Division of Mathematical Sciences

富谷 昭夫

トミヤ アキオ  (Akio Tomiya)


東京女子大学 専任講師
博士(理学)(2015年3月 大阪大学)



2024.4-現在 東京女子大学、専任講師
2021.8-2024.3 大阪国際工科専門職大学、助教
2018.9-2021.7 理研BNL(出渕研)、アメリカにて基礎科学特別研究員
2015.10-2018.8 華中師範大学、武漢、中国にてポスドク
2015.5-2015.8  大阪大学理学研究科物理学専攻(特任研究員)
2015.3 博士(理学)、大阪大学大学院理学研究科物理学専攻
2012.4-2015.3 大阪大学大学院理学研究科物理学専攻 博士後期課程
2010.4-2012.3 大阪大学大学院理学研究科物理学専攻 博士前期課程
2006.4-2010.3 兵庫県立大学理学部物質科学科
2003.4-2006.3 兵庫県立宝塚北高校普通科


  • Yuki Nagai, Akinori Tanaka, Akio Tomiya
    Physical Review D 2023年3月8日  
    In this paper, we develop the self-learning Monte-Carlo (SLMC) algorithm for non-abelian gauge theory with dynamical fermions in four dimensions to resolve the autocorrelation problem in lattice QCD. We perform simulations with the dynamical staggered fermions and plaquette gauge action by both in HMC and SLMC for zero and finite temperature to examine the validity of SLMC. We confirm that SLMC can reduce autocorrelation time in non-abelian gauge theory and reproduces results from HMC. For finite temperature runs, we confirm that SLMC reproduces correct results with HMC, including higher-order moments of the Polyakov loop and the chiral condensate. Besides, our finite temperature calculations indicate that four flavor QC${}_2$D with $\hat{m} = 0.5$ is likely in the crossover regime in the Colombia plot.
  • Sam Foreman, Taku Izubuchi, Luchang Jin, Xiao-Yong Jin, James C. Osborn, Akio Tomiya
    We propose using Normalizing Flows as a trainable kernel within the molecular dynamics update of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC). By learning (invertible) transformations that simplify our dynamics, we can outperform traditional methods at generating independent configurations. We show that, using a carefully constructed network architecture, our approach can be easily scaled to large lattice volumes with minimal retraining effort. The source code for our implementation is publicly available online at https://github.com/nftqcd/fthmc.
  • Chuan-Xin Cui, Jin-Yang Li, Shinya Matsuzaki, Mamiya Kawaguchi, Akio Tomiya
    We find that the chiral phase transition (chiral crossover) in QCD at physical point is triggered by big imbalance among three fundamental quantities essential for the QCD vacuum structure: susceptibility functions for the chiral symmetry, axial symmetry, and the topological charge. The balance, dobbed the QCD trilemma, is unavoidably violated when one of the magnitudes among them is highly dominated, or suppressed. Based on a three-flavor Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model, we explicitly evaluate the amount of violation of the QCD trilemma at physical point, and show that the violation takes place not only at vacuum, but even in a whole temperature regime including the chiral crossover epoch. This work confirms and extends the suggestion recently reported from lattice QCD with 2 flavors on dominance of the axial and topological susceptibilities left in the chiral susceptibility at high temperatures. It turns out that the imbalance is essentially due to the flavor symmetry violation of the lightest three flavors. The violation of QCD trilemma and its flavor dependence can be tested by lattice simulations with 2 + 1 flavors in the future, and would also give a new guiding principle to deeper understand the QCD phase structure, such as the Columbia plot, including possible extension with external fields.
  • Mamiya Kawaguchi, Shinya Matsuzaki, Akio Tomiya
    Physical Review D 103(5) 2021年3月25日  
    We discuss the violation of quark-flavor symmetry at high temperatures, induced from nonperturbative thermal loop corrections and axial anomaly, based on a three-flavor linear-sigma model including an axial-anomaly induced-flavor breaking term. We employ a nonperturbative analysis following the Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis formalism, and show that the model undergoes a chiral crossover with a pseudo-critical temperature, consistently with lattice observations. We find following features regarding the flavor breaking eminent around and above the pseudo-critical temperature: i) up-and down-quark condensates drop faster than the strange quark's toward the criticality, but still keep nonzero value even going far above the critical temperature; ii) the introduced anomaly-related flavor-breaking effect acts as a catalyzer toward the chiral restoration, and reduces the amount of flavor breaking in the up, down and strange quark condensates; iii) a dramatic deformation for the meson flavor mixing structure is observed, in which the anomaly-induced favor breaking is found to be almost irrelevant; iv) the meson spectroscopy gets corrected by the net nonperturbative flavor breaking effects, where the scalar meson mass hierarchy (inverse mass hierarchy) is significantly altered by the presence of the anomaly-related flavor breaking; v) the topological susceptibility significantly gets the contribution from the surviving strange quark condensate, which cannot be dictated by the chiral perturbation theory, and deviates from the dilute instanton gas prediction. There the anomaly-induced flavor breaking plays a role of the destructive interference for the net flavor violation; vi) the U(1)_A breaking is enhanced by the strange quark condensate, which may account for the tension in the effective U(1)_A restoration observed on lattices with two flavors and 2+1 flavors near the chiral limit.
  • Akio Tomiya, Yuki Nagai
    We develop a gauge covariant neural network for four dimensional non-abelian gauge theory, which realizes a map between rank-2 tensor valued vector fields. We find that the conventional smearing procedure and gradient flow for gauge fields can be regarded as known neural networks, residual networks and neural ordinal differential equations for rank-2 tensors with fixed parameters. In terms of machine learning context, projection or normalization functions in the smearing schemes correspond to an activation function in neural networks. Using the locality of the activation function, we derive the backpropagation for the gauge covariant neural network. Consequently, the smeared force in hybrid Monte Carlo (HMC) is naturally derived with the backpropagation. As a demonstration, we develop the self-learning HMC (SLHMC) with covariant neural network approximated action for non-abelian gauge theory with dynamical fermions, and we observe SLHMC reproduces results from HMC.


