
前野 隆司

マエノ タカシ  (Maeno Takashi)


武蔵野大学 ウェルビーイング学部 教授
慶應義塾大学 システムデザイン・マネジメント研究科 教授
工学(1993年12月 東京工業大学)




  • Ogino J, Maruyama T, Umene-Nakano W, Maeno T
    Mindfulness 15(4) 889-898 2024年4月  
    Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the Intervention program of Mindfulness and Compassion against COVID-19 (IMACOCO), an online mindfulness-based intervention (MBI), in enhancing mindfulness, mental health, well-being, and productivity among working individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, the study examined the program’s efficacy in individuals directly impacted by the pandemic through a randomized controlled trial and pre-post program comparisons. Method: Three hundred working adults, including office workers, educators, and medical welfare workers, were randomly allocated to the intervention or waiting control group. An 8-week online MBI program, with pre-, interim (4 weeks), and post-program (8 weeks) evaluations, was conducted via the Internet; standardized questionnaires were used to assess mindfulness, psychological distress, life satisfaction, and productivity. After the initial 8-week program, the waiting control group participated in the same program and evaluation surveys for pre-post comparisons. Results: There were 99 participants in the intervention group and 111 in the control group. Significant increases in mindfulness (FFMQ) and life satisfaction (SWLS) as well as decrease in psychological distress (GHQ-12) were observed primarily in the intervention group (Cohen’s d = 0.18–0.52). Furthermore, the pre-post comparisons with 168 participants demonstrated significant improvements in productivity (Cohen’s d = 0.26), and stratified analysis revealed that participants affected by COVID-19 showed more pronounced benefits in mindfulness and life satisfaction than those who were unaffected. Conclusions: Implementing an online MBI program (IMACOCO) can be a potent strategy to reduce mental stress and enhance overall well-being and resilience, in a disaster-prone world. Preregistration: This study is not preregistered.
  • Akaki M, Maeno T
    Creativity and Innovation Management 2024年  
    This study indicated the role of conflict and idea acceptance on the relationship between feedback and team creative behaviour. We focused on the team's contextual factors affecting team creative behaviour instead of the behaviour of individuals between the specific hierarchical level in the organizations. We surveyed 535 practitioners in Japanese firms and quantitatively examined the result through hierarchical multiple regression analysis. The results show the positive direct effect of feedback on team creative behaviour and the mediation effects of conflict and idea acceptance on the relationship between feedback and team creative behaviour, which were identified regardless of the creative process. On the other hand, conflict negatively moderated the feedback-team creative behaviour relationship only in the idea-generation phase. This study contributes to team creativity studies by clarifying the effect of conflict, which had contradictory findings in the previous research. In addition, shedding light on idea acceptance within the teams is another contribution since limited studies are focusing on it. The results offer implications to practitioners by giving suggestions to effectively provide and react to feedback within the teams by managing conflicts that have both positive and negative effects on creativity and accepting each other's ideas, which move the idea forward.
  • 中野淳一, 青木勝, 岩科智彩, 古木大裕, 大堀杏, 井上亮太郎, 前野隆司
    日本感性工学会論文誌 22(3) 2023年8月  査読有り


  • 坂倉 杏介, 林 和眞, 小田 史郎, 保井 俊之, 前野 隆司
    地域活性学会研究大会論文集 11 119-122 2019年9月14日  
  • 宮村 貞量, 保井 俊之, 西村 勇也, 坂倉 杏介, 前野 隆司
    地域活性学会研究大会論文集 9 30-33 2017年9月1日  
  • 醍醐 孝典, 保井 俊之, 坂倉 杏介, 前野 隆司
    地域活性研究 7 109-118 2016年  
  • ハシム イザ フスナ モハマド, 竹村 研治郎, 前野 隆司, 中村 寿美, 三枝 なるみ
    マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム 2015(7) "28pm1-E-5-1"-"28pm1-E-5-2" 2015年10月21日  
    This research proposes a quantification method for tactile evaluation by hierarchically classify tactile sensations into three groups named low-order of tactile sensation (LTS), high-order of tactile sensation (HTS) and desired tactile sensation (DTS). A sensory evaluation was conducted and factor analysis was performed to extract the common potential factors in each group. Next, multiple regression analysis was used to determine and examine the relationship between LTS-HTS, and HTS-DTS. Then, multiple physical quantities for quantification were measured. After that, the LTS factors were quantified by using the measured physical quantities. As a result, DTS adjectives were also quantified. Lastly, a verification test was conducted and the result showed that the proposed method may possibly evaluate unknown samples' tactile sensation from measured physical quantities.
