Curriculum Vitaes

Ryota Nakamura

  (中村 亮太)

Profile Information

Faculty of Data Science, Department of Data Science, Musashino University
Researcher, Asia Artificial Intelligence Institute
社会情報学科 情報デザイン専攻, Otsuma Women's University

researchmap Member ID




  • Shiori Sasaki, Ryota Nakamura, Prasetyo Wibowo
    Proc. of 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Technology (ISCT), Aug, 2024  Peer-reviewed
  • Musashino University Asia AI Research Institute, departmental bulletin paper, (4), Mar, 2024  Lead author
  • Ryota Nakamura
    Musashino University Asia AI Research Institute, departmental bulletin paper, (3) 26-38, Mar, 2023  Lead author
  • 井垣 宏, 齊藤 俊, 井上 亮文, 中村 亮太, 楠本 真二
    情報処理学会論文誌, 54(1) 330-339, Jan 15, 2013  
    我々は受講生のプログラミング演習時におけるコーディング過程を記録し,可視化して講師に提示するシステムC3PVを提案する.本システムは,ウェブ上で動作するオンラインエディタとコーディング過程ビューから構成されている.オンラインエディタは受講生のコーディングプロセスにおける,文字入力,コンパイル,実行,提出といったすべての行動を記録する.コーディング過程ビューは課題の進み具合いや受講者の相対的な進捗遅れを可視化して講師に提示する.講師はあるエラーに関して長時間悩んでいる受講生や全体の進捗と比較して遅れている受講生をC3PVによって確認し,個別指導といった支援につなげることができる.本研究では実際にC3PVを学部1年生が受講するJavaプログラミング演習に適用し,C3PVによって可視化されたコーディング過程を利用した受講生対応を行った.その結果,コーディング過程ビューに基づいて対応した45件中38件(約84%)において,実際に受講生がサポートを必要としていたことが確認できた.In this paper, we propose a coding process visualizer for programming practice. Our system named "C3PV" consists of an online editor and a coding process viewer. The online editor can collect all coding process performed by each student. The coding process viewer can visualize whether the students are doing well about their programming exercises. This viewer enables a lecturer and teaching assistants to identify the students who are falling behind the rest of the class. We confirmed that the system could determine whether the student needed our help with 84 percent accuracy by some practical experiments.
  • 中村 亮太, 赤坂 将, 柳沢 達也, 市村 哲
    情報処理学会論文誌, 52(12) 3868-3875, Dec 15, 2011  
    視線測定器の性能および操作性が向上したことにともない,Webユーザビリティ評価に視線情報が用いられるようになってきた.Webページ上のユーザが注視した箇所や軌跡を分析することで,Webページの視認性や利便性を評価できるようになった.しかしながら従来の視線分析作業では,注視箇所を手作業でコード化ならびにタグ付けする必要があるために多くの労力と時間を必要としている.そこで本研究では,視線検出とWebページの構造解析を組み合わせた手法を考案し,視線の軌跡上にあるテキストや画像などのオブジェクトを自動的に取得する機能と,注視されたオブジェクトを自動的に強調表示する機能を有するツールを開発した.評価実験の結果,提案手法は従来手法よりも効率的に注視箇所を特定することが可能であることを確認した.Gaze data is now used for the Web usability evaluation thanks to the improvement of gazes measurement devices. A major problem when using eye movements to evaluate Web usability issues is that eye movement data is too large to analyze, and potentially difficult to interpret meaningfully. This paper presents a novel Web usability evaluation tool which makes it possible to get a gazed object such as a text or image. The tool includes a visualization function that marks up gazed objects. The paper presents the results of user experiments which compare our visualization technique with traditional methods and show our tool is better than existing Web evaluation tools.


