
田中 笑子

タナカ エミコ  (Emiko TANAKA)


武蔵野大学 看護学部 看護学科

田中 笑子


  • Cunyoen Kim, Bailiang Wu, Emiko Tanaka, Taeko Watanabe, Kumi Watanabe, Wencan Chen, Sumio Ito, Rika Okumura, Tetsuaki Arai, Tokie Anme
    International Journal of Gerontology 10(2) 76-80 2016年6月1日  査読有り
    Copyright © 2016, Taiwan Society of Geriatric Emergency & Critical Care Medicine. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. Background Since limited, specific assessments of social environments have previously been used, with the effect of a change in social interaction proving rare in previous studies, this study sought to clarify the specific association between changes in social interaction and symptoms of dementia. Methods The participants were elderly people, aged > 60 years, from a suburban community. All the participants formed part of the investigation from 2008 to 2011. The Index of Social Interaction was used to measure social interaction among elderly people. Data of dementia were obtained from Health and Welfare Center of local government. The chi-square test and a logistical regression analysis were used to examine the relationship between changes in social interaction and dementia. Results There were 321 participants without missing data. The results showed that "reading newspapers" was a positive change in social interaction in relation to the risk of dementia (odds ratio = 3.45, confidence interval: 1.04-11.45). Conclusion This study focused on changes in social interaction and found that a positive change could help prevent dementia. Specifically, this study indicated that elderly people's engagement with the social environment and in intellectual activities would prevent dementia.
  • T. Anme, E. Tanaka, T. Watanabe, E. Tomisaki, K. Watanabe
    Social Skills: Perceptions, Role in Autistic Children and Assistive Technology 51-61 2016年1月1日  査読有り
    © 2017 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Based on 17 years of cohort research examining childcare quality improvement, a “cloud computing-based support system for comprehensive childcare” and the Scale for Assessing Social Skill Development in Children were developed and implemented. The system contains five support tools consisting of a web application and mechanism for implementing quality childcare according to the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle. The system’s effectiveness in aiding social skill development in children with autism was determined via a series of follow-up studies. For example, we were able to assess the system’s ability to target the following problem areas: “autonomy” (e.g., a child smiles or laughs during a teaching demonstration and a child attempts to elicit a caregiver’s response), “responsiveness” (e.g., a child vocalizes or babbles within five seconds of a caregiver’s verbalization and a child vocalizes or babbles within five seconds of a caregiver’s gesture, touch, or facial expression change), “empathy” (e.g., a child gives, shows, or points toward task material to share emotions with a caregiver and a child looks at a caregiver’s face for social referencing), and “emotional selfregulation” (e.g., a child stops displaying distress when a caregiver does not respond). In this chapter, we argue that continuous system use and development will provide greater evidence of its efficacy, assist in expertise acquisition, and contribute to the healthy development of children and their caregivers.
  • 河西 敏幸, 渡辺 多恵子, 田中 笑子, 有岡 栞, 望月 由妃子, 冨崎 悦子, 澤田 優子, 伊藤 澄雄, 安梅 勅江
    日本保健福祉学会誌 22(1) 33-44 2015年9月  査読有り
    目的:本研究は、高齢者の体力に対する自己評価が介護予防活動で活用する尺度として有効か、15年間のコホート調査データを用い、転倒関連要因との横断的、縦断的な関連から検討することを目的とした。方法:中部地方大都市に隣接するT村に在住する全60歳以上者(1,095人)を対象に、1996年及び2011年にコホート調査(配票留置法)を実施した(1996年調査における有効回答率:71.6%)。両年の調査に回答し、主要調査項目に欠損のない288人を分析対象とした。調査内容は体力自己評価尺度(PSE:Physical Fitness Self-Evaluation Scale)、転倒率、TMIG-IC(Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology Index of Competence)、ISI(Index of Social Interaction)、運動習慣、体力測定等であった。横断分析としては、1996年の体力自己評価(9項目)についてクローンバックのα係数の算出による内的整合性の検討によって信頼性の検証を行った上で、尺度の特性や妥当性を検証するため、PSEとTMIG-IC、ISI、運動習慣等との関連について偏順位相関分析を行った。縦断分析としては、PSEの将来的な関連要因を検討するため、1996年調査におけるPSEと2011年調査のTMIG-IC、ISI、運動習慣、転倒リスク項目、及び体力測定との関連について偏順位相関分析を行った。結果:PSEにおけるクローンバックのα係数は、0.90という高い信頼性を示す結果が得られた。ベースラインにおけるPSE得点と各項目との偏順位相関係数をみると、転倒率(0.227)、TMIG-IC(0.375)、及びISI(0.329)では男性のみ、運動習慣では男女ともに有意になっていた(男性:0.339、女性:0.257)。また、1996年のPSE得点と2011年の各項目との偏順位相関分析では、女性の運動習慣、転倒リスク項目、及び5m歩行、男性の最大1歩幅に弱いながらも有意な偏相関が示された。考察:PSEと転倒関連要因との横断的、縦断的関連をみると、PSEは介護予防活動で活用する転倒リスク予測尺度として、妥当性という点では十分な有効性は示されなかったが、転倒予防を目的とした長期的支援の内容や方向性を検討する上で有益な情報の一つとなる可能性が示唆された。(著者抄録)
  • Lian Tong, Ryoji Shinohara, Yuka Sugisawa, Emiko Tanaka, Taeko Watanabe, Tatsuya Koeda, Tokie Anme
    Pediatrics International 57(3) 385-392 2015年6月1日  査読有り
    © 2015 Japan Pediatric Society. Background: Previous research has established links between corporal punishment and children's developmental problems, but few studies have investigated the moderating effect of positive parenting between corporal punishment and children's developmental difficulties in detail. This study investigated the buffering effect of parental engagement on the association between corporal punishment and children's emotional/behavioral problems. Methods: The main caregivers completed the Evaluation of Environmental Stimulation Scale (EES), which is an evaluation of daily parenting behaviors, and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), which evaluates children's developmental problems. Results: Corporal punishment was associated with worse emotional and behavioral problems in children, whereas parental engagement in games or sports was associated with fewer emotional symptoms. Similarly, parental engagement in homework or housework significantly moderated the association between corporal punishment and children's behavioral problems. Conclusions: Parental engagement positively moderated the association between parental corporal punishment and children's developmental difficulties. This association varied with child gender.
