Curriculum Vitaes

Shusuke Okamoto

  (岡本 秀輔)

Profile Information

Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Science and Technology , Seikei University
Doctor of Engineering(Seikei University)
Master of Engineering(Seikei University)

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  • 岡本 秀輔
    情報・システムソサイエティ誌, 22(4) 8-9, Feb, 2018  Invited
  • 渡部裕太, 岡本秀輔, 小花聖輝, 鎌田賢, 米倉達広
    第75回全国大会講演論文集, 2013(1) 141-142, Mar 6, 2013  
    本研究で使用している対話型アニメーションは、JavaScriptで書かれており、対話処理とアニメーションの描画処理を逐次的に処理していた。そのため、アニメーション内にあるキャラクタの数が増加すると、アニメーションの描画間隔が間延びする問題があった。そこで、本研究ではJavaScriptの機能の1つである、Web Workersを使用し、この対話型アニメーションの並列化を行う。そのとき、対話処理とアニメーションの描画処理の分割に注目した。本発表では、その並列化のアプローチと評価について報告する。
  • 金子雅哉, 岡本秀輔, 小花聖輝
    全国大会講演論文集, 2013(1) 695-697, Mar 6, 2013  
    近年、多くの文書をPDF ファイルとしてインターネット上から取得することが容易となった。そこで、本研究ではその膨大な量の文書ファイルを自動的に分類する、ドキュメント分類アルゴリズムを提案する。そのアルゴリズムは各文書から複数の単語を抽出し、単語間の類似度をweb 検索エンジンによるAND 検索のヒット数を基準にして計算する。そして、求めた各単語間の類似度をクラスタ分析手法の一つであるK-平均法に適用させることで、文書ファイルの分類を行う。本発表では提案したアルゴリズムの詳細と、その精度を評価するために行った実験とその結果について報告する。
  • KANEKO Masaya, OKAMOTO Shusuke, KOHANA Masaki
    2013(1) 695-696, Mar, 2013  
  • OISHI Kazuya, OKAMOTO Shusuke
    2013(1) 89-90, Mar, 2013  
  • WATANABE Yuta, OKAMOTO Shusuke, KOHANA Masaki, KAMADA Masaru, YONEKURA Tatsuhiro
    2013(1) 141-142, Mar, 2013  
  • Masaki KOHANA, Shusuke OKAMOTO, Atsuko IKEGAMI
    2013(1) 63-64, Mar, 2013  
  • 稲吉洋, 岡本秀輔
    電子情報通信学会 2012年総合大会 情報・システムソサイエティ特別企画学生ポスターセッション予稿集, 101-101, Sep, 2012  
  • 金子雅哉, 岡本 秀輔
    電子情報通信学会 2012年総合大会 情報・システムソサイエティ特別企画学生ポスターセッション予稿集, 89-89, Mar, 2012  
  • 大石和也, 岡本秀輔
    電子情報通信学会 2012年総合大会 情報・システムソサイエティ特別企画学生ポスターセッション予稿集, 90-90, Mar, 2012  
  • HAYASHI Masaki, OKAMOTO Shusuke
    Technical report of IEICE. Multimedia and virtual environment, 111(235) 133-138, Oct 6, 2011  
    In this paper, we propose a system for a robot simulation environment with augmented reality. This system puts a virtual robot on a real space virtually and allows to make an interaction between the robot and its surroundings, such as lights, sounds, and real objects. Therefore, the user can simulate robot behavior using real space without any risks and costs for using real robot. We have implemented a case of robot simulation using this system and conducted experiments for checking proper operations. From the results, we have confirmed that the interaction between the virtual robot and real objects can be made in real-time.
  • 神保洋介, 岡本秀輔, 小林亮太
    全国大会講演論文集, 2011(1) 361-363, Mar 2, 2011  
    近年、ソーシャルネットワーキングサービス (SNS) の中でも、Twitter は特に注目を集めている。我々は、Twitter のリアルタイム性の高さに着目し、Twitter に投稿されたメッセージの中から、文化祭を楽しむ上で有効な情報のみを抽出し、ユーザに提供するサーバを構築した。2010年度秋に行われた文化祭においてつぶやきを抽出して、出店、イベント内容で分類し、人気の単語と統計情報などを提供した。本発表ではこの結果を受けて、リアルタイム情報の収集と文化祭に有効な情報の提供において Twitter を使用することの有効性を考察する。
  • 太田毅, 岡本 秀輔
    情報処理学会第73回全国大会講演論文集, 2011(1) 189-190, Mar, 2011  
  • 稲吉洋, 岡本 秀輔
    情報処理学会第73回全国大会講演論文集, 2011(1) 305-306, Mar, 2011  
  • Yodo Takehara, Shusuke Okamoto, Masaru Kamada, Tatsuhiro Yonekura
    3(4), Sep 22, 2010  
    We evaluate a robot control programming environment in an elementary school. The programming in our environment is a visual programming which is written in terms of a state transition diagram. A diagram allows a user to describe a robotic behavior intuitively. Our programming environment is for two kinds of programmers. The first is a programmer who designs the robot and defines the actions and events to construct the diagram. The second kind of programmer writes a final robot control program. We tested our environment at the PC club in an elementary school. The students addressed the challenge of the robot control as a latter programmer. In this presentation, we evaluate our environment as well as the content of the challenge and its result.
