
櫻田 武

サクラダ タケシ  (Takeshi SAKURADA)


成蹊大学 理工学部 理工学科 准教授



  • Masayuki Tetsuka, Takeshi Sakurada, Mayuko Matsumoto, Takeshi Nakajima, Mitsuya Morita, Shigeru Fujimoto, Kensuke Kawai
    Frontiers in systems neuroscience 17 1130272-1130272 2023年  責任著者
    This study aimed to clarify whether short-term neurofeedback training during the acute stroke phase led to prefrontal activity self-regulation, providing positive efficacy to working memory. A total of 30 patients with acute stroke performed functional near-infrared spectroscopy-based neurofeedback training for a day to increase their prefrontal activity. A randomized, Sham-controlled, double-blind study protocol was used comparing working memory ability before and after neurofeedback training. Working memory was evaluated using a target-searching task requiring spatial information retention. A decline in spatial working memory performance post-intervention was prevented in patients who displayed a higher task-related right prefrontal activity during neurofeedback training compared with the baseline. Neurofeedback training efficacy was not associated with the patient's clinical background such as Fugl-Meyer Assessment score and time since stroke. These findings demonstrated that even short-term neurofeedback training can strengthen prefrontal activity and help maintain cognitive ability in acute stroke patients, at least immediately after training. However, further studies investigating the influence of individual patient clinical background, especially cognitive impairment, on neurofeedback training is needed. Current findings provide an encouraging option for clinicians to design neurorehabilitation programs, including neurofeedback protocols, for acute stroke patients.
  • Takeshi Sakurada, Ayaka Horiuchi, Takashi Komeda
    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 34(4) 777-785 2022年8月20日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Robot-assisted body movements are a useful approach for the rehabilitation of motor dysfunction. Various robots based on end-effector or exoskeleton type have been proposed. However, the effect of these robots on brain activity during assistive lower limb movements remains unclear. In this study, we evaluated brain activity results among robot-assisted passive movements, voluntary active movements, and kinesthetic motor imagery. We measured and compared the brain activities of 21 young, healthy individuals during three experimental conditions associated with lower limb movements (active, passive, and imagery conditions) using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). Our results showed that although different brain areas with significant activity were observed among the conditions, the temporal patterns of the activity in each recording channel and the spatial patterns of functional connectivity showed high similarity between robot-assisted passive movements and voluntary active movements. Conversely, the robot-assisted passive movements did not show any similarity to motor imagery. Overall, these findings suggest that the robotic assistive approach is useful for activating not only afferent processes associated with sensory feedback processing but also motor control-related efferent processes.
  • Takeshi Sakurada, Mayuko Matsumoto, Shin-ichiroh Yamamoto
    Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 16(774475) 2022年2月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Neurofeedback is a neuromodulation technique used to improve brain function by self-regulating brain activity. However, the efficacy of neurofeedback training varies widely between individuals, and some participants fail to self-regulate brain activity. To overcome intersubject variation in neurofeedback training efficacy, it is critical to identify the factors that influence this type of neuromodulation. In this study, we considered that individual differences in cognitive ability may influence neurofeedback training efficacy and aimed to clarify the effect of individual working memory (WM) abilities, as characterized by sensory modality dominance, on neurofeedback training efficacy in healthy young adults. In particular, we focused on the abilities of individuals to retain internal (tactile or somatosensory) or external (visual) body information in their WM. Forty participants performed functional near-infrared spectroscopy-based neurofeedback training aimed at producing efficient and lower-level activity in the bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and frontopolar cortex. We carried out a randomized, sham-controlled, double-blind study that compared WM ability before and after neurofeedback training. Individual WM ability was quantified using a target searching task that required the participants to retain spatial information presented as vibrotactile or visual stimuli. Participants who received feedback information based on their own prefrontal activity showed gradually decreasing activity in the right prefrontal area during the neurofeedback training and demonstrated superior WM ability during the target searching task with vibrotactile stimuli compared with the participants who performed dummy neurofeedback training. In comparison, left prefrontal activity was not influenced by the neurofeedback training. Furthermore, the efficacy of neurofeedback training (i.e., lower right prefrontal activity and better searching task performance) was higher in participants who exhibited tactile dominance rather than visual dominance in their WM. These findings indicate that sensory modality dominance in WM may be an influential neurophysiological factor in determining the efficacy of neurofeedback training. These results may be useful in the development of neurofeedback training protocols tailored to individual needs.