  • 渡辺 多恵子, 田中 笑子, 冨崎 悦子, 安梅 勅江
    小児保健研究 74(2) 196-200 2015年3月  査読有り
  • 徳竹 健太郎, 篠原 亮次, 杉澤 悠圭, 田中 笑子, 冨崎 悦子, 渡辺 多恵子, 望月 由妃子, 呉 柏良, 難波 麻由美, 安梅 勅江
    厚生の指標 61(7) 8-13 2014年7月  査読有り
    目的 本研究は,成人の典型的なかかわり場面における行動観察評価と臨床評定の関連から,行動観察による社会能力評価「かかわり指標(成人用)IRSA:Interaction Rating Scale Advanced実践版」の臨床的妥当性を検討することを目的とする。方法 18歳以上の男女43名を対象に,日常的なかかわり場面を再現した2名1組の課題を実施した。研究者によるIRSA実践版を用いた行動観察評価と,臨床専門職による臨床評定を得点化し,関連を検討した。行動観察評価および臨床評定による「協調」「自己制御」「自己表現」の各領域得点と総合得点について,Spearmanの相関係数を算出した。結果 行動観察評価と臨床評定の間には「協調」(r=0.62)「自己制御」(r=0.61)「自己表現」(r=0.59)「総合」(r=0.72)すべての項目に有意(p<0.001)な正の関連がみられた。考察 行動観察評価得点と臨床評定得点に相関がみられ,IRSA実践版の臨床的妥当性が示された。社会能力の特徴を簡便に測定できる「IRSA実践版」を実践の場で活用することにより,社会能力の向上,発揮に困難のある成人に対する支援への一助につながる可能性がある。(著者抄録)
  • 望月 由妃子, 田中 笑子, 篠原 亮次, 杉澤 悠圭, 冨崎 悦子, 渡辺 多恵子, 徳竹 健太郎, 松本 美佐子, 杉田 千尋, 安梅 勅江
    日本公衆衛生雑誌 61(6) 263-274 2014年  査読有り
    目的 児童虐待件数は毎年増加しており、虐待の予防、早期発見、早期支援に関し、実態に基づく適切かつ具体的な取り組みが求められる。本研究の目的は、保育園の園長および保育士が「虐待疑い」と評価し、市と情報交換しながら見守りをしている子どもの養育者の育児不安および育児環境と虐待との関連を明らかにし、虐待の予防、早期発見・早期支援の一助とすることである。方法 A市の全公立保育園に在園する子どもの全養育者1,801人に育児支援質問紙および育児環境指標(ICCE)への記入を依頼した。育児支援質問紙は偉育者の育児困難感や不安・抑うつ傾向を、育児環境指標は子どもと環境とのかかわりの質や頻度などを測定する。専門職が「虐待疑い」と評価した子どもの養育者を「虐待群」、それ以外の「非虐待群」とした。育児困難感、不安・抑うつ傾向および育児環境と虐待との関連を検討するため、両質問紙の回答をリスク群、非リスク群の2群に分類し、各リスク項目の有無の独立性について、Fisherの正確検定により検定した。さらに虐待と有意に関連する要因を他の項目の影響を互いに調整した上で検討するため、「虐待」を目的変数、育児不安と養育環境で有意な関連のみられた項目を説明変数、性別と年齢を調整変数とし、多重ロジスティック回帰分析によりオッズ比を算出した。結果 多重ロジスティック回帰分析の結果、「虐待群」は「非虐待群」と比較して、育児不安では、「不安や恐怖感におそわれる」が4.9倍、育児環境では、「保育園以外に子どもの面倒をみてくれる人がいない」が4.7倍であり高い値を示した。調整変数(性別、年齢)では有意な関連はみられなかった。結論 育児困難感や不安・抑うつ傾向および育児環境と虐待との関連より、保育園等の専門職が養育者への具体的かつ活用可能な支援の方策が得られ、虐待の予防、早期発見、早期支援の一助となることが示唆された。(著者抄録)
  • 松本 美佐子, 田中 笑子, 篠原 亮次, 渡辺 多恵子, 冨崎 悦子, 望月 由妃子, 杉澤 悠圭, 酒井 初恵, 安梅 勅江
    日本保健福祉学会誌 20(2) 3-13 2014年  査読有り
    目的 本研究は保育園で気がつく3歳時の気になる行動の推移、および2年後の社会能力を予測する行動の抽出を目的とした。方法 対象は全国32か所の認可保育園に在籍する幼児である。すでに障害の診断がついている児を除外した2007年、2008年の3歳児(485人、509人)を2年間追跡し主要な項目に欠損のない276人、243人をパネル化した519人を分析対象とした。調査内容は「気になる行動チェックリスト」と「就学前児用社会的スキル尺度」の記入を担当保育士に依頼した。対象者の内訳は男児274名(52.8%)、女児245名(47.2%)、きょうだいは無200名(38.8%)、有315名(61.2%)不明4名であった。5歳時の社会性を目的変数、3歳時の気になる行動を説明変数、性別ときょうだいの有無を調整変数としてロジスティック回帰分析を実施した。結果 5歳の社会能力の低さは3歳時の気になる行動で「音に対する反応の異常」が見られる場合Odds比38.86(95%信頼区間4.21-358.85)(以下同様)、「光に対する反応の異常」が見られる場合14.21(2.69-75.10)、「不自然な関係性」がみられる場合14.10(3.99-49.78)、「無関心」がみられる場合4.06(1.64-10.03)、「こだわり」がみられる場合5.53(2.33-13.12)、「激しいかんしゃく」がみられる場合2.44(1.10-5.40)、「多動」がみられる場合3.46(1.75-6.86)、「けんかが多い」がみられる場合2.47(1.02-5.98)「反抗がひどい」がみられる場合6.00(2.13-16.95)、「言葉に関する問題」がみられる場合6.34(2.97-13.53)、「ルール逸脱行動」がみられる場合9.10(3.73-22.22)、「年齢相応の生活習慣の遅れ」がみられる場合4.93(2.11-11.51)と有意に高くなる傾向が示された。結論 3歳時に音や光に関する反応の異常、不自然な関係性、無関心、こだわり、激しいかんしゃく、多動、けんかが多い、反抗がひどい、言葉に関する問題、ルールの逸脱行動、年齢相応の生活習慣の遅れなどの行動がみられた際は、後の社会能力の獲得に困難を示す可能性があり、幼児期早期から社会能力を育むための支援が求められる。
  • 松本 美佐子, 篠原 亮次, 渡辺 多恵子, 田中 笑子, 冨崎 悦子, 望月 由妃子, 徳竹 健太郎, 呉 柏良, 難波 麻由美, 杉田 千尋, 有岡 栞, 杉澤 悠圭, 宮崎 勝宣, 安梅 勅江
    日本保健福祉学会誌 20(1) 9-20 2013年10月  査読有り
    目的 40年にわたり統合保育を実施している施設における保育専門職に対しフォーカス・グループインタビュー(以下FGI)を行い、コミュニティ・エンパワメントの視点から子どもの社会性育成に向けた保育専門職の役割を明らかにすることを目的とする。方法 障害児を積極的に受け入れている認可保育園の専門職に対して保育園の園長、主任などの管理職グループA(8名)、管理職グループB(6名)とクラス担当保育専門職者グループ(5名)の3グループにFGIを実施した。内容は、「統合保育に携わる契機」、「保育の中の印象的なエピソード」、「子どもの社会性を育むために必要なこと」についてであった。FGIから得られた結果をカテゴリー化し、子どもの社会性を育むための保育専門職の役割について抽出し分析した。結果 FGIにより得られた専門職の意見は、コミュニティ・エンパワメント実現の7要素、すなわち「1.目的の明確化」「2.関係性を楽しむ」「3.共感のネットワーク化」「4.変化を加える」「5.柔軟な参加様式」「6.先を見据える」「7.活動の意味づけ」に整理された。結論 本研究では統合保育を実践している保育専門職にFGIを行い、子どもの社会性を育む保育専門職の役割をコミュニティ・エンパワメントの視点から検討した。1)方針や基準を明確にし共有するなど目的を明確にする 2)子どもの自己効力感や、対人スキルを高め、挑戦する意欲を引き出すように子どもとの関係性を楽しむ 3)互いの個性を認め合い、子ども、職員、養育者が連携し共感のネットワーク化をはかる 4)行事を上手く活用し、さまざまな立場の変化を経験することで変化を加える 5)参加様式を柔軟にし、子どもが輝くカリキュラムの検討や、主体性を尊重する 6)目前の問題だけでなく、地域への拡がり、就学に向けた支援など先を見据えて保育に取り組む 7)取り組みを発信し、自己、養育者からの評価を受け活動を意味づけし、保育を展開していく(著者抄録)
  • 望月 由妃子, 杉澤 悠圭, 田中 笑子, 冨崎 悦子, 渡辺 多恵子, 恩田 陽子, 徳竹 健太郎, 安梅 勅江
    小児保健研究 72(5) 737-744 2013年9月  査読有り
    本研究の目的は、親支援プログラムNobody's Perfectを活用した「A市虐待予防事業『子育て支援講座』の評価と今後の課題を明らかにすることである。対象は、2009年度講座参加者2グループ、講座担当スタッフで、質的研究法の一つであるフォーカス・グループ・インタビューを実施した。分析はエンパワメント(元気にすること、力をつけること)の概念に基づき類型化した。本事業は、多様な育児不安やストレスを抱え孤立していた母親をエンパワメントし仲間作りに貢献したことが示唆された。今後の課題として他機関との連携による支援の必要性等が挙げられた。(著者抄録)
  • 松本 美佐子, 篠原 亮次, 杉澤 悠圭, 田中 笑子, 冨崎 悦子, 渡辺 多恵子, 望月 由妃子, 徳竹 健太郎, 杉田 千尋, 宮崎 勝宣, 枝本 信一郎, 安梅 勅江
    厚生の指標 60(2) 16-21 2013年2月  査読有り
    目的 40年にわたり統合保育を実施している保育専門職に対しグループインタビューを行い,質の高い統合保育とインクルーシブ教育の推進要因を明らかにすることを目的とした。方法 障害児を積極的に受け入れている認可保育園の専門職に対してフォーカス・グループインタビューを実施した。対象は8名(男性4名,女性4名),社会福祉法人理事長,保育園の園長,主任クラスの保育専門職者,障害者の共同生活介護事業管理者であった。内容は,統合保育の原点と展開についてであった。グループインタビューから得られた結果をカテゴリー化し,質の高い統合保育を展開するための要因を抽出し分析した。結果 質の高い統合保育の推進要因を「個の領域」「相互の領域」「地域システムの領域」の3領域に分類した。具体的な要因としては「共感性の獲得」「表現力の獲得」「自己効力感の獲得」「仲間同士のかかわり」「保育士のかかわり」「地域社会とのかかわり」「社会ニーズへの先見性」の6点であった。結論 質の高い統合保育とは,仲間同士や保育士とのかかわりを通し子どもの社会性の育みを促進する保育である。インクルーシブ教育の推進には社会ニーズへの先見性,養育者にとどまらず地域住民を巻き込み地域の活性化に貢献するコミュニティ・エンパワメントの必要性が示唆された。(著者抄録)
  • Tanaka Emiko, Tomisaki Etsuko, Shinohara Ryoji, Sugisawa Yuka, Tong Lian, Watanabe Taeko, Onda Yoko, Yauchi Yuri, Hirano Maki, Mochizuki Yukiko, Morita Kentaro, Gan-Yadam Amarsana, Yato Yuko, Yamakawa Noriko, Anme Tokie, Japan Children's Study Group
    日本保健福祉学会誌 19(1) 21-30 2013年  査読有り
    Objective: Social development is one of the important outcomes examined in child care research. Factors related to parenting and the overall child-rearing environment, which includes the mother's mental health, are hypothesized to contribute to children's social development, above all, in early childhood. The purpose of this study was to determine whether parenting satisfaction and stress at 9 month affect the social competence of 30-month-olds. Methods: The study participants were 311 dyads of 9-month-old children and their mothers. Each mother completed questionnaires to provide child-rearing-related information, including information on parenting satisfaction and stress, when their child was 9 months old. Caregiver-child interaction was observed when the child was 30 months old, and the features of the interaction were studied using the Interaction Rating Scale (IRS), a measure of social competence. Results: Regression analysis showed that the children's total scores on the IRS were significantly related to their mothers' satisfaction and parenting stress when the children were 9 months old. At the same time, the caregivers' total scores were also related to their children's total scores on the IRS. Multiple regression analysis was performed, after controlling for genders of children, to analyze the association between the children's social competence and the mothers' satisfaction (β=0.12, p=0.03) and caregiver-child interaction (β=0.41, p<0.01). Conclusions: The results suggest that mothers' satisfaction in child rearing is an important factor affecting the social development of children at 30 months of age.
