
岡本 秀輔

オカモト シュウスケ  (Shusuke Okamoto)


成蹊大学 理工学部 理工学科 教授






  • H. Harada, M. Kohana, S. Okamoto
    International Journal of Space-Based and Situated Computing 6(2) 113-120 2016年  査読有り
  • Shusuke Okamoto, Masaki Kohana
    This paper describes a C++ library to build web applications. The idea is borrowed from Node.js and Express. js which are a rapid web development framework for JavaScript. Our library consists of a few header files so that it can be available by including them into a source code. The API uses some C++ 14 features, especially 'auto' type, and the program which uses this library becomes concise and clear. In this paper, the design policy, several sample programs and its implementation are presented.
  • Masaki Kohana, Shusuke Okamoto
    In an university, students take an oral exam to check the understanding level. Especially, in a programming class, a student writes a program source code to solve a practice. Then, the student takes an oral exam. To support the ordering of the oral exam and the checking source code, this paper proposes a reservation system for oral exam. A student uploads source code files to the system. Then, the student is registered to a queue of the oral exam. The student can check the own turn because the own student ID is highlighted. A teacher checks the source code files and asks some questions to the student. Finally, the teacher grades the student and registers the grade to the system.
  • Masaki Kohana, Shusuke Okamoto
    In this paper, we propose a location registration scheme using location-based Social Networking Services. Our system provides schedules of a teacher on a Web page. The schedule includes the classes, the meetings, and the official trips. However, the teacher might not have any time to register schedules or forget to register the schedule. Therefore, we need a scheme to register the schedule easily. One of approaches is the location registration. If a student knows a location of the teacher, the student knows whether the teacher is in the room or not. Our system register the location information by collaborating with location-based SNSs.
  • Shusuke Okamoto, Masaki Kohana
    Proceedings - 2015 18th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems, NBiS 2015 1 2015年12月9日  査読有り
  • M. Kohana, S. Okamoto
    18th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems, NBiS 2015 713-716 2015年9月  査読有り
  • T. Inui, M. Kohana, S. Okamoto, M. Kamada
    18th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems, NBiS 2015 705-708 2015年9月  査読有り
  • K. Suzuki, M. Niibori, A. S. Rashed, S. Okamoto, M. Kamada
    18th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems, NBiS 2015 701-704 2015年9月  査読有り
  • H. Harada, M. Kohana, S. Okamoto
    18th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems, NBiS 2015 689-692 2015年9月  査読有り
  • 乾高大, 小花聖輝, 岡本秀輔, 鎌田賢
    電子情報通信学会2種研究会サイバーワールド(CW)第30回研究会 15-18 2015年6月  
  • 原田浩成, 小花聖輝, 岡本秀輔
    電子情報通信学会2種研究会サイバーワールド(CW)第30回研究会 19-22 2015年6月  
  • 藤原愛里, 小花聖輝, 岡本秀輔
    電子情報通信学会2種研究会サイバーワールド(CW)第29回研究会 17-20 2015年2月  
  • 金内一樹, 小花聖輝, 岡本秀輔
    電子情報通信学会2種研究会サイバーワールド(CW)第29回研究会 21-24 2015年2月  
  • 山口宏樹, 小花聖輝, 岡本秀輔
    電子情報通信学会2種研究会サイバーワールド(CW)第29回研究会 25-28 2015年2月  
  • Erjing Zhou, Michitoshi Niibori, Shusuke Okamoto, Masaru Kamada, Tatsuhiro Yonekura
    Educational programming languages are programming languages that have been designed for beginners, with the purpose of teaching them the skill of logical thinking or as an introduction to regular programming languages. Although these languages are relatively easier for beginners, difficult concepts of regular programming languages are still being introduced into some of them. As a new approach to this problem, an educational visual programming environment called Islay has been developed. Due to the adoption of the simple concept of state-transition diagram, Islay becomes even easier for beginners than some other educational programming languages. In this research, a new version of Islay is developed as an Android application, with more features being added and a new user interface that is suitable for tablet devices.