  • 和田 俊幸, ハシム イザフスナビンティモハマド, 竹村 研治郎, 前野 隆司
    マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム 2015(7) "30am2-PN-58-1"-"30am2-PN-58-2" 2015年10月21日  
    It has been found that human recognize tactile sensations by feeling the following four factors (friction, smoothness, hardness, thermal). A tactile display that can represent the four factors mentioned earlier was developed. This tactile display makes use of haptic devices an ultrasonic vibrator and a thermal display. The haptic devices reproduce the feeling of friction. The ultrasonic vibrator reproduces the feeling of smoothness and hardness by modulating the amplitude of the wave flowing through the material. The thermal display which consist of a Peltier element, reproduces the thermal feeling of materials. The tactile display presented and simulated to users different types of cloth materials; test subjects were able to discriminate the difference and properly tell which tactile display was simulating which cloth.
  • 前野 隆司
    日本機械学會誌 118(1158) 290-291 2015年5月5日  
  • 坂倉杏介, 保井俊之, 白坂成功, 前野隆司
    地域活性研究 6 2015年3月  査読有り
  • 浅賀 恵美, 竹村 研治郎, 前野 隆司, 牧野 奏才
    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2012 "G150021-1"-"G150021-4" 2012年9月9日  
    This paper presents a novel tactile sense measurement method. Tactile sense has not been measured quantitatively which is an important manufacture evaluation factor though. The authors constructed the tactile sense measurement system using vibration information during the active touch. First knowing what factors are related to touch feeling, sensory evaluation about the several samples' tactile sense is carried out. From factor analysis of the sensory evaluation result, three factors are obtained that related to softness, roughness, stickiness. Next, the measurement system imitating human active touch is constructed. The samples which will be evaluated is fixed on a sample table and rotated with constant speed. Then a piezoelectric element touches the object surface with constant normal force. The piezoelectric element measures the vibration information during active touch. Additionally, evaluation values related to tactile factors are defined using the vibration information obtained in experiments. Comparing the evaluation values with the sensory evaluation results, the paper shows effectiveness of this method.
  • 牧野 泰才, 前野 隆司
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 "1A1-A03(1)"-"1A1-A03(3)" 2012年5月27日  
    In this paper, we show a tactile sensitivity threshold to a high frequency Amplitude-Modulated (AM) vibration which depends on its carrier frequency. In a previous study, Lamore et al. showed the similar threshold curve which insisted that the Pacinian corpuscle was responsible for the perception. However, our results insist that the Meissner's corpuscle can be responsible for perceptual characteristic of the high-frequency AM vibration. We show our psychophysical experimental results and discuss a characteristic model.
  • 秋山 史門, 佐藤 克成, 牧野 泰才, 前野 隆司
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 "2P1-N03(1)"-"2P1-N03(2)" 2012年5月27日  
    We propose a wearable device which can detect user's action to add sound effects on our daily lives. In many movies, TV shows and animations, they use a sound effect to emphasize actions, which changes the impression of motions to be stronger, faster, and so on. Then, what would it be like if those kinds of sound effects are implemented on our daily motions? We prototyped two wearable devices which are especially suitable for detecting "walk" action. The two prototypes can detect contact condition of shoes to the ground and bending angle of knees respectively. These information can be used to add many kinds of sound effects to make users know their body conditions or to entertain them. For example, if every single steps of a walk emits funny sound, tough rehabilitation might be more enjoyable. The devices may change user's motion from bad manner to appropriate way with fun.
  • 佐藤 克成, 前野 隆司
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2012 "1P1-C01(1)"-"1P1-C01(4)" 2012年5月27日  
    We have proposed a thermal display that can present a sudden temperature change using spatially divided warm and cold stimuli; the display exploits two characteristics of human thermal perception: the spatial resolution of thermal sensation is low, and the thermal threshold depends on the adapting temperature. The spatially distributed warm and cold stimuli enabled users to perceive the thermal sensation rapidly even if the cold stimulus was suddenly presented after the warm stimulus and vice versa. In this study, we propose the thermal presentation model in order to present arbitrary temperature that a human perceives when they touch an object. We implemented the application which presents temperature of virtual objects and qualitatively confirmed that the proposed model effectively works through the exhibition.
