
ダン ブライアン

ダン ブライアン  (Brian Dunne)


大阪樟蔭女子大学 学芸学部 国際英語学科 准教授
Master of Applied Linguistics (TESOL)(Macquarie University)
Bachelor of Education(University of Tasmania)
Diploma of Teaching(Sydney Teacher's College)

グレッグ ダン


  • Osaka Shoin Women's University, English and Culture 2012(2) 53-65 2012年3月  招待有り筆頭著者
    As the International English program at Osaka Shoin Women&#039;s University prepares to enter its fourth year of existence, it seems timely to take stock of the opportunities that the program actually provides for students to engage in meaningful and authentic English communication in real International English contexts.<br /> pp.53-65.
  • Sean Toland
    Coteaching and Other Collaborative Practices in the EFL/ESL Classroom: Rationale, Research, Reflections, and Recommendations, Honigsfeld, A. & Dove, M. (Eds.) 2012年2月  査読有り
    This book chapter instructs teachers how to effectively conduct self and peer reflective practices when embarking on professional development projects. The rationale underpinning the six-step model outlined, is grounded in the effectiveness that video-recording and collegial collaborative practice bring to the experience. The authors relate their personal experiences and findings when developing and roadtesting the model.<br /> pp.271-280.
  • 2011(1) 49-60 2011年3月  
    This paper outlines the evolution of English throughout its history. It furthermore outlines the development and direction that the field of World Englishes (WE) has been taking as its impact on English as a Foreign Language (ESL) rapidly increases throughout the world.<br /> pp.49-60.
  • Sean H. Toland
    In The 2010 Pan-SIG Conference Proceedings, K. Bradford-Watts, E. M. Skier & M. Walsh (Eds) 78-91 2010年12月  査読有り
    本論は、ビデオ使用を英語授業の指導改善に役立てる実践事例報告である。勤<br /> 務校では、教育開発プロジェクトの一環として、英語教員同士による授業参観<br /> を実施しているが、アンケート調査から、教室へのビデオ撮影の導入は、授業<br /> 担当者自身に批評的視点を提供するばかりでなく、反省会での該当授業の検討<br /> に役立つことが判明した。本論は、先行研究を踏まえ、ビデオ撮影に関する5<br /> つの要点を、各種アンケート調査と照らし合わせて指摘する。さらに、教室へ<br /> のビデオ持ち込みに伴う問題に対して、解決策を例示している。<br /> キーワード:ビデオ撮影、教育開発、授業改善、自己省察、協同態勢<br /> pp.78-91.
  • In Internet-Based Language Learning: Pedagogies and Technologies, Son, J.B. (Ed.) 2009年12月  査読有り
    This chapter reports the procedures and observations relating to a curriculum development project at Osaka Shoin Women&#039;s University whereby Moodle was utilised in a process writing course. It is informed by research into Moodle, the process approach to writing and task-based learning theory. A quantitative statistical analysis indicated that students who utilised the customised Moodle-based resources became better able to repair grammatical errors in their papers.<br /> pp.21-46.