  • Masaki Kohana, Shusuke Okamoto
    2015 IEEE 29th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (IEEE AINA 2015) 112-117 2015年  査読有り
    In our previous work, we proposed a dynamic data reallocation method for Web-based multiserver Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game(MORPG) systems. This method handles the data allocation as a combinational optimization problem. It is solved by using a tabu search that is a well-known meta-heuristic algorithm. Our system has some Web servers and an additional computation server. The computation server solves algorithm and decides the data allocation. However, each load of server is not completely balanced. This means that some Web server might have free computing resources. We aim to use these resources effectively. Therefore, our system handles a Web server that has free resources as a computation server. In this paper, we propose a selection method of a computation server in the Web servers. The server loads might be predicted because the data allocation is decided according to the last server loads and the user requests. Therefore, our system predicts the load of each server and selects a Web server. This selected server acts the computation server and decides the data allocation for the next term. After that, the computation server predicts the server load and selects the next computation server. We evaluates the performance of our system by measuring the latency values for game users and the server loads.
  • D. L. Kwong, M. Niibori, OKAMOTO Shusuke, M. Kamada, T. Yonekura
    Journal of Software Engineering and Applications 7(3) 177-186 2014年3月  査読有り
  • Masaki Kohana, Shusuke Okamoto
    This paper proposes a remote control system of Sphero using a web browser. Sphero is a robotics ball that is controlled by using a smartphone. A user can control Sphero using Android or iOS application. However, the user is supposed to be with the Sphero. We provides a remote control system as a web application. The user can control Sphero using a web browser. The Sphero connects to a smartphone and the smartphone connects to the web server. The smartphone is a relay station. The user sends operation commands to the web server using the web browser. The smartphone receives the commands from the web server and forwards it to the Sphero. The smartphone also sends camera images to the web server. The web browser receives the image from the web server and displays it. This means that the user can observe the state of the Sphero and control Sphero at a different place from a place that the Sphero exists. We confirm the behavior of our system and clarify some problems.
  • Erjing Zhou, Michitoshi Niibori, Shusuke Okamoto, Masaru Kamada, Tatsuhiro Yonekura
    An interactive animation is a presentation of moving pictures that behave dynamically according to the input from users. It can be composed of animation characters modeled as finite-state machines. Based on the fact that the behavior of a finite-state machine can be defined by a state-transition diagram, an interactive animation authoring tool called Islay has been developed. Islay allows users to create interactive animation simply by drawing state-transition diagrams on a GUI-based editor. Up to now Islay mainly runs on the PCs. But we cannot use it on the portable devices that have become popular recently. In this research, a new version of Islay that runs on Android devices is developed with its user interface adapted to the touch screen interface.
  • Masaki Kohana, Shusuke Okamoto, Atsuko Ikegami
    International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 5(3) 183-189 2014年  査読有り
    In our previous work, we proposed a load distribution technique and a dynamic data reallocation method for web-based Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MORPG) systems. Our proposed approach reduced the average server latency for game players. However, latency values varied widely resulting in some game players gaining an advantage over others. In this paper, we deal with data allocation and consider latency fairness in the form of a combinational optimisation problem. We develop an optimisation model in which the objective function minimises the differences in latency values and we solve instances from this model using an exact algorithm. Our model improved latency fairness and more stable server loads than the previous data reallocation method. Furthermore, it provides more stable gameplay using ten web servers instead of five. Copyright © 2014 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
  • Masaki Kohana, Shusuke Okamoto, Atsuko Ikegami
    This paper describes a near-optimal allocation method for web-based multi-player online role-playing games (MORPGs), which must be able to cope with a large number of users and high frequency of user requests. Our previous work introduced a dynamic data reallocation method. It uses multiple web servers and divides the entire game world into small blocks. Each ownership of block is allocated to a web server. Additionally, the ownership is reallocated to the other web server according to the user's requests. Furthermore, this block allocation was formulated as a combinational optimization problem. And a simulation based experiment with an exact algorithm showed that our system could achieve 31% better than an ad-hoc approach. However, the exact algorithm takes too much time to solve a problem when the problem size is large. This paper proposes a meta-heuristic approach based on a tabu search to solve a problem quickly. A simulation result shows that our tabu search algorithm can generate solutions, whose average correctness is only 1% different from that of the exact algorithm. In addition, the average calculation time for 50 users on a system with five web servers is about 25.67 msec while the exact algorithm takes about 162 msec. An evaluation for a web-based MORPG system with our tabu search shows that it could achieve 420 users capacity while 320 for our previous system.
