
武藤 佳恭

タケフジ ヨシヤス  (Takefuji Yoshiyasu)


武蔵野大学 データサイエンス学部 教授
工学(Keio University)




  • 井庭崇, 武藤佳恭
    情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集 55th(2) 447-448 1997年  
    生物が環境に適応するということは, 各生物の構造や初期状態を決定する「進化」と, その状態から徐々に修正する「学習」によって, 環境により適する状態へと遷移することである。本研究では, エージェントが学習や進化を行なう場合にどのようなメカニズムで行なえば動的環境に適応し得るかを明らかにする。
  • 溝江宏真, 武田圭史, 武藤佳恭
    情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集 55th(2) 364-365 1997年  
    複数のエージェシトが協調して, 調和を保ちつつタスクの達成を実現するマルチエージェトシステムが現在注目されている。この場合, 各エージェントは自律的に自らの行動をコントロールすることが必要となる。ネットワーク上で自律的に行動するエージェントを前提とした場合, エージェント間の競合状態の発生が予想され, そのような場合に交渉が必要となる。通常の人間の交渉過程においては時間的コストが暗黙のうちに考慮されていると考 えられる。プログラムとして実現されるエージェント間の交渉においても, 同様の枠組を適用することが有効であると考えられる。プログラムを用いた交渉において, そのプロセスを実行するための計算機資源の利用もコストに含めることが適当であると考えられる。本研究では, 時間と資源コスト概念に基づいたエージェント間交渉のフレームワークを提示する。
  • 武田圭史, 武藤佳恭
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 96(579(FACE96 29-34)) 9-14 1997年  
    市民の社会生活に占める情報通信インフラの役割が拡大し、そのようなインフラに対する不法な操作または妨害が社会に与える影響はますます大きくなることが予想される。このような社会における新しい国際紛争あるいはテロリズムの形態としてのInformation Warfareの出現について予測し、それに伴う倫理的および政策的な課題にっいて論じている。
  • 土屋和広, 武藤佳恭, 黒谷憲一
    電気学会論文誌 C 117-C(10) 1997年  
  • 武田圭史, 武藤佳恭
    情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集 55th(1) 323-324 1997年  
    近年のコンピューター・ネットワーク利用の普及により, ユーザーの要求にしたがって自律的にネットワーク上を移動しながら各種処理を実現するモバイル・エージェントの実用化への期待が高まっている。マルチプラットフォームに対応したJava^<TM>言語利用環境の普及とそのオブジェクト転送機能の実現は, このようなモバイルエージェントの利用の基盤としての要件を備えていると考えられる。本研究ではJava^<TM>言語を用いた分散オブジェクト環境上に, モバイル・エージェント機能を実現するための基盤環境を構築し, オープンなネットワーク上でモバイル・エージェントを利用するためのフレームワークとして, 計算機資源の利用に応じた課金システムのモデルを示す。また, このモデルを用いた利用市場のシミュレーションを行いその有効性に関する検証を行っている。
  • Tsuchiya, K, Kurotani, K, Takefuji, Y
    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems 117(10) 1479-1484 1997年  
  • 福原義久, 武田圭史, 武藤佳恭
    情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集 55th(2) 498-498 1997年  
    制約条件問題の代表的なものであるN Queen問題を拡張し, 多次元空間表現における制約条件問題のモデルとして, X次元N Queen問題を提案する。問題の解決には, N Queen問題で有効性が確認されているニューラルネットワークの手法を用いる。多次元空間における制約充足問題の解決は, 多数の制約条件を充足しなければならない問題解決の有効な一例と成り得る。
  • 磯崎宏, 木室智久, 武田圭史, 武藤佳恭
    情報処理学会全国大会講演論文集 55th(2) 394-395 1997年  
    近年のWWWの普及により, Internet上には膨大な数のWWWサーバが存在している。1つのWWWサーバには通常, 複数のWWWページが存在し, WWWクライアントの通信要求に対して, たえずサービスを提供している。WWWサーバ上の複数のコンテンツは, 複数のコンテンツ所有者によって作成される場合が多く, 所有者は各自の端末でコンテンツを作成し, 何らかの手段を使って, WWWサーバにファイルを転送しなければならなかったり, WWWページ間のリンクを張り替えたい場合などは各所有者間のネゴシエーションが必要となる。このようなWWWコンテンツ作成手順は手間が掛かかり, WWWコンテンツ所有者の作業負荷を増大させる原因になるとともに, 情報発信の遅延を発生させる要因ともなる。そこで本論文では, コンテンツ所有者とWWWサーバ管理者に課せられる上記のような作業を代行するエージェントを提案する。
  • Kazuhiro Tsuchiya, Yoshiyasu Takefuji
    Appl. Intell. 7(3) 205-213 1997年  
    A parallel algorithm for solving meeting schedule problems is presented in this paper where the problem is NP-complete. The proposed system is composed of two maximum neural networks which interact with each other. One is an M x S neural network to assign meetings to available time slots on a timetable where M and S are the number of meetings and the number of time slots, respectively. The other is an M x P neural network to assign persons to the meetings where P is the number of persons. The simulation results show that the state of the system always converges to one of the solutions. Our empirical study shows that the solution quality of the proposed algorithm does not degrade with the problem size.