  • Takeshi Sakurada, Masataka Yoshida, Kiyoshi Nagai
    Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15(784292) 2022年1月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Focus of attention is one of the most influential factors facilitating motor performance. Previous evidence supports that the external focus (EF) strategy, which directs attention to movement outcomes, is associated with better motor performance than the internal focus (IF) strategy, which directs attention to body movements. However, recent studies have reported that the EF strategy is not effective for some individuals. Furthermore, neuroimaging studies have demonstrated that the frontal and parietal areas characterize individual optimal attentional strategies for motor tasks. However, whether the sensory cortices are also functionally related to individual optimal attentional strategy remains unclear. Therefore, the present study examined whether an individual’s sensory processing ability would reflect the optimal attentional strategy. To address this point, we explored the relationship between responses in the early sensory cortex and individuals’ optimal attentional strategy by recording steady-state somatosensory evoked potentials (SSSEP) and steady-state visual evoked potentials (SSVEP). Twenty-six healthy young participants first performed a motor learning task with reaching movements under IF and EF conditions. Of the total sample, 12 individuals showed higher after-effects under the IF condition than the EF condition (IF-dominant group), whereas the remaining individuals showed the opposite trend (EF-dominant group). Subsequently, we measured SSSEP from bilateral primary somatosensory cortices while presenting vibrotactile stimuli and measured SSVEP from bilateral primary visual cortices while presenting checkerboard visual stimuli. The degree of increasing SSSEP response when the individuals in the IF-dominant group directed attention to vibrotactile stimuli was significantly more potent than those in the EF-dominant individuals. By contrast, the individuals in the EF-dominant group showed a significantly larger SSVEP increase while they directed attention to visual stimuli compared with the IF-dominant individuals. Furthermore, a significant correlation was observed such that individuals with more robust IF dominance showed more pronounced SSSEP attention modulation. These results suggest that the early sensory areas have crucial brain dynamics to characterize an individual’s optimal attentional strategy during motor tasks. The response characteristics may reflect the individual sensory processing ability, such as control of priority to the sensory inputs. Considering individual cognitive traits based on the suitable attentional strategy could enhance adaptability in motor tasks.
  • Masahiro Hirai, Takeshi Sakurada, Takahiro Ikeda, Yukifumi Monden, Hideo Shimoizumi, Takanori Yamagata
    Developmental Psychobiology 64(1) e22229 2022年1月  査読有り
    The ability to understand the way other people see the world differs from one's own viewpoint is referred to as ''visual perspective-taking'' (VPT). Previous studies have demonstrated the behavioral performance in level 2 VPT (VPT2), the ability to understand that two different observers can have unique visual experiences of the same scene or object depending on the observers' physical location, changes during childhood. However, the developmental aspects underlying the neural mechanisms of VPT2 remains unknown. We measured the hemodynamic responses to a VPT2 task using functional near-infrared spectroscopy, with mental rotation (MR) as a control task in 7- to 11-year-old and 11- to 16-year-old groups. In the VPT2 task, participants were required to mentally compute the perspective of a toy on the turntable from that of a doll placed in a different location from the observer. For the MR task, participants reported their perspectives after the toy was rotated. We found significantly higher oxy-hemoglobin changes during the VPT2 task than the MR task in the 7- to 11-year-old group but not in the 11- to 16-year-old group, in the right middle and superior temporal, angular gyrus and frontal regions. These findings highlight the important role of the right temporoparietal region in processing perspective, up to 11 years.
  • Masahiro Hirai, Takeshi Sakurada, Jun Izawa, Takahiro Ikeda, Yukifumi Monden, Hideo Shimoizumi, Takanori Yamagata
    Scientific Reports 11(1) 2021年12月  査読有り
  • 永井清, 西村海里, 櫻田武, 土橋宏規, 吉川恒夫
    日本ロボット学会誌 39(7) 645-652 2021年9月  査読有り
  • Takeshi Sakurada, Kenji Kansaku
    European Journal of Neuroscience 2021年3月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Inter-limb coordination is achieved through multiple levels of motor control based on intrinsic-muscle and extrinsic-visual coordinates. Online visual feedback affects which of these coordinates is dominant, and visual perception is involved in the switching of motor coordination across the two hands; however, it remains unclear whether there is any role for attention in inter-limb coordination. Therefore, we evaluated the effects of attention on the dominance of intrinsic-muscle and extrinsic-visual coordinates by investigating inter-limb interference in the right or left hand during bimanual reaching movements, as induced by visual perturbations. We first showed an effect of differences in online visual feedback on bimanual coordination (Experiment 1). We then revealed that attention to visual cursors that directly affected the hand movement led to dominance of the intrinsic-muscle coordinates, which synchronized homologous muscle activities. In contrast, attention to an integrated visual object controlled by bilateral hand movements was associated with a preference for extrinsic-visual coordinates to synchronize bilateral movement directions (Experiment 2). Thus, attention-dependent switching between intrinsic-muscle and extrinsic-visual coordinates was observed during bimanual movements; extrinsic-visual coordinates may enable goal-directed bimanual movements at least for particular task requirements.
