
林 康弘

ハヤシ ヤスヒロ  (Yasuhiro Hayashi)


武蔵野大学 データサイエンス学部 データサイエンス学科 准教授




  • Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yasushi Kiyoki, Yoshinori Harada, Kazuko Makino, Seigo Kaneoya
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXXV 380 287-296 2024年1月16日  査読有り
    This paper proposes a spatio-temporal and categorical correlation computing method for induction and deduction analysis. This method is a data analytics method to reveal spatial, temporal, and categorical relationships between two heterogeneous sets in past events by correlation calculation, thereby finding insights to build new connections between the sets in the future. The most significant feature of this method is that it allows inductive and deductive data analysis by applying context vectors to compute the relationship between the sets whose elements are time, space, and category. Inductive analysis corresponds to data mining, which composes a context vector as a hypothesis to extract meaningful relationships from trends and patterns of past events. Deductive analysis searches past events similar to a context vector’s temporal, spatial, and categorical conditions. Spatio-temporal information about the events and information such as frequency, scale, and category are used as parameters for correlation computing. In this method, a multi-dimensional vector space that consists of time, space, and category dimensions is dynamically created, and the data of each set expressed as vectors is mapped onto the space. The similarity degree of the computing shows the strength of relationships between the two sets. This context vector is also mapped onto the space and is calculated distances between the context vector and other vectors of the sets. This paper shows the details of this method and implementation method and assumed applications in commerce activities.
  • Koichiro Kawashima, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yasushi Kiyoki, Tetsuya Mita
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXXIII 343 297-308 2022年1月14日  査読有り
    Dynamic routing with combinations of mobility and activity is expected as new methodology for supporting sensitivity to various contexts for traveling. It is important to realize the dynamics by integrating “mobility and activity” in physical and cyber spaces. This paper presents a mobility and activity integration system for making routing plans from an original point to a destination with a scenario as “sensitivity to context” on the route. The “sensitivity to context” expresses reactions to the intentions and situations of a moving user. This system applies semantic computing to find out the appropriate mobility and activity, that dynamically calculates semantic associations between user’s intentions and mobility services. This system makes a moving plan reflecting “sensitivity to context” created by query creation operators for synthesizing and expressing “everyday intention” and “mobility situation.” This system has a distance calculation function for “feature value vectors” expressing the means of mobility and the features of facility spots, and outputs some expected means of moving towards the destination with activities on the route.
  • 川島宏一郎, 川島宏一郎, 林康弘, 清木康, 三田哲也
    日本データベース学会和文論文誌(Web) 20-J 2022年  
  • Natsuki Kamada, Shogo Shibahara, Yasuhiro Hayashi
    IIAI-AAI-Winter 251-256 2022年  
  • Shogo Shibahara, Natsuki Kamada, Yasuhiro Hayashi
    IIAI-AAI-Winter 236-240 2022年  
  • Himawari Otsuka, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yasushi Kiyoki
    2021 International Electronics Symposium (IES) 2021年9月29日  査読有り
  • Piyaporn Nurarak, Yasushi Kiyoki, Petchporn Chawakitchareon, Yasuhiro Hayashi
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXXIII 129-140 2021年  査読有り
  • Yasuhiro Hayashi, Ryota Nakamura, Osamu Hasegawa, Yuichi Kitano, Yasushi Kiyoki
    2019 International Electronics Symposium (IES) 2019年9月  査読有り
  • Yuka Toyoshima, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yasushi Kiyoki
    International Journal of Information Technology, Control and Automation 9(3) 1-16 2019年7月31日  査読有り
  • Haruki Honda, Shiori Sasaki, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yasushi Kiyoki
    Proc. of 2018 International Electronics Symposium on Knowledge Creation and Intelligent Computing 125-132 2019年1月28日  査読有り
  • Yasuhiro Hayashi, Daisuke Oyokawa, Yasushi Kiyoki, Tetsuya Mita
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXX 312 384-399 2019年  査読有り
    In this paper, we present information providing a method to realize semantic representation of train service situations by a combination of sign-logo images. Through this method, multiple images having visual meanings such as pictograms, icons and sign-logos are combined to represent images to express train service situations in the railway space based on the knowledge of the railway company such as transfer ways in accidents. Features of this method are as follows: (1) To express events occurred in railway space by combining multiple images as visual communication based on '5W1H' that corresponds with human communication and information understanding. (2) To dynamically calculate the correlation between an event and meaning of the combined sign-logo images. (3) To be associated with the event of a railway space including an attractive tour guide to foreign visitors by combining sign-logo images. We have developed an experimental system as a digital signage and have applied the method in order to realize a sign-based guide at all train stations for foreign visitors in Japan. The effectiveness and feasibility of this method are shown in this paper.
  • Yuka Toyoshima, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yasushi Kiyoki
    2018 International Electronics Symposium on Knowledge Creation and Intelligent Computing (IES-KCIC) 2018年10月  査読有り
  • Yasuhiro Hayashi, Ken-Ichi Fukamachi, Hiroshi Komatsugawa
    2015 International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering 2015年4月  査読有り
  • Yasuhiro Hayashi, Ken-Ichi Fukamachi, Hiroshi Komatsugawa
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXVI 272 120-127 2014年  査読有り
    We have put into practice the flipped classroom as a way of utilizing e-learning contents in our computer-programming course since 2013. The main feature of this practice is to use most of the time usually dedicated to lecture for practicing by assigning the students the e-learning materials as preparation before the class. We gave the students homework to learn vocabularies and grammar of the C programming language. This decreased the time a teacher spent lecturing and the students were assigned applied-problems to make practical software in addition to conventional basic problems in training. Our goal is to maintain the students' motivation to learn the computer programming through the sense of accomplishment that each student obtains by finishing practical assignments in the training. We confirmed the effectiveness of this approach by comparing examination scores between last year and this year, and putting questionnaires to the students. Additionally, we analyzed the learning situation of the students who were week in programming. The results are shown in this paper.
  • Yuki Toyoshima, Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yasushi Kiyoki
    Computer Graphics and Imaging / 798: Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications 2013年  査読有り
  • Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yasushi Kiyoki, Xing Chen
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXII 225 258-277 2011年  査読有り
    This paper presents a combined-image query creation method for expressing user's intentions by combining multiple digital images for image retrieval. This method uses image databases provided for query-creation and performs several set-operators to express user's imagination by combining user's imaginary images and real scenes. The user's intentions are expressed by the operation of subspace projection in the image feature space. This method makes it possible to create an imaginary image as the combined-image query for expressing user's intentions by combining several images and operators in the query creation process. The important feature of this method is to use shape and color features for expressing imaginations by extending our previously proposed method. This paper shows several experimental results to clarify the feasibility and effectiveness of our method.
  • 林 康弘, 深町 賢一, 小松川 浩
    論文誌ICT活用教育方法研究 13(1) 21-25 2010年11月25日  
  • Yasuhiro Hayashi, Yasushi Kiyoki, Xing Chen
    Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXI 206 188-207 2010年  査読有り
    Image-query creation for expressing user's intentions is essential for efficient utilization of massive digital image resources. This paper presents an image-query creation method for expressing user's query intentions by combining multiple images for Content-based Image Retrieval. The image-query for expressing intentions is created by combining image resources in image aspects such as colors and objects. This method realizes image-query creation by the drawing on user's imagination to express intentions such as the addition of the color, the removal of the object, the conversion and the scaling. This method uses multiple actual images and applies several query-creation operators calculating image features for expressing intentions to those images. This paper shows implementation of the experimental system where image queries are expressed with specific intentions to clarify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method with experimental results.





