
淺野 敬子

アサノ ケイコ  (Keiko Asano)


武蔵野大学 通信教育部 人間科学部 講師





  • HATAKEYAMA, Megumi,SHICHIJI, Somei, YAMAGISHI, Shohei,ASANO, Keiko,KITA, Yoshiko,TSUJI, Keisuke
    武蔵野大学心理臨床センター紀要 23 39-48 2023年12月  
  • Takuya Yoshiike, Francesco Benedetti, Yoshiya Moriguchi, Benedetta Vai, Veronica Aggio, Keiko Asano, Masaya Ito, Hiroki Ikeda, Hidefumi Ohmura, Motoyasu Honma, Naoto Yamada, Yoshiharu Kim, Satomi Nakajima, Kenichi Kuriyama
    Scientific reports 13(1) 7596-7596 2023年5月10日  
    Grief reactions to the bereavement of a close individual could involve empathy for pain, which is fundamental to social interaction. To explore whether grief symptoms interact with social relatedness to a person to whom one directs empathy to modulate the expression of empathy, we administered an empathy task to 28 bereaved adults during functional magnetic resonance imaging, in which participants were subliminally primed with facial stimuli (e.g., faces of their deceased or living relative, or a stranger), each immediately followed by a visual pain stimulus. Individuals' grief severity promoted empathy for the pain stimulus primed with the deceased's face, while it diminished the neural response to the pain stimulus primed with the face of either their living relative or a stranger in the medial frontal cortex (e.g., the right dorsal anterior cingulate cortex). Moreover, preliminary analyses showed that while the behavioral empathic response was promoted by the component of "longing" in the deceased priming condition, the neural empathic response was diminished by the component of "avoidance" in the stranger priming condition. Our results suggest an association between grief reactions to bereavement and empathy, in which grief symptoms interact with interpersonal factors to promote or diminish empathic responses to others' pain.
  • 淺野敬子
    刑事法ジャーナル (75) 44-50 2023年2月  招待有り筆頭著者
  • 淺野敬子, 今野理恵子, 山本このみ, 井上美里, 正木智子, 平川和子, 小西聖子
    武蔵野大学心理臨床センター紀要 22 1-13 2022年12月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Keiko ASANO, Yoshiko KITA, Megumi HATAKEYAMA, Somei SHICHIJI, Shohei YAMAGISHI, Keisuke TSUJI
    Annual report of Musashino University Clinical Psychology Center 22 31-39 2022年12月  筆頭著者
  • 今野理恵子, 淺野敬子, 山本このみ, 小西聖子
    トラウマティック・ストレス 20(2) 83-91 2022年12月  査読有り
  • 中山 千秋, 中島 聡美, 今野 理恵子, 淺野 敬子, 山本 このみ, 大岡 友子, 佐々木 真由美, 小西 聖子
    被害者学研究 / 日本被害者学会 編 (31) 17-33 2022年3月  査読有り招待有り
  • 佐々木 真由美, 中山 千秋, 大岡 友子, 山本 このみ, 今野 理恵子, 淺野 敬子, 中島 聡美, 小西 聖子
    武蔵野大学心理臨床センター紀要 21(21) 1-10 2021年12月  査読有り
  • 今野 理恵子, 淺野 敬子, 正木 智子, 山本 このみ, 小西 聖子
    武蔵野大学人間科学研究所年報 = The annual bulletin of Musashino University Institute of Human Sciences 7(7) 97-112 2018年3月1日  査読有り
  • 淺野 敬子, 正木 智子, 今野 理恵子, 山本 このみ, 平川 和子, 小西 聖子
    トラウマティック・ストレス : 日本トラウマティック・ストレス学会誌 = Japanese journal of traumatic stress : official journal of the Japanese Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 15(1) 59-68 2017年6月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 淺野 敬子, 中島 聡美, 成澤 知美, 中澤 直子, 金 吉晴, 小西 聖子
    女性心身医学 21(3) 325-335 2017年3月  査読有り
  • 今野 理恵子, 淺野 敬子, 正木 智子, 山本 このみ, 小西 聖子
    女性心身医学 21(3) 295-305 2017年3月  査読有り
  • 淺野 敬子, 平川 和子, 小西 聖子
    被害者学研究 (26) 37-52 2016年3月  査読有り招待有り
  • Maiko Fukasawa, Yuriko Suzuki, Satomi Nakajima, Keiko Asano, Tomomi Narisawa, Yoshiharu Kim
    Objective: We intended to build consensus on appropriate disaster mental health services among professionals working in the area affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. Methods: We focused on the first 3 months after the disaster, divided into 3 phases: immediate aftermath, acute phase, and midphase. We adopted the Delphi process and asked our survey participants (n = 115) to rate the appropriateness of specific mental health services in each phase and comment on them. We repeated this process 3 times, giving participants feedback on the results of the previous round. Through this process, we determined the criterion for positive consensus for each item as having the agreement of more than 80% of the participants. Results: We found that the importance of acute psychiatric care and prescribing regular medication for psychiatric patients gained positive consensus in the immediate aftermath and acute phase. Counseling and psychoeducation after traumatic events or provision of information gained consensus in the acute phase and midphase, and screening of mental distress gained consensus in the midphase. Conclusions: Higher priority was given to continuous psychiatric services in the immediate aftermath and mental health activities in later phases.
  • Yuriko Suzuki, Maiko Fukasawa, Satomi Nakajima, Tomomi Narisawa, Asano Keiko, Yoshiharu Kim
    PLoS Currents 7 2015年1月29日  査読有り
    Objectives: In this survey, we aimed to build consensus and gather opinions on ‘Kokoro-no care’ or mental health services and psychosocial support (MHSPSS) after a disaster, among mental health professionals who engaged in care after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Methods: We recruited mental health professionals who engaged in support activities after the Great East Japan Earthquake, which included local health professionals in the affected areas and members of mental health care teams dispatched from outside (n = 131). Adopting the Delphi process, we proposed a definition of ‘Kokoro-no care’, and asked the participants to rate the appropriateness on a 5-point Likert scale. We also solicited free comments based on the participants’ experiences during the disaster. After Round 1, we presented the summary statistics and comments, and asked the participants to re-rate the definition that had been modified based on their comments. This process was repeated twice, until the consensus criterion of ≥ 80% of the participants scoring ≥ 4 on the statement was fulfilled. Results: In Round 1, 68.7% of the respondents rated the proposed definition ≥ 4 for its appropriateness, and 88.4% did so in Round 2. The comments were grouped into categories (and subcategories) based on those related to the definition in general (Appropriate, Continuum of MHSPSS, Cautions in operation, Alternative categorisation of care components, Whether the care component should be categorised according to the professional involved, Ambiguous use of psychology, and Others), to mental health services (Appropriate, More specification within mental health services, More explicit remarks on mental health services, and Others), and to psychosocial support (Whether the care component should be categorised according to the professional involved, Raising concerns about the terms, and Others), and others. Conclusion: We achieved a consensus on the definition of ‘Kokoro-no care’, and systematically obtained suggestions on the concept, and practical advice on operation, based on the participants’ experiences from the Great East Japan Earthquake. This collective knowledge will serve as reference to prepare and respond to future disasters.
  • 今野 理恵子, 野口 普子, 淺野 敬子, 坂巻 郁美, 小西 聖子
    武蔵野大学心理臨床センター紀要 14(14) 1-12 2014年12月  査読有り
  • 淺野 敬子, 小西 聖子, 中島 聡美
    武蔵野大学心理臨床センター紀要 (11) 1-11 2011年  査読有り筆頭著者