  • Naoko Sakabe, Samirah Altukhaim, Yoshikatsu Hayashi, Takeshi Sakurada, Shiro Yano, Toshiyuki Kondo
    Frontiers in human neuroscience 15 677578-677578 2021年1月  査読有り
    The long-term effects of impairment have a negative impact on the quality of life of stroke patients in terms of not using the affected limb even after some recovery (i.e., learned non-use). Immersive virtual reality (IVR) has been introduced as a new approach for the treatment of stroke rehabilitation. We propose an IVR-based therapeutic approach to incorporate positive reinforcement components in motor coordination as opposed to constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT). This study aimed to investigate the effect of IVR-reinforced physical therapy that incorporates positive reinforcement components in motor coordination. To simulate affected upper limb function loss in patients, a wrist weight was attached to the dominant hand of participant. Participants were asked to choose their right or left hand to reach toward a randomly allocated target. The movement of the virtual image of the upper limb was reinforced by visual feedback to participants, that is, the participants perceived their motor coordination as if their upper limb was moving to a greater degree than what was occurring in everyday life. We found that the use of the simulated affected limb was increased after the visual feedback enhancement intervention, and importantly, the effect was maintained even after gradual withdrawal of the visual amplification. The results suggest that positive reinforcement within the IVR could induce an effect on decision making in hand usage.
  • Mayuko Matsumoto, Takeshi Sakurada, Shin-ichiroh Yamamoto
    PLOS ONE 15(8) e0238235-e0238235 2020年8月  査読有り責任著者
    In addition to quantitative individual differences in working memory (WM) capacity, qualitative aspects, such as enhanced sensory modality (modality dominance), can characterize individual WM ability. This study aimed to examine the neurological basis underlying the individual modality dominance component of WM using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). To quantify the degree of individual WM modality dominance, 24 participants were required to find seven hidden targets and hold their spatial location and appearance order with vibrotactile or visual stimuli aids. In this searching task, eight participants demonstrated higher performance with the tactile condition (tactile-dominant) whereas sixteen demonstrated visual dominance. We then measured prefrontal activity by fNIRS during memorization of visual stimulus numbers while finger tapping as a cognitive-motor dual-task. Individual modality dominance significantly correlated with bilateral frontopolar and dorsolateral prefrontal activity changes over repeated fNIRS sessions. In particular, individuals with stronger visual dominance showed marked decreases in prefrontal area activity. These results suggest that distinct processing patterns in the prefrontal cortex reflect an individual's qualitative WM characteristics. Considering the individual modality dominance underlying the prefrontal areas could enhance cognitive or motor performance, possibly by optimizing cognitive resources.
  • Ken Takiyama, Takeshi Sakurada, Masahiro Shinya, Takaaki Sato, Hirofumi Ogihara, Taiki Komatsu
    Scientific reports 10(1) 7113-7113 2020年4月28日  査読有り
    Generating appropriate motor commands is an essential brain function. To achieve proper motor control in diverse situations, predicting future states of the environment and body and modifying the prediction are indispensable. The internal model is a promising hypothesis about brain function for generating and modifying the prediction. Although several findings support the involvement of the cerebellum in the internal model, recent results support the influence of other related brain regions on the internal model. A representative example is the motor adaptation ability in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. Although this ability provides some hints about how dopamine deficits and other PD symptoms affect the internal model, previous findings are inconsistent; some reported a deficit in the motor adaptation ability in PD patients, but others reported that the motor adaptation ability of PD patients is comparable to that of healthy controls. A possible factor causing this inconsistency is the difference in task settings, resulting in  different cognitive strategies in each study. Here, we demonstrate a larger, but not better, motor adaptation ability in PD patients than in healthy controls while reducing the involvement of cognitive strategies and concentrating on implicit motor adaptation abilities. This study utilizes a smart-device-based experiment that enables motor adaptation experiments anytime and anywhere with less cognitive strategy involvement. The PD patients showed a significant response to insensible environmental changes, but the response was not necessarily suitable for adapting to the changes. Our findings support compensatory cerebellar functions in PD patients from the perspective of motor adaptation.