  • Kazuhiro Tsuchiya, Sunil Bharitkar, Yoshiyasu Takefuji
    European Journal of Operational Research 89(3) 556-563 1996年3月22日  
    A near-optimum parallel algorithm for solving facility layout problems is presented in this paper where the problem is NP-complete. The facility layout problem is one of the most fundamental quadratic assignment problems in Operations Research. The goal of the problem is to locate N facilities on an N-square (location) array so as to minimize the total cost. The proposed system is composed of N x N neurons based on an artificial two-dimensional maximum neural network for an N-facility layout problem. Our algorithm has given improved solutions for several benchmark problems over the best existing algorithms.
  • Kazuhiro Tsuchiya, Yoshiyasu Takefuji, Ken ichi Kurotani, Kunio Wakahara
    IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON 1 173-177 1996年  
    A parallel algorithm for solving meeting schedule problems is presented in this paper where the problem is NP-complete. The proposed system is composed of two maximum neural networks which interact with each other. One is an M×S neural network to assign meetings to available time slots on a timetable where M and S are the number of meetings and the number of time slots, respectively. The other is an M×P neural network to assign persons to the meetings where P is the number of persons. The simulation results show that the state of the system always converges to one of the solutions and that the solution quality of the proposed algorithm does not degrade with the problem size.
  • 武藤佳恭, 岡宗一
    電子情報通信学会誌 79(9) pp.943-946 1996年  
  • yoshiyasu takefuji
    電子情報通信学会誌 1996年  
  • 武藤佳恭
    情報処理学会研究報告 96(94(DD-3)) 17-24 1996年  
    Neural Computing For Optimization And Combinatorics 63-77 1996年  
  • Takefuji, Yoshiyasu
    Neural Computing For Optimization And Combinatorics 1-19 1996年  
    Neural Computing For Optimization And Combinatorics 79-99 1996年  
    Neural Computing For Optimization And Combinatorics 161-176 1996年  
    Neural Computing For Optimization And Combinatorics 219-230 1996年  
    Neural Computing for Optimization and Combinatorics 31-61 1996年  
  • Kazuhiro Tsuchiya, Yoshiyasu Takefuji
    IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst. 15(10) 1299-1305 1996年  
    A near-optimum parallel algorithm for solving PLA folding problems is presented in this paper where the problem is NP-complete and one of the most fundamental problems in VLSI design. The proposed system is composed of n X n neurons based on an artificial two-dimensional maximum neural network where n is the number of inputs and outputs or the number of product lines of PLA. The two-dimensional maximum neurons generate the permutation of inputs and outputs or product lines. Our algorithm can solve not only a simple folding problem but also multiple, bipartite, and constrained folding problems. We have discovered improved solutions in four benchmark problems over the best existing algorithms using the proposed algorithm. © 1996 IEEE.
    Neural Computing For Optimization And Combinatorics 121-135 1996年  
    Neural Computing For Optimization And Combinatorics 101-120 1996年  
    Neural Computing For Optimization And Combinatorics 177-187 1996年  
    Neural Computing for Optimization and Combinatorics 137-159 1996年  
    Neural Computing For Optimization And Combinatorics 21-30 1996年  
  • Harold Szu, Yoshiyasu Takefuji, Simon Y. Foo
    Neurocomputing 8(1) 3-4 1995年5月  
  • Kimiya Fujisawa, Yoshiyasu Takefuji
    IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks - Conference Proceedings 5 2208-2210 1995年  
    A balloon net model is introduced and demonstrated for discovering improved solutions in one of unsolved problems in geometry which is referred to as a problem of `Spreading points in a square'. How should n points be arranged in a unit square so that the minimum distance between them is the greatest? Note that d(n) is the greatest possible minimum distance between n points in a unit square. Exact results are known for n≤9 and n = 14, 16, 25, and 36. Many investigators including Schaer, Meir, Kirchner, Wengerodt, Goldberg, Schluter, Valette and others have studied this geometrical problem for many years. The best known result is summarized in the book of `Unsolved Problems in Geometry' (H.T. Croft. K.J. Falconer and R.K. Guy/1991). We have found improved solutions for n = 13 and n = 15 by the proposed algorithm.
