Curriculum Vitaes

Mikito Sugino

  (杉野 幹人)

Profile Information

Professor, Graduate School of Language and Culture, Musashino University
Chief Strategy Officer, UZABASE
Doctor of Commerce(Feb, 2014, Waseda University)
Master of Business Administration(Jul, 2004, INSEAD)
Bachelor of Engineering(Mar, 1997, Tokyo Institute of Technology)

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  • SUGINO Mikito
    The Journal of Science Policy and Research Management, 32(2) 128-137, 2017  Invited
    Researchers have long studied the types of mission of corporate venture capital. In practice, however, some issues have recently been identified in those studied types of mission. Also, practitioners have started to set another type of mission for their corporate venture capital. In this article, I discuss those issues of the previously studied types of missions identified in practice, and new moves by corporate venture capital to solve them. I then discuss some research questions that recent practices raise.
  • Sugino Mikito
    Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design, 60(4) 4_11-4_20, 2013  Peer-reviewed
    Design-driven innovation has been widely studied in innovation research. It is said that sources of design-driven innovation appear in the middle of design, neither in novel technologies nor in novel manifest needs.<br>However, although design-driven innovation has been argued in innovation research, detailed design process for design-driven innovation has not been clarified yet.<br>The aim of this study is to propose a design process for design-driven innovation. Reviewing literatures focused on design-driven innovation and analyzing a case of design-driven innovation are taken as approaches in this study.<br>In the end, this paper proposes a design process for design-driven innovation that starts with a finding of use of an artifact for another purpose.
  • Sugino Mikito
    Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design, 59(4) 4_51-4_60, 2012  Peer-reviewed
    In this paper, types of design in innovation studies and their features are clarified. It is expected that an understanding of them will lead to implication of contribution of design to innovation.<br>To classify types of design in innovation studies, Quantification Theory Type III and cluster analysis are applied to studies focusing on design in Journal of Product Innovation Management, a prestige journal in innovation studies.<br>In the end, four types of design in innovation studies and their features are clarified. In addition, it is clarified that one of the four types of design does not necessarily require new technology and manifest needs, but requires new interpretation of a designer as source of innovation. This implies that this type of design contributes to origination of innovation more than those others types of design.
  • Sugino Mikito
    Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design, 59(3) 3_85-3_92, 2012  Peer-reviewed
    Latent functions are defined as functions of an artifact that appear when the situation changes. As studies on artifacts with abundant latent functions represent, studies on ways of evaluation of latent functions have been engaged. However, there have not been any other clear benefits of identification of latent functions than reduction of the amount of discarded artifacts through diversion. <br>In this paper, it is clarified that identification of latent functions of an artifact potentially leads to innovation. <br>Latent functions have not been discussed from the viewpoint of Innovation. It is expected that users will pay more attention to identification of latent functions, that designers will pay more attention to analysis of latent functions and that researchers will develop methodologies and tools to support them.



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