- Affiliation
Professor (Professor), Department of Data Science, Musashino University
Department of Engineering, Thammasat University
- Degree
Ph.D.(Sep, 1998, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- Contact information
- virach
gmail.com - ORCID ID
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6918-8713- J-GLOBAL ID
- 201901006918149809
- researchmap Member ID
- B000354731
- External link
In 2003, he achieved the “National Distinguished Researcher Award” in Information Technology and Communication from the National Research Council of Thailand, following by the “ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award” from ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (AFEO) in 2011. He was also esteemed “The Researcher of the Year 2001” by the Nation Newspaper in 2001. He started his research career in the field of Knowledge Engineering and Artificial Intelligence during his study in Kyoto University in 1980-1986. He started his research in Natural Language Processing by participating in the Multi-lingual Machine Translation project during 1988-1995, and received his Ph.D. from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1998. Some of his long-running research contributions can be seen in the initiative in the development of Thai POS tagged corpus (ORCHID, 1997), the first corpus based Thai-English dictionary (LEXiTRON, 1997), and the first English-Thai online machine translation web service (ParSit, 2000) based on the Inter-lingual approach. His recent efforts are on the research and development of the technologies for digital content creation and understanding. He proposed the Digitized Thailand project in 2009 to establish an intelligent service platform for being a fundamental framework for digital content sharing and application mashup. Some of the achievements have already been publicized in culture and local wisdom digitization and the applications on the digital content services for tourism, product design and education. His research interest includes Natural Language Processing, Human Language Technology, Information Retrieval, Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Social Media Analytics and the related fields.