
酒井 浩之

サカイ ヒロユキ  (Hiroyuki Sakai)


成蹊大学 理工学部 理工学科 教授




  • 高野海斗, 酒井浩之, 中川慧
    人工知能学会論文誌 36(1) WI2-G_1 2021年1月1日  査読有り
  • 酒井 浩之, 坂地 泰紀, 和泉 潔, 松井 藤五郎, 入江 圭太郎
    人工知能学会全国大会論文集 2020 1D3GS1303-1D3GS1303 2020年  
  • 高野 海斗, 酒井 浩之, 北島 良三
    人工知能学会論文誌 34(5) 1-22 2019年9月  査読有り
  • 酒井 浩之, 坂地 泰紀, 和泉 潔, 松井 藤五郎, 入江 圭太郎
    人工知能学会第二種研究会資料 2019(FIN-022) 61 2019年3月3日  
  • 酒井浩之, 松下 和暉, 北島 良三
    日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌 31(2) 653-661 2019年  査読有り
  • 北島 良三, 酒井浩之, 上村 龍太郎
    日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌 2019年  査読有り
  • 田中瑞竜, 酒井浩之, 坂地泰紀, 北島良三
    日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌 2019年  査読有り
  • Hiroki Sakaji, Masaki Kohana, Akio Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Sakai
    International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 10(3) 258-264 2019年  査読有り
  • 酒井 浩之, 坂地 泰紀, 和泉 潔, 松井 藤五郎, 入江 圭太郎
    人工知能学会第二種研究会資料 2018(FIN-020) 44 2018年3月20日  
    本研究では,経済新聞記事などの経済テキストから、日経平均株価などの市況について 言及している文書のみを抽出し,それらの内容を自動的に要約することにより,ファンドの運用報告 書における市況分析コメントを自動生成する手法の開発を行う.本手法では,まず経済新聞記事から 深層学習により日経平均株価の市況について言及している記事を抽出する.次に抽出された記事の 中から例えば「ギリシャへの金融支援協議が難航していることや、中国・上海株の値動きへの警戒感 から、投資家のリスクオフの動きが強まった。」のような日経平均が大幅に変動した理由について言 及している文を抽出する.そして,抽出された文を時系列順に並べることで市況分析コメントを自動 生成する.
  • Shiori Kitamori, Hiroyuki Sakai, Hiroki Sakaji
    2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2017 - Proceedings 2018- 1-7 2018年2月2日  査読有り
    The proportion of individual investors in security markets has been rising at a rapid rate in Japan in recent times. As a result, the need for technology to support individual investors in making smarter investment decisions is ever increasing. When individual investors make investment decisions, what is the most important information they should hunt for? It is to be able to sense the company's future performance forecast. This is because even if the current performance is in the red (unfavorable) zone, stock prices will tend to rise if it shows that the future performance will recover from the enterprise side. Therefore, in this research, we focus on the financial results as an information source including performance forecasts. The summaries of financial statements include sentences concerning business performance forecast of companies and other associated sentences predicting the upcoming economic conditions. In this study, we extract and classify sentences indicating business performance forecasts and economic forecasts from summaries of financial statements. This allows individual investors to easily grasp the company's performance forecast. Our approach consists of two steps. First, our method extracts sentences relating to 'prediction' by using clue expressions. Second, we automatically classify these prediction oriented sentences into two classes by using deep learning. Our method is capable of automatically generating training data for deep learning and greatly omits efforts to create the training data set by hand.
  • Hiroki Sakaji, Risa Murono, Hiroyuki Sakai, Jason Bennett, Kiyoshi Izumi
    2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2017 - Proceedings 2018- 1-7 2018年2月2日  査読有り
    What would happen if temperatures were subdued and result in a cool summer? One can easily imagine that air conditioner, ice cream or beer sales would be suppressed as a result of this. Less obvious is that agricultural shipments might be delayed, or that sound proofing material sales might decrease. The ability to extract such causal knowledge is important, but it is also important to distinguish between cause-effect pairs that are known and those that are likely to be unknown, or rare. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a method for extracting rare causal knowledge from Japanese financial statement summaries produced by companies. Our method consists of three steps. First, it extracts sentences that include causal knowledge from the summaries using a machine learning method based on an extended language ontology. Second, it obtains causal knowledge from the extracted sentences using syntactic patterns. Finally, it extracts the rarest causal knowledge from the knowledge it has obtained.