  • 渡部 陽一, 牧野 泰才, 前野 隆司
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2011 "1P1-C03(1)"-"1P1-C03(4)" 2011年5月26日  
    In this paper, we propose a new method that can estimate contact force and finger angle for touch panel devices by measuring transmitted light on fingernail. When we touch a light source with our finger, the light (mainly red component) can be seen at the fingernail since the red light can go through the finger tissue. Based on this characteristic, we can estimate the manipulatory force by detecting the light intensity at the fingernail because the intensity of the transmitted light is proportional to the applied force. We can also estimate the relative direction of the finger to the touch panel device. Even though the transmission through the finger tissue is diffusive one, we can know the movement of the light source below the finger with camera attached onto the fingernail. Therefore, a transient pattern of the light source is useful for estimating the relative direction between the finger and the device.
  • 二宮 俊輔, 竹村 研治郎, 前野 隆司, 牧野 泰才
    日本機械学会関東支部総会講演会講演論文集 2011(17) 99-100 2011年3月17日  
    When we display the texture of virtual 3D objects, it is required to display both tactile and force information at the same time. Although some force displays are commercially available, a wearable tactile display should be realized display tactile information together with force information. Hence this paper proposes a novel wearable tactile display aiming for the integration with force display. Active touch is required to display tactile information more sensitively. That means it is need to recreate active touch when we display tactile information using wearable tactile display. To realize such a device, we used the squeeze film effect for tactile display, occurred by an ultrasonic vibration. In addition to this, we propose to move a sheet between finger and ultrasonic vibrator. First, we develop device using the method we propose. Then, we verified the usability of the wearable tactile display by experiments.
  • 仲谷 正史, 筧 康明, 白土 寛和, 前野 隆司
    Booklet (19) 90-111 2011年  
    1. はじめに2. 触覚から触感、そして触体験へ3. 触感を知る4. 触感を創る5. 触感で伝える触体験のデザイン6. おわりにThe optical the haptical 4#図版削除
  • 前野隆司, 竹村研治郎
    日本設計工学会誌 46(6) 340-345 2011年  招待有り
  • 日高 佑輔, 田代 郁, 前野 隆司, 昆陽 雅司
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2009 "2A2-J02(1)"-"2A2-J02(2)" 2009年5月25日  
    In this paper, we state about tactile sensation transmission system consists of tactile sensor and tactile display that perceives and displays surface geometry, hardness and friction sense respectively. Tactile sensor was built supposing the index finger. The feature of that is as small as index finger, equipped layer structure, equipped dispersed strain gage in a cross shape and lifelike human finger print. And then, verified the performance of sensing physical data. As a result, it clarifies that validity of a tactile sensor.
  • 山内敬大, 昆陽雅司, 岡本正吾, 日高佑輔, 前野隆司, 田所諭
    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 14th 2009年  
  • 山内敬大, 昆陽雅司, 岡本正吾, 日高佑輔, 前野隆司, 田所諭
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2009 2009年  
  • 昆陽 雅司, 前野 隆司
    計算工学 13(3) 1855-1859 2008年7月31日  
  • 前野 隆司
    計測と制御 = Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers 47(7) 561-565 2008年7月10日  
  • 昆陽雅司, 前野隆司
    計算工学 13(3) 7-11 2008年7月  
  • 門並 秀樹, 昆陽 雅司, 前野 隆司
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2008 "1P1-I09(1)"-"1P1-I09(2)" 2008年6月6日  
    In this paper finger-pad-type tactile sensor for tele-presentation systems is developed. The sensor is designed to be small enough to attach on a robot finger. The sensor is made for detecting three physical characteristics. They are 'surface shape' 'elasticity' and 'friction characteristic' that help recognition of tactile sensation. Through a detection experiment of the surface shape, the distortion distribution and the dynamical friction coefficient, the produced sensor is evaluated. As a result, it is shown that the tactile sensor is suitable for attaching on robot fingers for teleoperation.