  • Dandy Ling Kwong, Michitoshi Niibori, Shusuke Okamoto, Masaruu Kamada, Tatsuhiro Yonekura
    Proceedings - 16th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems, NBiS 2013 453-458 2013年  査読有り
    This paper presents a tool for creating interactive 3D animations and video games in terms of state transition diagrams whose content can run on any HTML5 browser with WebGL enabled. © 2013 IEEE.
  • Yuta Watanabe, Shusuke Okamoto, Masaki Kohana, Masaru Kamada, Tatsuhiro Yonekura
    Proceedings - 16th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems, NBiS 2013 448-452 2013年  査読有り
    Our interactive animation software is written in JavaScript, and is serial execution. However, it has a problem, which is related to drawing intervals. In case the software has to process a number of animation objects, it takes a long time. The longer drawing intervals are, the slower speed of animation playing is. So, we parallelize interactive animation software with Web Workers that is one part of HTML5. We partition drawing animation with some approaches, and parallelize their process. This time, we report the parallelization approach that takes into consideration the property of Web Workers and the interactive animation software. © 2013 IEEE.
  • Masaki Kohana, Shusuke Okamoto, Masaya Kaneko
    Proceedings - 16th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems, NBiS 2013 432-435 2013年  査読有り
    Our previous work proposed a clustering algorithm to cluster research documents automatically. It used Web hit counts of AND-search on two words as a document vector. Target documents are clustered with a result of k-means clustering method, in which cosine similarity is used to calculate a distance. This paper uses this algorithm to cluster twitter users. However, the twitter users have different characteristics from the research documents. Therefore, we investigate problems of the using our algorithm for twitter users and propose some ideas to resolve it. © 2013 IEEE.
  • Shusuke Okamoto, Masaru Kamada, Masaki Kohana, Tatsuhiro Yonekura
    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 639-643 2013年  査読有り
    This paper describes a method for rapidly authoring multiplayer online games. The game author specifies state machines that define the behavior of game characters. The results are translated into a JavaScript code. The entire application is supported by Node.js at the server side and by modern Web browsers at the client side. Utilization of the WebSocket feature allows the communication between the Web browsers and the web server to be processed efficiently, and the player's interaction with the game interface is smooth. © 2013 ACM.
  • Masaya Kaneko, Shusuke Okamoto, Masaki Kohana, You Inayoshi
    International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining 8(1) 61-73 2013年  査読有り
    This paper describes a web mining method for clustering research documents automatically. Web hit counts of AND-search for two words are used to form a document feature vector. Target documents are clustered using the k-means clustering method twice, in which cosine similarity is used to calculate the distance measure. © 2013 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
  • Masaki Kohana, Shusuke Okamoto, Masaru Kamada, Tatsuhiro Yonekura
    International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 3(2-3) 136-144 2012年7月  査読有り
    The web-based-application user base has witnessed rapid growth. It has become necessary to develop techniques that enable systems to manage simultaneous access by a large number of users. We focus on web-based MultiPlayer Online Role-Playing Games (MORPGs), which must be able to cope with a large number of users and a high frequency of user requests. In our previous work, we introduced a system using multiple web servers and a dynamic data allocation method, which is able to manage dynamic change in user requests. Using this method, we achieved a capacity of 320 users, as opposed to the user capacity of 200 for single-server MORPG system. However, we found some cases in which our method was not effective. In this paper, we propose three rules for dynamic data allocation to address different situations. Our evaluation shows that the cache works effectively if the most avatars gather in a certain place. Copyright © 2012 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
  • 林政毅, 岡本秀輔
    電子情報通信学会2種研究会サイバーワールド(CW)第20回研究会 39-42 2012年3月  
  • Makoto Rokujo, Michitoshi Niibori, Shusuke Okamoto, Masaru Kamada, Tatsuhiro Yonekura
    Proceedings of the 2012 15th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems, NBIS 2012 893-897 2012年  査読有り
    A tool for authoring interactive three-dimensional animations is presented of which features are intuitive comprehensiveness of the user interface by way of state-transition diagrams and output being Flash contents that run on almost all web browsers. © 2012 IEEE.
