
吉田 ルシア幸子

ヨシダ サチコ ルシア  (Lucia Satiko Yoshida)


武蔵野大学 薬学部 薬学科 講師



  • Lucia Satiko Yoshida, Tomohito Kakegawa, Yasukatsu Yuda, Hiromi Takano-Ohmuro
    JOURNAL OF NATURAL MEDICINES 71(4) 723-734 2017年10月  査読有り
    We aimed to find candidate molecules possibly involved in the anti-inflammatory activity of shikonin (active compound of "Shikon") by analyzing its effects on gene expression of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-treated THP-1 macrophages. Polysome-associated mRNAs (those expected to be under translation: translatome) from cells treated with LPS alone (LPS: 5 A mu g/mL), shikonin alone (S: 100 nM), or LPS plus shikonin (LPS&S) for 3 h were analyzed by DNA microarray followed by detection of enriched pathways/gene ontologies using the tools of the STRING database. Candidate genes in enriched pathways in the comparison of LPS&S cells vs. LPS cells were analyzed by reverse-transcription quantitative real-time PCR (RT-qPCR; 1, 2, and 3 h). DNA microarray showed shikonin significantly influences gene expression. Gene expression changes between LPS&S cells and LPS cells were compared to detect relevant proteins and/or mRNAs underlying its anti-inflammatory effects: shikonin downregulated pathways which were upregulated in LPS cells, for example, 'innate immune response'. Within changed pathways, three genes were selected for RT-qPCR analyses as key candidates influencing inflammatory responses: CYBA (component of the superoxide-generating Nox2 enzyme), GSK3B (controller of cell responses after toll-like receptor stimulation), and EIF4E (a key factor of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4F complex that regulates abundance of other proteins involved in immune functions). All three mRNAs were decreased at 2 h, and CYBA continued low at 3 h relative to LPS cells. Given that shikonin decreased the expression of CYBA gene of Nox2, in addition to the direct inhibition of the Nox2 activity that we have previously shown, it is suggested that one of its anti-inflammatory mechanisms could be attenuation of oxidative stress.
  • Naoji Toyota, Chiaki Fujitsuka, Goushi Ishibashi, Lucia S. Yoshida, Hiromi Takano-Ohmuro
    CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION 41(1) 45-54 2016年  査読有り
    Tropomyosin (TPM) localizes along F-actin and, together with troponin T (TnT) and other components, controls calcium-sensitive muscle contraction. The role of the TPM isoform (TPM4 alpha) that is expressed in embryonic and adult cardiac muscle cells in chicken is poorly understood. To analyze the function of TPM4 alpha in myofibrils, the effects of TPM4 alpha-suppression were examined in embryonic cardiomyocytes by small interference RNA transfection. Localization of myofibril proteins such as TPM, actin, TnT, alpha-actinin, myosin and connectin was examined by immunofluorescence microscopy on day 5 when almost complete TPM4 alpha-suppression occurred in culture. A unique large structure was detected, consisting of an actin aggregate bulging from the actin bundle, and many curved filaments projecting from the aggregate. TPM, TnT and actin were detected on the large structure, but myosin, connectin, alpha-actinin and obvious myofibril striations were undetectable. It is possible that TPM4 alpha-suppressed actin filaments are sorted and excluded at the place of the large structure. This suggests that TPM4 alpha-suppression significantly affects actin filament, and that TPM4 alpha plays an important role in constructing and maintaining sarcomeres and myofibrils in cardiac muscle.
  • 55(2) 90-96 2014年9月  査読有り
  • 齋藤充生, 吉田ルシア幸子, 林譲, 佐井君江, 大室弘美, 矢島毅彦, 澤田康文, 長谷川隆一
    医薬品情報学 14(1) 2-13 2012年5月  査読有り