  • Tokie Anme, Emiko Tanaka, Taeko Watanabe, Kentaro Tokutake, Yukiko Mochizuki, Etsuko Tomisaki, Bailiang Wu, Ryoji Shinohara, Yuka Sugisawa, Chihiro Tada, Tokinao Matsui, Sigeru Asada
    International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM 515-522 2013年  査読有り
    Natural products, such as wooden ones, are attracting increasing interest worldwide because of the growing desire for an ecologically friendly and sustainable society. In particular, the healing effects and safety benefits of wood products have been explored, but few studies have evaluated their effects on the behavior and well-being of older adults in assisted living facilities. Thus, the present study was conducted to explore how wood products affected quality of life in elderly people. Participants were 44 elderly people and 30 health social care professionals in a single assisted living facility. Independent evaluators observed and rated the elderly people's behavior, using the Alzheimer's Disease Related Quality of Life and the Interaction Rating Scale Advanced over one month of using wood products daily. Furthermore, at baseline and one month later, participants completed a "tree drawing task" intended to assess their internal environment. Then, their health status and activities of daily living through regular observation were evaluated by professionals, who also completed a questionnaire evaluating subjective comfort, both before and after using wood products. Our results indicated that regular use of wood products significantly increased social interaction and harmonious relations, activity levels, and mental energy in elderly people. Furthermore, care professionals reported increased positive subjective comfort after using these products. Thus, using wood products on a daily basis appeared to improve the quality life of frail elderly, by stimulating emotional relationships through improved cognitive function. © SGEM2013 All Rights Reserved by the International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM.
  • Amarsanaa Gan-Yadam, Ryoji Shinohara, Yuka Sugisawa, Emiko Tanaka, Taeko Watanabe, Maki Hirano, Etsuko Tomisaki, Kentaro Morita, Yoko Onda, entaro Tokutake, Yukiko Mochizuki, Misako Matsumoto, Chihiro Sugita, Tokie Anme
    Journal of Epidemiology 23(5) 320-328 2013年  査読有り
    Background: Understanding patterns of health service utilization can improve health care and increase use of health services. We examined patterns of health service utilization among residents of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Methods: A total of 500 adults were surveyed using paper-based questionnaires. The Χ2 test and multiple logistic regression were used to identify associations between factors. Results: 44.1% of respondents had visited a physician during the previous 12 months. After controlling for determinants, the significant predictors of utilization of health service were attention to health examinations (OR = 3.6, CI: 1.93-6.76), being married (OR = 2.7, CI: 1.50-4.72), being satisfied with the overall cleanliness of the hospital (OR = 2.4, CI: 1.12-5.19), being a nonsmoker (OR = 2.2, CI: 1.21-3.98), having periodic physical examinations (OR = 2.2, CI: 1.25-3.71), not being a hospital patient during the previous 3 years (OR = 2.1, CI: 1.22-3.73), having proper documentation (OR = 1.9, CI: 1.10-3.43), having medical insurance (OR = 1.9, CI: 1.96-3.28), not wanting to receive information on food and nutrition (OR = 0.6, CI: 0.36-0.96), having more than 5 household members (OR = 0.5, CI: 0.50-0.85), low income (OR = 0.5, CI: 0.30-0.85), lack of concern for food and nutrition (OR = 0.5, CI: 0.28-0.84), self-medication during the past 12 months (OR = 0.4, CI: 0.24-0.69), and desire for treatment abroad (OR = 0.4, CI: 0.20-0.60). Conclusions: A number of health-related behaviors and sociodemographic factors were important predictors of health service utilization. © 2013 Amarsanaa Gan-Yadam et al.
  • Lian Tong, Ryoji Shinohara, Yuka Sugisawa, Emiko Tanaka, Yuko Yato, Noriko Yamakawa, Tokie Anme
    Journal of Applied Social Psychology 42(10) 2457-2478 2012年10月  査読有り
    The purpose of this exploratory study was to examine the effects of (a) parent-child interaction and (b) home environment on the early development of empathy in toddlers. A total of 176 Japanese families (both young children and their parents) were enrolled in this study. Laboratory assessment of children's empathy development and caregiver's rearing competence was made during a controlled observation of parent-child interaction. The results of this study suggest that of all the factors examined, the degree of parent-child interaction, the stability of long-term parenting practices, parental attitude, and mother's mental health status were correlated with development of empathy in children. These findings provide new indicators for the development of individualized intervention methods for use in clinical practice. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  • 渡辺 多恵子, 田中 笑子, 冨崎 悦子, 望月 由妃子, 徳竹 健太郎, 安梅 勅江
    小児保健研究 71(5) 780-786 2012年9月  査読有り
  • T. Anme, R. Shinohara, Y. Sugisawa, T. Watanabe, L. Tong, E. Tanaka, E. Tomisaki, H. Mochizuki, K. Tokutake
    Psychology of Gender Differences 1-8 2012年8月1日  査読有り
    © 2012 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. The purpose of this paper is to describe the gender differences of social competence development using the Interaction Rating Scale (IRS) from eighteen months to seven year old. The participants in our study, which was conducted as part of a Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) cohort study project, were 370 dyads of children with their caregivers who were followed up and surveyed at eighteen and thirty months and 82 dyads at seven years old. The participants completed the five minute interaction session and were observed using the IRS. The results indicated the gender differences of IRS scores. Girls achieved a higher score at all ages. Girls were more likely to demonstrate empathy at eighteen months, emotional regulation at eighteen months and thirty months, motor regulation at thirty months and seven years old, compared to boys. Along with the patterns of difference between boys and girls, the IRS is effective in describing features of social competence development.