  • 塩川 雄太, 田蔵 淳史, 昆陽 雅司, 前野 隆司
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2008 "1A1-H20(1)"-"1A1-H20(4)" 2008年6月6日  
    This paper presents a hybrid tactile displaying method of realistic texture using ultrasonic vibrator and force display. The aim of this study is to display various realistic tactile senses by controlling multiple factors including roughness, softness and friction sense. First, a tactile displaying system was configured for displaying roughness, softness and friction sense simultaneously by compensating the interference among multiple parameters of ultrasonic vibration and force feedback on multiple tactile senses. Second, by conducting several sensory evaluation experiments, the relationship between each control parameter and the tactile senses were quantified. Finally, different from numbers of previous tactile displays, our tactile displaying system could successfully display various realistic tactile senses very close to the real texture of material surface.
  • 村尾 将和, 前野 隆司
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2008 "2P2-I05(1)"-"2P2-I05(2)" 2008年6月6日  
    It is necessary for communication robots to execute reflex action and optional action adequately to increase affinity of communication robots. Therefore, it is important to establish algorithm considering relationship between reflex action and optional action. We proposed the algorithm based on interaction of reflex model and emotion model. In this paper, we employed attentive action and avoidance action as reflex action and facial expression as optional action. The algorithm executes suppression or acceleration of attentive action and avoidance action depending on circumstance of emotion model. This allows robots to execute reflex action and optional action adequately. Then, through the results of sensory evaluation, we confirmed the validity of established algorithm.
  • 河津 功典, 前野 隆司
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2008 "2P2-I06(1)"-"2P2-I06(2)" 2008年6月6日  
    In recent years, robots are used as partner in the field of service and healthcare. Therefore, robots are needed to decide actions autonomously to communicate smoothly with human. For action decision, observing of antagonist reactions, learning and replacing antagonist reactions as self-performed reactions are needed. First in observation part, robots observe antagonist reactions for self-performed actions. Then, robots learn form observation of antagonist reactions and replace antagonist reactions for self-performed actions by self-performed reactions for antagonist actions. We established an action decision algorithm for robots based on imitation of antagonist actions. We expressed learning of robots by changing learning coefficient. We expressed action decisions of robots by selecting learning coefficient. We confirmed the efficacy of the algorithm by the result of sensory evaluation.
  • 塩川 雄太, 田蔵 淳史, 昆陽 雅司, 前野 隆司
    機素潤滑設計部門講演会講演論文集 2008(8) 145-146 2008年4月20日  
    This paper presents a method to display friction sense for realizing hybrid tactile display using ultrasonic vibrator and force display. First, a tactile displaying system was configured for displaying friction sense by displaying tangential force equivalent to friction force to the side of a human finger in response to the position and the velocity of human hand. Second, by conducting a sensory evaluation experiment, the proposed method for displaying friction sense was verified. Finally, relationship among friction of real materials, ultrasonic tactile display and force display was quantified. In conclusion, by using proposed method, intended friction sense can be displayed in spite of the change in friction of the ultrasonic tactile display.
  • 前野 隆司, 戸枝 誠
    トライボロジスト = JOURNAL OF JAPANESE SOCIETY OF TRIBOLOGISTS 53(2) 76-81 2008年2月15日  
  • 岡本正吾, 昆陽雅司, 前野隆司, 田所諭
    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 13th 2008年  
  • 前野 隆司
    日本機械学會誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 110(1066) 732-735 2007年9月5日  
  • 神川 康久, WISSE Martijn, 前野 隆司
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2007 "2A1-E02(1)"-"2A1-E02(2)" 2007年5月11日  
    This paper presents the development of simple structure and light weight robot finger which can grasp various shapes of objects by self adapting to their shapes. This finger was designed for grasping object which is used in daily life, in order to use for prosthesis. This finger consists of three phalanges, interconnected by the joints of leaf spring. The three phalanges are driven by a single tendon. First, mathematical model of the finger was constructed in order to optimize dimensional design for distributed forces to each phalanx. Second, finger was made and grasping experiment was made. Finally, the results of maximum ejection force for the finger are presented.
  • 二宮 健, 前野 隆司
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2007 "2A1-E01(1)"-"2A1-E01(2)" 2007年5月11日  
    The systematic classification method of hand motions, which indicates the minimum mechanism of robot hands, is suggested. The performance of existent robot hands is not as high as that of human hands because the performance of existent actuators does not come up to that of human muscle in the same volume. It is important for robot hands to accomplish aimed tasks with their minimum mechanism. Human hand motions are analyzed quantitatively in consideration of robot hand mechanisms such as engagement mechanism of DIP joint and PIP joint. According to the results of analyses, three items, that is, needed fingers, joints which need to be set up actuators and fundamental movements which we define in this study are got. Moreover, the figure of systematic classification of human hand movement for robot hand by three items is created.
