
岡本 秀輔

オカモト シュウスケ  (Shusuke Okamoto)


成蹊大学 理工学部 理工学科 教授






  • S. Mogaki, M. Kamada, T. Yonekura, S. Okamoto, Y. Otaki, M. B. I. Reaz
    International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security Vol. 9(No. 1) 139-146 2009年  査読有り
  • Y. Obu, K. Maruo, T. Yonekura, M. Kamada, S. Okamoto
    Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing Volume 18 214-227 2009年  査読有り
  • 小花聖輝, 岡本秀輔, 鎌田賢, 米倉達広
    電子情報通信学会2種研究会 サイバーワールド(CW)第11回研究会 7-11 2008年12月  
  • 曽根尚之, 小谷英己, 米倉達広, 鎌田賢, 岡本秀輔
    芸術科学会NICOGRAPH論文コンテスト 2008年10月  査読有り
  • Shusuke Okamoto, Masaru Kamada, Tatsuhiro Yonekura
    This letter proposes a prototyping tool for Web-based Multiuser Online Role-Playing Game (MORPG). The design goal is to make this tool simple and powerful. The tool is comprised of a GUI editor, a translator and a runtime environment. The GUI editor is used to edit state-transition diagrams, each of which defines the behavior of the fictional characters. The state-transition diagrams are translated into C program codes, which plays the role of a game engine in RPG system. The runtime environment includes PHP, JavaScript with Ajax and HTML. So the prototype system can be played on the usual Web browser, such as Firefox, Safari and IE. On a click or key press by a player, the Web browser sends it to the Web server to reflect its consequence on the screens which other players are looking at. Prospected users of this tool include programming novices and schoolchildren. The knowledge or skill of any specific programming languages is not required to create state-transition diagrams. Its structure is not only suitable for the definition of a character behavior but also intuitive to help novices understand. Therefore, the users can easily create Web-based MORPG system with the tool.
  • 新留和哉, 岡本秀輔, 新堀道信, 米倉達広, 鎌田賢
    情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ 2008(4) 2008年3月  
  • 小谷 英己, 曽根 尚之, 岡本 秀輔, 鎌田賢, 米倉達広
    情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ 2008(4) 2008年3月  
  • 竹原陽道, 岡本秀輔, 鎌田賢, 米倉達広
    電子情報通信学会和文論文誌Dサイバーワールド特集号 Vol.J91-D(No.12) 2857-2860 2008年  査読有り
  • Yuka Obu, Kazuhiro Maruo, Tatsuhiro Yonekura, Masaru Kamada, Shusuke Okamoto
    Web Information Systems and Technologies, 4th International Conference, WEBIST 2008, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, May 4-7, 2008, Revised Selected Papers 214-227 2008年  査読有り
  • Yuka Obu, Kazuhiro Maruo, Tatsuhiro Yonekura, Masaru Kamada, Shusuke Okamoto
    WEBIST 2008, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Volume 2, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, May 4-7, 2008 50-57 2008年  査読有り
  • 竹原陽道, 岡本秀輔, 鎌田賢, 米倉達広
    電子情報通信学会2種研究会 サイバーワールド(CW)第8回研究会 5-8 2007年12月  
  • 新留和哉, 岡本秀輔, 新堀道信, 鎌田賢, 米倉達広
    電子情報通信学会2種研究会 サイバーワールド(CW)第6回研究会 19-22 2007年3月  
  • Yuka Obu, Mizuaki Yamamoto, Tatsuhiro Yonekura, Masaru Kamada, Shusuke Okamoto
    Over the last few years a great deal of interest has focused on a major paradigm shift in World Wide Web-based services referred to as Web 2.0. In marked contrast to the earlier Web, in Web 2.0 sites become sources of information and functionality that enable users to create new content of their own. Consequently, users are now looking for more versatile browsers that will let them edit and display content based on their own preferences. This motivated us to develop a state diagram-based Web browser programming scheme that supports the close interaction between the end-user and Web content. Using state diagrams to represent browser behavior is easier for end-users with little or no programming experience to grasp than text-based programming systems.
  • Shunsuke Mogaki, Masaru Kamada, Tatsuhiro Yonekura, Shusuke Okamoto, Yasuhiro Ohtaki, Mamun Bin Ibne Reaz
    Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Network and System Support for Games, NetGames '07 135-138 2007年  査読有り
    Assuming time-stamp servers that we can trust exist everywhere in the Internet, we propose a cheat-proof protocol for real-time gaming that has the minimum latency. The assumptions are: 1) Time-stamp servers are available near each player that issue serially numbered time stamps. 2) There is no communication break down between the player and the nearest time-stamp server. By this protocol, each player sends its own action to the other player and also sends its hash to the nearest time-stamp server. The time-stamp server sends back to the player the signed hash with time and a serial number involved. The signature is an undeniable evidence of the action. The actions are checked if they are compatible with the hashes and the signed hashes are checked if they have the correct time and if the serial numbers are contiguous. This verification can be done as a batch after the game is finished. The latency in this protocol is only the packet traveling time from a player to another.
