- 所属
- 日本獣医生命科学大学 獣医学部 獣医保健看護学科 教授
- 学位
- 博士(獣医学)(北海道大学)
- 研究者番号
- 60409258
- 201301079128190313
- researchmap会員ID
- B000230903
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Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences 26(2) 20-22 2023年8月 査読有り最終著者
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences 26(2) 307-309 2023年6月 査読有り最終著者
Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira 2023年 査読有り
Veterinary Sciences 9(660) 660-660 2022年11月 査読有り最終著者Prevention of hypothermia induced by anesthesia and enhanced by low environmental temperatures is difficult in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations in dogs as forced warming devices, including magnetic materials, are not acceptable for use in the MRI room. A hot water bottle (HWB) can be carried into an MRI examination room and can contribute to the prevention or attenuation of hypothermia. Here, we retrospectively investigated the effects of HWB on body temperature during MRI examinations in dogs under general anesthesia (GA). From anesthesia records of the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, Okayama University of Science, validated data of 100 dogs that underwent an MRI examination under GA were obtained and divided into the following two groups: one group received HWB, while the other did not. Decrease in rectal temperature 15 min after intubation was significantly smaller in the group using HWB than in the group without HWB. In conclusion, the use of hot water bottles might be one of the methods to attenuate hypothermia in the early period but should not be expected for complete prevention of hypothermia, and it was not recommendable necessarily for body temperature management during MRI examinations in dogs under general anesthesia.
Veterinary Nursing 27(2) A1-A7 2022年10月 査読有り最終著者
Frontiers in Veterinary Science 9 2022年7月29日 査読有りObjectives Firstly, to compare differences in insulin, adiponectin, leptin, and measures of insulin sensitivity between diabetic cats in remission and healthy control cats, and determine whether these are predictors of diabetic relapse. Secondly, to determine if these hormones are associated with serum metabolites known to differ between groups. Thirdly, if any of the hormonal or identified metabolites are associated with measures of insulin sensitivity. Animals Twenty cats in diabetic remission for a median of 101 days, and 21 healthy matched control cats. Methods A casual blood glucose measured on admission to the clinic. Following a 24 h fast, a fasted blood glucose was measured, and blood sample taken for hormone (i.e., insulin, leptin, and adiponectin) and untargeted metabolomic (GC-MS and LC-MS) analysis. A simplified IVGGT (1 g glucose/kg) was performed 3 h later. Cats were monitored for diabetes relapse for at least 9 months (270 days). Results Cats in diabetic remission had significantly higher serum glucose and insulin concentrations, and decreased insulin sensitivity as indicated by an increase in HOMA and decrease in QUICKI and Bennett indices. Leptin was significantly increased, but there was no difference in adiponectin (or body condition score). Several significant correlations were found between insulin sensitivity indices, leptin, and serum metabolites identified as significantly different between remission and control cats. No metabolites were significantly correlated with adiponectin. No predictors of relapse were identified in this study. Conclusion and clinical importance Insulin resistance, an underlying factor in diabetic cats, persists in diabetic remission. Cats in remission should be managed to avoid further exacerbating insulin resistance.
Oncology Reports 47(4) 84 2022年4月 査読有り
Animals 11(8) 2021年8月 査読有り最終著者Dogs and cats under general anesthesia may develop hypothermia. When performing a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination, it is not possible to place a magnetic material in the MRI room, and MRI equipment requires a low room temperature. This study investigated the effectiveness of a heat insulating device that prevented hypothermia during MRI examinations in dogs and cats. The animals that underwent MRI examinations under general anesthesia were divided into control groups (no covering) and heat insulating groups (wearing bubble wrap and down cloth blankets), and their body temperatures were measured before and after the MRI examinations. The changes in body temperatures were as follows: control dogs (n = 17), median of −1.0 (from −2.5 to 0.3)◦C; heat insulated dogs (n = 7), −0.3 (from −0.8 to 0.2)◦C; control cats (n = 14), −1.85 (from −2.7 to −0.6)◦C; and heat insulated cats (n = 12), −0.8 (from −1.5 to −0.1)◦C. These results revealed that the bubble wrap and down cloth blanket significantly prevented hypothermia and heat loss from the body surface during MRI examinations of dogs and cats.
Oncology Letters 20(6) 351-351 2020年12月 査読有り
Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research 67(2) 145-150 2019年5月 査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
Veterinary and Comparative Oncology 15(2) 557-562 2017年6月 査読有り
JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICAL SCIENCE 78(12) 1883-1885 2016年12月 査読有りProliferative and necrotising otitis externa (PNOE) is a very rare disease affecting the ear canals and concave pinnae of kittens. This report describes a 5-month-old cat with PNOE. Histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis. Treatment was initiated with local injection of methylprednisolone acetate into the lesions. The cat was subsequently treated with clobetasol propionate cream, a potent topical glucocorticoid ointment. The cat showed marked improvement. While topical treatment with tacrolimus, an immunosuppressive agent, is reported to be an effective therapy, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first report to treat PNOE with local corticosteroid therapy.