  • Takeshi Sakurada, Aya Goto, Masayuki Tetsuka, Takeshi Nakajima, Mitsuya Morita, Shin-Ichiroh Yamamoto, Masahiro Hirai, Kensuke Kawai
    Neurophotonics 6(2) 025012-025012 2019年4月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Directing attention to movement outcomes (external focus; EF), not body movements (internal focus; IF), is a better cognitive strategy for motor performance. However, EF is not effective in some healthy individuals or stroke patients. We aimed to identify the neurological basis reflecting the individual optimal attentional strategy using functional near-infrared spectroscopy. Sixty-four participants (23 healthy young, 23 healthy elderly, and 18 acute stroke) performed a reaching movement task under IF and EF conditions. Of these, 13 healthy young participants, 11 healthy elderly participants, and 6 stroke patients showed better motor performance under EF conditions (EF-dominant), whereas the others showed IF-dominance. We then measured prefrontal activity during rhythmic hand movements under both attentional conditions. IF-dominant participants showed significantly higher left prefrontal activity than EF-dominant participants under IF condition. In addition, receiver operating characteristic analysis supported that the higher activity in the left frontopolar and dorsolateral prefrontal cortices could detect IF-dominance as an individual's optimal attentional strategy for preventing motor performance decline. Taken together, these results suggest that prefrontal activity during motor tasks reflects an individual's ability to process internal body information, thereby conferring IF-dominance. These findings could be applied for the development of individually optimized rehabilitation programs.
  • Masahiro Hirai, Takeshi Sakurada, Shin-ichi Muramatsu
    Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 41(2) 170-178 2019年2月7日  
  • Takeshi SAKURADA, Masahiro HIRAI, Eiju WATANABE
    Brain and Behavior e01183 2018年12月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Masahiro HIRAI, Takeshi SAKURADA, Shin-ichi MURAMATSU
    Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 10 1-9 2018年9月  査読有り
  • Takahiro IKEDA, Masahiro HIRAI, Takeshi SAKURADA, Yukifumi MONDEN, Tatsuya TOKUDA, Masako NAGASHIMA, Hideo SHIMOIZUMI, Ippeita DAN, Takanori YAMAGATA
    Neurophotonics 5(3) 035008 2018年9月  査読有り
  • Takahiro Ikeda, Masahiro Hirai, Takeshi Sakurada, Yukifumi Monden, Tatsuya Tokuda, Masako Nagashima, Hideo Shimoizumi, Ippeita Dan, Takanori Yamagata
    Neurophotonics 5(3) 035008-035008 2018年7月  査読有り
    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by impairment in social communication and the presence of restricted and repetitive behaviors and interests. Executive function impairment is reportedly partially responsible for these symptoms. Executive function includes planning, flexibility, and inhibitory control. Although planning and flexibility in ASD have been consistently reported as atypical, the atypicality of inhibitory control remains controversial. As most previous studies have used nonsocial stimuli to investigate inhibitory control in ASD, the effects of socially relevant information on the inhibitory control system in individuals with ASD remain unclear. Therefore, we developed a go/no-go task with gaze stimuli and measured hemodynamic responses in the right prefrontal cortex (PFC), involved in inhibitory processing in both typically developing (TD) children and children with ASD, using functional near-infrared spectroscopy. Direct gaze induced commission errors to similar extents in both groups. Contrary to the behavioral responses, neural activation in the right PFC was modulated by gaze direction only in the TD group. These findings suggest that the gaze-processing mechanisms in the prefrontal region may be affected by atypical gaze processing in other brain regions during an inhibitory control task with socially relevant information in ASD.