  • Imai Kentaro, Okamoto Shusuke
    8(1) 433-434, Sep, 2009  
  • Kohana Masaki, Okamoto Shusuke, Kamada Masaru, Yonekura Tatsuhiro
    8(1) 423-424, Sep, 2009  
  • Yodo Takehara, Shusuke Okamoto, Masaru Kamada, Tatsuhiro Yonekura
    2(3), Jul 10, 2009  
    We have been studying a robot programming environment in which users can describe a robot control program intuitively. The program is written in terms of state transition diagram. This environment allows for definition of higher-level macro actions in terms of state diagrams. By referring to a macro action as a state in a higher-level diagram, we can express complicated control procedures by hierarchical and rather simple diagrams. The target machine is the mindstorms NXT Robot developed by the LEGO group of companies. In our example, the robot distinguishes balls by color and sorts them in line. This presentation shows the state transition diagram for the example task as well as the Java program converted from the diagram. It also describes our consideration whether it is easier for users to describe a complicated robot control program.
  • TAKEHARA Yodo, OKAMOTO Shusuke, KAMADA Masaru, YONEKURA Tatsuhiro
    The IEICE transactions on information and systems (Japanese edetion), 91(12) 2857-2860, Dec, 2008  Peer-reviewed
  • OKAMOTO Shusuke, KAMADA Masaru, YONEKURA Tatsuhiro
    Technical report of IEICE. Multimedia and virtual environment, 107(130) 43-47, Jul 2, 2007  
    This paper describes a programming tool for authoring Web-based multiuser RPG. The design goal is to make this tool simple and powerful. Prospected users include programming novices and schoolchildren. The tool is comprised of a GUI editor and a code generator. The GUI editor is used to write state-transition diagrams, each of which defines the behavior of the character in RPG. The generator generates a set of codes written in C, PHP, JavaScript and HTML from the diagrams. The output RPG system can be viewed by the usual Web browser, such as Firefox, Safari and IE. On click or key input by a game user, the web browser sends it to the web server to reflect its consequence on the screens which other users are looking at. The state-transition diagram doesn't depend on a specific programming language. Its structure is not only suitable for the definition of a character behavior but also intuitive to help novices understand. Therefore, the tool user can easily make multiuer RPG on the Web-based system.
  • KATO Takahisa, YONEKURA Tatsuhiro, KAMADA Masaru, OKAMOTO Shuusuke
    IPSJ SIG Notes, 2007(13) 25-30, Feb 19, 2007  
    The demand of the tool to make simple animation for the Web page and presentation exists since before, and various tools have been proposed. However, the easiness of expectation of the quality of generated animation was not discussed enough. We developed a new method of creating animation. Our method is designed for ease of use and allows user to expect animation generated. We call this proposing tool Schematic morPHINg expression (SPHINX). SPHINX dynamically places meshes on r-θ coordinate system. And do not need user to consider about how to place meshes.
  • Shimomura Tatsuya, Okamoto Shusuke, Kamada Masaru, Yonekura Tatsuhiro
    5(3) 441-444, Sep, 2006  
    47(6) 68-68, May 15, 2006  
    47(6), May 15, 2006  
    46(1) 19-27, Jan 15, 2005  