  • 矢内 悠里, 篠原 亮次, 杉澤 悠圭, 童 連, 田中 笑子, 森田 健太郎, 冨崎 悦子, 平野 真紀, 渡辺 多恵子, 恩田 陽子, 望月 由妃子, 難波 麻由美, 伊藤 澄雄, 安梅 勅江
    日本保健福祉学会誌 18(2) 21-28 2012年8月  査読有り
    目的 65歳以上の地域在住高齢者に焦点を当て、社会とのかかわりが認知症発症に与える要因について明らかにすることを目的とする。方法 対象は、大都市近郊農村に居住する65歳以上の高齢者558名に対し、2002年に配票留置の記名自記式質問紙を用いた調査を実施した。質問紙の内容は、年齢、性別、介護の有無、慢性疾患の有無、ライフイベントの有無、家族構成、社会関連性指標である。2002年の社会とのかかわりと2008年までの認知症者との関連を検討した。結果 2002年の社会とのかかわりが6年後の認知症発症と関連していた。複合的な要因を加味してもなお、「新聞の購読」に有意な関連が認められた。結論 地域在住高齢者の社会とのかかわりの認知症予防効果を、6年間の追跡調査により明らかにした。今後さらに高齢者の日常生活における社会とのかかわりを促進し、認知症予防に向けた地域支援への一助とすることが期待される。(著者抄録)
  • 安梅 勅江, 冨崎 悦子, 望月 由妃子, 渡辺多恵子, 田中笑子, 篠原亮次, 杉澤悠圭, 呉柏良:難波麻由美, 松本美佐子, 杉田千尋, 松井勅尚, 多田千尋
    厚生の指標 59(1) 21-25 2012年1月  査読有り
  • 渡辺 多恵子, 磯貝 恵美, 田中 笑子, 冨崎 悦子, 恩田 陽子, 望月 由妃子, 徳竹 健太郎, 齋藤 希望, 安梅 勅江
    小児保健研究 71(1) 38-45 2012年1月  査読有り
  • 望月 由妃子, 篠原 亮次, 杉澤 悠圭, 澤田 優子, 石井 享子, 童 連, 田中 笑子, 平野 真紀, 冨崎 悦子, 森田 健太郎, Amarsanaa Gan-Yadam, 渡辺 多恵子, 恩田 陽子, 徳竹 健太郎, 呉 柏良, 難波 麻由美, 安梅 勅江
    子どもの虐待とネグレクト 13(2) 284-292 2011年9月  査読有り
  • 平野 真紀, 川島 悠里, 杉澤 悠圭, 篠原 亮次, 澤田 優子, 童 連, 田中 笑子, 冨崎 悦子, 渡辺 多恵子, 恩田 陽子, 森田 健太郎, 石井 享子, 伊藤 澄雄, 安梅 勅江
    厚生の指標 58(7) 30-38 2011年7月  査読有り
    目的 本研究は,住民と保健福祉専門職に対するフォーカス・グループインタビューを実施し,高齢者支援に向けたコミュニティ・エンパワメント展開のための当事者のニーズを抽出することを目的とした。方法 大都市近郊農村自治体住民と保健福祉専門職4グループに対するフォーカス・グループインタビューを実施した。対象の内訳は男性22名,女性20名,合計42名で,年齢は30〜70歳代であった。各グループのインタビューから得られた結果をシステム理論に基づきカテゴリー化し,コミュニティ・エンパワメントに関するニーズを抽出した。結果 『個・相互・地域システム』のシステム構造に基づいて高齢者支援に向けたコミュニティ・エンパワメント展開のための当事者のニーズを抽出した結果,次のニーズが明らかになった。まず『個』の領域においては,「生きがい,楽しみ」「健康な生活への主体的な取り組み」「保健福祉サービスの活用」が,次に『相互』の領域においては,「交流の必要性」「相互支援体制の整備」が,また『地域システム』の領域においては,「地域の魅力化」「安心・安全な地域システムづくり」「地域で支え合う人材育成」「健康に関する支援の充実」のニーズである。結論 健康は,単にヘルスサービス供給にとどまらず,保健活動に関する意思決定における住民参加の原則に基づいて増進される。今回得られた住民の「なまの声」をもとに,当事者のニーズを活かした保健福祉活動の今後の発展が求められる。(著者抄録)
  • Gan-Yadam Amarsanaa, Tanaka Emiko, Sugisawa Yuka, Watanabe Taeko, Tong Lian, Shinohara Ryoji, Hirano Maki, Tomisaki Etsuko, Morita Kentaro, Onda Yoko, Kawashima Yuri, Mochizuki Yukiko, Nanba Mayumi, Anme Tokie
    日本保健福祉学会誌 18(1) 52-58 2011年  査読有り
    Background: Over the fast decides, after transition from a socialist system to a market economy, Mongolia has been quite impressive in social and economic development. But these improvements have not been meaningful impacts on health services, poverty reduction and environmental and sustainable development. During this transition period many families were plunged into poverty, social services were reduced and women were losing their equal opportunities. In order to solve the problems faced to community, it needs to promote empowerment and advancement for both men and women. Although basic human indicators are almost equal for Mongolian men and women, there are very few studies have examined in community empowerment and gender differences in Mongolia. Addressing and reducing the gender and socioeconomic disparities in the health of population is very important and the aim of this study was to investigate gender differences in health seeking pathways among the communities in Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia. Methods: Five hundred randomly selected adult respondents were surveyed through paper based questionnaires. Each respondent represents one household and the survey was carried out urban and peri-urban areas in Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia. Results: However, the health statuses of women were found to be lower than men, males are less likely to seek health care than females. The results show that women were more likely to have periodical exams than men. Also the most respondents did not participate in health enhancing activities. Conclusions: Even, there was some significant gender differences in health seeking behaviour, there were no gender barriers in health seeking behaviour in Mongolian society. In other hand the process of empowering community need to be more developed and surveyed at all level in Mongolia and there is much need to continue this kind of studies.
  • Wu Bailiang, Tong Lian, Hirano Maki, Shinohara Ryoji, Sugisawa Yuka, Sawada Yuko, Ishii Yukiko, Gan-Yadama Amarsanaa, Morita Kentaro, Tanaka Emiko, Tomisaki Etsuko, Watanabe Taeko, Onda Yoko, Mochizuki Yukiko, Kawashima Yuri, Nanba Mayumi, Tokutake Kentaro, Anme Tokie
    日本保健福祉学会誌 18(1) 59-65 2011年  査読有り
    Objective: This study aimed to examine the association between elders' social interaction and their subsequent functional capacity. Method: A longitudinal study based on interview and investigation were carried out with the sample of elderly people who living in the rural community of Japan. Total 267 elderly people aged 60 and over were enrolled in this study in 2005 and 2008. The data of social interaction and activity of daily living (ADL) including basic ADL (BADL) and instrumental ADL (IADL) were analyzed by logistic regression analysis to examine the associations between elders' social interaction and their functional status 3 years later. Results: Subjects were consisted of 117 men (mean age±standard deviation, 68±7.0 years) and 150 women (69±7.6 years). During the 3-year follow up, after controlling for elders' age and gender, the significant factors of social activities related to their future BADL included: having a hobby (odds ratio=-1.57, p<0.05); having a self-identity as a useful social role (odds ratio: -1.78, p<0.05). For future IADL it included: Participation in community activities (odds ratio: -1.57.95%, p<0.05); Feeling importance in normal life (odds ratio: -1.65, <0.05) and using handy equipments (odds: -1.47, p<0.05). Conclusion: The findings in the present study clarified the links between elders' social interactions and their functional capacity three years later in the sample of rural community. It indicated that more social interaction which engages their physical and intellectual function can probably retard elders' function capacity decline.