VETERINARY DERMATOLOGY 27(5) 428-+ 2016年10月 査読有りBackground - A closed chamber evaporimeter is suitable for measuring transepidermal water loss (TEWL) in cats because of the compact device size, tolerance to sudden movement and short measuring time. TEWL is a representative parameter for skin barrier dysfunction, which is one of the clinical signs of atopic dermatitis in humans and dogs. Measurement of feline TEWL has been reported, but applicability of this parameter has not been validated. Hypothesis/Objectives - The aims of this study were to determine if tape stripping is a valid experimental model in cats for studying TEWL and to determine if a closed chambered system is a suitable measurement tool for cats. Animals - Ten clinically normal cats. Methods - In order to evaluate variation of the measured values, TEWL was measured at the right and left side of the three clipped regions (axillae, lateral thigh and groin). Subsequently, TEWL was measured using sequential tape stripping of the stratum corneum as a model of acute barrier disruption. Results - The variations between both sides of the three regions showed no significant difference. Sequential tape stripping was associated with increasing values for TEWL. Conclusions and clinical importance - Feline TEWL was shown to reflect changes in the skin barrier in an experimental model using a closed chamber system and has the potential for evaluating skin barrier function in cats with skin diseases.
JOURNAL OF EQUINE VETERINARY SCIENCE 42 1-6 2016年7月 査読有りIn this study, we investigated the effect of aging on biochemical markers in serum obtained from Thoroughbred horses (n = 30) and ponies (n = 15). Aging was observed to have an effect on albumin, total bilirubin, thyroxine, and iron levels. The triglyceride concentration in ponies was found to be significantly higher than in Thoroughbreds. Furthermore, an age-related increase in triglycerides was only observed in ponies. There was no aging effect on diacron-reactive oxygen metabolites and biological antioxidant potential concentration. A significant negative correlation between age and bilirubin, known as a strong antioxidative substance, was obtained in both the Thoroughbred and pony groups. However, the distribution area of data was different due to higher bilirubin concentrations in Thoroughbreds. The serum iron levels were correlated with serum triglyceride levels in ponies. We propose that the metabolism of ponies differs from that of Thoroughbreds and that careful breeding and appropriate exercise are required for aging ponies. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
RESEARCH IN VETERINARY SCIENCE 106 131-134 2016年6月 査読有りAcarbose (AC) and Sitagliptin (STGP) are oral hypoglycemic agents currently used either alone or in conjunction with human diabetic (Type 2) patients. AC has been used with diabetic cats, but not STGP thus far. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the potential use of AC or STGP alone and in combination for diabetic cats, by observing their effect on short-term post-prandial serum glucose, insulin, and incretin hormone (active glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and total glucose dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP)) concentrations in five healthy cats, following ingestion of a meal with maltose. All treatments tended (p < 0.10; 5-7.5% reduction) to reduce postprandial glucose area under the curve (AUC), with an accompanying significant reduction (p < 0.05, 35-45%) in postprandial insulin AUC as compared to no treatment. Meanwhile, a significant increase (p < 0.05) in postprandial active GLP-1 AUC was observed with STGP (100% higher) and combined treatment (130% greater), as compared to either AC or no treatment. Lastly, a significant reduction (p < 0.05) in postprandial total GIP AUC was observed with STGP (21% reduction) and combined treatment (7% reduction) as compared to control. Overall, AC, STGP, or combined treatment can significantly induce positive post-prandial changes to insulin and incretin hormone levels of healthy cats. Increasing active GLP-1 and reducing postprandial hyperglycemia appear to be the principal mechanisms of combined treatment. Considering the different, but complementary mechanisms of action by which AC and STGP induce lower glucose and insulin levels, combination therapy with both these agents offers great potential for treating diabetic cats in the future. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICAL SCIENCE 78(5) 913-916 2016年5月 査読有りA 12-year-old female American shorthair cat presented with a one-month history of hematuria and general lethargy. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed complete thickening of the left uterine wall. At a diagnostic laparotomy, a large mass arising from the left uterine horn was discovered, and ovariohysterectomy was performed. Histological diagnosis revealed a T-cell high-grade lymphoma of the uterus. After the ovariohysterectomy, the patient achieved complete remission and was maintained by combination chemotherapy from 14 days after surgery. However, relapse occurred in the urinary bladder wall on day 287, and the patient died of postrenal acute renal failure on day 310. This is the first report of a feline case of primary uterine lymphoma that was treated with ovariohysterectomy followed by systemic chemotherapy.