    Animations provide an efficient means for presenting information as practiced on modern Web pages. Interactive animations are especially attractive, because these can show variable scenarios according to key and mouse inputs by viewers. Author of an interactive animation is required of two different abilities. 0ne is the artistic imagination as ahy artistic work requires. The other is highly advanced knowledge and skill in programming and graphics. The latter requirement is a strong barrier for potential authors who have good imagination and no programming skills. In this paper, design and implementation of a tool for authoring interactive animations are reported. To make it intuitively comprehensible for non-programmers, the modern paradigm of object-oriented modeling and the classical state-transition diagram are employed. An animation is constructed as a collection of characters. Behavior of each character is specified by a state-transition diagram and pictures to express its appearance. The tool consists of GUI editors for diagrams and pictures, a built-in interpreter to test the animation, and a translator into target codes including Java and JavaScript. The translation mechanism keeps the coherency between diagrams and target codes, by utilizing inner classes in Java and function pointers in JavaScript. As a side effect, the present tool works also as an educational material for enlightening children on computer science. They may learn how to define dynamical objects while having fun with animations.
    45(6) 66-74, May 15, 2004  
    This paper describes a new moving home method for home-based software Distributed Shared Memory systems and its evaluations. In our system, a home node uses records for access to the shared page to determine the moving its role of home. Each time a home node receives a service request for the shared page from a non-home node, it records the node ID and the type of access. If the number of the access records exceeds the threshold of request counts, the home node decides whether the non-home node which sends the request is suitable for a new home node of the page. To evaluate our moving method, we have implemented a, prototype of DSM system from scratch. The result of our performance evaluation, using SPLASH2 benchmark programs shows that our method improved the performance of the system by 2.25 times over the fixed home node method.
  • 木町貴一, 岡本秀輔
    情報処理学会 第66回(平成16年)全国大会 論文集, 66(1) 119-120, Mar, 2004  
  • 鈴木貴久, 岡本秀輔
    情報処理学会 第66回(平成16年)全国大会 論文集, 66(1) 123-124, Mar, 2004  
  • 張信華, 渋沢進, 岡本秀輔, 鈴木均
    情報処理学会 第66回(平成16年)全国大会 論文集, 66(3) 49-50, Mar, 2004  
  • Abe Takuya, Okamoto Shusuke
    2002(1) 167-168, Sep 13, 2002  
  • Fujita Manabu, Okamoto Shusuke
    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 2001 50-50, Sep, 2001  
  • 阿部拓弥, 岡本秀輔
    並列処理シンポジウムポスタ発表, 95-96, Jun, 2001  
    IPSJ SIG Notes, 2000(74) 97-102, Aug 3, 2000  
    Instructions for fetching instruction is the replacement of conventional branch instructions, which we have recently introduced. An instruction of this type gives information of next basic block to be fetched. It is recognized by processor without decoding, and is processed in parallel with the other types of instructions. It is also used as the special instruction to prefech instructions. This report shows that the processor using instructions of this type can reduce the instruction miss penalty by prefetching.
  • Nakasumi Mitsuaki, Okamoto Shusuke, Sowa Masahiro
    58(3) "3-63"-"3-64", Mar 9, 1999  
  • 鈴木 均, 前田 敦司, 岡本 秀輔
    情報処理学会研究報告. 計算機アーキテクチャ研究会報告, 99(21) 91-96, Mar, 1999  
  • OKAMOTO Syusuke, SOWA Masahiro
    Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan, 39(8) 2509-2518, Aug 15, 1998  
    This paper describes a program controlled instruction fetching mechanism, which is called the Fetch Instruction Method. In this mechanism, the special instruction to control instruction fetching are inserted into programs. They are processed in parallel with the other types of instructions. The results of performance evaluations show that many of branches are processed in parallel, and the performance is more improved by only increasing the number of fetched instructions per clock cycle.
