
角谷 雄哉

カクタニ ユウヤ  (Yuya Kakutani)


大阪樟蔭女子大学 健康栄養学部健康栄養学科 准教授
(兼任)大学院人間科学研究科 人間栄養学専攻 准教授
博士(学術)(2016年1月 筑波大学大学院)





  • 大道 あみ, 中村 萌香, 角谷 雄哉
    栄養学雑誌 82(1) 35-43 2024年2月1日  
    【目的】女子中学生・高校生審美系スポーツ選手を対象に,食事の質スコアと適切な栄養素摂取状況との関連を検討すること。 【方法】審美系スポーツクラブに所属する女子中学生・高校生133名に,簡易型自記式食事歴法質問票 (BDHQ) への回答を求めた。記入漏れ,過小・過大申告のあるものを除外し,最終解析対象者は104人であった。BDHQの結果から,修正版JFG (Japanese Food Guide Spinning Top) スコアおよびHEI-2015 (the Healthy Eating Index 2015) を算出し,各スコアの三分位値で対象者を3群に分けた。さらに,食事摂取基準の基準値を用いて栄養素摂取状況を評価し,各群間で比較した。 【結果】推定平均必要量が策定されている14種類,および目標量が策定されている7種類の栄養素の内,基準値を満たさない,または範囲外である栄養素の数を,各スコアの3群間で比較した。両スコアとも,スコアが高い者ほど,推定平均必要量を満たさない,または目標量の範囲外である栄養素の数が有意に少ないことが示された。 【結論】修正版JFGスコアおよびHEI-2015で高く評価される食事を摂取することで,適切な栄養素摂取につながることが示唆された。
  • Fumi Oono, Riho Adachi, Akinori Yaegashi, Madoka Kishino, Risa Ogata, Anna Kinugawa, Ayari Tsumura, Mizuki Suga, Moe Matsumoto, Tomoya Takaoka, Yuya Kakutani, Kentaro Murakami, Satoshi Sasaki
    Public Health Nutrition 1-28 2023年11月13日  
    Abstract Objectives: To describe and compare the references cited in popular books about diet and health between the US and Japan. Design: Books were selected based on their best-seller rankings in the diet and health category of online bookstores. We identified references throughout all pages of the books and examined the number of references, reference format (identifiable or not), and presence of specific types of references, such as systematic reviews of human research. We compared the characteristics of references between the two countries and examined related factors to citation. Setting: Cross-sectional study. Subject: Books (n 100 in each country). Results: Among 100 books from each country, 65 US and 66 Japanese books had references. Forty-five US books cited more than 100 references, against only five Japanese books. The number of books that cited systematic reviews of human research differed between the US (n 49) and Japan (n 9). Additionally, the number of books that provided identifiable information for all references was significantly higher in the US (n 63) than in Japan (n 42). Books whose first authors have licenses of medical doctors were more likely to cite references than those without in both countries. Conclusions: Two-thirds of books about diet and health cited references in both the US and Japan, but Japanese books cited fewer references and were less likely to cite systematic reviews and provide identifiable references than US books. Further research into the scientific reliability of information in books about diet and health is warranted.
  • Mai Matsumoto, Aiko Narumi-Hyakutake, Yuya Kakutani, Masayoshi Tsuji, Yoichi Hatamoto, Yasuki Higaki, Satoshi Sasaki
    The Journal of Nutrition 2023年8月  査読有り
  • Yuki Aikawa, Yuich Noma, Umon Agata, Yuya Kakutani, Satoshi Hattori, Hitomi Ogata, Ken Kiyono, Naomi Omi
    Physical activity and nutrition 27(2) 62-69 2023年6月  査読有り
    PURPOSE: To investigate the effects of a combination of running and food restriction on the chemical properties of the bone in young female rats using Raman spectroscopy. Furthermore, we investigated whether the chemical property parameters correlated with the bone-breaking strength. METHODS: Female Sprague-Dawley rats (7 weeks old) were randomly divided into four groups: sedentary and ad libitum feeding (SED, n = 8), voluntary running exercise and ad libitum feeding (EX, n = 8), sedentary and 30% food-restricted (SED-FR, n = 8), and voluntary running exercise and 30% food-restricted (EXFR, n = 8). The experiment was conducted for a period of 12 weeks. Four parameters measured by Raman spectroscopy were used to evaluate the bone chemical quality. RESULTS: Exercise and restriction had significant interactions on the mineral to matrix ratio. The mineral- to-matrix ratio in the SED-FR group was significantly higher than that in the SED group and significantly lower in the EX-FR group than that in the SED-FR group. Running exercise had significant effects on increasing the crystallinity and carbonate-to-phosphate ratio. In the ad libitum intake condition, there were significant positive correlations between breaking energy and crystallinity (r = 0.593) and between breaking energy and carbonate-to-phosphate ratio (r = 0.854). CONCLUSION: Our findings show that running exercise and food restriction, alone or in combination, affect the chemical properties of bone. Furthermore, under ad libitum intake conditions, positive correlations were found between the breaking energy and crystallinity, or carbonate-to-phosphate ratio.
  • Yuya Kakutani, Mayu Murata, Akane Koiwa, Miho Ono, Ikuko Sasahara, Naomi Omi
    Asian Journal of Sports Medicine 13(1) e114936 2022年  査読有り筆頭著者
    Background: This study aimed to develop the decisional balance scale for dietary behavior appropriate for college athletes and to examine the scale for reliability and validity. Methods: The cross-sectional study was performed using a self-report questionnaire for college athletes who belong to the sports club of a university located in Ibaraki, Japan, from October to December 2014. The final sample comprised 982 college athletes (704 males and 278 females) aged 18 to 22 years. Following item selection by exploratory factor analysis, the scale’s reliability and validity were examined by internal consistency, confirmatory factor analysis, and association of stage of change with the scale score. Furthermore, a retest for 378 athletes was conducted after about a 3-week interval. Results: Nine items (4 troublesome items, 3 repressed items, 2 compulsory items) classified for three types of burden factors were obtained through factor analysis. There were significant differences according to the stage of change in the troublesome and repressed factors (P < 0.05), consistent with the transtheoretical model. As a result of confirmatory factor analysis with two factors, excluding the compulsory factor, we obtained higher goodness of fit (GFI = 0.99, AGFI = 0.97, CFI = 0.97, RMSEA = 0.06). The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and the intra-class correlation in each factor were as follows: troublesome = 0.73/0.66, repressed = 0.69/0.61. In addition, we observed moderate consistency for the retesting stage of change (kappa coefficient = 0.50). Conclusions: The present study suggested sufficient reliability and validity, which were confirmed in the burden scale for dietary behavior appropriate for college athletes.




  • 稲山, 貴代, 小林, 三智子, 角谷, 雄哉, 金, 賢珠, 高橋, 将記, 田辺, 賢一, 中岡, 加奈絵, 中谷, 友美, 堀川, 千嘉, 山中, 恵里香 (担当:共著, 範囲:身体活動と栄養管理)
    建帛社 2020年4月 (ISBN: 9784767906522)










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