  • Michitoshi Niibori, Yutaro Arisawa, Shusuke Okamoto, Masaru Kamada, Tatsuhiro Yonekura
    Proceedings of the 2012 15th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems, NBIS 2012 889-892 2012年  査読有り
    We present a tool for authoring interactive Flash games, which consists of its front-end graphical interface and a newly developed translator into Flash via Action Script3.0. The main feature is that the behaviors of characters are described in terms of state transition diagrams. Each state has a picture and activities. The picture represents appearance of the character in that state. The activities can be selected out of a set of performances such as relocation of the character and generation of other characters. A transition is conditioned in terms of events such as mouse click and collision with other characters. The graphical editor of state-transition diagrams built in this tool is so easy to manipulate that even children can compose interactive Flash games. © 2012 IEEE.
  • Naoto Takama, Michitoshi Niibori, Shusuke Okamoto, Masaru Kamada, Tatsuhiro Yonekura
    Proceedings of the 2012 15th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems, NBIS 2012 885-888 2012年  査読有り
    A tool for creating interactive animations and video games in terms of state-transition diagrams is presented. This tool runs on any web browsers capable of JavaScript and HTML5 and allows users to convert their program into a set of HTML, JavaScript and image files that runs on browsers even without this tool. © 2012 IEEE.
  • Masaya Kaneko, Shusuke Okamoto, Masaki Kohana, You Inayoshi
    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 223-228 2012年  査読有り
    This paper describes a web mining method to classify research documents automatically. Web hit counts of AND-search on two words are used to form a document vector. Target documents are classified with a result of k-means clustering method, in which cosine similarity is used to calculate a distance. © 2012 ACM.
  • Masaki Kohana, Shusuke Okamoto, Atsuko Ikegami
    Proceedings - 26th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, WAINA 2012 1209-1214 2012年  査読有り
    In our previous work, we proposed a load distri-bution technique and dynamic data reallocation method for web-based MORPG system. This approach could reduce the average server latency for game players. However, each latency widely varied, which leads unfair situation for game players. In this paper, we deal with data allocation with taking into account the fairness as a combinational optimization problem. We develop an optimization model whose objective function is to minimize the difference among latency value. We exactly solve this problem and compare the results with our previous data allocation method. © 2012 IEEE.
  • 林政毅, 岡本秀輔, 山田雄大
    情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ 2011(3) 687-690 2011年3月  
  • Masaki Kohana, Shusuke Okamoto
    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 333-336 2011年  査読有り
    This paper describes a preliminary experiment and a discussion to introduce server consolidation to our web-based system. Unfortunately, naive virtualization of our system suffers from severe performance degradation. The experimental results obtained made clear the bottleneck of virtualized system. And a key to improve the performance is also presented. © 2011 ACM.
  • Yosuke Jimbo, Masaki Kohana, Shusuke Okamoto
    Proceedings - 2011 2nd International Conference on Networking and Computing, ICNC 2011 266-270 2011年  査読有り
    This paper describes a web system for supporting a school event using Twitter. This system collects messages related to a school event from Twitter and shows them in a various way. And it has a function for non-Twitter users to post a message with a specific tag to Twitter. Last year, we built a prototype system and provided it for our school festival. This paper shows the overview of our system, the experimental results and the discussion of result. Additionally, two new functions to increase the number of users and our future plans to evaluate our system are also presented. © 2011 IEEE.