  • 宮本 嘉行, 前野 隆司
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2007 "2A2-E02(1)"-"2A2-E02(2)" 2007年5月11日  
    It is necessary to elucidate the human impression evaluation mechanism for robot's natural interaction with human. In this paper, we assume hierarchy in human impression evaluation, and clarify the relationship between motions and impressions in haptic interaction. We divide motions in haptic interaction into 16 basic motions. Through sensory evaluation and factor analysis, 4 lower impression factors and 2 higher impression factors are extracted. From the results of factor analysis, we formulate the relationship between lower impression and higher impression.
  • 奈良原 久之, 前野 隆司
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2007 "2A2-E01(1)"-"2A2-E01(2)" 2007年5月11日  
    To realize smooth communication between human and robot, it is important to know relationships between robot's action and human emotion. In communication, human express its emotion especially with gestures. So, If we can clear up relationships between robot's gesture and human emotion, communication between robot and human become more smoothly. To analyze the relationships, we execute 4 steps. First, we measure 138 physical properties of robot's movement. Second, we select 10 typical physical properties with hierarchical cluster analysis. Third, we conduct sensory evaluation and extract 3 emotional factors with factor analysis. Last, we analyze the relationships between 3 emotional factors and 10 typical physical properties with multi regression analysis. By doing those steps, we establish a model which connects physical properties of gesture and human emotions.
  • 元木陽平, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭, 前野隆司
    超音波エレクトロニクスの基礎と応用に関するシンポジウム講演予稿集 28th 2007年  
  • 岡本正吾, 昆陽雅司, 前野隆司, 田所諭
    ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集 12th 2007年  
  • 元木陽平, 山田浩史, 昆陽雅司, 田所諭, 前野隆司
    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2007 2007年  
  • 張 裕華, 前野 隆司
    計算力学講演会講演論文集 2006(19) 241-242 2006年11月2日  
    This paper discusses a novel development in estimating the feature of hard lump embedded into the soft tissue with the tactile sensor emulating the major features of the human finger. The aim of this study is to realize precise and quantitative tactile sensing, especially in the stiffness. When pressed into and scanned over the tissue of interest with the tactile sensor proposed, the outputs of the five strain gages could insight the information of the hard lump.
  • 昆陽 雅司, 田所 諭, 前野 隆司
    計算力学講演会講演論文集 2006(19) 239-240 2006年11月2日  
  • 本間 将人, 森田 宏, 昆陽 雅司, 前野 隆司, 元島 栖二
    機素潤滑設計部門講演会講演論文集 2006(6) 271-274 2006年5月28日  
    A CMC (Carbon Micro Coil) tactile sensor consists of dozens of micrometer order size CMCs in the elastic silicon rubber and complex LCR circuits are formed in the sensor. When the sensor is transformed by mechanical force, the conditions of LCR circuit change. In consequence, the sensor is thought to be able to detect various kind of tactile information by measuring impedance. Impedance characteristics of CMC tactile sensor change by percent by mass of CMC. Additionally, impedance changes by deformation of CMC and change in distance between CMCs. However, dynamic characteristics of CMC tactile sensor are not analyzed and sensor models are not constructed. Therefore, we analyzed dynamic characteristics of CMC tactile sensor and constructed CMC tactile sensor.
  • 田蔵 淳史, 前野 隆司
    機素潤滑設計部門講演会講演論文集 2006(6) 275-278 2006年5月28日  
    The purpose of this research is to develop the design method that can design Multi-Degree-of-Freedom (MDOF) Ultrasonic Motors, resolving problems of conventional design method. We decided to adopt the genetic algorithm considering the features of designing a MDOF Ultrasonic Motor. The shape of the vibrator and the vibration modes to drive ultrasonic motor with are searched by this method. We set evaluation functions considering design conditions of a MDOF Ultrasonic Motor. We confirmed that the plate type MDOF Ultrasonic Motor designed by this method has ability to realize 3-degree-of-freedom movement that is more efficient than the conventional one. Therefore we showed that this design method is useful for designing of MDOF Ultrasonic Motor.