  • Sugisawa Yuka, Shinohara Ryoji, Tong Lian, Tanaka Emiko, Watanabe Taeko, Onda Yoko, Kawashima Yuri, Hirano Maki, Tomisaki Etsuko, Mochizuki Yukiko, Morita Kentaro, Tokutake Kentaro, Nanba Mayumi, Yato Yuko, Yamakawa Noriko, Anme Tokie, Japan Children's Study Group
    日本保健福祉学会誌 18(1) 146-146 2011年  査読有り
  • Tanaka Emiko, Tomisaki Etsuko, Shinohara Ryoji, Sugisawa Yuka, Tong Lian, Watanabe Taeko, Hirano Maki, Onda Yoko, Mochizuki Yukiko, Kawashima Yuri, Morita Kentaro, Gan-Yadam Amarsanaa, Tokutake Kentaro, Nanba Mayumi, Yato Yuko, Yamakawa Noriko, Anme Tokie, Japan Children's Study Group
    日本保健福祉学会誌 18(1) 69-76 2011年  査読有り
    Background: Early mother-child interaction is an important environmental factor for children, but there are only few observational studies looking into this in Japan. There is a need for research based on an observational and longitudinal study. Methods: This project, conducted in Japan, sought to examine the relations between children's social competence and early mother-child interaction and adaptation of 174 toddlers and mothers. The Interaction Rating Scale (IRS) was used to assess children's social competence and caregiver's parenting features when children are 18, 30 and 42 months old. Results: The results showed that early mother-child interaction was related to the children's autonomy, responsiveness, empathy, motor regulation, and emotional regulation assessed by the IRS. Conclusion: These findings show that early mother-child interaction is related to children's social competence at 42 months of age.
  • Watanabe Taeko, Ito Sumio, Shinohara Ryoji, Sugisawa Yuka, Sawada Yuko, Tong Lian, Tanaka Emiko, Hirano Maki, Morita Kentaro, Tomisaki Etsuko, Gan-Yadam Amarsanaa, Onda Yoko, Mochizuki Yukiko, Kawashima Yuri, Nanba Mayumi, Tokutake Kentaro, Wu Bailiang, Anme Tokie
    日本保健福祉学会誌 18(1) 137-137 2011年  査読有り
  • Tomisaki Etsuko, Tanaka Emiko, Shinohara Ryoji, Watanabe Taeko, Onda Yoko, Sugisawa Yuka, Hirano Maki, Tong Lian, Mochizuki Yukiko, Morita Kentaro, Kawashima Yuri, Gan-Yadam Amarsanaa, Wu Bailiang, Tokutake Kentaro, Nannba Mayumi, Anme Tokie
    日本保健福祉学会誌 18(1) 77-83 2011年  
    Background: Sleeping is important to children's development. There are some findings that sleep improvement of children with autism resulted in the improvement in social relatedness. Therefore sleeping patterns may be important to develop social skills. The aim of this study is to find the interaction between sleeping patterns, especially waking up patterns and social skill in healthy children. Methods: All authorized child-night-care centers and attached child-day-care facilities across Japan participated in the study when the children were two to four year-olds. Parents filled in questionnaires regarding sleeping time, and service providers evaluated the development of each child in the facility every year. Results: The trajectory of children's social skill in cooperation, self- regulation, and assertion were adopted. There was an association between cooperation and waking-up patterns, even after adjusting in gender. Conclusions: These findings show that waking-up patterns play the important roles for children's social skill. Further research is needed in order to clarify the correlation between sleeping patterns and social skill.
  • Tong Lian, Shinohara Ryoji, Sugisawa Yuka, Tanaka Emiko, Watanabe Taeko, Hirano Maki, Tomisaki Esuko, Gan-Yadam Amrasanaa, Morita Kentaro, Onda Yoko, Kawashima Yuri, Nanba Mayumi, Tokutake Kentaro, Wu Bailiang, Anme Tokie
    日本保健福祉学会誌 18(1) 94-101 2011年  
    Background: With an increasing number of working mother in Japan, resulted to the concomitant increase in the using of non-parental childcare facilities to help look after the child. This increase in non-parental care has led to a dramatic change in the traditional child-rearing environment. Besides, young children's vocabulary and communication competences were demonstrated to be tightly correlated with early parenting practice. Methods: A total of 398 children and their working mothers were recruited from Japanese government-licensed childcare facilities. Children's developments were assessed by childcare professionals and parenting behaviors were collected by questionnaire which was filled by mothers. Results: The results show that mother singing songs with child (OR=3.079, P=0.0024) and playing with child (OR=9.393, P=0.0137) are beneficial to children's vocabulary development one year later. Conversely, punishment (OR=4.702, P=0.0088) child would exacerbate child vocabulary developmental delay. Mother playing with child (OR=6.119, P=0.043) also contribute to child's competence of communication, meanwhile, mother has confidence about childrearing (OR=3.553, P=0.0233) promote to children's communication development as well. Daily mother-child interaction in early childhood is crucial predictor for young children's language development later. Conclusion: Working mothers should increase the daily parent-child interaction activities with young children consciously in their free time, so as to promote children's competence development in vocabulary and communication
  • Shinohara Ryoji, Sugisawa Yuka, Tong Lian, Tanaka Emiko, Watanabe Taeko, Onda Yoko, Kawashima Yuri, Yato Yuko, Yamakawa Noriko, Anme Tokie, Japan Children's Study Group
    日本保健福祉学会誌 18(1) 125-134 2011年  
    We aimed to clarify the effects of mothers' praise-when their children were 18 months-on the trajectory of their children's social competence from 18 months to 30 months. The participants were 194 mother-child dyads whose interaction was observed when the children were 18 months and 30 months. The features of mother-child interaction were examined using the Interaction Rating Scale (IRS) as an aspect of social competence. Logistic regression analysis was performed with the trajectory of social competence from 18 months to 30 months as the dependent variable and the actual behaviors of caregivers' praise as independent variables while controlling for the children's gender and the mothers' age and educational background. It was found that the mothers' actual praise-related behavior influenced the trajectory of their children's social competence from 18 months to 30 months.
  • Tokutake Kentaro, Watanabe Taeko, Ito Sumio, Shinohara Ryoji, Sugisawa Yuka, Sawada Yuko, Ishii Yukiko, Tong Lian, Tanaka Emiko, Hirano Maki, Morita Kentaro, Tomisaki Etsuko, Gan-Yadam Amarsanaa, Onda Yoko, Mochizuki Yukiko, Kawashima Yuri, Nanba Mayumi, Wu Bailiang, Anme Tokie
    日本保健福祉学会誌 18(1) 93-93 2011年  
  • Hirano Maki, Kawashima Yuri, Ito Sumio, Sinohara Ryoji, Sugisawa Yuka, Sawada Yuko, Ishii Yukiko, Tong Lian, Tanaka Emiko, Tomisaki Etsuko, Watanabe Taeko, Onda Yoko, Mochizuki Yukiko, Morita Kentaro, Namba Mayumi, Gan-Yadam Amarsanaa, Tokutake Kentaro, Wu Bailiang, Anme Tokie
    日本保健福祉学会誌 18(1) 102-106 2011年  
    Background: Dementia is one of the most common diseases in the elderly. Japan has the highest life expectancy in the world, which means that serious health problems such as dementia are prevalent among a large segment of the Japanese population. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between lifestyle habits and dementia among community dwelling older adults by conducting a cohort study. Methods: This was a prospective cohort study conducted over 6 years. The study was carried out in a farming community near a major urban center in Japan. Results: The participants consisted of 525 elderly adults aged 65 years or older. Multiple logistic regression analysis after adjustment for sex and age indicated that the diagnosis of dementia was 4.0 times higher among participants who did not take breakfast (p<0.01, CI=1.3-11.8), 2.7 times higher among participants who did snack (p<0.05, CI=1.1-6.5), 2.5 times higher among participants who did not care for salt consumption (p<0.05, CI=1.1-5.8), and 2.7 times higher among participants who did not care for nutrient balance (p<0.05, CI=1.2-6.2). Conclusion: According to our results, several lifestyle habits were associated with dementia. Appropriate interventions are required for high-risk individuals, including those with mild cognitive impairment. Evaluation and counseling by the physician is likely to strongly influence patient and caregiver awareness of dementia and hopefully slow disease progression. We suggest that public nurses may have the capacity to assess community dwelling elderly individuals in this manner in the Japanese health system.
