Curriculum Vitaes

Taku Ishii

  (石井 卓)

Profile Information

Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Science and Technology , Seikei University
Doctor(Mathematical Sciences)(The University of Tokyo)

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Research Areas



  • Taku Ishii, Tadashi Miyazaki
    Representation Theory of the American Mathematical Society, 26(25) 714-763, Jul 6, 2022  
    <p>Let and be positive integers such that . Let be either or . Let and be maximal compact subgroups of and , respectively. We give the explicit descriptions of archimedean Rankin–Selberg integrals at the minimal - and -types for pairs of principal series representations of and , using their recurrence relations. Our results for can be applied to the arithmetic study of critical values of automorphic -functions.</p>
  • Miki Hirano, Taku Ishii, Tadashi Miyazaki
    Memoirs of Amer. Math. Soc., 1366, 2022  Peer-reviewed
  • Taku Ishii
    The Ramanujan Journal, 49 129-139, 2019  Peer-reviewed
  • ISHII Taku
    Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 147 103-114, 2019  Peer-reviewed
  • ISHII Taku
    Journal of Functional Analysis, 276 284-327, 2019  Peer-reviewed
  • Taku Ishii
    Journal of Number Theory, 186 304-345, 2018  Peer-reviewed
  • Miki Hirano, Taku Ishii, Tadashi Miyazaki
    We consider here the archimedean zeta integrals for GL(3) x GL(2) and show that the zeta integral for appropriate Whittaker functions is equal to the associated L-factor.
  • Taku Ishii, Takayuki Oda
    JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS, 266(3) 1286-1372, Feb, 2014  Peer-reviewed
    We study Whittaker functions for the principal series representations of SL(n,R). We derive a system of partial differential equations characterizing our Whittaker functions. We give explicitly power series solutions at the regular singularity of the system, and integral representations of the unique moderate growth Whittaker functions. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Taku Ishii, Eric Stade
    MANUSCRIPTA MATHEMATICA, 141(3-4) 485-536, Jul, 2013  Peer-reviewed
    In this paper, we evaluate archimedean zeta integrals for automorphic L-functions on GL(n) x GL(n-1+l) and on SO2n+1 x GL(n+l), for l = -1, 0, and 1. In each of these cases, the zeta integrals in question may be expressed as Mellin transforms of products of class one Whittaker functions. Here, we obtain explicit expressions for these Mellin transforms in terms of Gamma functions and Barnes integrals. When l = 0 or l = 1, the archimedean zeta integrals amount to integrals over the full torus. We show that, as has been predicted by Bump for such domains of integration, these zeta integrals are equal to the corresponding local L-factors-which are simple rational combinations of Gamma functions. (In the cases of GL(n) x GL(n-1) and GL(n) x GL(n) this has, in large part, been shown previously by the second author of the present work, though the results here are more general in that they do not require the assumption of trivial central characters. Our techniques here are also quite different. New formulas for GL(n, R) Whittaker functions, obtained recently by the authors of this work, allow for substantially simplified computations). In the case l = -1, we express our archimedean zeta integrals explicitly in terms of Gamma functions and certain Barnes-type integrals. These evaluations rely on new recursive formulas, derived herein, for GL(n, R) Whittaker functions. Finally, we indicate an approach to certain unramified calculations, on SO2n+1 x GL(n) and SO2n+1 x GL(n+1), that parallels our method herein for the corresponding archimedean situation. While the unramified theory has already been treated using more direct methods, we hope that the connections evoked herein might facilitate future archimedean computations.
  • Taku Ishii
    JOURNAL OF LIE THEORY, 23(1) 85-112, 2013  Peer-reviewed
    We give explicit formulas for Whittaker functions for the class one principal series representations of the orthogonal groups SO2n+1(R) of odd degree. Our formulas are similar to the recursive formulas for Whittaker functions on SLn(R) given by Stade and the author.
  • Miki Hirano, Taku Ishii, Tadashi Miyazaki
    We introduce the explicit formulas of archimedean Whittaker functions on GL(3) and their application to archimedean zeta integrals.
  • Taku Ishii
    We give explicit formulas for Whittaker functions on real semisimple Lie groups of real rank two belonging to the class one principal series representations. By using these formulas we compute certain archimedean zeta integrals.
  • Taku Ishii, Tomonori Moriyama
    TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, 360(11) 5683-5709, 2008  Peer-reviewed
    Let G = GSp( 2) be the symplectic group with similitude of degree two, which is defined over Q. For a generic cusp form F on the adelized group G(A) whose archimedean type is a principal series representation, we show that its spinor L-function is continued to an entire function and satisfies the functional equation.
  • Miki Hirano, Taku Ishii, Takayuki Oda
    ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS, 215(2) 734-765, Nov, 2007  Peer-reviewed
    In this paper, we give explicit formulas for the secondary and the primary Whittaker functions for P-J-principal series representations of Sp(3, R). (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All fights reserved.
  • Taku Ishii, Eric Stade
    JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS, 244(1) 289-314, Mar, 2007  Peer-reviewed
    We derive new recursive formulas for principal series Whittaker functions, of both fundamental and class one type, on GL(n, R). These formulas relate such Whittaker functions to their counterparts on GL(n - 1, R), instead of on GL(n - 2, R) as has been the case in numerous earlier studies. In the particular case n = 3, and for certain special values of the eigenvalues, our formulas are seen to resemble classical summation formulas, due to Gegenbauer, for Bessel functions. To illuminate this resemblance we also derive, in this work, formulas for certain special values of GL(3, R) fundamental Whittaker functions. These formulas may be understood as analogs of expressions derived by Bump and Friedberg for class one Whittaker functions on GL(3, R). (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Miki Hirano, Taku Ishii, Takayuki Oda
    We discuss a confluence from Siegel-Whittaker functions to Whittaker functions on Sp(2, R) by using their explicit formulae. In our proof, we use expansion theorems of the good Whittaker functions by the secondary Whittaker functions.
  • T Ishii, T Oda
    AUTOMORPHIC FORMS AND ZETA FUNCTIONS, 198-+, 2006  Peer-reviewed
  • T Ishii
    JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS, 225(1) 1-32, Aug, 2005  Peer-reviewed
    We give explicit formulas for principal series Whittaker functions on Sp(2,R). (C) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Taku Ishii, Takayuki Oda
    Commentarii Mathematici Universitatis Sancti Pauli, 54(2) 187-209, 2005  Peer-reviewed
  • T Ishii
    ANNALES DE L INSTITUT FOURIER, 55(2) 483-+, 2005  Peer-reviewed
    We prove the recursive integral formula of class one M-Whittaker functions on SL(n, R) conjectured and verified in case of n = 3, 4 by Stade.
  • T Ishii
    COMPOSITIO MATHEMATICA, 140(4) 827-854, Jul, 2004  Peer-reviewed
    In this paper we study a kind of spherical function, which we call a Siegel-Whittaker function, related to Fourier expansions of automorphic forms on Hermitian symmetric domains of type IV. We obtain a multiplicity-one theorem and an integral representation of this spherical function.
  • Hiroyuki Manabe, Taku Ishii, Takayuki Oda
    Japanese Journal of Mathematics, 30(1) 183-226, 2004  Peer-reviewed
  • Taku Ishii
    Journal of Mathematical Sciences. The University of Tokyo, 10(3) 519-535, 2003  Peer-reviewed
  • Taku Ishii
    Journal of Mathematical Sciences. The University of Tokyo, 9(2) 303-346, 2002  Peer-reviewed

Professional Memberships


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