  • Japan Association for Language Teachers - Computer Assisted Language Learning (JALT-CALL 2012) Conference 2012年6月2日
    The image of classroom EFL learners sharing a common L1 but attempting to communicate meaningfully with each other in an L2 suggests there is a substantial need to increase the opportunities for authentic and meaningful communication in EFL classrooms. Otherwise known as online intercultural exchange, telecollaboration requires learners to communicate, either orally or graphically, with learners located in foreign countries or cultures. This presentation reports on the trials, tribulations and successes experienced in a task-based telecollaboration project conducted between an EFL writing class (n=36) at a Japanese university and an EFL class (n=36) in a Chilean university. The 6-week project used the ePals.com platform as a conduit and consisted of a series of outcome-seeking tasks which engaged beginner level students in asynchronous email exchanges with partners who did not share their L1.
  • Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) in Asia Conference - Japan Association for Language Teachers (JALT) 2012年5月20日
    This workshop shall demonstrate how an EFL writing class (n=36) at Osaka Shoin Women's University conducted a telecollaborative task project with an EFL class (n=36) in a Chilean university. The 6-week project consisted of a series of outcome-seeking tasks which engaged beginner level students in asynchronous email exchanges with partners who did not share their L1, demonstrating how suitably designed telecollaborative task projects can bring authenticity into beginner level EFL classrooms.
  • Greg Dunne
    GLoCALL 2011 conference (Globalization and Localization in Computer Assisted Language Learning) 2011年10月29日
    Videopaper builder is free, downloadable video editing software specifically designed by teachers for teachers who wish to record, reflect on and improve their teaching. This presentation shall train teachers how to best access and use the software when embarking on collaborative teacher professional development (PD) projects with like-minded colleagues. It shall also detail the procedures followed and insights gained through both presenters' own PD project.
  • Sean Toland
    GLoCALL 2011 conference (Globalization and Localization in Computer Assisted Language Learning) 2011年10月28日
    This workshop contends that the next great pedagogical leap in EFL development in EFL teaching will be the widespread implementation of task-based telecollaboration. To date, telecollaboration has been viewed in EFL circles as a resource almost exclusively appropriate for advanced language learners. In reaction to the needs of beginner-level learners, this workshop firstly, outlines the telecollaboration program between students at Osaka Shoin Women's University and Universidad de Los Lagos, Chile.
  • Sean Toland
    8th Asian Association of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (AsiaTEFL) International Conference - Teaching English as a Global Language 2010年8月8日
    This presentation reports on the synergised teacher development project conducted by two teachers at Osaka Shoin Women's Universiy. The project design required each teacher to videotape each other’s lessons before engaging in critical self-reflection and peer feedback. In addition to the dual input that varied perspectives provide, this two-pronged approach enabled not merely a means for reflection on each teacher’s classroom performance but also a means for each teacher to raise his own awareness regarding his ability to competently self-reflect. The lessons themselves were grounded in a task-based learning (TBL) framework, which subsequently became the point of departure for each critique.
  • Sean Toland
    JALT (Japan Association for Language Teachers) - Nara chapter 2010年7月17日
    This presentation aims to alleviate some of the discomfort and apprehension that educators have with video recording their EFL classes. In addition, it highlights the preliminary findings of an ongoing, truly synergised teacher development project that promotes professional development. The project required participating teachers to videotape each other’s university English lessons before engaging in critical self-reflection and peer feedback. In essence, the varied perspectives enabled the teacher to raise his/her own self-reflective awareness. Preliminary observations from the study report; i) differences between how each teacher initially perceived his/her lesson regarding achievement of objectives, student participation/performance, teacher/student rapport, and issues regarding learning environment; and ii) how collaborative feedback examined these issues through inter-teacher reflection.
  • Sean Toland
    The 9th Annual Japan Association for Language Teachers Special Interest Group (JALT Pan-SIG) Conference 2010年5月22日
    This presentation reports the preliminary findings of an ongoing, truly synergised teacher development project intended to promote professional development via critical reflective teaching. Participating teachers videotaped each other’s English lessons at Osaka Shoin Women's University before engaging in critical self-reflection and peer feedback. Preliminary observations report; i) differences between how each teacher initially perceived his lesson regarding achievement of objectives, student participation/performance, teacher adherence to TBL principles, teacher/student rapport, and issues regarding learning environment; and ii) how collaborative feedback subsequently resolved these differences through inter-teacher reflection.
  • Osaka Shoin Women's University Learning and Teaching Conference 2009年3月16日