  • Takayuki Saito, Yoshiyasu Takefuji
    IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks - Conference Proceedings 5 2202-2207 1995年  
    In December 1994, Japanese single-member constituency system for the House of Representatives was established where Japan is divided into three hundred constituencies. A single representative will be elected from each constituency. Zoning three hundred constituencies was accomplished by hand calculators in Japan where zoning the constituencies is a very elaborate task because several constraints must be satisfied. This paper presents a neural computing approach for automatically zoning constituencies. Our method was examined by using 25 Tokyo constituencies. Ideally, the weight of a single vote in a certain population to elect a representative should be equal to that of the other constituencies. Based on the established rule, the ratio of the lightest weight to the heaviest weight must be within two. Our result shows that our ratio is 1.28 while the current (official) ratio is 1.47.
  • Kazuhiro Tsuchiya, Yoshiyasu Takefuji
    Neurocomputing 8(1) 43-49 1995年  
    The no-three-in-line problem is one of unsolved problems in number theorem. The goal of the no-three-in-line problem is to locate 2N points on an N × N squares array where no three points are in line. The proposed algorithm uses N hysteresis McCulloch-Pitts neurons as the processing elements for the N × N array problem. Our neural network algorithm has discovered several different solutions for up to N = 25. © 1995. 2
  • Suzuki, K, Amano, II, Takefuji, Y, others
    Neurocomputing 8 121-122 1995年  
  • 国友優子, 滝山真也, 花田光世, 武藤佳恭
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 95(149(DE95 38-49)) 1995年  
  • Kyotaro Suzuki, Hideharu Amano, Yoshiyasu Takefuji
    Neurocomputing 8(2) 141-156 1995年  
    Multi-layer channel routing is one of cumbersome jobs in automatic layout design of VLSI chips and PCBs. As VLSI chips have been used in every field of electrical engineering, it becomes more important to reduce the layout design time. With the advancement of the VLSI technology, four-layer problems can be treated and the algorithms for more than four-layer problems will be demanded in the near future. Proposed algorithm can treat 2 × n-layer problems in parallel. In this paper, the algorithm is introduced and implemented on a multiprocessor system. By minimizing the communication overhead and load unbalance between processors, the performance with 8 processors is improved by between 6 and 6.5 times compared with the sequential version. © 1995.
  • Simon Y. Foo, Yoshiyasu Takefuji, Harold Szu
    Neurocomputing 8(1) 79-91 1995年  
    This paper investigates the scaling properties of neural networks for solving job-shop scheduling problems. Specifically, the Tank-Hopfield linear programming network is modified to solve mixed integer linear programming with the addition of step-function amplifiers. Using a linear energy function, our approach avoids the traditional problems associated with most Hopfield networks using quadratic energy functions. Although our approach requires more hardware (in terms of processing elements and resistive interconnects) than a recent approach by Zhou et al. [2], the neurons in the modified Tank-Hopfield network do not perform extensive calculations unlike those described by Zhou et al. © 1995.
  • Simon Y. Foo, Yoshiyasu Takefuji, Harold Szu
    Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 7(3) 321-327 1994年6月  
    The Tank-Hopfield linear programming network is modified to solve job-shop scheduling, a classical optimization problem. Using a linear energy function, the approach described in this paper avoids the traditional problems associated with most Hopfield networks using quadratic energy functions. Although this approach requires more hardware (in terms of processing elements and resistive interconnects) than a recent approach by Zhou et al. (IEEE Trans. Neural Networks 2, 175-179, 1991) the neurons in the modified Tank-Hopfield network do not perform extensive calculations, unlike those described by Zhou et al. © 1994.
  • Sunil Bharitkar, Kazuhiro Tsuchiya, Yoshiyasu Takefuji
    European Journal of Operational Research 75(1) 233-234 1994年5月26日  
    This note points to an error in the invited review of "The facility layout problem" by Andrew Kusiak and Sundaresh S. Heragu [4] as per their information of the solution quality of the Heuristic 1 technique presented by Burkard and Stratman [3]. © 1994.
