淀川 裕美, 箕輪 潤子, 門田 理世, 秋田 喜代美
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 59(59) 485-516 2019年
In order to depict a mechanism of preschool teachers' ways of learning at their on-site training session, this study consists of two research projects: project 1 is to clarify preschool teachers and directors overall learning experiences through on-site training session, and project 2 is to examine ways of preschool teachers' and directors' learning process at their actual on-site training session. As results, the feel-secured atmosphere of on-site training session facilitates preschool teachers learning process and making practice visible and being aware of its importance through exchanging their minds and thoughts with each other are considered as what they learnt at the session. In order to give on-site training sessions a structure, it is implied that examining its phase, each teachers learning process, and their interweaving mindsets emerged between within inner-self and interaction with others is crucial.