    This short presentation will inform language teachers how their students can improve their editing between first and second drafts of written assignments. The moodle online facilities act as sites where teachers can upload quizzes and other activities customised to have students focus more closely on their most common errors in their writing.
  • MoodleMoot Japan 2009 Conference 2009年2月15日
    This presentation demonstrates how teachers can combine the use Moodle's quiz feature with its 'assignment submission' feature to provide timely feedback for students. The statistical data and findings of my study into the improved accuracy displayed by students at Osaka Shoin Women's University underpins the recommended procedures of this presentation.
  • GLoCALL 2008 conference (Globalization and Localization in Computer Assisted Language Learning) 2008年11月9日
    This presentation constitutes a demonstrative overview of the role that Moodle plays in the English language program at Osaka Shoin Women's University. This online homework is a mandatory component of each course. The students may access the system on campus, from home or from any remote site in order to complete their homework.
  • GLoCALL 2008 conference (Globalization and Localization in Computer Assisted Language Learning) 2008年11月8日
    This presentation examines the implementation of Moodle as a medium for online submission of writing assignments by 1st year students at Osaka Shoin Women's University. The inclusion of supplementary 'Grammar Help' text pages were uploaded to the Moodle course page (ELSAT) as 'resource' files. This study found a positive correlation between students accessing the customised 'Grammar Help' pages and a reduction in the frequency of common writing errors made by the students at Osaka Shoin Women's University.
  • 3rd Pacific Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning (PacCALL), 2006年11月17日
    In an environment whereby definitions and perceptions of CALL have somewhat shifted from prioritising “applications of the computer” to prioritising “learners learning language but also broadening the potential types of relationships between computer technologies and language learning” (Kern, 2006:184), it seems appropriate to remember i) the potential of video and ii) the potential of the teacher. This presentation is intended to extend common teacher notions that merely regard ‘video’ as the in-class viewing of ‘globally intended’ movie scenes, to the creation of teaching and teacher training tools ‘locally prescribed and produced’ by teachers in accordance with their curricula. After demonstrating the range of purposes that teacher produced DVDs can be used for, this presentation will outline the equipment, level of computer literacy, and temporal requirements needed to get started in desktop DVD production.
  • 3rd Asian Association of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (AsiaTEFL) International Conference, () 2005年11月5日
    Considering the lack of priority given to oral and aural skill development by Japanese secondary schools, a high percentage of universities and colleges aim to redress this imbalance through the implementation of English speaking and listening programs. The popularity of such programs has failed to realise popular incorporation of reliable and valid testing methodologies appropriate to the course objectives. An exception to this trend exists with the communicative English program at Niigata University of International and Information Studies which has been employing and refining conversation style speaking tests since 2000. Although the scoring of student performance on each speaking test maintains highly desirable levels of inter-rater reliability, measuring the degree by which the students’ conversational proficiency develops throughout the duration of the program has proven much more challenging than merely comparing individual scores on the first and last speaking tests conducted. This presentation reported the bouquets and bugbears of our endeavours to control for the inevitable extraneous variables that can corrupt the measurement of the development of EFL students’
  • Inaugural Centre for Language Studies International Conference on Foreign Language Teaching and Learning (ClasSIC) 2004 Conference, 2004年12月2日
    A quantitative analysis of quiz-taker responses to 5-option multiple-choice items was conducted in order to elucidate the guessing strategies that quiz-takers most commonly employ when they do not know the correct answers in English grammar quizzes. Enough key words were blanked out in 8 question stems, each pertaining to a different grammatical concept, to ensure the correct answers became indiscernible to the 154 Japanese university students taking part in the study. Statistical evidence confirmed up to three strategies to be more common than the unsophisticated ‘when in doubt, choose option c’ notion with the data most strongly supporting a quiz-taker tendency to select the option representing the most positive concept. In the absence of ‘positive options’ quiz-takers appeared to next prefer selection of familiar, easy to understand options.
  • 2nd Asian Association of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (AsiaTEFL) International Conference, () 2004年11月6日
    Despite most teachers frequently using and /or composing multiple choice (MC) tests as instruments for measuring student progress, too many teachers remain misinformed regarding how to design valid MC items. Specifically, it was hypothesized that overzealous, misinformed teachers / test designers would be unaware of how a fifth option could lower validity by breaking the symmetry that 4-options offer. Guessing strategies by parallel groups of 154 students responding to both 4 and 5-option quizzes revealed items testing grammar knowledge of ‘negatives’ and ‘tag questions’ to have higher validity when using the 4-option format.




