
Kenta Suzuki

  (鈴木 健太)

Profile Information

Professor, Correspondence Division Faculty of Human Sciences, Musashino University
Master of Arts(The University of Tokyo)

researchmap Member ID

Research Interests


Research History


Committee Memberships



  • 伊久間, 洋光, 笠松, 直, 庄司, 史生, 鈴木, 健太, 玉井, 達士, 張, 美僑, 宮崎, 展昌
    法華文化研究, 49 1-23, Mar 20, 2023  
  • 鈴木 健太
    日本仏教学会年報 = The journal of the Nippon Buddhist Research Association, (86) 86-105, Aug, 2022  
  • Suzuki Kenta
    Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies (Indogaku Bukkyogaku Kenkyu), 68(1) 401-395, Dec 20, 2019  
    This paper investigates the kṣāntipāramitā in the smaller Mahāprajñāpāramitāsūtras. Translated terms in the Daoxing banruo jing 道行般若経 (T. 224), the oldest version of the smaller Mahāprajñāpāramitāsūtras, were examined first. The translator of the Daoxing banruo jing, Lokakṣema, had translated kṣānti into 忍辱, kṣāntipāramitā into 羼提波羅蜜, and anutpattikeṣu dharmeṣu kṣāntiḥ into 無所従生法. Moreover, the Daoxing banruo jing barely explained the contents of the practice of kṣānti. In conclusion, the smaller Mahāprajñāpāramitāsūtras did not change the contents of kṣānti practice already known through other sūtras and elsewhere.
  • Suzuki Kenta
    Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies (Indogaku Bukkyogaku Kenkyu), 67(1) 401-396, Dec 20, 2018  
    The enlarging of Buddhist Scriptures essentially ceased in Pāli Buddhism after the initiation of commentaries on the scriptures. Conversely, in Mahāyāna Buddhism, adding words to the sūtras continued even after this initiation of commentaries. The purpose of the present study is to identify some factors that allowed Buddhists to add words to the descriptions of the Prajñāpāramitā-sūtras. First, I argue that the descriptions that urge Buddhists to transcribe the sūtras and give them to others might make it difficult for Buddhists to stop changing words in the sūtras. Second, I argue that Buddhists might not have stopped enlarging the sūtras because enlargement is not prohibited in the sūtras, even though forgetting and losing only one word in the sūtras is forbidden.



Books and Other Publications

  • 斎藤, 明, 丸井, 浩, 下田, 正弘, 蓑輪, 顕量, 梶原, 三恵子, 高橋, 晃一, 加藤, 隆宏 編 (Role: Contributor, 「序章(大乗経典)」,「大品般若経」,「小品般若経」,「大般若経」,「般若心経」,「金剛経」,「大智度論」,「廻諍論」,「浄土論」,「現観荘厳論」,「現観荘厳論光明」の項目を執筆)
    春秋社, Dec, 2020 (ISBN: 9784393101735)
  • Seishi Karashima, Youngjin Lee, Jundo Nagashima, Fumio Shoji, Kenta Suzuki, Ye Shaoyong, Stefano Zacchetti (Role: Joint author)
    National Archives of India,International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, Soka University, Mar, 2016 (ISBN: 9784904234136)
  • 小峰, 弥彦, 勝崎, 裕彦, 渡辺, 章悟 編 (Role: Contributor, 「般若経注釈文献」(pp.153-178),「仏菩薩(阿閦仏,法上菩薩,常啼菩薩)」(pp.341-344),「論師(龍樹,無著,世親,カマラシーラ,ハリバドラ)」(pp. 353-357),「般若経研究史」(pp.479-489)を執筆)
    春秋社, Feb 2, 2015 (ISBN: 4393113160)
  • 岩波書店辞典編集部 (Role: Contributor, 「マーヤー」「ラーフラ」「スブーティ」「プールナ・マイトラーヤニー・プトラ」「ウパーリ」「カーティヤーヤナ」「アニルッダ」「チューダパンタカ」「アングリマーラ」「チュンダ」「ブッダダッタ」「シュリーラータ」「サンガバドラ」「ジュニャーナガルバ」「ハリバドラ」「プラジュニャーカラグプタ」「ジュニャーナシュリーミトラ」「ラトナキールティ」「ラトナーカラシャーンティ」「モークシャーカラグプタ」「ブッダシュリージュニャーナ」「ブッダグフヤ」「ナーガボーディ」「アバヤーカラグプタ」「マハーデーヴァ」「フランクリン・エジャトン」)
    岩波書店, Dec, 2013 (ISBN: 9784000803151)
  • 高崎直道監修, 下田正弘編 (Role: Contributor, 第3章「般若経の解釈世界」(pp.155-181))
    春秋社, May, 2013 (ISBN: 9784393101643)



Research Projects