VETERINARY DERMATOLOGY 27(2) 67-E19 2016年4月 査読有りBackgroundCorneocyte surface area (CSA) is as established parameter for skin barrier function in humans. Measurement of canine CSA has been previously reported but has not been validated. Hypothesis/ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to evaluate the validity of CSA as a barrier function parameter in dogs. AnimalsSix clinically normal beagle dogs. MethodsCSA was measured and compared with transepidermal water loss (TEWL) using sequential tape stripping of the stratum corneum as a model of acute barrier disruption. Then, CSA and TEWL were measured at four anatomical sites (groin, lower back, nasal bridge and pinna). The correlation between the two indices was also evaluated. ResultsFrom the results of sequential tape stripping, CSA values gradually decreased with increasing number of tape strippings. The CSA values were inversely correlated with the TEWL ones. The two indices at different sites were variable and were strongly correlated. Conclusions and clinical importanceCanine CSA was demonstrated to be a useful parameter for the canine skin barrier function. The results from the anatomical sites imply that the cephalic sites (nasal bridge and pinna) were lower than others in skin barrier function. Resume ContexteLa CSA (corneocyte surface area) est un parametre etabli pour la fonction de barriere cutanee chez l'homme. La mesure de CSA canine a ete precedemment rapportee mais n'a pas ete validee. Hypotheses/ObjectifsLa but de cette etude etait d'evaluer la validation du CSA en tant que parametre de la fonction barriere chez le chien. SujetsSix chiens beagles cliniquement sains. MethodesLa CSA a ete mesuree et comparee avec la perte hydrique transepidermique (TEWL) utilisant des TS (tape stripping) sequentiels sur le stratum corneum comme modele de rupture de barriere epidermique. Ainsi, la CSA et le TEWL ont ete mesure sur quatre sites anatomiques differents (truffe, chanfrein, bas du dos et pavillons auriculaires). La correlation entre les deux indices a aussi ete evaluee. ResultatsA partir des resultats des TS sequentiels, les valeurs de CSA diminuaient graduellement avec l'augmentation du nombre de TS. Les valeurs de CSA etaient inversement correlees avec celles de TEWL. Les deux indices aux differents sites etaient variables et etaient fortement correles. Conclusions et importance cliniqueLa CSA canine est un parametre important de la fonction barriere cutanee. Les resultats des differents sites anatomiques montrent que la face (chanfrein et pavillons) a une fonction barriere cutanee plus faible que les autres sites. Resumen Introduccionel area superficial de corneocitos (CSA) es un parametro establecido de la funcion de barrera de la piel en humanos. La medicion de la CSA canina ha sido previamente publicada, pero no ha sido validada. Hipotesis/Objetivosel proposito de este estudio fue evaluar la validez de la CSA como un parametro de la funcion de barrera de la piel en perros. Animalesseis perros de raza Beagle clinicamente normales. Metodosse evaluo la CSA y se comparo con la perdida transite de agua (TEWL) utilizando exfoliacion secuencial con cinta adhesiva del estrato corneo como modelo de disrupcion aguda de barrera de la piel. Despues, se midieron CSA y TWEL en cuatro localizaciones atomicas (zona inguinal, zona dorsolumbar, zona dorsal del hocico, y pabellon auricular). La correlacion entre los dos indices fue evaluada. Resultadosde los resultados de la exfoliacion secuencial con cinta adhesiva, los valores de CSA disminuyeron gradualmente tras el incremento del numero de colecciones con cinta adhesiva. Los valores de CSA estuvieron inversamente correlacionados con los valores de TEWL. Los dos indices en las diferentes locaciones fueron variables pero estuvieron altamente relacionados. Conclusion e importancia clinicala CSA es un parametro util para el estudio de la funcion de barrera de la piel canina. Los resultados en las diferentes locaciones anatomicas implican que las zonas cefalicas (zona del hocico y de los pabellones auriculares) fueron mas debiles que las otras localizaciones en cuanto a la funcion de barrera. Zusammenfassung HintergrundBeim Menschen stellt die Korneozyten Oberflache (CSA) einen etablierten Parameter fur die Funktion der Hautbarriere dar. Messungen des caninen CSA sind bereits publiziert, aber nicht validiert, worden. Hypothese/ZieleDas Ziel dieser Studie war eine Evaluierung der Validitat von CSA als Hautbarriereparameter bei Hunden. TiereSechs klinisch normale Beagles. MethodenCSA wurde gemessen und mittels sequentiellem Tape Stripping des Stratum corneum als Modell fur akute Barrierestorung mit transepidermalem Wasserverlust (TEWL) verglichen. Dann wurden CSA und TEWL an vier anatomischen Lokalisationen (Inguinalgegend, kaudaler Rucken, Nasenrucken und Pinnae) gemessen. Die Korrelation zwischen den beiden Messwerten wurde ebenfalls evaluiert. ErgebnisseDie Ergebnisse des sequentiellen Tape Strippings ergaben, dass die CSA Werte bei zunehmender Anzahl der Tape Strippings graduell weniger wurden. Die CSA Werte waren mit den TEWL Werten invers korreliert. Die beiden Messwerte an den verschiedenen Korperstellen waren stark korreliert. Schlussfolgerungen und klinische BedeutungEs konnte gezeigt werden, dass Canines CSA ein wertvoller Parameter zur Evaluierung der Hautbarrierefunktion des Hundes darstellen kann. Die Ergebnisse der unterschiedlichen anatomischen Lokalisationen zeigen, dass die Schadellokalisationen (Nasenrucken und Pinnae) in Bezug auf die Hautbarrierefunktion niedriger lagen als die anderen Werte.
ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT 188(4) 226 2016年4月 査読有りIn this study, iodine and thyroxin (T4) concentrations in the serum of 69 horses were investigated. Higher iodine concentrations were obtained from the horses housed in Chiba Prefecture. In contrast, T4 concentrations of horses at Shizuoka Prefecture were higher than those of horses at Chiba Prefecture. There was a significant correlation (r = 0.643, P < 0.001) between the iodine and T4 concentrations of horses at Saitama and. Shizuoka prefectures. Although a significant correlation (r=0.794, P < 0.001) was also observed in the investigation of all horses at Chiba Prefecture, the distribution area of the data was separated from the data of horses housed in Saitama and Shizuoka prefectures. A higher iodine concentration in the environment is expected in the sampling area at Chiba Prefecture. Thus, it was suggested that the concentrations of iodine in the serum of horses are influenced by geological differences. It was thought that equine senim is a useful sample for monitoring.
JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICAL SCIENCE 78(3) 411-417 2016年3月 査読有り最終著者Nesfatin-1 is an anorexic peptide derived from a predursor, nucleobindin-2 (NUCB2), which is distributed in various organs, coexists with ghrelin in the gastric X/A-like cells and closely relates to an appetite control in rodents and humans. Nesfatin-1 may be a significant factor addressing the satiety also in veterinary medicine, however, there are few reports about nesfatin-1 in dogs. In the present study, we detected canine NUCB2/nesfatin-1 mRNA in various tissues, especially abundant in pancreas, gastrointestinal tracts, testis and cerebellum. We examined circulating nesfatin-1 concentrations and NUCB2/nesfatin-1 mRNA expressions in upper gastrointestinal tracts (gastric corpus, pyloric antrum and duodenum) in dogs fed on different types of diets. Plasma nesfatin-1 concentrations in the dogs were approximately 4 ng/ml and they did not change after feeding through the study, however, NUCB2/nesfatin-1 mRNA expressions in pyloric antrum were 1.84-fold higher in the dogs fed on a High fiber/High protein diet (P<0.001), 1.48-fold higher in the dogs fed on a High fat/Low protein diet (P<0.05) and 1.02-fold higher in the dogs fed on a Low fat/High carbohydrate diet (not significant) comparing to those on a control diet. It was concluded that High fiber/High protein and High fat/Low protein diets increased NUCB2/nesfatin-1 production in canine gastrointestinal tracts. These results may set the stage for further investigations of canine NUCB2/nesfatin-1, which may relate to satiety effects in dogs.
POLISH JOURNAL OF VETERINARY SCIENCES 19(2) 387-391 2016年 査読有りCarbohydrate is an important source of energy, which can significantly affect postprandial blood glucose and insulin levels in cats. In healthy animals, this is not a big concern; however, in obese and diabetic animals, this is an important detail. In the present study, the impact of four different carbohydrate sources (glucose, maltose, corn starch, and trehalose) on short-term post-prandial serum glucose, insulin, and non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentrations was investigated with four obese cats. Each of the carbohydrate sources was added to a commercial wet food diet for feeding the animals. A significant difference was observed in postprandial glucose, insulin, and NEFA area under the curve (AUC) values between each carbohydrate source in obese cats. Furthermore, glucose and maltose induced the highest postprandial glucose and insulin AUC values, whereas trehalose induced the lowest postprandial glucose and insulin AUC value amongst all carbohydrate sources, respectively, in obese cats. However, trehalose has a higher risk of inducing side effects, such as diarrhea, as compared to other carbohydrate sources. As such, different carbohydrate sources appear to have a very significant impact on post-prandial glycemia and subsequent insulin requirement levels in obese cats. These results might be useful when selecting a prescription diet for obese or diabetic cats. In addition, maltose appears to be capable of inducing experimentally evoked postprandial hyperglycemia in obese cats, which may serve as a good tool for use to check the impact and effectiveness of newly developed oral hypoglycemic drugs or supplements for cats in future experiments.
VETERINARY JOURNAL 207 184-187 2016年1月 査読有りIn dogs, hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) is associated with insulin resistance and diabetes does progress with HAC. There are significant differences in the transcriptomic and proteomic patterns of activated T cells, which parallel the findings in muscle tissues. The aim of this study was to assess how glucocorticoids affect intracellular metabolites in canine peripheral blood mononuclear cells (CnPBMCs) using dexamethasone. A total of 96 metabolites were identified by capillary electrophoresis time-of-flight mass spectrometry (CE-TOFMS). After incubation with dexamethasone, the metabolites glucose 1-phosphate, glucose 6-phosphate, fructose 6-phosphate, sedoheptulose 7-phosphate and acetyl-CoA were significantly increased. However, ATP, CTP, dATP, pyruvic acid and NADP(+) were significantly decreased. These results show that a glucocorticoid reduces the catabolic reaction of glucose and accordingly decreases the glucose requirements of CnPBMCs. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICAL SCIENCE 77(10) 1201-1206 2015年10月 査読有りG protein-coupled receptor (GPR) 120 is an unsaturated fatty acid receptor, which is associated with various physiological functions. It is reported that the genetic variant of GPR120, p.Arg270His, is detected more in obese people, and this genetic variation functionally relates to obesity in humans. Obesity is a common nutritional disorder also in dogs, but the genetic factors have not ever been identified in dogs. In this study, we investigated the molecular structure of canine GPR120 and searched for candidate genetic variants which may relate to obesity in dogs. Canine GPR120 was highly homologous to those of other species, and seven transmembrane domains and two N-glycosylation sites were conserved. GPR120 mRNA was expressed in lung, jejunum, ileum, colon, hypothalamus, hippocampus, spinal cord, bone marrow, dermis and white adipose tissues in dogs, as those in mice and humans. Genetic variants of GPR120 were explored in client-owned 141 dogs, resulting in that 5 synonymous and 4 non-synonymous variants were found. The variant c.595C>A (p.Pro199Thr) was found in 40 dogs, and the gene frequency was significantly higher in dogs with higher body condition scores, i.e. 0.320 in BCS4-5 dogs, 0.175 in BCS3 dogs and 0.000 in BCS2 dogs. We conclude that c.595C>A (p.Pro199Thr) is a candidate variant relating to obesity, which may be helpful for nutritional management of dogs.
Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 10(4) 185-190 2015年 査読有りG-protein-coupled receptors (GPRs) 40 and 120 are members of the Free Fatty Acid (FFA) receptor group and are termed FFAR1 and FFAR4, respectively. The aim of this study was to clone cat GPR40 and GPR120 cDNAs in several tissues. There was high sequence homology to other mammalian GPR40 and GPR120, with encoding 320 and 361 amino acid residues, respectively. Cat GPR40 encoded extra 21 amino acid residues in the C-terminal cytoplasmic region. Quantitative RT-PCR revealed expression of GPR40 mRNA in the duodenum, liver and pancreas. The GPR120 mRNA was expressed in adipose tissues, cerebral cortex and colon. In conclusion, GPR40 and GPR120 were well conserved and were expressed in cat tissues with different distribution patterns.
BMC Research Notes 7(1) 904 2014年12月11日 査読有りBackground: The uncoupling proteins (UCPs) in the mitochondrial inner membrane are members of the mitochondrial anion carrier protein family that play an important role in energy homeostasis. Genetic association studies have shown that human UCP2 and UCP3 variants (SNPs and indels) are associated with obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and metabolic syndrome. The aim of this study was to examine the genetic association between polymorphisms in UCP2 and UCP3 and metabolic data in dogs. Results: We identified 10 SNPs (9 intronic and 1 exonic) and 4 indels (intronic) in UCP2, and 13 SNPs (11 intronic and 2 exonic) and one indel (exonic) in UCP3, by DNA sequence analysis of 11 different dog breeds (n = 119). An association study between these UCP2 and UCP3 variants and the biochemical parameters of glucose, total cholesterol, lactate dehydrogenase and triglyceride in Labrador Retrievers (n = 50) showed that none of the UCP2 polymorphisms were significantly associated with the levels of these parameters. However, four UCP3 SNPs (intron 1) were significantly associated with total cholesterol levels. In addition, the allele frequencies of two of the four SNPs associated with higher total cholesterol levels in a breed that is susceptible to hypercholesterolemia (Shetland Sheepdogs, n = 30), compared with the control breed (Shiba, n = 30). Conclusion: The results obtained from a limited number of individuals suggest that the UCP3 gene in dogs may be associated with total cholesterol levels. The examination of larger sample sizes and further analysis will lead to increased precision of these results.
JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICAL SCIENCE 76(8) 1177-1182 2014年8月 査読有りHyperadrenocorticism (HAC) is a common endocrine disorder in dogs, in which excess glucocorticoid causes insulin resistance. Disturbance of insulin action may be caused by multiple factors, including transcriptional modulation of insulin signal molecules which lie downstream of insulin binding to insulin receptors. In this study, gene expressions of insulin signal molecules were examined using neutrophils of the HAC dogs (the untreated dogs and the dogs which had been treated with trilostane). Insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1, IRS-2, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (P13-K), protein kinase B/Akt kinase (Akt)-2 and protein kinase C (PKC)-lambda were analyzed in the HAC dogs and compared with those from normal dogs. The IRS-1 gene expressions decreased by 37% and 35% of the control dogs in the untreated and treated groups, respectively. The IRS-2 gene expressions decreased by 61% and 72%, the P13-K gene expressions decreased by 47% and 55%, and the Akt-2 gene expressions decreased by 45% and 56% of the control dogs, similarly. Collectively, gene expressions of insulin signal molecules are suppressed in the HAC dogs, which may partially contribute to the induction of insulin resistance.
JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICAL SCIENCE 76(4) 569-572 2014年4月 査読有りTo understand the effects of silicon (Si) in the urine with respect to the formation of urinary stones, the distribution of Si in urine was observed. Urine samples from cats with urolithiasis (n=10) and healthy cats (n=15) were used. The concentration of Si in the cats with urolithiasis was significantly higher (P<0.001). A significant correlation (P<0.05) was observed between the concentration of Si and those of other elements, such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and iron, only in the urine of the healthy cats. The distribution of elements in the urine differed between the cats with urolithiasis and the healthy cats. The Si concentration and its relationship with other elements were suggested to be useful biomarkers for urolithiasis in cats.
ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL 85(3) 323-329 2014年3月 査読有り
Veterinary Nursing 19(2) 15-21 2014年 査読有り近年、動物医療においてもリハビリテーションの重要性が認識され、治療行為のひとつとして注目を集めつつある。本研究では前十字靭帯断裂に馬尾症候群を併発した一事例を対象に術後リハビリテーションを行い、その有用性について検討した。術後早期からアイシングや他動的関節可動域運動(PROM運動)、マッサージ療法、温熱療法、水治療法を実施したところ、対照群と比べて膝関節の関節可動域の減少が小さく、筋肉量の減少は見られなかった。また、フォースプレートで解析した歩様回復までの期間は、対照群の3ヶ月に対し2ヶ月と短かった。これらの結果より、TPLO実施後早期からのリハビリテーションの効果は高く、術後回復の促進に有用であることが示唆された。日本の獣医療においてリハビリテーションがより広く普及し、麻痺や痛みを抱える患者動物とそのオーナーの苦しみを、少しでも減らす手助けとなることを期待する。
Research in Veterinary Science 95(2) 381-388 2013年10月 査読有りGlucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) is a glucose-lowering, intestinal-derived factor with multiple physiological effects, making it attractive for diabetes therapy. However, the therapeutic potential of endogenous GLP-1 is limited, because of rapid inactivation by dipeptidyl peptidase-4. Recently, enhanced incretin preparations, such as liraglutide, have emerged, which are more resistant to degradation and longer lasting. Liraglutide is a long-acting acylated human GLP-1 receptor agonist, with a 97% amino acid sequence identity to endogenous human GLP-1, and 100% amino acid sequence homology with canine GLP-1.Since liraglutide has yet to be examined for use in dogs, and the incretin effect has been reported to exist in dogs, we sought to initially characterize liraglutide's ability for glycemic control in healthy dogs, under an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) environment initially. This was followed up a more realistic scenario involving food with insulin injection +/- liraglutide injection resulting in a glucose curve based study involving dogs suffering from Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Overall, liraglutide had a stabilizing effect on glucose levels, maintaining circulating levels between 77.0 and 137.0mg/ml throughout the OGTT test period, resulting in a significant reduction of 13.8% in glucose AUC0-120min (total area under the curve for 0-120min) as compared to baseline control in healthy dogs (n=5). Interestingly, the liraglutide associated reduction in circulating glucose was not accompanied by any significant increase in insulin. Moreover, T1DM dogs (n=4) responded favorably to liraglutide treatment, which lead to a significant reduction of 46.0% in glucose AUC0-12h (total area under the curve for 0-12h), and a significant reduction of 66.5% in serum glucose as compared to baseline controls (insulin treatment only). Therefore, liraglutide's prandial glucagon suppressive ability appears to play a key role in its glucose-lowering capability, and offers great potential for use with dogs suffering from T1DM. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
DOMESTIC ANIMAL ENDOCRINOLOGY 45(2) 79-88 2013年8月 査読有りLeptin and adiponectin play important roles in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in different species. Information is limited on the effects of diet, weight gain, and fat mass on their concentrations in cats. This study compared fasting and postprandial blood leptin and total adiponectin concentrations before and after 8 wk of ad libitum feeding to promote weight gain in adult cats (n = 32) fed either a low-carbohydrate, high-protein (23% and 47% ME) or a high-carbohydrate, low-protein (51% and 21% ME) diet. There were significant effects of total, abdominal, and nonabdominal fat mass, but not diet or body weight, on mean 24-h and peak leptin (P < 0.01); observed increases in mean and peak leptin were greatest for abdominal fat mass (50% and 56% increase for every extra 100 g, respectively). After weight gain, postprandial leptin concentration increased markedly relative to when cats were lean, and the duration of the increase was longer after a mean weight gain of 37% with the low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet group compared with 17% with the high-carbohydrate, low-protein group (P <= 0.01). Adiponectin was lower than fasting at some time points during the postprandial period in both groups (P <= 0.05). For both fasting and mean 24-h adiponectin, there was no significant diet effect (P >= 0.19) or changes in weight gain relative to when cats were lean (P >= 0.29). In conclusion, fat mass, and not diet, has a large effect on postprandial leptin but not adiponectin concentrations in cats. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
VETERINARY DERMATOLOGY 24(4) 450-E101 2013年8月 査読有りBackground - The measurement of transepidermal water loss (TEWL) is one of the parameters that can be used to assess skin barrier function. The variability and reliability of TEWL measurements in dogs have been controversial, and the hair coat has been considered as one of the factors that may cause variation of TEWL values. Hypothesis/Objectives - The aims of the study were to establish a suitable procedure for measuring feline TEWL, to evaluate the influence of hair coat on TEWL measurements and to assess variations of TEWL at different anatomical sites. Methods - Transepidermal water loss was measured using a closed-chamber evaporimeter, the VapoMeter (R). We compared three adjacent sites in the groin area of 10 clinically normal, domestic short hair cats. One site was unclipped, the second was trimmed with scissors and the third was shaved using electric clippers. Values of TEWL were obtained for 48 h after trimming with scissors and clippers. Five sites were clipped (upper back, lumbar back, lateral thigh, axillae and groin), and the TEWL was measured. Results - The mean and SD of TEWL values of the clipper-trimmed site were the smallest, followed in order by the site trimmed with scissors and the unclipped site. The TEWL values were statistically constant in the clipper-trimmed site, while the values in the unclipped sites were not. There was no statistically significant difference in TEWL values between all of the anatomical sites except for the axillae. Conclusions and clinical importance - Hair clipping of sites with electric clippers is recommended for TEWL measurement in cats.
The Journal of veterinary medical science 75(2) 173-7 2013年2月 査読有りMonocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) is a member of the C-C family chemokines, which mobilizes monocytes from bone marrow to the site of inflammation. To evaluate the clinical utility of canine MCP-1 as a blood test item, we measured serum MCP-1 concentrations in normal and ill dogs. Reference interval of canine MCP-1 was established as 115.6-176.9 pg/ml. Serum MCP-1 concentrations increased in the dogs affected with neoplastic (518.0 ± 84.8 pg/ml), inflammatory (257.0 ± 42.5 pg/ml) or other diseases (360.3 ± 45.2 pg/ml). The results showed high sensitivity of MCP-1 to detect neoplasia and inflammation. Moreover, MCP-1 increased in some cases in which C-reactive protein didn't increase. MCP-1 might be helpful as a screening blood test marker for detection of neoplasia and inflammation in dogs.