  • SHIGETA Soichi, OKAMOTO Shusuke, SHIMIZU Kentaro, SOWA Masahiro
    Technical report of IEICE. SS, 98(230) 17-24, Jul 31, 1998  
    The 64-bit architectures can provide huge address space to operating systems and application programs. Then, some opearting systems appeared that support the single virtual address space model. In this model, data sharing between processes is simplified because all processes share the single virtual address space. On the other hand, additional access control mechanism is required to make protection domains and avoid non-authorized data refernces. We applied originally extended key/lock scheme to access control mechanism in a single virtual address space model operating system.
    IPSJ SIG Notes, 98(37) 13-18, May 15, 1998  
    The queue machine model of execution is an evaluation scheme for expression trees, in which input operands of operations are taken from head of queue, and its result is put onto tail of queue. The previous study with this model is the automatic parallel execution of functional programming languages. In this paper, we describe a design of superscalar processor. Our processor adopts this model to calculate expressions, and it adopts usual software stack for procedure calls. We also describe a possibility of fast threads switch on our processor.
  • Nakasumi Mitsuaki, Maeda Atsusi, Okamoto Shusuke, Sowa Masahiro
    56(1) 153-154, Mar 17, 1998  
  • KIRIHARA Noriaki, OKAMOTO Shusuke, SOWA Masahiro
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 1998(1) 72-72, Mar 6, 1998  
  • SHIGETA Soichi, OKAMOTO Shusuke, SHIMIZU Kentaro, SOWA Masahiro
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 1998(1) 79-79, Mar 6, 1998  
  • SUZUKI Takayoshi, YAMAUCHI Hitoshi, OKAMOTO Shusuke, SOWA Masahiro
    Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference, 1998(1) 165-165, Mar 6, 1998  
  • NAKASUMI Mitsuaki, OKAMOTO Shusuke, TUBOI Akihisa, SOWA Masahiro
    The Transaction of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers D-I, J81-D-I(6) 880-882, 1998  
  • Maki Nobuhiro, Ishida Akira, Okamoto Shusuke, Sowa Masahiro
    IPSJ SIG Notes, 97(99) 9-14, Oct 17, 1997  
    To reduce the cache miss penalty, which becomes heavy bottleneck for processors, we have proposed new hierarchical memory system, we call this UPCHMS. UPCHMS enables memory latency to be reduced more than cache memory system. The reason why UPCHMS can do this shows follow. In UPCHMS, data transfer program controls the data on the HM, which corresoponds to cache memory and has no tag memory but has its own linear address. It is possible for program-control to use the data on HM more efficiently. In this paper, we describe the principle and hardware organization of pipelined UPCHMS. And then, we evaluate the pipelined UPCHMS. It is reported that the pipelined UPCHMS can execute benchmark program 2 times faster than a computer with conventional cache.
  • KIRIHARA Noriaki, OKAMOTO Shusuke, SOWA Masahiro
    55(1) 26-27, Sep 24, 1997  
  • Shigeta Soichi, Ashihara Hyo, Okamoto Shusuke, Shimizu Kentaro, Sowa Masahiro
    55(1) 216-217, Sep 24, 1997  
  • LI Tao, ISHIHARA Masamichi, KASAI Nobuyuki, OKAMOTO Shusuke, SOWA Masahiro
    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 1997 30-30, Sep, 1997  
  • ISHIHARA Masamichi, Tao LI, KASAI Nobuyuki, OKAMOTO Shusuke, SOWA Masahiro
    Proceedings of the Society Conference of IEICE, 1997 31-31, Sep, 1997  

Books and Other Publications


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Research Projects
