Faculty of Science and Technology

Hinako Masuda

  (増田 斐那子)

Profile Information

Associate Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Science and Technology , Seikei University
The Keio Institute of Cultural and Linguistic Studies, Keio University

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Research Interests


Committee Memberships



  • Hinako Masuda, Yusuke Hioka, C.T. Justine Hui, Jesin James & Catherine I. Watson (2022) "Performance evaluation of speech masking design among listeners with varying language backgrounds," Applied Acoustics, 201, Dec, 2022  Peer-reviewedLead author
  • Hinako Masuda
    SPEECH COMMUNICATION, 79 74-87, May, 2016  Peer-reviewed
    Perceiving non-native sounds in adverse listening environments is challenging, even for proficient learners. An identification experiment in quiet, three reverberant (RT = 0.78 s, 1.12 s, 1.43 s) and multispeaker babble+reverberant environments was carried out to investigate the relation of listening environments and non-native language proficiency. This research aims to elucidate (1) Japanese and English listeners' identification of intervocalic English consonants in quiet and adverse listening environments, and (2) the correlation of identification rates with the Japanese listeners' TOEIC (R) scores, age of onset of English acquisition and length of residence in English-speaking countries. Results showed (1) English listeners achieved significantly higher overall identification rates compared to Japanese listeners on the subset of 11 consonants /f d(3) 3 l r s integral theta partial derivative v z/ that are often difficult for Japanese to accurately identify, and (2) positive correlations between identification rates and English proficiency measured by means of TOEIC (R) scores and LOR. Analysis of misperception patterns revealed that an increased amount of background disturbance led proficient listeners' misperception patterns to resemble those of the lower proficiency listeners, as in the example of native listeners misperceiving /g/ as /partial derivative/ in RT=1.12s and highly proficient Japanese misperceiving /g/ as /partial derivative/, /r/, and /l/, and lower group as /partial derivative/ and /l/. The degradation of identification accuracy as background disturbance increased shed light on how one's L1 and L2 proficiency influence speech perception. (c) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Hinako Masuda
    Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Aug, 2015  Peer-reviewed
  • 川原繁人, 本間武蔵, 今関祐子, 吉村隆樹, 荻原萌, 深澤はるか, 増田斐那子, 篠原和子, 杉岡洋子, 杉山由希子
    音韻研究, 18 127-136, 2015  Peer-reviewed

Books and Other Publications




Research Projects