  • Masaki Kohana, Shusuke Okamoto, Masaru Kamada, Tatsuhiro Yonekura
    In recent times, the web-based applications has grown rapidly and there has been an explosive increase in the number of users. Hence, it is necessary to develop technique to deal with several users. In this study, we particularly focus on web-based multiplayer online role-playing games (MORPGs), which have a large number of users and deal with high frequency of user requests. In our previous work, we introduced a method to deal with a large number of users using multiple web servers and a dynamic data allocation method to deal with dynamic change in the user request. Using our method, we achieved a user capacity of 320 for the web-based MORPG system as opposed to 200 user capacity of the single server MORPG system. However, we found some cases in which our dynamic data allocation role was not effective. In this paper, we propose three rules for our dynamic data allocation method to address various situations. We evaluate these rules using four web servers and investigate their properties and effectiveness.
  • Tsuyoshi Ota, Shusuke Okamoto
    Proceedings - 25th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, WAINA 2011 59-62 2011年  査読有り
    Server virtualization helps us system and network administrators manage computer resources and reduce power consumption. However, to make efficient use of virtualization, its various loads, especially I/O operations, require careful consideration. Here we conducted three experiments to examine the effects of I/O load in a virtualization environment. First, We measured the performance of I/O operations executed on a virtual machine (VM) and the power consumption of the host machine, varying the I/O schedulers on both machines. The results varied according to the combinations of the I/O schedulers. Four of the 16 combinations in particular showed low I/O performance and high power consumption. We then investigated the effect of I/O priority to VM processes with a completely fair queuing scheduler on I/O performance. In this case, the I/O execution of high-priority required less than half the time of that of a lower priority process. Finally, we investigated the effects of I/O priority while jointly varying the block size of I/O requests issued by the VMs. I/O execution was effective when the block size was large but not when it was small. © 2011 IEEE.
  • Shusuke Okamoto, Masaki Kohana
    International Journal of Web Information Systems 7(4) 381-395 2011年  査読有り
    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to propose a load distribution technique for a web server. It utilizes Web Workers, which is a new feature of Javascript. Design/methodology/approach: The authors have been implementing a web-based MORPG as an interactive, real-time web application previously, the web server alone was responsible for manipulating the behavior of all the game characters. As more users logged in, the workload on the server was increased. Hence, the authors have implemented a technique whereby the CPU load of the server is distributed among the clients. Findings: The authors found that some caching mechanism is useful for utilizing client-side calculation. The caching suppresses the increase of communication load. A performance evaluation reveals that the technique plays a role in decreasing the CGI latency of both low-end server and high-end server. The average latency is reduced to 59.5 percent of the original system. Originality/value: Web Workers allows scripts to be executed with keeping the page response on a web browser. It is intended to be used for raising user experience. This technique utilizes Web Workers for a web server to distribute the load to its clients. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • 神保洋介, 岡本秀輔, 小林亮太
    電子情報通信学会2種研究会サイバーワールド(CW)第17回研究会 33-38 2010年12月  
  • Masaki Kohana, Shusuke Okamoto, Masaru Kamada, Tatsuhiro Yonekura
    We have investigated the bottleneck in web based MORPG system and proposed a load distribution method using multiple web servers This technique uses a dynamic data allocation method called the moving home This paper describes the evaluation of our method using 4 8 16 web servers We evaluated it on both the single server system and multi server system And we confirm that the effect of the moving home through the comparison between the multi server system without the moving home and that with the moving home Our experimental result shows that the upper bound of the number of avatars in the eight server system with the moving home becomes 380 by contrast that in the single server system is 200
  • 太田 毅, 岡本秀輔
    電子情報通信学会2種研究会 サイバーワールド(CW)第15回研究会 1-6 2010年3月  
  • 菅野勝久, 岡本秀輔, 鎌田賢, 米倉達広
    電子情報通信学会2種研究会 サイバーワールド(CW)第15回研究会 7-10 2010年3月  
  • Shusuke Okamoto, Masaki Kohana
    iiWAS2010 - 12th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-Based Applications and Services 592-597 2010年  査読有り
    In this paper, we describe a load distribution technique that employs web workers. We have been implementing a web-based MORPG as an interactive, real-time web application previously, the web server alone was responsible for manipulating the behavior of all the game characters. As more users logged in, the workload on the server was increased. Hence, we have implemented a technique whereby the CPU load of the server is distributed among the clients a performance evaluation reveals that our technique plays a role in decreasing the CGI latency of low-end servers and can decrease the CPU load of high-end servers when many users are logged in. Copyright 2010 ACM.
