
加藤 尚吾

カトウ ショウゴ  (Shogo Kato)


東京女子大学 現代教養学部 心理・コミュニケーション学科 コミュニケーション専攻 教授



  • Akahori, K, Kato, Y, Kato, S, Sudo, A, Ohmori, M
    Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE) 2005 597-600 2005年11月  査読有り
  • Kato, S, Akahori, K
    Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA) 2005 715-722 2005年6月  査読有り
  • Kanji Akahori, Yuuki, Shogo Kato, Atsuhiko Sudo, Masayuki Ohmori
    This paper describes a comparative study between a mobile learning tool called "Pocket Challenge" and paper. The intention is to identify which between the two is more effective and acceptable to students. The experiment was conducted on 22 students to compare three factors; (1) Memorization of English words (2) Academic performance with regards to problem-solving, (3) Learning motivation and concentration, and media preference. In order to examine the validity and reproducibility, the experiment was repeated twice on each student. Students were requested to ask questions, solve problems, and learn words using the two media - "Pocket Challenge" and paper. Memorization of English words and academic performance were measured by written tests. Learning concentration was measured by the extent of decreasing concentration equivalent to the frequencies of students' taking their eyes away from the task at hand. Learning motivation and media preference were measured by subjective questions and answers. The results of both experiments show that the mobile learning tool is more superior to paper on (1) memorization of English words and (3) learning motivation, concentration and media preference. "Pocket Challenge" is slightly superior to paper in (2) academic performance of problem solving. Surprisingly, "Pocket Challenge" was regarded as the better media in comparison to paper, in all the questionnaire items.
  • 加藤 尚吾, 赤堀 侃司
    日本教育工学会論文誌 28 225-228 2005年  
    電子掲示板を用いた不登校児童生徒に対するグループカウンセリングを実施する前段階として電子掲示板使用実践を4回行い, 電子掲示板上での不登校児童生徒のコミュニケーションの特徴を探索的に調べた.投稿を分類した結果, 4つの実践を通して不登校児童生徒のほとんどの投稿が, 「語りかけ」, 「質問」, 「応答」といったコミュニケーションを形作る投稿であった.また, 実践後のアンケートから, 参加した児童生徒は, 電子掲示板使用実践に対して肯定的に感じていたことがわかった.しかし, 負の面として, 他の参加者に荒らし行為であると思われるような投稿, またそのような投稿に対するきつい表現の注意の投稿も見られた.
  • 加藤 尚吾, 赤堀 侃司
    教育情報研究 21(2) 39-49 2005年  
    著者らは, 不登校児童・生徒に対する支援として, 電子掲示板を用いたグループカウンセリングを, 教育センターで3回実施した.本研究では, この実践に参加したカウンセラーが電子掲示板上で行った働きかけに焦点を当てた.はじめに, カウンセラーの投稿内容を分類したところ, 「語りかける」, 「質問する」, 「自己開示する」が多く見られた.そこで, カウンセラーが電子掲示板上で行った働きかけとして, 「自己開示とコミュニケーションの促進」及び「投稿の流れの修正」に注目し, それぞれ分析した.結果から, カウンセラーの「語りかけ」や「質問」は, 児童・生徒の話を広げるなど, コミュニケーションの促進に寄与していたと考えられる.また, カウンセラーが自己開示することによって, 児童・生徒の自己開示も促進されたと考えられる.一方, 社会的スキルが未熟な児童・生徒による, ネガティブな雰囲気の流れになりやすい不適切な投稿に対して, カウンセラーが話題を変える投稿を行ったり, 該当する投稿を認める投稿を行ったりすることで, そのような流れが修正されたと考えられる.
  • Kato, S, Akahori, K
    Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE) 2004 1549-1557 2004年12月  査読有り
  • 加藤 尚吾, 赤堀 侃司
    教育情報研究 20(2) 3-13 2004年  
  • 加藤 尚吾, 古屋 雅康, 赤堀 侃司
    日本教育工学会論文誌 28(1) 1-14 2004年  
  • S Kato, K Akahori
    ED-MEDIA 2004: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Vols. 1-7 4153-4159 2004年  査読有り
    This paper seeks to examine the features of communication when using a bulletin board system (BBS) in a counseling environment for non-attendance children, who typically cannot communicate with other people well. A practical experiment was taken in this research. The research suggested 1) The BBS can be used for communication of non-attendance children and 2) Non-attendance children could communicate broadly and tended to speak by using the BBS.
  • S Kato, G Ota, K Akahori
    This paper seeks to examine the differences in communication when using e-mail and BBS (bulletin board system) in a counseling environment for school-refusal students. Subjects were asked to view a short movie whose central theme focused on bullying - a possible factor in some school-refusal students absence from school. Subjects were then asked to issue their thoughts and feelings about the contents of the movie using either e-mail or BBS. The impact of using either e-mail or BBS to convey ones thoughts and feelings were analysed by focusing on three psychological aspects within this experimental study. Firstly, the subjects ability to write their own true thoughts, views and opinions on the clip viewed. Secondly, the thought processes behind their written comments. And finally, subjects ability to empathize with the bullied girl in the movie. For ethical reasons school-refusal students did not act as subjects, instead 21 university students participated in this study. The results of questionnaires administered after this experiment were as follows: subjects found it significantly easier to write down their own true feelings when using e-mail easier than BBS. There were no significant differences in the thought processes that lead to comments being written in either e-mail or BBS. Open-ended questions allowed us to find that many subjects preferred e-mail as it 'allows me to put my thoughts down in a tidy and coherent form'. With BBS its main strength and weakness was derived from the fact that 'my comments can be seen by many people', Subjects also found it significantly easier to empathize with the bullied girl when using e-mail as compared to BBS. The result of this study support the idea that e-mail and BBS can be effectively utilized as e-counseling tools.
  • Kato, S, Furuya, M, Ota, G, Fujitani, S, Akahori, K
    Proceedings of ICCE/SchoolNet 2001 2 991-995 2001年11月  査読有り




  • Kato, S, Kato, Y, Usuki, K (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:Associations between dependency on Line text messaging and occurrence of negative emotions in Line group chats)
    IGI Global 2019年7月 (ISBN: 9781522594123)
  • Kato, Y, Kato, S, Ozawa, Y (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:Desired speed of reply during text-based communication via smartphones: A survey of young Japanese adults)
    IGI Global 2018年7月 (ISBN: 9781522540472)
  • Kato, Y, Kato, S (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:Mobile phone use during class at a Japanese women’s college)
    IGI Global 2016年1月 (ISBN: 9781466696679)
  • Kato, Y, Kato, S, Chida, K (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:Reply timing as emotional strategy in mobile text communications of Japanese young people: focusing on perceptual gaps between senders and recipients)
    IGI Global 2013年9月 (ISBN: 9781466645660)
  • Kato, Y, Kato, S, Chida, K (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:Reply timing and emotional strategy in mobile text communications of Japanese young people: replies to messages conveying four different emotions)
    IGI Global 2012年4月 (ISBN: 9781466609631)