  • Takeshi Sakurada, Guenther Knoblich, Natalie Sebanz, Shin-ichi Muramatsu, Masahiro Hirai
    Neuropsychologia 111 201-208 2018年3月1日  査読有り筆頭著者
    Information on how the subcortical brain encodes information required to execute actions or to evaluate others’ actions remains scanty. To clarify this link, Fitts'-law tasks for perception and execution were tested in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). For the perception task, participants were shown apparent motion displays of a person moving their arm between two identical targets and reported whether they judged that the person could realistically move at the perceived speed without missing the targets. For the motor task, participants were required to touch the two targets as quickly and accurately as possible, similarly to the person observed in the perception task. In both tasks, the PD group exhibited, or imputed to others, significantly slower performances than those of the control group. However, in both groups, the relationships of perception and execution with task difficulty were exactly those predicted by Fitts’ law. This suggests that despite dysfunction of the subcortical region, motor simulation abilities reflected mechanisms of compensation in the PD group. Moreover, we found that patients with PD had difficulty in switching their strategy for estimating others’ actions when asked to do so.
  • Takeshi Sakurada, Takeshi Nakajima, Mitsuya Morita, Masahiro Hirai, Eiju Watanabe
    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 7(40592) 2017年1月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    It is believed that motor performance improves when individuals direct attention to movement outcome (external focus, EF) rather than to body movement itself (internal focus, IF). However, our previous study found that an optimal individual attentional strategy depended on motor imagery ability. We explored whether the individual motor imagery ability in stroke patients also affected the optimal attentional strategy for motor control. Individual motor imagery ability was determined as either kinesthetic- or visual-dominant by a questionnaire in 28 patients and 28 healthy-controls. Participants then performed a visuomotor task that required tracing a trajectory under three attentional conditions: no instruction (NI), attention to hand movement (IF), or attention to cursor movement (EF). Movement error in the stroke group strongly depended on individual modality dominance of motor imagery. Patients with kinesthetic dominance showed higher motor accuracy under the IF condition but with concomitantly lower velocity. Alternatively, patients with visual dominance showed improvements in both speed and accuracy under the EF condition. These results suggest that the optimal attentional strategy for improving motor accuracy in stroke rehabilitation differs according to the individual dominance of motor imagery. Our findings may contribute to the development of tailor-made pre-assessment and rehabilitation programs optimized for individual cognitive abilities.
  • Toshihiro KAWASE, Takeshi SAKURADA, Yasuharu KOIKE, Kenji KANSAKU
    Journal of Neural Engineering 14(1) 016015 2017年1月  査読有り
  • 櫻田武, 後藤彩, 中嶋剛, 森田光哉, 平井真洋, 山本紳一郎, 渡辺英寿, 川合謙介
    機能的脳神経外科 56 62-67 2017年  招待有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Takeshi SAKURADA, Masahiro HIRAI, Eiju WATANABE
    Experimental Brain Research 234(1) 301-311 2016年1月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Takeshi Sakurada, Koji Ito, Hiroaki Gomi
    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 43(1) 120-130 2016年1月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Although strong motor coordination in intrinsic muscle coordinates has frequently been reported for bimanual movements, coordination in extrinsic visual coordinates is also crucial in various bimanual tasks. To explore the bimanual coordination mechanisms in terms of the frame of reference, here we characterized implicit bilateral interactions in visuomotor tasks. Visual perturbations (finger-cursor gain change) were applied while participants performed a rhythmic tracking task with both index fingers under an in-phase or anti-phase relationship in extrinsic coordinates. When they corrected the right finger's amplitude, the left finger's amplitude unintentionally also changed [motor interference (MI)], despite the instruction to keep its amplitude constant. Notably, we observed two specificities: one was large MI and low relative-phase variability (PV) under the intrinsic in-phase condition, and the other was large MI and high PV under the extrinsic in-phase condition. Additionally, using a multiple-interaction model, we successfully decomposed MI into intrinsic components caused by motor correction and extrinsic components caused by visual-cursor mismatch of the right finger's movements. This analysis revealed that the central nervous system facilitates MI by combining intrinsic and extrinsic components in the condition with in-phases in both intrinsic and extrinsic coordinates, and that under-additivity of the effects is explained by the brain's preference for the intrinsic interaction over extrinsic interaction. In contrast, the PV was significantly correlated with the intrinsic component, suggesting that the intrinsic interaction dominantly contributed to bimanual movement stabilization. The inconsistent features of MI and PV suggest that the central nervous system regulates multiple levels of bilateral interactions for various bimanual tasks.