  • Linlin Huang, Yuanyuan Wang, He-Xu Zhang, Shinya Matsuzaki, Hiroyuki Ishida, Mamiya Kawaguchi, Akio Tomiya
    We argue that the axionic domain-wall with a QCD bias may be incompatible with the NANOGrav 15-year data on a stochastic gravitational wave (GW) background, when the domain wall network collapses in the hot-QCD induced local CP-odd domain. This is due to the drastic suppression of the QCD bias set by the QCD topological susceptibility in the presence of the CP-odd domain with nonzero $\theta$ parameter of order one which the QCD sphaleron could generate. We quantify the effect on the GW signals by working on a low-energy effective model of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio type in the mean field approximation. We find that only at $\theta=\pi$, the QCD bias tends to get significantly large enough due to the criticality of the thermal CP restoration, which would, however, give too big signal strengths to be consistent with the NANOGrav 15-year data and would also be subject to the strength of the phase transition at the criticality.
  • Junichi Takahashi, Hiroshi Ohno, Akio Tomiya
    We present our sparse modeling study to extract spectral functions from Euclidean-time correlation functions. In this study covariance between different Euclidean times of the correlation function is taken into account, which was not done in previous studies. In order to check applicability of the method, we firstly test it with mock data which imitate possible charmonium spectral functions. Then, we extract spectral functions from correlation functions obtained from lattice QCD at finite temperature.
  • Akio Tomiya, Yuki Nagai
    Machine learning, deep learning, has been accelerating computational physics, which has been used to simulate systems on a lattice. Equivariance is essential to simulate a physical system because it imposes a strong induction bias for the probability distribution described by a machine learning model. This reduces the risk of erroneous extrapolation that deviates from data symmetries and physical laws. However, imposing symmetry on the model sometimes occur a poor acceptance rate in self-learning Monte-Carlo (SLMC). On the other hand, Attention used in Transformers like GPT realizes a large model capacity. We introduce symmetry equivariant attention to SLMC. To evaluate our architecture, we apply it to our proposed new architecture on a spin-fermion model on a two-dimensional lattice. We find that it overcomes poor acceptance rates for linear models and observe the scaling law of the acceptance rate as in the large language models with Transformers.
  • Yuki Nagai, Akio Tomiya
    Machine learning and deep learning have revolutionized computational physics, particularly the simulation of complex systems. Equivariance is essential for simulating physical systems because it imposes a strong inductive bias on the probability distribution described by a machine learning model. However, imposing symmetry on the model can sometimes lead to poor acceptance rates in self-learning Monte Carlo (SLMC). Here, we introduce a symmetry equivariant attention mechanism for SLMC, which can be systematically improved. We evaluate our architecture on a spin-fermion model (\textit{i.e.}, double exchange model) on a two-dimensional lattice. Our results show that the proposed method overcomes the poor acceptance rates of linear models and exhibits a similar scaling law to large language models, with model quality monotonically increasing with the number of layers. Our work paves the way for the development of more accurate and efficient Monte Carlo algorithms with machine learning for simulating complex physical systems.
  • Peter Boyle, Taku Izubuchi, Luchang Jin, Chulwoo Jung, Christoph Lehner, Nobuyuki Matsumoto, Akio Tomiya
    We construct an approximate trivializing map by using a Schwinger-Dyson equation. The advantage of this method is that: (1) The basis for the flow kernel can be chosen arbitrarily by hand. (2) It can be applied to the general action of interest. (3) The coefficients in the kernel are determined by lattice estimates of the observables, which does not require analytic calculations beforehand. We perform the HMC with the effective action obtained by the Schwinger-Dyson method, and show that we can have better control of the effective action than the known $t$-expansion construction. However, the algorithmic overhead is still large and overwhelming the gain though faster decorrelation is observed for long-range observables in some cases. This contribution reports the preliminary results of this attempt.