  • 香田 祐太, 前野 隆司
    機素潤滑設計部門講演会講演論文集 2006(6) 263-264 2006年5月28日  
    This paper discusses the development and control of the master-slave system capable of grasping an object even when coefficient of static friction is unknown. Partial slip information is known to be essential for conducting stable grasping in a teleoperating system. The developed sensor contains strain gages in several ridges placed on the curvature contact surface. By measuring strain velocity of each ridge, the vibration which occurs due to a partial slip can be detected. We developed the master-slave system with the slave robot which uses the developed sensor to detect a partial slip and automatically controls grasping force. Through the grasp manipulation experiment, the validity of the developed system was confirmed.
  • 前野 隆司
    日本機械学會誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 109(1049) 269-272 2006年4月5日  
  • 本間 将人, 森田 宏, 昆陽 雅司, 前野 隆司, 元島 栖二
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2006 "2P2-B09(1)"-"2P2-B09(2)" 2006年  
    Carbon Micro Coil (CMC) tactile sensor, containing CMCs in it, is thought to have LCR circuit. When the sensor is transformed by mechanical force, the conditions of LCR circuit change. In consequence, the sensor is thought to be able to detect various kind of tactile information by measuring impedance. Impedance characteristics of CMC tactile sensor change by percent by mass of CMC. Additionally, impedance changes by deformation of CMC and change of distance between CMCs. But dynamic characteristics of CMC tactile sensor are not analyzed. Therefore, we analyzed dynamic characteristics of CMC tactile sensor.
  • 香田 祐大, 前野 隆司
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2006 "2P2-B19(1)"-"2P2-B19(2)" 2006年  
    This paper discusses the development and control of the master-slave system capable of grasping an object with unknown coefficient of static friction. Partial slip information is known to be essential for conducting stable grasping in a teleoperating system. The developed sensor contains strain gages in several ridges placed on the curvature contact surface. By measuring strain velocity of each ridge, the vibration which occurs due to a partial slip can be detected. We developed the master-slave system with the slave robot which uses the developed sensor to detect a partial slip and automatically controls grasping force. Through the grasp manipulation experiment, the validity of the developed system was confirmed.
  • 田蔵 淳史, 前野 隆司
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2006 "1A1-C13(1)"-"1A1-C13(2)" 2006年  
    The purpose of this research is to develop the design method that can design various types of MDOF Ultrasonic Motors, resolving problems of conventional designing method. We decided to adopt the genetic algorithm considering the features of designing a MDOF Ultrasonic Motor .The decision variable are the shape of the vibrator and the vibration modes to drive it. We set evaluation functions considering designing conditions of a MDOF Ultrasonic Motor. We confirmed that the plate type MDOF Ultrasonic Motor designed by this designing method has ability to realize 3-degree-of-freedom movement that is more efficient than the conventional one. Therefore we showed the possibility that this designing method is useful for designing of any types of MDOF Ultrasonic Motor.
  • 金杉 英明, 前野 隆司
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2006 "1A1-C14(1)"-"1A1-C14(2)" 2006年  
    The purpose of this research is to develop the multi-degree-of-freedom ultrasonic motor that can independently rotate multiple spherical rotors with a single stator. First, we proposed driving principle of the motor that has two spherical rotors. We can drive two rotors independently, by combining the first and second longitudinal vibration modes, first and second twist vibration modes, and odd number bending vibration mode of the rectangular plate. We designed and produced the stator with the use of finite element method. By measuring vibration characteristics and drive performance, we confirmed the effectiveness of proposed driving principle.
  • 戸枝 誠, 前野 隆司
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2006 "1A1-C12(1)"-"1A1-C12(2)" 2006年  
    We suggest the method to reduce the slippage between stator and slider of a linear ultrasonic motor. Ultrasonic motors have problem of low efficiency with friction contact and short life by abrasion. This study makes the vibration on stator's surface "constant tangential velocity while the stator is in contact with the slider" by adding another vibration whose frequency is three times higher compared with basic vibration. Considering to combine plural vibration mode, I turned up that it is the best to combine the first and the third vibration in order to reduce fluctuation in the tangential velocity of stator surface while the stator contacts the slider. Contact with reduced slippage should raise efficiency of an ultrasonic motor. This also means small abrasion of stator and slider to prolong the available period.
  • 岡本正吾, 昆陽雅司, 前野隆司, 田所諭
    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 24th 2006年  
  • 岡本正吾, 昆陽雅司, 前野隆司, 田所諭
    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM) 11th 2006年  