  • Takeshi Sakurada, Toshihiro Kawase, Tomoaki Komatsu, Kenji Kansaku
    CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY 126(10) 1972-1978 2015年10月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Objective: This study presents a new steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP)-based brain-machine interface (BMI) using flickering visual stimuli at frequencies greater than the critical flicker frequency (CFF). Methods: We first asked participants to fixate on a green/blue flicker (30-70 Hz), and SSVEP amplitude was evaluated. Participants were asked to indicate whether the stimulus was visibly flickering and to report their subjective level of discomfort. We then assessed visibly (41, 43, and 45 Hz) vs. invisibly (61, 63, and 65 Hz) flickering stimulus in an SSVEP-based BMI. Visual fatigue was assessed via the flicker test before and after operation of the BMI. Results: Higher frequency stimuli reduced participants' subjective discomfort. Participants successfully controlled the SSVEP-based BMI using both the visibly and invisibly flickering stimuli (93.1% and 88.0%, respectively); the flicker test revealed a decrease in CFF (i.e., visual fatigue) under the visible condition only (-5.7%, P < 0.001). Conclusions: The use of high-frequency visual stimuli above the CFF led to high classification accuracy and decreased visual fatigue in an SSVEP-based BMI. Significance: High-frequency flicker stimuli above the CFF were able to induce SSVEPs and may prove useful in the development of BMI-based assistive products. (C) 2014 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Hiroaki Gomi, Takeshi Sakurada, Takao Fukui
    When stepping onto a stopped escalator we often perceive an "odd sensation" that never felt when stepping onto stairs. The sight of an escalator provides a strong contextual cue that, in expectation of the backward acceleration when stepping on, triggers an anticipatory forward postural adjustment driven by a habitual and implicit motor process. Here we contrast two theories about why this postural change leads to an odd sensation. The first theory links the odd sensation to a lack of sensorimotor prediction from all low-level implicit motor processes. The second theory links the odd sensation to the high-level conflict between the conscious awareness that the escalator is stopped and the implicit perception that evokes an endogenous motor program specific to a moving escalator. We show very similar postural changes can also arise from reflexive responses to visual stimuli, such as contracting/expanding optic flow fields, and that these reflexive responses produce similar odd sensations to the stopped escalator. We conclude that the high-level conflict is not necessary for such sensations. In contrast, the implicitly driven behavioral change itself essentially leads to the odd sensation in motor perception since the unintentional change may be less attributable to self generated action because of a lack of motor predictions.
  • Takeshi Sakurada, Toshihiro Kawase, Kouji Takano, Tomoaki Komatsu, Kenji Kansaku
    FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE 7(172) 2013年  査読有り筆頭著者
    A brain-machine interface (BMI) is an interface technology that uses neurophysiological signals from the brain to control external machines. Recent invasive BMI technologies have succeeded in the asynchronous control of robot arms for a useful series of actions, such as reaching and grasping. In this study, we developed non-invasive BMI technologies aiming to make such useful movements using the subject's own hands by preparing a BMI-based occupational therapy assist suit (BOTAS). We prepared a pre-recorded series of useful actions-a grasping-a-ball movement and a carrying-the-ball movement-and added asynchronous control using steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) signals. A SSVEP signal was used to trigger the grasping-a-ball movement and another SSVEP signal was used to trigger the carrying-the-ball movement. A support vector machine was used to classify EEG signals recorded from the visual cortex (Oz) in real time. Untrained, able-bodied participants (n = 12) operated the system successfully. Classification accuracy and time required for SSVEP detection were similar to 88% and 3s, respectively. We further recruited three patients with upper cervical spinal cord injuries (SCIs); they also succeeded in operating the system without training. These data suggest that our BOTAS system is potentially useful in terms of rehabilitation of patients with upper limb disabilities.
  • Takeshi Sakurada, Hiroaki Gomi, Koji Ito
    Interaction between motor areas of the right and left hemispheres of the brain is important for generating bilateral coordinated movements. We investigated how bilateral coupling, which results from the interhemispheric interaction, is modulated during coordinated movements. We tried to estimate coupling and stability of bilateral movements during continuous movements of the right and left index fingers. The experimental results show that bilateral coupling strengthens during symmetric movements and same directional movements. However, coordination stabilities depend on only symmetry. The results suggest that two or more interhemispheric interactions contribute to control the bilateral coordinated movements.
  • 櫻田武, 五味裕章, 伊藤宏司
    電子情報通信学会論文誌 J91-D(9) 2382-2393 2008年9月  査読有り筆頭著者