  • Anme Tokie, Shinohara Ryoji, Sugisawa Yuka, Sawada Yuko, Watanabe Taeko, Tomisaki Etsuko, Hirano Maki, Tanaka Emiko, Ishii Yukiko, Morita Kentaro, Tokutake Kentaro, Motizuki Yukiko, Nanba Mayumi, Gan-Yadam Amarsanaa, Wu Bailiang, McCall Mary
    日本保健福祉学会誌 18(1) 18-27 2011年  
    Objectives. This study was designed to clarify the relation between continuity of social interaction and eight-year-mortality in a group of elderly people. Methods. The participants were all 65 years or older living in farming communities near major urban centers in Japan (n=554). The contents of the questionnaire covered social interaction (using an "Index of Social Interaction" consisting of 18 items), health status, activities of daily living (ADL), age and gender. Results. A total of 84 subjects died within the eight year period after the baseline survey: 1) baseline age and ADL were related to the eight-year mortality; 2) continuity of social interaction was positively related to reduced mortality; 3) multiple logistic regression analysis adjusted for baseline age, gender, physical function, health status, and ADL indicated that continuity of social interaction was related to reduced mortality. Discussion. These findings highlight the importance of continuing social interaction in successful aging.
  • Morita Kentaro, Shinohara Ryoji, Sugisawa Yuka, Sawada Yuko, Tanaka Emiko, Hirano Maki, Watanabe Taeko, Onda Yoko, Kawashima Yuri, Ito Sumio, Tong Lian, Mochizuki Yukiko, Tokutake Kentaro, Gan-Yadam Amarsanaa, Anme Tokie
    日本保健福祉学会誌 18(1) 87-92 2011年  
    A cohort study focusing on dental health, dental behavior and mortality was carried out among the elderly residents of a village near the city Nagoya. The aim of the study was to assess the possible role of dental health and dental behavior as a predictor of mortality. A survey, conducted during the period from 2002 to 2008, targeted 1012 people over the age of 60. Upon completion of the survey, multiple logistic regression was used to analyze factors affecting the survival rate. The results revealed a significant correlation between 6-year mortality levels and oral health behavior as indicated by a yes answer to the following questions; "Do you know the 8020 Movement?"; "Do you go to the dentist as soon as possible, if you need to?"; "Do you brush your teeth two times or more during a day?"; "Do you go to the dentist for a routine dental health check-up?". Within the positive responder group logistic regression analyses further revealed that the mortality rate was significantly dependent upon age and gender when using the yearly number of routine dental health check-ups as the independent variable. Our results support the hypothesis that a routine dental health check up strongly correlates with an increased survival rate and a longer lifespan.
  • 恩田 陽子, 篠原 亮次, 杉澤 悠圭, 童 連, 田中 笑子, 冨崎 悦子, 平野 真紀, 渡辺 多恵子, 望月 由妃子, 川島 悠里, 難波 麻由美, 徳竹 健太郎, 安梅 勅江
    日本保健福祉学会誌 16(2) 23-28 2010年11月  査読有り
  • 望月 由妃子, 篠原 亮次, 杉澤 悠圭, 童 連, 平野 真紀, 冨崎 悦子, 田中 笑子, 渡辺 多恵子, 恩田 陽子, 川島 悠里, 安梅 勅江
    厚生の指標 57(12) 24-30 2010年10月  査読有り
    目的 本研究は,虐待に関連する養育者側および子ども側要因を経年的な分析により明らかにし,虐待の早期発見・早期支援に向けた支援への一助とすることを目的とした。方法 全国の認可夜間および併設昼間保育園(18園)に在籍する2〜6歳の子どもと保護者2,050名が対象であり,担当保育専門職より「気になる子ども」と評価された40名の園児のうち,2006年度における虐待の聞き取り調査で「虐待」の「確定」「疑い」と評価された6名を対象とし,基準年(2005年)と1年後(2006年)のデータ双方から育児環境と発達状況を分析した。担当保育専門職には「子どもの気になる行動」「園児用発達チェックリスト」の記入とともに,「虐待やネグレクトの有無」について聞き取り調査を行った。結果 虐待の聞き取り内容では,「疑い」5名,「確定」1名であった。子どもの発達は1年後に「リスクあり」が増加しており,子どもの発達リスクと虐待との関係が示された。その中で1名は1年後に発達が好転しており,背景に保護者の昼間勤務への転職による生活の改善があった。乳幼児の発達に「規則正しい生活リズム」と「情緒的安定」が重要であることが示された。育児環境では「父・母の協力が乏しい」「子どもを持つ友人との交流が乏しい」が基準年および1年後ともに高い割合であり,保護者は配偶者や友人のサポートが得られず孤立した中で子育てをしていた。子どもの失敗への対応に「たたく」と答えた2名は,「精神的に不安定な母親」と「しつけに厳しい父親」であった。また「先週子どもをたたいた回数」は「1〜2回以上」が半数以上おり,虐待のグレーゾーンを示していた。「たたいた」と基準年および1年後に回答した保護者のうち3名は同じ人で,子どもの失敗に対し「たたく」と答えた2名と「母子家庭で高校生の姉が面倒を見ているケース」であった。保護者特性では,「育児の自信がない」と半数が基準年および1年後に回答しており,保護者の背景要因に即した適切な支援が求められている。「保育園に行くのを楽しみにしている」は基準年および1年後ともに全数であり,保育園は家庭でのかかわりを日常的に補完する役割を担っていた。結論 児童虐待の早期発見・早期支援のために,保育園等乳幼児期の子どもの支援機関で活用可能な根拠のある支援技術の普及と地域や家庭における子育て支援システムの構築が期待される。(著者抄録)
  • 渡辺 多恵子, 田中 笑子, 冨崎 悦子, 安梅 勅江
    小児保健研究 69(2) 329-335 2010年3月  査読有り
  • 田中 笑子, 篠原 亮次, 杉澤 悠圭, 童 蓮, 渡辺 多恵子, 恩田 陽子, 川島 悠里, 矢藤 優子, 山川 紀子, 安梅 勅江
    日本保健福祉学会誌 16(1) 57-66 2010年2月  査読有り
  • Sugisawa Yuka, Shinohara Ryoji, Tong Lian, Tanaka Emiko, Yato Yuko, Yamakawa Noriko, Anme Tokie, Japan Children's Study Group
    日本保健福祉学会誌 16(1) 43-55 2010年  
    Objective The purpose of this study is to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Interaction Rating Scale (IRS) for assessing a child's social competence. We examined the internal consistency of IRS and criterion-related validity of IRS and NCAST Parent-Child Interaction Program Teaching Scale (NCATS). Methods The samples of this study ware 211 dyads of children and their caregivers who participated in the Japan Science and Technology Agency project. To evaluate the criterion-related validity of IRS, an image of the setting of the child-caregiver interaction was coded by both IRS and NCATS. The correlation between each subscale of IRS and the demographic information was calculated using Pearson's correlation coefficient. Considering the internal consistency of IRS, Cronbach's alpha was used. Pearson's correlation coefficient was calculated to assess the criterion-related validity between the subscales of IRS and NCATS. Results Cronbach's alpha of IRS was 0.91, and in the domains of the child and caregiver, Cronbach's alpha values were 0.88 and 0.85, respectively. Pearson's correlation coefficient between IRS total score and NCATS total score was 0.89, the child's total score was 0.70, and the caregiver's total score was 0.98 (p<0.001). Discussion The high internal consistency of IRS and significant correlations of results of IRS with those of NCATS confirmed the reliability and criterion-related validity of IRS.