  • Hiroki Sakaji, Atsuya Miyazaki, Hiroyuki Sakai, Kiyoshi Izumi
    In this paper, we propose a method for extracting laboratory front pages from university websites. There are more than 779 universities and colleges in Japan. For selecting a university or a college, some high school students want to know what laboratories these universities or colleges have. To learn about these laboratories, high school students have to search the laboratory front pages from the university websites. However, sometimes it is difficult to find a laboratory front page because they are sometimes buried deep in the hierarchy of university websites. Our method extracts laboratory front pages by using a support vector machine model and applying certain rules. We also developed a laboratory search system that can be used to retrieve laboratory front pages extracted with our method. We evaluated our method and confirmed that is attained 85.0% precision and 65.5% recall.
  • 高野海斗, 酒井浩之, 坂地泰紀, 和泉潔, 岡田奈奈, 水内利和
    言語処理学会論文誌 25(1) 3-32 2018年  査読有り
    <p>本論文では,テキストマイニング技術を用いて,株主招集通知の情報をデータベースに格納する業務の効率化を実現するための応用システムの研究について述べる.効率化したい業務とは,株主招集通知に記載されている議案の開始ページを予測し,その開始ページにおける議案の議案タイトルと議案内容を分類する業務である.本研究では,これらの業務を株主招集通知のテキスト情報を用いて自動的に行うシステムを開発し,実際に運用している.本研究によって実装したシステムと従来の人手による作業の比較実験の結果,作業時間は 1/10 程度に短縮された.議案分類の手法としては,学習データから抽出した特徴語の重みを用いた分類,多層ニューラルネットワーク(深層学習)を用いた分類,抽出した議案タイトルを用いた分類の三手法を用いた.さらに,各手法の評価を行い,各手法の議案ごとの有効性を確認した.</p>
  • 関 和広, 水田 孝信, 八木 勲, 落合 友四郎, 酒井 浩之, 和泉 潔
    人工知能 (32) 905-910 2017年11月1日  
  • 高野 海斗, 酒井 浩之, 坂地 泰紀, 和泉 潔, 岡田 奈奈, 水内 利和
    人工知能学会第二種研究会資料 2017(FIN-018) 10 2017年3月10日  
  • Hiroki Sakaji, Masaki Kohana, Akio Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Sakai
    In this paper, we propose a method that estimates new tags from user comments on videos on the Nico Nico Douga website. On Nico Nico Douga, users can post tags and comments on videos. However, users cannot post more than 12 tags on a video; therefore, there are some important tags that could be posted but are sometimes missed. We present a technique to acquire some of these missing tags by choosing new tags that score well in a scoring method developed by us.
  • 北森詩織, 酒井浩之, 坂地泰紀
    電子情報通信学会論文誌 J100-D(2) 150-161 2016年  査読有り
  • Hiroki Sakaji, Junya Ishibuchi, Hiroyuki Sakai
    International Journal of Space-Based and Situated Computing 6(3) 165-172 2016年  査読有り
  • 坂地泰紀, 酒井浩之, 増山繁
    電子情報通信学会論文誌D J98-D(5) 811-822 2015年5月  査読有り
  • Hiroyuki Sakai, Hiroko Nishizawa, Shogo Matsunami, Hiroki Sakaji
    Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 30(1) 172-182 2015年1月6日  査読有り
    In this paper, we propose a method of extracting causal information from PDF files of the summary of financial statements of companies, e.g., ”The sales of smart phones was expanded continually”. Cause information is useful for investors in selecting companies to invest. We downloaded 106,885 PDF files of the summary of financial statements of companies fromWeb pages of the companies automatically. Our method extracts causal information from the PDF files by using clue expressions (e.g., ”was expanded”) and keywords relevant to a company. The clue expressions are extracted from the PDF files of the summary of financial statements of companies and articles concerning business performance of companies automatically. We developed the search system which is able to retrieve causal informations extracted by our method. The search system shows causal information containing a keyword inputted by users, and the summary of financial statements containing the retrieved causal information. We evaluated our method and it attained 83.91% precision and 55.04% recall, respectively. Moreover, we compared our method with Sakai et al’s method originally proposed for extracting causal information from financial articles concerning business performance of companies and experimental results showed that our method outperforms Sakai et al’s method.