  • 中村亮太
    武蔵野大学アジアAI研究所紀要(Web), (1), 2020  
  • IEICE technical report, 110(42) 79-84, May 20, 2010  
  • NAKAMURA Ryota, UENO Ayumu, ICHIMURA Satoshi, KAMIBAYASHI Noriyuki
    2010(17) 1-6, May 13, 2010  
  • UENO Ayumu, NAKAMURA Ryota, ICHIMURA Satoshi, KAMIBAYASHI Noriyuki
    2010(13) 1-6, May 13, 2010  
    2010(21) 1-6, Mar 11, 2010  
  • TSUKADA Masanori, NAKAMURA Ryota, KAMIBAYASHI Noriyuki
    72 229-230, Mar 8, 2010  
  • ICHIMURA Satoshi, NAKAMURA Ryota, INOUE Akifumi
    IPSJ SIG Notes, 2009(3) 7-12, Jan 15, 2009  
    It is widely known that collaborative learning is an effective method for learning team play in sports. We developed a Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) system where players get together on the Internet and study team play with teammates using a web browser. The users in their homes can see or manipulate synchronized sports video and coaching board on their web browsers at the same time. A system for volleyball coaching was implemented.
    IPSJ SIG Notes, 2007(56) 25-30, Jun 1, 2007  
    Due to the large number of students, lectures in the auditorium are likely to be limited to delivering one-sided lecture and conducting final exam. However, it is apparently desirable for students to have opportunities to check their own progress or understanding level through frequent check-up. Some have tried to build information systems for online-test or taking attendance. However, paper could not be replaced by online system due to the inevitable trouble of students' laptop PC or computer network. For this reason, we developed an educational system where the merit of paper and electronic media were merged. The system automatically recognizes student's ID and check marks written in paper. 2-D barcode and character recognition technology were combined in the system for this purpose. The scanner reads each student's report annotated by the lecturer and creates PDF, and sends it back to each student via e-mail. For the personal information protection, the created PDF is entirely or partially encrypted through the RSA public-key cryptography.
  • NAKAMURA Ryota, INOUE Akifumi, OKADA Ken-ichi, ICHIMURA Satoshi
    IPSJ SIG Notes, 2007(56) 73-77, Jun 1, 2007  
    Recently, the photograph of user's face used to job-interview and marriage meeting is often taken in the instant photograph machine or the photograph shop. However, the user cannot retake and users might not like the photograph. Although there are technologies that evaluate the photograph by using the image recognition, they cannot consider the user's subjective evaluation. To choose a corresponding photograph to user's preference accurately, a new mechanism to presume user's preference is necessary. So, we propose the automatic selection system of the photograph by using eye movement. Our system can automatically select the photograph of user's preference by using direction of eyes when the user is looking at the photograph.
    IEICE technical report, 107(79) 25-30, May 25, 2007  
    Due to the large number of students, lectures in the auditorium are likely to be limited to delivering one-sided lecture and conducting final exam. However, it is apparently desirable for students to have opportunities to check their own progress or understanding level through frequent check-up. Some have tried to build information systems for online-test or taking attendance. However, paper could not be replaced by online system due to the inevitable trouble of students' laptop PC or computer network. For this reason, we developed an educational system where the merit of paper and electronic media were merged. The system automatically recognizes student's ID and check marks written in paper. 2-D barcode and character recognition technology were combined in the system for this purpose. The scanner reads each student's report annotated by the lecturer and creates PDF, and sends it back to each student via e-mail. For the personal information protection, the created PDF is entirely or partially encrypted through the RSA public-key cryptography.
  • NAKAMURA Ryota, INOUE Akifumi, OKADA Ken-ichi, ICHIMURA Satoshi
    IEICE technical report, 107(79) 73-77, May 25, 2007  
    Recently, the photograph of user's face used to job-interview and marriage meeting is often taken in the instant photograph machine or the photograph shop. However, the user cannot retake and users might not like the photograph. Although there are technologies that evaluate the photograph by using the image recognition, they cannot consider the user's subjective evaluation. To choose a corresponding photograph to user's preference accurately, a new mechanism to presume user's preference is necessary. So, we propose the automatic selection system of the photograph by using eye movement. Our system can automatically select the photograph of user's preference by using direction of eyes when the user is looking at the photograph.
  • IPSJ SIG Notes, 2006(34) 55-59, Mar 23, 2006  
    Recently, e-learning contents that combine the speaker video with supporting slides have been produced in educational institutions such as universities. They enabled people to study at any time and any place. However, there is a problem that those systems make learners become tired because produced contents are monotonous. We propose the system "MONTA" that can automatically conceal important phrases to attract attention. MONTA can automatically cover important phrases in slide, and can remove the label in synchronized with utterance of the speaker.
  • NAKAMURA Ryota, INOUE Akifumi, ICHIMURA Satoshi, OKADA Ken-ichi, MATSUSHITA Yutaka
    IPSJ SIG Notes, 2005(49) 1-6, May 26, 2005  
    Recently, e-learning contents that combine the speaker video with supporting materials are produced in educational institutions such as universities. However, there is a problem that those systems make learners get tired because produced contents are monotonous. In this paper, we propose the system "MINO" that can automatically edit recorded speaker is video and supporting materials. MINO allows users to automatically convert words in the supporting material into conspicuous ones according to the utterance of the speaker. Through evaluations of the system, we verified the effectiveness of our system.
  • NAKAMURA Ryota, ICHIMURA Satoshi, OKADA Kenichi, MATSUSHITA Yutaka
    IPSJ SIG Notes, 2004(50) 55-60, May 20, 2004  
    Video cameras are becoming increasing popular. We often edit videos with PCs. It is easy to produce video contents and distributes them on a network now. In order to create high quality video contents, we developed system that used two or more cameras and tried creation of a multi-angle video. However, since much time is required for it, the burden to an individual is large. The purpose of our study is to changing home videos automatically into more attractive images in an easy way. We aimed at the increase in efficiency of edit works, in order that an individual may create high quality video contents easily. In this paper, the state of mind and camera work are presumed from the vital reaction (EEG, EMG) of the cameraman at the time of Video photogrammetry, and importance is distinguished on each scene on the basis of the result. The technique of selecting camera angles and decision of a replay scene in the videos are proposed.
    IPSJ SIG Notes, 2003(106) 127-132, Oct 23, 2003  
    Recently, tne spread of digital video cameras and video capture cards enabled us to create high-quality home movies and deliver them to the Internet. It is, however, extremely difficult for us to manipulate multiple cameras ourselves in the same way broadcasting stations do ln our project, we aim to create a system allowing non-professionals to create attractive movies. We especially focused on the effectiveness of multi-angle re-play shots commonly used in many TV shows of live sports events. In this paper, we propose a system which automatically generates an attractive movie incorporating re-play scenes taken from multiple video cameras.

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