  • Toshinori Munakata, Yoshiyasu Takefuji, Henrik Johansson
    IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications 41(2) 174-177 1994年2月  
    Two new approaches called “graph unitization” are proposed to apply neural networks similar to the Hopfield-Tank models to determine optimal solutions for the maximum flow problem. They are: (1) n-vertex and n2-edge neurons on a unitized graph; (2) m-edge neurons on a unitized graph. Graph unitization is to make the flow capacity of every edge equal to 1 by placing additional vertices or edges between existing vertices. In our experiments, solutions converged most of the time, and the converged solutions were always optimal, rather than near optimal. © 1994 IEEE
  • 武藤 佳恭
    シンポジウム 80(30) 11-18 1994年1月28日  
    Because of the internet online library systems, it is now possible to survey and to know what is going on in every research area and/or multi-disciplinary area. Unvortunately many Japanese investigators are not aware of the recent progress of the internet library systems. Several representative online library systems are introduced in this paper including Library of Congress in US, the FirstSearch database system, and the Uncover database system where a partial list of our neural computing books and papers for optimization and combinatorics is collected as an example survey.
  • Percy P.C. Yip, Yoshiyasu Takefuji
    IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks - Conference Proceedings 7 4667-4671 1994年  
    A special neuron, which we call two-dimensional maximum neuron is proposed. This type of neuron can eliminate the row and column constraints that occur in many problems, such as the stable marriage problem. A parallel processing algorithm to find the stable marriage matching using the proposed two-dimensional maximum neurons is described and the result is now reported.
  • 鈴来響太郎, 花田彰, 天野英晴, 武藤佳恭
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 94(17(FTS94 14-26)) 71-78 1994年  
  • Funabiki, Nobuo, Takefuji, Yoshiyasu
    Journal of Artificial Neural Networks 1(3) 371-401 1994年  
  • Lee, Kuo-Chun, Takefuji, Yoshiyasu
    IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics 24(2) 300-306 1994年  
  • Nobuo Funabiki, Yoshiyasu Takefuji
    J. Parallel Distributed Comput. 20(2) 236-240 1994年  
    A parallel heuristic algorithm for traffic control problems in three-stage connecting networks is presented in this paper. A three-stage connecting network consists of an input crossbar switching stage, an intermediate crossbar switching stage, and an output crossbar switching stage. The goal of our algorithm is to quickly and efficiently find a conflict-free switching assignment for communication demands through the network. The algorithm requires n × m processing elements for the network composed of n input/output switches and m intermediate switches, where it runs not only on a sequential machine, but also on a parallel machine with maximally n × m processors. The algorithm was verified by 1100 simulation runs with the network size from 10 × 7 to 50 × 27. The simulation results show that the algorithm can find a solution in nearly constant time with n × m processors. © 1994 Academic Press, Inc. 2 2 2 2 2
  • Nobuo Funabiki, Yoshiyasu Takefuji
    IEEE Trans. Commun. 42(10) 2890-2898 1994年  
    This paper presents a parallel algorithm for timeslot assignment problems in TDM hierarchical switching systems, based on the neural network model. The TDM systems are operated. in repetitive frames composed of several Time-Slots. A Time-Slot represents a switching configuration where one packet is transmitted through an I/O line. The goal of our algorithm is to find conflict-free Time-Slot assignments for given switching demands. The algorithm runs on a maximum of n2×m processors for m-Time-Slot problems in n×n TDM systems. In small problems up to a 24×24 TDM system, the algorithm can find the optimum solution in a nearly constant time, when it is performed on n2×m processors. © 1994 IEEE
  • Yong Beom Cho, Takakazu Kurokawa, Yoshiyasu Takefuji, Hwa Kim
    Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 2 1503-1505 1993年  
    A parallel algorithm for the n-task-n-person assignment problem is presented in this paper. The proposed algorithm is based on the artificial neural network model where a large number of simple processing elements are used. Through a large number of simulation runs, it was empirically shown that the state of the system can converge to the solution within a hundred iteration steps regardless of the problem size n. The proposed algorithm using n processing elements requires computational bounds of a nearly O(1) time. 2
  • Kazuhiro Tsuchiya, Yoshiyasu Takefuji
    Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 2 1499-1502 1993年  
    A near-optimum parallel algorithm for one-dimensional gate assignment problems is presented in this paper where the problem is NP-hard. The proposed system is composed of an n×n two-dimensional maximum neural network for (n+2)-gate assignment problems. Our algorithm has discovered the improved solution in the benchmark problem over the existing algorithms.