動物臨床医学 22(4) 139-143 2013年 査読有りα1-酸性糖蛋白 (α1-AG)は急性相反応蛋白の一種であり,猫において炎症や腫瘍を検出するスクリーニング項目として注目を集めつつある。今回新たに開発した測定試薬を用い免疫比濁(TIA)法による猫血中α1-AGを測定した結果,同時再現性と希釈直線性はともに良好で,その測定値は一元放射免疫拡散法による測定値と高い相関を示した。この試薬を用いたTIA法で日本獣医生命科学大学付属動物医療センターに来院した238頭の猫の血中α1-AG濃度を測定したところ,α1-AGが上昇していた125頭のうち血清アミロイドA(SAA)の上昇を伴っていたものは62頭で,乖離が見られることからα1-AGとSAAの同時評価が病期判定や鑑別診断に結びつく可能性が示唆された。また,TIA法による猫α1-AGの測定は大規模な検体処理に適し,検査項目としてのα1-AG測定の普及に寄与することが期待される。
動物臨床医学 21(2) 060-065 2012年6月 査読有り血液生化学検査は,獣医臨床において疾病の診断,治療効果の判定に重要な役割を果たしている。生化学測定値の評価においては基準値の設定が重要であり,ヒトでは年齢や性差など患者の属性によって基準範囲が異なる項目も知られている。一方,獣医領域においてはこれらに加え,品種によって基準値が異なる可能性も考えられるが,充分なデータがないのが現状である。本研究では,健常と考えられる犬から採取しドライケミストリ法で測定した検査データ(n=3,303)を基に,主な20 項目について犬種別に比較検討した。その結果,ほとんどの項目では顕著な犬種差はみられなかったが,クレアチニン(CRE)では小型犬が低く大型犬が高めに分布するなど,いくつかの項目で犬種差が認められた。臨床現場で犬種別の基準範囲は常用する必要は無いが,CRE 等において境界付近の値を示す症例では,診断の一助となる状況もあると思われた。
Patient-Side Assay of Lipase Activity Correlating with Pancreatic Lipase Immunoreactivity in the DogJOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICAL SCIENCE 73(11) 1481-1483 2011年11月 査読有りPancreatitis is a common exocrine pancreatic disease in dogs, and the pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity (PLI) test is used for diagnosis. Enzyme catalytic assay is thought to have low specificity, but a lipase activity assay with increased specificity has been developed in human clinical chemistry. We measured serum lipase activity of 65 client-owned dogs using the newly developed FUJI DRI-CHEM slide and compared the results with their PLI concentrations. The results showed a good correlation (r=0.91), and the normal and pancreatitis dogs identified based on the PLI values were correctly separated based on lipase activity. The present study suggests that FUJI DRI-CHEM lipase activity would be helpful for diagnosis Of pacreatitis in dogs and, in particular, that it can be used as a patient-side assay and contributes to immediate treatment.
BIOLOGICAL TRACE ELEMENT RESEARCH 143(2) 913-922 2011年11月 査読有りThe concentrations of elements in urine obtained from cats with urolithiasis were compared with those of healthy cats. The concentration of several elements, such as sodium (Na), phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), and potassium (K), in urine obtained from cats with urolithiasis was significantly higher than that of healthy cats. A significant correlation (p < 0.01) was found between the concentration of magnesium (Mg) and that of other elements, such as P (r = 0.8913), S (r = 0.6817), and K (r = 0.8391), in the urine obtained from healthy cats. A significant correlation (r = 0.7422, p < 0.05) was also obtained between the concentration of K and that of P in urine collected from cats with urolithiasis, but the slope of regression line was significantly different from that of the urine obtained from healthy cats. Other correlations observed in healthy cats were not obtained from cats with urolithiasis. However, a significant correlation between the concentration of magnesium (Mg) and that of calcium was obtained only from cats with urolithiasis. The results of the present study suggest that urinary concentrations of various elements in cats with urolithiasis are higher than those of healthy cats. Furthermore, the balance of elements in the urine of cats with urolithiasis was altered.
Evaluation of Serum and Urine 1,5-Anhydro-D-Glucitol and Myo-Inositol Concentrations in Healthy DogsJOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICAL SCIENCE 73(9) 1117-1126 2011年9月 査読有り1,5-anhydro-D-glucitol (1,5AG) is a pyranoid polyol compound found in human circulating blood. Myo-inositol (MI) is a stereoisomer of inositol and serves as a precursor of inositol phospholipids. I,5AG and MI are filtered by the glomerulus and almost completely reabsorbed through the renal tubules. However, under hyperglycemic conditions, reabsorption through the renal tubules is competitively inhibited because the structures of I,5AG and MI resemble that of glucose. In this study, we investigated the kinetics of serum and urine 1,5AG and MI levels in healthy dogs. We demonstrated that 1,5AG and MI exist in canine serum and urine by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Under continuous hyperglycemic conditions, the serum 1,5AG concentration in healthy dogs decreased while the serum MI concentration remained unchanged. Urinary excretion of 1,5AG and MI increased significantly after blood glucose concentrations reached 200 to 220 mg/d/. A significant negative correlation was observed between serum 1,5AG and glucose concentrations during hyperglycemia. However, no significant correlation was observed between serum MI and glucose concentrations. In this study, we demonstrated that serum and urine 1,5AG and MI levels were changed by blood glucose concentrations. The serum I,5AG concentration was decreased by continuous hyperglycemia. However, the serum MI concentration does not reflect hyperglycemia.
JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICAL SCIENCE 73(8) 1105-1108 2011年8月 査読有りA novel canine tumor cell line designated as the CMS-C cell line was established from pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) raised in the prostate gland of a 14-year-old intact male mixed-breed dog. CMS-C cells displayed the same immunohistochemical characteristics (positive for vimentin and desmin and negative for cytokeratin and smooth muscle actin) as the original tumor cells and express myoD1 and UCP3, known as striated muscle-specific molecules, as shown by RT-PCR assay. Therefore, the established CMS-C cell line appears to be of rhabdomyoblast cell origin. The CMS-C cell line established from pleomorphic RMS will be a useful tool for further studies about canine RMS.
GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY 172(3) 468-474 2011年7月 査読有りAdiponectin is a key adipokine that regulates carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. It circulates in stable low (LMW) and high molecular weight (HMW) forms. The aims of this study were to characterize baseline adiponectin profiles (total, LMW and HMW multimers) in healthy cats and to assess the effects of varying dietary carbohydrate content on adiponectin profiles. Cats were maintained on a diet with moderate carbohydrate content (37% metabolisable energy [ME]) for 4 weeks and then randomly allocated to either a low carbohydrate (19% ME) or high carbohydrate (52% ME) diet for 4 weeks. Fasting and postprandial plasma adiponectin profiles were measured by ELISA and sucrose gradient/Western blot. After consuming the moderate carbohydrate diet for 4 weeks, fasting total, HMW and LMW plasma adiponectin concentrations were 5.0 +/- 0.6, 2.5 +/- 0.5 and 2.6 +/- 0.2 mu g/mL, respectively. After changing to the low carbohydrate diet, fasting total adiponectin was unchanged but HMW adiponectin increased and LMW adiponectin decreased. No significant postprandial changes were observed. Cats consuming the high carbohydrate diet had increased fasting total and LMW adiponectin with no change in HMW adiponectin. In the postprandial state total adiponectin was reduced and there was a trend towards a decrease in HMW (p = 0.086) but not LMW multimers. These data indicate that feline adiponectin multimer profiles are similar to those reported in other species and demonstrate that changes in plasma adiponectin occur in response to chronic and acute carbohydrate intake and these reflect differential changes in adiponectin multimers. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
DOMESTIC ANIMAL ENDOCRINOLOGY 41(1) 24-34 2011年7月 査読有りThe hormonal mediators of obesity-induced insulin resistance and compensatory hyperinsulinemia in dogs have not been identified. Plasma samples were obtained after a 24-h fast from 104 client-owned lean, overweight, and obese dogs. Plasma glucose and insulin concentrations were used to calculate insulin sensitivity and beta-cell function with the use of the homeostasis model assessment (HOMA(insulin) sensitivity and HOMA(beta-cell) function, respectively). Path analysis with multivariable linear regression was used to identify whether fasting plasma leptin, adiponectin, or glucagon-like peptide-1 concentrations were associated with adiposity, insulin sensitivity, and basal insulin secretion. None of the dogs were hyperglycemic. In the final path model, adiposity was positively associated with leptin (P<0.01) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (P = 0.04) concentrations. No significant total effect of adiposity on adiponectin in dogs (P = 0.24) was observed. If there is a direct effect of leptin on adiponectin, then our results indicate that this is a positive relationship, which at least partly counters a negative direct relationship between adiposity and adiponectin. Fasting plasma leptin concentration was directly negatively associated with fasting insulin sensitivity (P = 0.01) and positively associated with beta-cell function (P < 0.01), but no direct association was observed between adiponectin concentration and either insulin sensitivity or beta-cell function (P = 0.42 and 0.11, respectively). We conclude that dogs compensate effectively for obesity-induced insulin resistance. Fasting plasma leptin concentrations appear to be associated with obesity-associated changes in insulin sensitivity and compensatory hyperinsulinemia in naturally occurring obese dogs. Adiponectin does not appear to be involved in the pathophysiology of obesity-associated changes in insulin sensitivity. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
大学院特別講義 (日本獣医生命科学大学 大学院獣医保健看護学専攻)
臨床動物看護学特別研究 (日本獣医生命科学大学 大学院獣医保健看護学専攻)
臨床動物看護学特別演習 (日本獣医生命科学大学 大学院獣医保健看護学専攻)
臨床獣医保健看護学特別研究 (日本獣医生命科学大学 大学院獣医保健看護学専攻)
臨床獣医保健看護学特別演習 (日本獣医生命科学大学 大学院獣医保健看護学専攻)
文部科学省 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)) 2015年4月 - 2018年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2011年4月 - 2017年3月
文部科学省 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)) 2012年4月 - 2015年3月
文部科学省 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)) 2008年4月 - 2011年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 2009年 - 2011年