  • Shinohara Ryoji, Sugisawa Yuka, Tong Lian, Tanaka Emiko, Yato Yuko, Yamakawa Noriko, Maeda Tadahiko, Anme Tokie, Japan Children's Study Group
    日本保健福祉学会誌 16(1) 31-42 2010年  
    Background We examined the longitudinal relationship between children's social competence at eighteen months of age and the caregiver's attitude of the importance of "praise", with particular emphasis on the change in their attitude when their children were four and nine months old. Methods A total of 176 children with their parents from two Japanese cities were recruited for this study. The children's social competence and the parent's competence for rearing children were assessed when the toddlers were eighteen months old, using the IRS (Interaction Rating Scale) that was developed by the authors. Results The parent's continuous attitude towards the importance of "praise" when children at both four and nine months old improved the children's level of social competence at eighteen months old, after controlling for such factors as children's gender, family type, sibling, mother's and father's age, mother's and father's career, mother's and father's educational level, and family income. Conclusion It is interesting that even infants of four to nine months old were affected by the parent's continuous attitude towards the importance of "praise" and this attitude affects the development of the child's social competence later.
  • T. Anme, R. Shinohara, Y. Sugisawa, L. Tong, E. Tanaka, T. Watanabe, Y. Onda, Y. Kawashima, M. Hirano, E. Tomisaki, H. Mochizuki, K. Morita, A. Gan-Yadam, Y. Yato, N. Yamakawa, Zentaro Yamagata, Hideaki Koizumi, Kevin K.F. Wong, Yoko Anji, Hiraku Ishida, Mizue Iwasaki, Aya Kutsuki, Misa Kuroki, Haruka Koike, Daisuke N. Saito, Akiko Sawada, Yuka Shiotani, Daisuke Tanaka, Shunyue Cheng, Hiroshi Toyoda, Kumiko Namba, Tamami Fukushi, Tomoyo Morita, Hisakazu Yanaka, Yoichi Sakakihara, Kanehisa Morimoto, Kayako Nakagawa, Shoji Itakura, Kiyotaka Tomiwa, Shunya Sogon, Toyojiro Matsuishi, Tamiko Ogura, Masako Okada, Hiroko Ikeda, Norihiro Sadato, Mariko Y. Momoi, Hirosato Shiokawa, Takanori Yamagata, Tadahiko Maeda, Tohru Ozaki, Tokie Anme, Takahiro Hoshino, Osamu Sakura, Yukuo Konishi, Katsutoshi Kobayashi, Tatsuya Koeda, Toshitaka Tamaru, Shinako Terakawa, Ayumi Seki, Ariko Takeuchi, Hideo Kawaguchi, Sonoko Egami, Yoshihiro Komada, Hatsumi Yamamoto, Motoki Bonno, Noriko Yamakawa, Masatoshi Kawai, Y. Yato, Koichi Negayama
    Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 2(2) 260-268 2010年  査読有り
    Background: The purpose of this paper is to describe the gender differences of the Interaction Rating Scale (IRS) as an evidence-based practical index of children's social skills and parenting. Methods: The participants in our study, which was conducted as part of a Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) cohort study project, were 370 dyads of children with their caregivers were followed up and surveyed at aged 18, 30, and 42 month. The participants completed the five minute interaction session and were observed using the IRS. Results: The results indicated the gender differences of IRS scores. Girls got rather high score at all ages. IRS can measure children's social skill development and parenting with high validity. Along with the qualitative differences of interaction between boys and girls, the IRS is effective in describing features of social skill development and parenting. Conclusion: The IRS provides further evidence of the fact that in order to study children's social skill development, it is important to evaluate various features of the caregiver-child interaction as a predictor of social skills. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • T. Anme, H. Tanaka, R. Shinohara, Y. Sugisawa, E. Tanaka, L. Tong, T. Watanabe, Y. Onda, Y. Kawashima, E. Tomisaki, H. Mochizuki, M. Hirano, K. Morita, A. Gan-Yadam, Uma Segal
    Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 2(2) 5573-5580 2010年  査読有り
    Background: With increasing numbers of women joining the evening/nighttime and extended-hour workforce, there is a need for quality childcare during these hours. Methods: This project, conducted in Japan, sought to compare the effects of expanded child-care on the development and adaptation of 185 young children after five years in care. Parents completed a survey on the childrearing environment at home, their feelings of self-confidence, and the presence of support for childcare. Childcare professionals evaluated the development of children. Results: The results of multiple regression analysis indicate that factors in the home environment, not length of center-based care, explained developmental risks five years later. Conclusion: High quality center-based childcare provides good condition of children's development after five years. For further evidence to study children's development, it is important to follow up to evaluate various features of longer duration. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Tokie Anme, Ryoji Shinohara, Yuka Sugisawa, Lian Tong, Emiko Tanaka, Taeko Watanabe, Yoko Onda, Yuri Kawashima, Maki Hirano, Etsuko Tomisaki, Yukiko Mochizuki, Kentaro Morita, Amarsanaa Gan-Yadam, Yuko Yato, Noriko Yamakawa
    Journal of Epidemiology 20(SUPPL.2) S419-S426 2010年  査読有り
    Background: The purpose of this paper is to describe the features of the Interaction Rating Scale (IRS) as an evidence-based practical index of children's social skills and parenting. Methods: The participants in our study, which was conducted as part of a Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) project, were 370 dyads of children (aged 18, 30, and 42 month) and 81 dyads of 7-year-old children with their caregivers. The participants completed the five minute interaction session and were observed using the IRS. Results: The results indicated that the IRS can measure children's social skill development and parenting with high validity. Along with the discriminate validity for pervasive development disorder (PDD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), abuse and maltreatment, a high correlation with the SDQ (Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire), and high reliability, the IRS is effective in describing features of social skill development. Conclusions: The IRS provides further evidence of the fact that in order to study children's social skill development, it is important to evaluate various features of the caregiver-child interaction as a predictor of social skills. © 2010 by the Japan Epidemiological Association.
  • Ryoji Shinohara, Yuka Sugisawa, Lian Tong, Emiko Tanaka, Taeko Watanabe, Yoko Onda, Yuri Kawashima, Maki Hirano, Etsuko Tomisaki, Yukiko Mochizuki, Kentaro Morita, Gan Yadam Amarsanaa, Yuko Yato, Noriko Yamakawa, Tokie Anme
    Journal of Epidemiology 20(SUPPL.2) S441-S446 2010年  査読有り
    Background: Praise from caregivers has been shown as an important influence on the development of social competence in early adolescence. However, the effects of praise in younger children have not been investigated. We examined how the trajectory of children's social competence from 18 months to 30 months of age was related to their caregiver's attitude towards the importance of praise at times when their child was 4 months and 9 months old. Methods: We studied 155 mother-child dyads, whose interactions during play were observed both when the child was 18 months and 30 months old, which was conducted as part of a Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) project. The child's social competence was assessed using the Interaction Rating Scale (IRS). Demographic data was obtained when the child was 4 months old, and the caregiver's attitude towards the importance of praise when the child was both 4 months and 9 months old. A logistic regression analysis controlling for the effects of demographic variables was performed. Results: We found that children who had received continuous praise from their mother when they were 4-9 months of age had a decreased risk of low social competence at 18-30 months of age. Conclusions: A mother's attitude towards the importance of praise at early stages of her child's development has an important influence on the later trajectory of social competence. © 2010 by the Japan Epidemiological Association.
  • Yuka Sugisawa, Ryoji Shinohara, Lian Tong, Emiko Tanaka, Taeko Watanabe, Yoko Onda, Yuri Kawashima, Maki Hirano, Etsuko Tomisaki, Yukiko Mochizuki, Kentaro Morita, Amarsanaa Gan-Yadam, Yuko Yato, Noriko Yamakawa, Tokie Anme
    Journal of Epidemiology 20(SUPPL.2) S459-S465 2010年  査読有り
    Background: Many studies have suggested that the daily emotional interactions between a child and his/her caregiver play a significant role in his/her development. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the trajectory patterns of parenting patterns of caregivers raising toddlers affect the social competence of the toddlers. Methods: The study participants were 246 dyads of 18-month-old children (baseline) and their caregivers, which was conducted as part of a Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) project. We used the Interaction Rating Scale (IRS) to evaluate the children's social competence. We assessed the child rearing environments by analyzing the caregivers' responses to the Index of Child Care Environment (ICCE). Results: Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that the children's total score on the IRS was significantly related to how frequently they sang songs together with their caregivers. Their score was also significantly related to how closely their caregiver worked with his/her partner in raising the child. These relationships did not change according to demographic information. Conclusions: The results confirm previous findings on the relationship between parenting patterns and children's social competence. In particular, the study shows that varied and continual parenting significantly affects a child's social competence. © 2010 by the Japan Epidemiological Association.