  • Y.Sasaki, M.Kamada, S.Okamoto, T.Yonekura
    Proc. of International Conference on Cyber Worlds 2006, Lausanne,Switzerland 2006(1) 173-176 2006年11月  査読有り
  • 山本 瑞秋, 米倉 達広, 岡本 秀輔, 鎌田 賢, 荒木 俊郎
    電子情報通信学会論文誌. D, 情報・システム 89(10) 2246-2250 2006年10月  査読有り
    本論文では,状態遷移図の編集とその自動変換によるWebブラウザ自動生成ツールを提案する.具体的には,カスタマイズ可能なWebブラウザ「Mozilla Firefox」の拡張機能を利用した上記プロトタイプシステムを試作したので報告する.
  • 下村達也, 岡本秀輔, 米倉達広, 鎌田賢
    情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ 2006(4) 2006年3月  
  • 山河旬之介, 米倉達広, 野口宏, 岡本秀輔
    電子情報通信学会2種研究会 サイバーワールド(CW)第3回研究会 29-32 2006年3月  
  • 中川昌幸, 岡本秀輔, 鎌田賢, 米倉達広
    情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ 2006(4) 50-51 2006年  査読有り
  • 山本瑞秋, 米倉達広, 岡本秀輔, 鎌田賢, 荒木俊郎
    電子情報通信学会2種研究会 サイバーワールド(CW)第2回研究会 1-4 2006年1月  
  • 岡本秀輔, 米倉達広, 鎌田賢
    電子情報通信学会2種研究会 サイバーワールド(CW)第2回研究会 5-8 2006年1月  
  • 下村達也, 岡本秀輔, 米倉達広, 鎌田賢
    電子情報通信学会2種研究会 サイバーワールド(CW)第2回研究会 39-44 2006年1月  
  • Tatsuya Shimomura, Shusuke Okamoto, Masaru Kamada, Tatsuhiro Yonekura
    Proceedings of 5th ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Network and System Support for Games, NetGames '06 49 2006年  査読有り
    A tool for authoring dynamical animations and video games is presented. The logical behavior of characters such as its internal feeling and icon images representing its appearance is described as finite state machines in terms of the state-transition diagrams. The physical behavior is controlled by plug-in modules that can be optionally incorporated into the main body. An example video game is also presented. Copyright 2006 ACM.
  • Masayuki Nakagawa, Shusuke Okamoto, Masaru Kamada, Tatsuhiro Yonekura
    Proceedings of 5th ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Network and System Support for Games, NetGames '06 45 2006年  査読有り
    A tool for authoring interactive Flash movies is presented. Characters that play in a movie are modeled as object definitions in terms of state-transition diagrams. Each state has a picture and activities. The picture represents appearance of the character in that state. The activities can be selected out of a set of performances such as relocation of the character and generation of other characters. A transition is conditioned in terms of events such as mouse click and collision with other characters. The graphical editor of state-transition diagrams built in this tool is so easy to manipulate that even children can compose interactive Flash animations including video games. Copyright 2006 ACM.
  • M Kamada, K Kurosawa, Y Ohtaki, S Okamoto
    A compromising technique is proposed for deterring clients from cheating by robot players in skill-based real-time network games. This technique is to inject a fair random noise into the manual input for a real-time game modeled as a chaotic dynamical system. The fair random noise is determined by means of the bit commitment protocol so that neither host nor client can control the noise in their favor. A scenario possibly plotted by a robot player for its victory may be spoiled by slight noise injection because of the sensitivity of chaotic systems to the input. The noise injection brings a luck-based factor into a skill-based game. In this sense, the technique proposed in this paper is not a solution but a compromise for the inherent problem of robot players with the skill-based network games. An example implementation of pinball is presented.
  • 下村達也, 鎌田賢, 岡本秀輔
    情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ 2005(4) 2005年3月  
  • 平山宗介, 塙大, 米倉達広, 岡本秀輔
    情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ 2005(4) 2005年3月  
  • Masaru Kamada, Kaom Kurosawa, Yasuhiro Ohtaki, Shusuke Okamoto
    IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems E88-D(5) 859-864 2005年  査読有り
    A compromising technique is proposed for deterring clients from cheating by robot players in skill-based real-time network games. This technique is to inject a fair random noise into the manual input for a real-time game modeled as a chaotic dynamical system. The fair random noise is determined by means of the bit commitment protocol so that neither host nor client can control the noise in their favor. A scenario possibly plotted by a robot player for its victory may be spoiled by slight noise injection because of the sensitivity of chaotic systems to the input. The noise injection brings a luck-based factor into a skill-based game. In this sense, the technique proposed in this paper is not a solution but a compromise for the inherent problem of robot players with the skill-based network games. An example implementation of pinball is presented. Copyright © 2005 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers.
