TSTO space vehicle. In these applications, the maximum temperature was estimated to be about 1500℃. In order to withstand this high temperature, attempts were made to utilize three-dimensionally reinforced C/C composites. The most serious problem encountered in the application of C/Cs to the turbine disk was the loss of fragments of the composite located near the outer periphery due to strong centrifugal force, which resulted in severe vibration due to rotational imbalance. The heat exchangers and plug nozzle have complex shapes in order to realize a large heat exchanging area. Joined structures were explored for these components. The principal effort in these applications has been placed on finding structures requiring low joining strength and developing materials with low gas leakage.
  • 高田 元広, 後藤 健, 八田 博志, 福田 博
    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集 2001(9) 289-290 2001年11月2日  
    Cold spin tests of three dimensional fiber-reinforced carbon-carbon composites were conducted for the turbine disk of the air-turbo ram jet engine (ATREX). The fly-out objects were detected at the rotation speed of 12000 r.p.m. and the fly-out behavior was caused by the delamination of the fiber bundles from the surface of the disk. The energy release rate, G, was estimated about 30 J/m2 for this 3D-C/C disk and fine fiber weave structure and large bonding strength between fiber bundle are shown to be effective to increase rotation speed. Gaseous Si conversion and Si infiltration method were examined to increase rotation speed of 3D-C/C disk.
  • 渋谷 一成, 八田 博志, 後藤 健, 向後 保雄
    複合材料シンポジウム講演要旨集 26 5-6 2001年11月  
  • 小山 昌志, 八田 博志, 福田 博, 後藤 健
    複合材料シンポジウム講演要旨集 26 1-2 2001年11月  
  • 古川 祐子, 後藤 健, 八田 博志, 向後 保雄
    日本複合材料学会研究発表講演会予稿集 2001 107-108 2001年6月  
  • K Goto, H Hatta, H Takahashi, H Kawada
    JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 84(6) 1327-1333 2001年6月  
    The notch insensitivity of carbon-carbon composites (C/Cs) has been believed to result primarily from shear damage near sources of stress concentration. To evaluate this hypothesis, notch sensitivity has been examined for C/Cs with crossply laminates (CP-C/Cs) and quasi-isotropic (QI-C/Cs) laminates, The main difference in both laminates involves their shear behavior: the QI-C/Cs have an almost-linear stress-strain curve and high strength, whereas the CP-C/Cs exhibit strong nonlinearity and low strength. Thus, the effect of shear damage can be extracted by comparison of both materials. Experimental results from the present study have shown that the fracture behaviors of both C/Cs are quite similar. Finite-element analyses also have revealed that the stress redistribution caused by shear nonlinear deformation is too small to explain its toughening behavior, even in the CP-C/C, From these results, it is concluded that the notch-insensitive behavior of the C/Cs cannot be explained by the already-proposed shear-damage mechanism. To this end, a discussion has been conducted on a new possible toughening mechanism that is capable of generating the R-curve and notch insensitivity.
  • デービス イアン, 大谷 章夫, 仲井 朝美, 濱田 泰以, 後藤 健, 八田 博志
    機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集 2000(8) 347-348 2000年11月24日  
    Compressive behavior of 2D and 3D Carbon/Carbon (C/C) composite was investigated. 2DC/C showed relatively linear deformation up to the total fracture. However, 3DC/C showed large nonlinear deformation accompanying the load drop and recovery and no clear fracture was observed. In 2D specimen, the progressive microcracking was not observed during the testing, however, interlaminar delamination was observed. In 3D specimen, the microcracks didn't appear until the first stress peak of the δ-U curve, and after the peak, the delamination between X-Y bundle and shear failure of the Y bundle near the matrix pocket was observed. From the experimental observation, the initiation of the progressive fracture of 3DC/C was supposed as the interlamina delamination, which ruled the fracture of 2DC/C. However, the existence of Z directional fiber prevented the specimen from catastrophic failure. The fracture strength of both the C/Cs was discussed using micro-kinking model by Rosen and shear fracture model by Ewins & Ham.
  • K Goto, Y Kagawa
    MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS JIM 41(6) 701-707 2000年6月  
    Interface debonding and its effect on crack stability in a single-edge-notched PMMA/glass bi-material have been studied. Direct observation of crack growth behavior is carried out and crack tip stress intensity factor during crack growth process is obtained by a laser Caustics method. Interface stress distribution at the onset of interface debonding is obtained by FEA with experimentally obtained stress/strain conditions. The interface debonding ahead of a growing crack tip occurs before the crack reaches the interface. A transition from slow to rapid crack growth is predicted by the event of an interface debonding ahead of a growing crack tip. This debonding is caused by an interface tensile stress. The maximum interface tensile stress obtained by FEA with experimental boundary condition, sigma(d), and the distance between the crack tip and interface at the onset of interface debonding, x(0), follows the relation, sigma(d) = A(d)/root x(0). This relation provides the condition for the interface tensile debonding. The condition suggests that the interface tensile debonding has a probabilistic nature.
  • Ceramics Engineering and Science Proceedings 21(3) 503 2000年  
  • 早乙女 高之, 八田 博志, 後藤 健, 澤田 豊
    日本複合材料学会研究発表講演会予稿集 1999 109-110 1999年4月27日  
  • 溝口 正幸, 八田 博志, 後藤 健, 青木 卓哉, 杉林 俊雄
    日本複合材料学会研究発表講演会予稿集 1999 105-106 1999年4月27日  
  • 向井 芳太郎, 高橋 宏嗣, 八田 博志, 後藤 健, 川田 宏之
    日本複合材料学会研究発表講演会予稿集 1999 103-104 1999年4月27日  
  • 中野 竜, 澤田 豊, 八田 博志, 後藤 健
    日本複合材料学会研究発表講演会予稿集 1999 111-112 1999年4月27日  