  • Emiko Tanaka, Etsuko Tomisaki, Ryoji Shinohara, Yuka Sugisawa, Lian Tong, Taeko Watanabe, Yoko Onda, Yuri Kawashima, Maki Hirano, Yukiko Mochizuki, Kentaro Morita, Amarsanaa Gan-Yadam, Yuko Yato, Noriko Yamakawa, Shoji Itakura, Tamiko Ogura, Aya Kutsuki, Misa Kuroki, Tokie Anme
    Journal of Epidemiology 20(SUPPL.2) S447-S451 2010年  査読有り
    Background: The purpose of this study was to examine the relations between children's social competence and initial index of theory of mind at 30 months of age. Methods: The participants of the study were 322 toddlers and parents/caregivers who were registered with the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) project. They completed a five-minute interaction session, which was coded using the Interaction Rating Scale (IRS) as an evidence-based practical index of children's social competence. In addition, the children were asked to complete a diverse-desire task as a ToM (theory of mind) index. Results: The results showed that the ToM index was related to the total score and subscales of the IRS, such as Empathy and Emotional regulation. Conclusions: These findings show that the IRS score was related to ToM task performance at 30 months of age. © 2010 by the Japan Epidemiological Association.
  • Etsuko Tomisaki, Emiko Tanaka, Ryoji Shinohara, Yuka Sugisawa, Lian Tong, Maki Hirano, Taeko Watanabe, Yoko Onda, Yukiko Mochizuki, Yuri Kawashima, Yuko Yato, Noriko Yamakawa, Tokie Anme
    Journal of Epidemiology 20(SUPPL.2) S472-S475 2010年  査読有り
    Background: It is known that sleep problems impact children's health, learning, and school performance. The purpose of this paper is to examine the association between sleeping habits and social competence development. Methods: Three hundred and nine caregiver-child dyads participated in this study, which was conducted as part of a Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) project. The caregivers answered some questionnaires about sleeping habits when the child was 9 months and 18 months old. Caregiver-child interaction was observed when the child was 30 months old, and the features of the interaction were examined using the Interaction Rating Scale (IRS) as a measure of social competence. Results: The caregivers' attitude toward sleeping in the 9-month period was found to be significantly correlated with the children's social competence at 30 months. Moreover the caregivers' attitude toward sleeping in the 9-month period significantly correlated with the children's sleeping habits at 9 and 18 months. Conclusions: These findings show that the caregivers' attitude toward sleeping is an important factor influencing the development of children's social competence. © 2010 by the Japan Epidemiological Association.
  • Lian Tong, Ryoji Shinohara, Yuka Sugisawa, Emiko Tanaka, Taeko Watanabe, Yoko Onda, Yuri Kawashima, Yuko Yato, Noriko Yamakawa, Tatsuya Koeda, Hiraku Ishida, Shinako Terakawa, Ayumi Seki, Tokie Anme
    Journal of Epidemiology 20(SUPPL.2) S466-S471 2010年  査読有り
    Background: The present study examines gender differences in the correlations between intelligence and developmental problems as well as social competence in first graders. Methods: Ninety parent-child dyads participated in this study. The children comprised 7-year-olds recruited from the first grade of an elementary school. All the children were administered the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition (WISC-III), Parent-child Interaction Rating Scale (IRS), and the parent report version of Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Results: The findings clarified that the processing speed of boys significantly correlated with their peer relationship. On the other hand, the emotional symptoms exhibited by girls had a more common association with their intellectual abilities. The correlations between parenting and intellectual abilities differed in boys and girls. Conclusions: Children's gender should be taken into account when assessing the diversity in their intellectual abilities and developmental problems. Moreover, parenting also influences the development of children in various ways. © 2010 by the Japan Epidemiological Association.
  • Yuko Yato, Daisuke Tanaka, Ryoji Shinohara, Yuka Sugisawa, Emiko Tanaka, Lian Tong, Noriko Yamakawa, Tokie Anme, Masatoshi Kawai, Tadahiko Maeda
    Journal of Epidemiology 20(SUPPL.2) S435-S440 2010年  査読有り
    Background: This study investigated developmental change and stability in infant responses to the still-face (SF) situation, as well as predictive validity at age 18 months, focusing on autonomy and responsiveness. Methods: A total of 231 children (117 boys and 114 girls) and their Japanese mothers were observed in a face-toface SF situation at two infant ages (4 and 9 months), as well as a caregiver-child teaching interaction at age 18 months. Each infant's facial expression, gaze direction, and vocalization were coded according to the SF paradigm, including the Natural Interaction (NI) and SF phases. Each child's Autonomy and Responsiveness to the Caregiver at age 18 months were both evaluated by means of the Interaction Rating Scale. Results: The results indicated that negative facial expression and vocalization in the SF phases at age 9 months predicted the Autonomy rating at age 18 months, while positive facial expression and gaze toward the caregiver in the NI at age 9 months predicted the Responsiveness to Caregiver rating at age 18 months. Conclusions: The results are discussed in the context of developmental continuity and change in the children's social cognition and voluntary movements. © 2010 by the Japan Epidemiological Association.
  • 篠原 亮次, 星野 崇宏, 杉澤 悠圭, 童 連, 田中 笑子, 渡辺 多恵子, 恩田 陽子, 安梅 勅江
    厚生の指標 56(15) 20-25 2009年12月  査読有り
    目的 本研究は,発達障害のなかでも特に社会性の障害をその特徴とする広汎性発達障害(PDD)に焦点を当て,就学前児用社会スキル尺度(第1因子:協調,第2因子:自己制御,第3因子:自己表現)の下位尺度得点との関連およびその予測妥当性を検討することで,社会スキル発達リスク該当児の早期発見,早期支援への一助とすることを目的とした。方法 対象は,2000年から2006年にかけて,全国夜間保育園連盟に加入している21都道府県98ヶ所の認可保育園に在籍している2歳から6歳までの園児である。方法は,各保育園の担当保育士が,年1回,就学前児用社会スキル尺度を用いて各園児の社会スキルを評価した。また,発達障害に関しては,2006年および2007年に各園で「気になる子ども」としてあげられた園児の中から,医療機関の診断,所見で発達障害(PDD,ADHD(注意欠陥多動性障害),MR(精神遅滞))の確定もしくは疑いの診断をうけている園児のデータを訪問調査の協力を得た各保育園から収集した。分析は,発達障害の確定もしくは疑い該当児を除く園児を「非該当」,PDD該当児を「PDD該当」と2群に分類し,年齢ごとに就学前児用社会スキル尺度の各下位尺度得点に関して2群間の平均値の差の検定を実施した。つづいて,PDD(該当,非該当)を目的変数,就学前児用社会スキル尺度の各下位尺度得点を説明変数としたロジスティック回帰分析を年齢ごとに実施した。結果 各下位尺度得点に関して,「PDD該当」児と「非該当」児それぞれの平均値は,年齢経過にしたがって平均値の推移に大きな差がみられた。「非該当」児では,年齢の経過とともに各下位尺度得点の平均値が上昇していく傾向があるが,「PDD該当」児では推移の変化に乏しい。特に4歳以降では「非該当」児と「PDD該当」児のすべての下位尺度得点平均値が有意な差を示しており,「PDD該当」児の社会スキルは「非該当」児に比較して低いことが示された。一方,ロジスティック回帰分析結果では,2歳,3歳において第3因子(協調)でのみ,また4歳,5歳,6歳ではすべての因子で有意な関連がみられた。結論 就学前児用社会スキル尺度は,4歳以降では「PDD該当」リスクが社会スキル尺度の全因子で,また医療機関の診断が確定しにくい2歳,3歳では,第3因子(自己表現)の下位尺度得点で,「PDD該当」への移行を把握可能であることが示唆された。本尺度が,子育て支援専門職にとってPDD児の早期発見,早期支援のための評価手法の一助となることが期待される。(著者抄録)