  • Masaki Kohana, Shusuke Okamoto, Masaru Kamada, Tatsuhiro Yonekura
    24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, WAINA 2010 449-454 2010年  査読有り
    Recently, due to the spread of broadband access to the Internet, the speeding up JavaScript on Web browsers and the development of communication technology such as Ajax, a variety of Web applications are provided. However, the access congestion to the Web server and the lower usability in case of higher frequent communication are major problems on the Web application. We have investigated the bottleneck in Web-based MORPG system and proposed the load-distribution technique using multiple Web servers[8]. This technique uses a dynamic allocation of the data, called the moving home. We proposed some rules for the moving home[9]. In this paper, we applied these rules to our MORPG system and evaluated them. © 2010 IEEE.
  • K. Imai, S. Okamoto
    The 10th International Conference on Computers, Communications and Systems (ICCCS 2009) 73-76 2009年11月  査読有り
  • Y. Takehara, S. Okamoto, M. Kamada, T. Yonekura
    The 10th International Conference on Computers, Communication and Systems (ICCCS 2009)s 67-72 2009年11月  査読有り
  • 竹原 陽道, 岡本 秀輔, 鎌田 賢, 米倉 達広
    情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ 2009(4) 2009年3月  
  • Masaki Kohana, Shusuke Okamoto, Masaru Kamada, Tatsuhiro Yonekura
    The recent spread of broadband Internet access, speeding up of Java Script in Web browsers, and development of communications technology such as Ajax has led to the development of a variety of Web applications. The access congestion of Web servers and lower usability in the case of frequent requests are the major problems that affect the use of Web applications. In this study, we investigate the bottlenecks in single-server system. and propose a technique to improve the usability of Web-based MORPG servers.
  • K. Shindome, S. Okamoto, M. Niibori, T. Yonekura, M. Kamada
    International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security Vol. 9(No. 1) 212-216 2009年  査読有り


  • 岡本 秀輔
    情報・システムソサイエティ誌 22(4) 8-9 2018年2月  招待有り
  • 渡部裕太, 岡本秀輔, 小花聖輝, 鎌田賢, 米倉達広
    第75回全国大会講演論文集 2013(1) 141-142 2013年3月6日  
    本研究で使用している対話型アニメーションは、JavaScriptで書かれており、対話処理とアニメーションの描画処理を逐次的に処理していた。そのため、アニメーション内にあるキャラクタの数が増加すると、アニメーションの描画間隔が間延びする問題があった。そこで、本研究ではJavaScriptの機能の1つである、Web Workersを使用し、この対話型アニメーションの並列化を行う。そのとき、対話処理とアニメーションの描画処理の分割に注目した。本発表では、その並列化のアプローチと評価について報告する。
  • 金子雅哉, 岡本秀輔, 小花聖輝
    全国大会講演論文集 2013(1) 695-697 2013年3月6日  
    近年、多くの文書をPDF ファイルとしてインターネット上から取得することが容易となった。そこで、本研究ではその膨大な量の文書ファイルを自動的に分類する、ドキュメント分類アルゴリズムを提案する。そのアルゴリズムは各文書から複数の単語を抽出し、単語間の類似度をweb 検索エンジンによるAND 検索のヒット数を基準にして計算する。そして、求めた各単語間の類似度をクラスタ分析手法の一つであるK-平均法に適用させることで、文書ファイルの分類を行う。本発表では提案したアルゴリズムの詳細と、その精度を評価するために行った実験とその結果について報告する。
  • 金子雅哉, 岡本秀輔, 小花聖輝
    情報処理学会第75回全国大会, 講演論文集 2013(1) 695-696 2013年3月  
  • 大石和也, 岡本秀輔
    情報処理学会第75回全国大会, 講演論文集 2013(1) 89-90 2013年3月  