  • 山本瑞秋, 米倉達広, 岡本秀輔
    情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ 2005(4) 29-30 2005年  査読有り
  • S Okamoto, T Hashimoto, M Kamada, T Yonekura
    This paper describes an implementation of our tool for authoring network-based interactive animations. The toot is named Islay. The interactive animation addressed in this paper is one of computer animations whose scenario is varied according to key and mouse inputs by viewers. An animation made by the tool is constructed as a collection of characters. The behavior of a character is defined by a state-transition diagram. The GUI editor makes it possible to create a simple animation by mouse manipulation within half a minute, if the prepared pictures are used. The animation interpreter in the tool serves multi viewers who operate each network-connected computer. The core routine of the interpreter runs on each viewer's computer in this case. The communication between the computers is implemented using our software DSM (Distributed Shared Memory) library. This paper shows the implementation details of the interpreter, as well as the brief overview of the rest of the tool.
  • 岡本 秀輔, 鎌田 賢, 中尾 隆司
    情報処理学会論文誌. プログラミング 46(1) 19-27 2005年1月  査読有り
  • 岡本 秀輔, 阿部 拓弥
    情報処理学会論文誌. コンピューティングシステム 45(6) 66-74 2004年5月15日  
  • T Abe, S Okamoto
    This paper describes a moving home method for home-based software Distributed Shared Memory systems. In our system, a home node uses records for access to the shared page to determine the moving its role of home. Each time a home node receives a service request for the shared page from a non-home node, it records the node ID and the type of access. If the number of the access records exceeds the threshold of request counts, the home node decides whether the non-home node which sends the request is suitable for a new home node of the page. To evaluate our moving method, we have implemented a prototype of DSM system from scratch. The result of our performance evaluation using SPLASH2 benchmark programs shows that our method improved the performance of the system over the fixed home node methods.
  • S. Okamoto, K. Takata
    High Performance Computing Systems and Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers 177-185 2002年  査読有り
  • S. Okamoto, H. Suzuki, A. Maeda, M. Sowa
    IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing (PACRIM'99) 151-154 1999年8月  査読有り
  • S. Shigeta, S. Okamoto, K. Shimizu, M. Sowa
    Proceeding of the International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC '99) II 1385-1388 1999年7月  査読有り
  • Proceedings of the IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing (PACRIM '99) 151-154 1999年  
  • M Nakasumi, S Okamoto, M Sowa
    Requirement for fast database accesses has been larger and larger. Although great efforts have been made to process database operations, these attempts seem. not to be efficient. Parallel data transmission is a critical factor for achieving high performance of database systems. Program, controlled cache level memory has powerful parallel data transfer mechanism, and it can help parallel data transmission efficiently. This paper describes the algorithm for join operation on relational database for multi-processor with program. controlled cache level memory.
  • 岡本秀輔, 曽和将容
    情報処理学会論文誌 39(8) 2509-2518 1998年8月  査読有り
  • N. Maki, A. Ishida, S. Okamoto, M. Sowa
    Proceedings of International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems,Computers and Communications 1177-1180 1998年7月  査読有り
  • 中済 光昭, 岡本 秀輔, 壺井 彰久, 曽和 将容
    電子情報通信学会論文誌. D-I, 情報・システム, I-コンピュータ 81(6) 880-882 1998年6月  査読有り
    PN(Parallel Neuman)プロセッサは, 静的に機能別の機械命令レベルの並列性を抽出し, それを並列実効する小並列プロセッサである.本論文では, PNにおけるデータキャッシュミスの性能に与える影響について述べる.評価のため, データキャッシュのついたPNプロセッサをハードウェア自動合成システムにより回路合成しシミュレーションした.その結果PNのデータ転送と計算の並列実効によりキャッシュミスの影響が隠ぺいされ性能が向上することがわかった.
