Profile Information
- Affiliation
- 教授, 獣医学部 獣医保健看護学科, 日本獣医生命科学大学
- Degree
- Ph.D.(Hokkaido University)
- Researcher number
- 60409258
- 201301079128190313
- researchmap Member ID
- B000230903
Research Interests
5Research Areas
4Research History
Nov, 2004 - Mar, 2005
Apr, 2003 - Mar, 2005
Apr, 1987 - Mar, 1993
Committee Memberships
Apr, 2024 - Present
Nov, 2023 - Present
Apr, 2023 - Present
Sep, 2022 - Present
Apr, 2020 - Present
Jun, 2008
Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira, 10.1590 acb391324, Mar, 2024 Peer-reviewed
Research in Veterinary Science, Nov, 2023 Peer-reviewedLast author
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 26(2) 20-22, Aug, 2023 Peer-reviewedLast author
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 26(2) 307-309, Jun, 2023 Peer-reviewedLast author
Veterinary Sciences, 9(660) 660-660, Nov, 2022 Peer-reviewedLast authorPrevention of hypothermia induced by anesthesia and enhanced by low environmental temperatures is difficult in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations in dogs as forced warming devices, including magnetic materials, are not acceptable for use in the MRI room. A hot water bottle (HWB) can be carried into an MRI examination room and can contribute to the prevention or attenuation of hypothermia. Here, we retrospectively investigated the effects of HWB on body temperature during MRI examinations in dogs under general anesthesia (GA). From anesthesia records of the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, Okayama University of Science, validated data of 100 dogs that underwent an MRI examination under GA were obtained and divided into the following two groups: one group received HWB, while the other did not. Decrease in rectal temperature 15 min after intubation was significantly smaller in the group using HWB than in the group without HWB. In conclusion, the use of hot water bottles might be one of the methods to attenuate hypothermia in the early period but should not be expected for complete prevention of hypothermia, and it was not recommendable necessarily for body temperature management during MRI examinations in dogs under general anesthesia.
31(207) 37-42, Nov, 2022 InvitedLead authorCorresponding author
Journal of Pet Animal Nutrition., 24(1) 46-56, Apr, 2021 InvitedLead author
CAP (Companion Anim Pract), (294) 53-57, Dec, 2013 Invited
アレルギー, 62(9) 1311-1311, Oct 25, 2013
日本獣医学会学術集会講演要旨集, 155th, 2013
ペット栄養学会誌, 16 Suppl_48-Suppl_49, 2013&beta;3アドレナリン受容体(<i>ADRB3</i>)はアドレナリン受容体のサブタイプの1種で、主に脂肪細胞に発現している。ヒトでは<i>ADRB3</i>遺伝子の一塩基多型(SNP)によって64番目のアミノ酸がTrpからArgに置換すると安静時代謝量が200 kcal低下し、肥満のリスクが高まることが知られている。我々はこれまでの研究でイヌ<i>ADRB3</i>遺伝子のExon領域に12個のSNPを発見したが、その中でC749Tは250番目のSerがPheに置換する非同義置換であり、BCS4/5以上の個体群において遺伝子頻度がより高いことを確認している。今回の研究では、このSNPの表現型への影響を調べることを目的とし、イヌ<i>ADRB3</i>遺伝子のC749T保有個体群と野生型個体群を同一環境下で飼育して、1日あたりのエネルギー摂取量を固定した際に体重の変動に差が見られるかについて検討した。
Books and Other Publications
225Teaching Experience
大学院特別講義 (日本獣医生命科学大学 大学院獣医保健看護学専攻)
臨床動物看護学特別研究 (日本獣医生命科学大学 大学院獣医保健看護学専攻)
臨床動物看護学特別演習 (日本獣医生命科学大学 大学院獣医保健看護学専攻)
臨床獣医保健看護学特別研究 (日本獣医生命科学大学 大学院獣医保健看護学専攻)
臨床獣医保健看護学特別演習 (日本獣医生命科学大学 大学院獣医保健看護学専攻)
Professional Memberships
5Research Projects
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Apr, 2015 - Mar, 2018
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Apr, 2011 - Mar, 2017
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Apr, 2012 - Mar, 2015
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(C)), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Apr, 2008 - Mar, 2011
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2009 - 2011