  • Hiroki Sakaji, Junya Ishibuchi, Hiroyuki Sakai
    In this paper, we propose a method that extracts positive comments (e.g. (motto hyouka sarerubeki: should be valued)") and negative comments (e.g. (hetakuso: dub)") from Nico Nico Douga automatically. For example, positive comments extracted by our method are beneficial for analysis of campaign broadcast.
  • 酒井 浩之, 西沢 裕子, 松並 祥吾, 坂地 泰紀
    人工知能学会論文誌 30(1) 172-182 2015年1月  査読有り
  • 酒井 浩之, 増山 繁
    電子情報通信学会論文誌. D, 情報・システム 96(11) 2866-2870 2013年11月  査読有り
  • Hirofumi Nonaka, Akio Kobayashi, Hiroki Sakaji, Yusuke Suzuki, Hiroyuki Sakai, Shigeru Masuyama
    Journal of Japan Industrial Management Associastion 63 105-111 2012年  査読有り
  • 谷口 将太, 坂地 泰紀, 酒井 浩之, 増山 繁
    電子情報通信学会論文誌. D, 情報・システム 94(6) 1039-1043 2011年6月  査読有り
  • 坂地 泰紀, 野中 尋史, 酒井 浩之, 増山 繁
    電子情報通信学会論文誌. D, 情報・システム 93(6) 742-755 2010年6月  査読有り
  • Akio Kobayashi, Hirofumi Nonaka, Shigeru Masuyama, Hiroyuki Sakai
    40th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering: Soft Computing Techniques for Advanced Manufacturing and Service Systems, CIE40 2010 2010年  査読有り
    A patent map, a visual representation of related patent information, is an effective strategic tool for analysis of patent application trends. In particular, an effect-technology type patent map is commonly used because patent examinations are based on technology and effect terms of the inventions. However, the patent map creation is a costly task, because most of patent maps are manually created. Therefore, we propose a method for automatic patent map construction. As a first step to develop such a method, we focused on technological terms that represent technologies for realizing the effect. In this step, we develop our method for clustering technological terms, because we need to use clusters of technological terms for our patent maps. The automatic technological terms clustering requires determining the relationship between technological terms. We developed a method to find relationship between technological terms by using a similarity between morphemes of these words as well as existing thesaurus knowledge.
  • 鈴木佑輔, 横田隼, 酒井浩之, 増山繁
    人工知能学会論文誌(Web) 25(1) 168-173 2010年  査読有り
  • Hiroyuki Sakai, Shigeru Masuyama
    We propose a method of assigning polarity to causal information extracted from Japanese financial articles concerning business performance of companies. Our method assigns polarity (positive or negative) to causal information in accordance with business performance, e.g. "zidousya no uriage ga koutyou: (Sales of cars are good)" (The polarity positive is assigned in this example). We may use causal expressions assigned polarity by our method, e.g., to analyze content of articles concerning business performance circumstantially. First, our method classifies articles concerning business performance into positive articles and negative articles. Using them, our method assigns polarity (positive or negative) to causal information extracted from the set of articles concerning business performance. Although Our method needs training dataset for classifying articles concerning business performance into positive and negative ones. our method does not need a training dataset for assigning polarity to causal information. Hence. even if causal information not appearing in the training dataset for classifying articles concerning business performance into positive and negative ones exist, our method is able to assign it polarity by using statistical information of this classified sets of articles. We evaluated our method and confirmed that it attained 74.4% precision and 50.4% recall of assigning polarity positive, and 76.8% precision and 61.5% recall of assigning polarity negative, respectively.