  • 件名
    Creation of a library of teaching aid and teaching training aid DVD library
    1.新潟国際情報大学 情報文化学部 常勤講師「CEP I,II」「Advanced CEP」 2.Creation of a library of DVDs used as teaching aids and teaching training aids. 3.Drawing on my expertise with multimedia, I developed a library of home-made DVDs used for many aspects of our programs. I fi
  • 件名
    Developed a photo name card system
    1.新潟国際情報大学 情報文化学部 常勤講師「CEP I,II」 2.Creation of a photo namecard for each student which are to be used in the classroom as a teaching aid. 3.In this Speaking & Listening course for first year students, I developed a photo namecard system, which enhanced a
  • 件名
    Organised team-teaching classes
    1.新潟国際情報大学 情報文化学部 常勤講師「Advanced CEP」 2.I invited English-speaking Japanese professors to team-teach with me in Advanced English classes. 3.As this course was essentially a content course taught through the medium of English, I was instrumental in organizi
  • 件名
    Coordinating the Communicative English A/B courses
    Overseeing the activities of all part-time teachers who teach in the Communicative English A and Communicative English B courses at Sekiya campus.
  • 件名
    Coordinating the Communicative English C/D courses
    Overseeing the activities of all part-time teachers who teach in the Communicative English C and Communicative English D courses at Sekiya campus.
  • 件名
    Coordinating the Comprehensive English A/B courses
    Overseeing the activities of all part-time teachers who teach in the Comprehensive English A and Comprensive English B courses at Sekiya campus.
  • 件名
    Coordinating the Comprehensive English C/D courses
    Overseeing the activities of all part-time teachers who teach in the Comprehensive English C and Comprensive English D courses at Sekiya campus.
  • 件名
    Creating and uploading materials for the on-line homework system
    Assisting Maran-sensei who is the creator of Shoin's ELSAT online learning system.
  • 件名
    Part-time teacher training and lesson observations
    Regular classroom observation of all part-time teachers who teach in the English program at Sekiya campus. Each observation is followed up with written and/or oral dialogue between myself and each individual teacher.
  • 件名
    Shoin - China - Chile Telecollaboration Task Project
    I developed the Telecollaboration Task Project for the International English department so that Shoin students can communicate in English directly with students from universities in Chile and China. This is the only 'international' communicative experienc
  • 件名
    Creation of a library of teaching aid and teaching training aid DVD library
    1.新潟国際情報大学 情報文化学部 常勤講師「CEP I,II」「Advanced CEP」 2.Creation of a library of DVDs used as teaching aids and teaching training aids. 3.Drawing on my expertise with multimedia, I developed a library of home-made DVDs used for many aspects of our programs. I fi
  • 件名
    Developed a photo name card system
    1.新潟国際情報大学 情報文化学部 常勤講師「CEP I,II」 2.Creation of a photo namecard for each student which are to be used in the classroom as a teaching aid. 3.In this Speaking & Listening course for first year students, I developed a photo namecard system, which enhanced a
  • 件名
    Organised team-teaching classes
    1.新潟国際情報大学 情報文化学部 常勤講師「Advanced CEP」 2.I invited English-speaking Japanese professors to team-teach with me in Advanced English classes. 3.As this course was essentially a content course taught through the medium of English, I was instrumental in organizi
  • 件名
    Coordinating the Communicative English A/B courses
    Overseeing the activities of all part-time teachers who teach in the Communicative English A and Communicative English B courses at Sekiya campus.
  • 件名
    Coordinating the Communicative English C/D courses
    Overseeing the activities of all part-time teachers who teach in the Communicative English C and Communicative English D courses at Sekiya campus.
  • 件名
    Coordinating the Comprehensive English A/B courses
    Overseeing the activities of all part-time teachers who teach in the Comprehensive English A and Comprensive English B courses at Sekiya campus.
  • 件名
    Coordinating the Comprehensive English C/D courses
    Overseeing the activities of all part-time teachers who teach in the Comprehensive English C and Comprensive English D courses at Sekiya campus.
  • 件名
    Creating and uploading materials for the on-line homework system
    Assisting Maran-sensei who is the creator of Shoin's ELSAT online learning system.
  • 件名
    Part-time teacher training and lesson observations
    Regular classroom observation of all part-time teachers who teach in the English program at Sekiya campus. Each observation is followed up with written and/or oral dialogue between myself and each individual teacher.
  • 件名
    Shoin - China - Chile Telecollaboration Task Project
    I developed the Telecollaboration Task Project for the International English department so that Shoin students can communicate in English directly with students from universities in Chile and China. This is the only 'international' communicative experienc


  • 件名
    Creating a library of training DVDs
    1.新潟国際情報大学 情報文化学部 常勤講師 2.I created a library of DVDs used as teaching aids and teaching training aids. 3.I was entrusted to train new CEP instructors. This began with my issuing them the ‘Teacher Orientation DVD’; I produced. Accordingly, the continuity o


  • 件名
    Diploma in Teaching (General Primary)