  • M. Nakasumi, S. Okamoto, M. Sowa
    Proceedings of the 16th IASTED International Conference APPLIED INFORMATICS 273-275 1998年2月  査読有り
  • M Nakasumi, S Okamoto, M Sowa
    We previously proposed a Program Controlled Cache Level Memory on Parallel Computer. It can migrate data between high speed memory as fast as cache memory and NUMA-type shared memory by data transfer program. Program Controlled Cache Memory is composed by a word-addressable high speed memory (Cache Level Memory) and a hardware mechanism which executes instructions to migrate variable sized data. Program Controlled Cache Memory can reduce the processor stall time by network busy. Because cache line sized data, transfer brings unnecessary network traffic and waste of cache. But variable sized data transfer, instead of cache line sized, makes network traffic minimize, and injecting indispensable data into Cache Level Memory brings no waste of Cache Level Memory. To work Program Controlled Cache Level Memory efficiently, programmers and compiler writers mast transform the application so that its memory referencing behavior better exploits the memory hierarchy. This paper describes how programmer can improve memory performance through three well known communication optimizations, such as communication. pipelining, communication combination, and communication overlapping, on Program Controlled Cache Level Memory. We also provide an optimizing example which has data distribution buys. The statistics of Mem-Spy produce useful information to optimize program for Program Controlled Cache Level Memory.
  • 岡本秀輔, 武藤哲幸, 曽和将容
    日本ソフトウエア科学会第14回大会論文集 14 61-64 1997年9月  
  • 中済光昭, 岡本秀輔, 曽和将容
    日本ソフトウエア科学会第14回大会論文集 14 421-424 1997年9月  
  • M. Nakasumi, S. Okamoto, M. Sowa
    Proceedings of the IPSJ International Symposium on Information Systems and Technologies for Network Society 129-132 1997年9月  査読有り
  • Mitsuaki Nakasumi, Shusuke Okamoto, Masahiro Sowa
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, PDPTA 1997, June 30 - July 3, 1997, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 1423-1433 1997年7月  査読有り
  • S Okamoto, M Sowa
    Instruction fetching is usually the default action related to the program counter, and it is affected by the execution of a branch instruction. However, the processor does not know about the timing of branch until it fetches a branch instruction. And it must start processing the branch just after fetching a branch instruction. Hence this situation causes control hazards. To solve this problem, we are engaged in studies on the controlling the instruction fetching. And we have developed a new mechanism as the first solution. In this mechanism, instructions to control instruction fetching are inserted into programs. The processor can identify these without decoding, and it processes in parallel with the other instructions. This paper describes the instruction set architecture of this mechanism, and describes its performance evaluation using software simulator.
  • S Okamoto, M Sowa
    PN processor is the one of small parallelism computing processor which executes a parallel program scheduled statically. A program for PN processor consists of a few threads whose instructions are arranged with its function. And the possibility of parallel execution is presented explicitly by specifying all of data dependencies. In the early design, the instruction fetch mechanism of the PN processor was idealized. So we have introduced a new instruction fetch mechanism into PN processor. This paper describes the basic design of this new instruction fetch mechanism as well as an execution trace example.
  • 牧晋広, 岡本秀輔, 曽和将容
    情報処理学会論文誌 37(10) 1873-1876 1996年10月  査読有り


  • 岡本 秀輔
    情報・システムソサイエティ誌 22(4) 8-9 2018年2月  招待有り
  • 渡部裕太, 岡本秀輔, 小花聖輝, 鎌田賢, 米倉達広
    第75回全国大会講演論文集 2013(1) 141-142 2013年3月6日  
    本研究で使用している対話型アニメーションは、JavaScriptで書かれており、対話処理とアニメーションの描画処理を逐次的に処理していた。そのため、アニメーション内にあるキャラクタの数が増加すると、アニメーションの描画間隔が間延びする問題があった。そこで、本研究ではJavaScriptの機能の1つである、Web Workersを使用し、この対話型アニメーションの並列化を行う。そのとき、対話処理とアニメーションの描画処理の分割に注目した。本発表では、その並列化のアプローチと評価について報告する。
  • 金子雅哉, 岡本秀輔, 小花聖輝
    全国大会講演論文集 2013(1) 695-697 2013年3月6日  
    近年、多くの文書をPDF ファイルとしてインターネット上から取得することが容易となった。そこで、本研究ではその膨大な量の文書ファイルを自動的に分類する、ドキュメント分類アルゴリズムを提案する。そのアルゴリズムは各文書から複数の単語を抽出し、単語間の類似度をweb 検索エンジンによるAND 検索のヒット数を基準にして計算する。そして、求めた各単語間の類似度をクラスタ分析手法の一つであるK-平均法に適用させることで、文書ファイルの分類を行う。本発表では提案したアルゴリズムの詳細と、その精度を評価するために行った実験とその結果について報告する。
  • 金子雅哉, 岡本秀輔, 小花聖輝
    情報処理学会第75回全国大会, 講演論文集 2013(1) 695-696 2013年3月  
  • 大石和也, 岡本秀輔
    情報処理学会第75回全国大会, 講演論文集 2013(1) 89-90 2013年3月  