  • 酒井 浩之, 野中 尋史, 増山 繁
    人工知能学会論文誌 24(6) 531-540 2009年  
    We propose a method for extracting information on the technical effect from a patent document. The information on the technical effect extracted by our method is useful for generating patent maps (see e.g., Figure 1.) automatically or analyzing the technical trend from patent documents. Our method extracts expressions containing the information on the technical effect by using frequent expressions and clue expressions effective for extracting them. The frequent expressions and clue expressions are extracted by using statistical information and initial clue expressions automatically. Our method extracts expressions containing the information on the technical effect without predetermined patterns given by hand, and is expected to be applied to other tasks for acquiring expressions that have a particular meaning (e.g., information on the means for solving the problems) not limited to the information on the technical effect. Our method achieves not only high precision (78.0%) but also high recall (77.6%) by acquiring such clue expressions automatically from patent documents.
  • Hiroyuki Sakai, Shigeru Masuyama
    We propose a method of assigning polarity to causal information extracted from Japanese financial articles concerning business performance of companies. Our method assigns polarity (positive or negative) according to business performance to causal information, e.g. "zidousya no uriage ga koutyou: (Sales of cars are good)" (The polarity positive is assigned in this example.). First, our method classifies articles concerning business performance into positive articles and negative articles. Using this classified sets of articles, our method assigns polarity (positive or negative) to causal information extracted from the set of articles concerning business performance. We evaluated our method and it attained 75.3% precision and 47.9% recall of assigning polarity positive, and 77.0% precision and 58.5% recall of assigning polarity negative, respectively.
  • 野中尋史, 酒井浩之, 増山繁
    情報ネットワークローレビュー 8 74-85 2009年  査読有り
  • Masanobu Tsurutata, Hiroyuki Sakai, Shigeru Masuyama
    We propose a method of informative DOM* subtree identification from a Web page in an unfamiliar Web site. Our method uses layout data of DOM nodes generated by a generic Web browser. The results show that our method outperforms a baseline method, and was able to identify informative DOM subtrees from Web pages robustly.
  • Hiroyuki Sakai, Shigeru Masuyama
    We propose a method of extracting cause information from Japanese financial articles concerning business performance. Our method acquires cause information, e.g. (zidousya no uriage ga koutyou: Sales of cars were good)". Cause information is useful for investors in selecting companies to invest. Our method extracts cause information as a form of causal expression by using statistical information and initial clue expressions automatically. Our method can extract causal expressions without predetermined patterns or complex rules given by hand, and is expected to be applied to other tasks for acquiring phrases that have a particular meaning not limited to cause information. We compared our method with our previous one originally proposed for extracting phrases concerning traffic accident causes and experimental results showed that our new method outperforms our previous one.
  • Hiroki Sakaji, Hiroyuki Sakai, Shigeru Masuyama
    This paper proposes a method to automatically extract basis expressions that indicate economic trends from newspaper articles by using a statistical method. We also propose a method to classify them into positive expressions that indicate upbeat, and negative expressions that indicate downturn in economy, respectively. It is important for companies, governments and investors to predict economic trends in order to forecast revenue, sales of products, prices of commodities and stock prices. We considered that basis expressions are useful for the companies, governments and investors to forecast economic trends. We extracted basis expressions, and classified them into positive expressions or negative expressions as information to forecast economic trends. Our method used a bootstrap method that was minimally a supervised algorithm for extracting basis expressions. Moreover, our method classified basis expressions into positive expressions or negative ones without dictionaries.
  • Hiroyuki Sakai, Shigeru Masuyama
    We propose a method of extracting cause information from Japanese newspaper articles concerning business performance. Cause information is useful for investors in selecting companies to invest. Our method extracts cause information as a form of causal expression by using statistical information and initial clue phrases automatically. Our method can extract causal expressions without predetermined patterns or complex rules given by hand, and is expected to be applied to other tasks or language for acquiring phrases that have a particular meaning not limited to cause information. We compared our method with our previous method originally proposed for extracting phrases concerning traffic accident causes and experimental results showed that our new method outperforms our previous one.
  • 宮本 雅人, 酒井 浩之, 増山 繁
    知能と情報 : 日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌 : journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics 18(5) 752-760 2006年10月  査読有り
  • 酒井 浩之, 梅村 祥之, 増山 繁
    自然言語処理 13(4) 99-124 2006年  査読有り
  • 酒井 浩之, 増山 繁
    日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌 18(2) 265-279 2006年  
    本論文では, ユーザの要約要求を反映するためにユーザとのインタラクションを導入した複数文書要約手法を提案する. 従来, 文書自動要約とは, 主として1つの文書から1つの要約を自動的に生成する技術であった. しかしながら, 人間が知的な活動を行うためには1つの文書の要約を生成するよりも, ある事柄に関連した複数の文書から1つの要約を生成する技術 (すなわち, 複数文書要約技術) の方がより重要である. なぜなら, 人間の限られた情報処理能力では, 検索結果などで得られた関連した多くの文書を読むのに多大な時間が必要であり, それらを1つの要約にまとめることで読む時間の大幅な削減が可能になるからである. しかしながら, 一般にユーザごとに興味のある情報が異なるため, ユーザによって必要な情報が異なる. そこで, 本論文では, 複数文書要約においてユーザが知りたい情報を"要約要求"と定義し, ユーザの要約要求を考慮しそれに適合した要約を生成できる複数文書要約手法を提案する. 具体的には, 要約対象となる, ある事柄に関連した複数文書からその事柄に関連のあるキーワードを抽出しユーザに提示する. ユーザは提示されたキーワードから要約要求に適したキーワードを選択する. その選択されたキーワードによって生成される要約が変化する.<br>提案した要約手法の評価のために, 国立情報学研究所主催の, 検索と要約の評価のためのワークショップNTCIR4における要約タスク (TSC3) に参加した. その結果, 複数文書要約タスクにおいて良好な成績を得ることができた. なお, TSC3へは, 本システムによってスコア付けされたキーワードのうち上位12個を必ず選択するように変更することで, ユーザとのインタラクションを行わない複数文書要約システムとして参加した. また, ユーザとのインタラクションによる複数文書要約への効果を評価し, 提案手法の有効性を確認した.
  • 吉田 辰巳, 遠間 雄二, 増山 繁, 酒井 浩之
    電子情報通信学会論文誌D-II J88-D-II 1237-1245 2005年  査読有り
  • 酒井 浩之, 増山 繁
    自然言語処理 12(4) 207-231 2005年  査読有り
  • 酒井 浩之, 増山 繁
    電子情報通信学会論文誌. D-II, 情報・システム, II-パターン処理 87(8) 1641-1652 2004年8月  査読有り
  • 電子情報通信学会論文誌D-II vol.J87-D-II, no.8, pp.1641--1652 2004年  
  • IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems vol.E86-D, no.9, pp.1710-1718 2003年  査読有り
  • 酒井 浩之, 増山 繁
    電子情報通信学会論文誌. D-II, 情報・システム, II-パターン処理 85(10) 1624-1628 2002年10月  査読有り
  • 酒井 浩之, 篠原 直嗣, 増山 繁, 山本 和英
    自然言語処理 = Journal of natural language processing 9(3) 41-62 2002年7月  査読有り
    文内要約の一要素技術として, 連用修飾表現の省略可能性に関する知識を獲得する手法を提案する. 具体的には, 省略できる可能性のある連用修飾表現を含む節に対して, 同一の動詞をもち, かつ, 格助詞出現の差異が認められる節をコーパスから検索し, 検索された節対から省略可能な連用修飾表現を認定する. また, 連用修飾表現の内容および前後の文脈を考慮して, 重要な情報が多く含まれている連用修飾表現に対しては省略可能と認定できる可能性を低く, 逆に, 認定対象としている連用修飾表現に, それより以前の文に存在する情報が含まれている場合に対しては, 省略可能と認定できる可能性が高くなるような工夫を施した. 本手法によって省略可能と認定された連用修飾表現を評価したところ, 適合率78.0%, 再現率67.9%との結果を得た. また, 本手法を, 格フレーム辞書によって動詞に対する任意格として記述される格要素を, 省略可能な連用修飾表現として認定する手法と比較した. その結果, 適合率, 再現率ともに比較手法より良好な結果を得ることができ, 提案手法の有効性を確認した.







