
水野 由子

ミズノ ユウコ  (Yuko Mizuno-Matsumoto)


兵庫県立大学 大学院 情報科学研究科 教授
大阪大学 サイバーメディアセンター 特任教授(常勤)
博士(医学)(1996年3月 大阪大学)
博士(工学)(2003年3月 大阪大学)




  • 坂口雄哉, 村松歩, 山本祐輔, 奥谷研, 平上尚吾, 水野(松本)由子
    作業療法 43(5) 2024年10月  査読有り最終著者
  • Kento Harachi, Yusuke Yamamoto, Ayumi Muramatsu, Hajime Nagahara, Noriko Takemura, Shinji Shimojo, Daisuke Furihata, Yuko Mizuno-Matsumoto
    17(1) 1-10 2024年8月9日  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • 関谷まり, 村松歩, 山本祐輔, 原地絢斗, 田邉晃史, 水野(松本)由子
    日本福祉工学会誌 26(1) 4-11 2024年6月13日  査読有り最終著者
  • 坂口雄哉, 村松歩, 山本祐輔, 奥谷研, 平上尚吾, 水野(松本)由子
    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 29(3) 2024年  査読有り最終著者
  • 藤後栄, 村松歩, 水野(松本)由子
    日本看護科学会誌 43 203-214 2023年9月13日  査読有り最終著者
    Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering 22(3) 265-271 2023年8月31日  査読有り
  • 備前宏紀, 木村大介, 村松歩, 山本祐輔, 原地絢斗, 水野(松本)由子
    作業療法 2023年6月16日  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • Yusuke Yamamoto, Kento Harachi, Ayumi Muramatsu, Hajime Nagahara, Noriko Takemura, Yuko Mizuno-Matsumoto, Shinji Shimojo
    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems 143(4) 430-440 2023年4月1日  査読有り責任著者
    This study examined the differences in functional brain network over time between different anxiety states and evaluated their usefulness in neural networks (NN). Seventeen young adults with high-anxiety and 13 young adults with low-anxiety were examined. The subjects were given three stimulations: resting, pleasant, and unpleasant stimuli, and Electroencephalogram (EEG) was measured immediately after the stimuli. EEG was analyzed for the alpha band using coherence analysis and graph theory. We evaluated the classification accuracy of anxiety states by NN and recurrent neural networks (RNN). The results showed the information processing process and structure of the brain functional network to emotional stimuli differed over time depending on the anxiety state. The time series data of coherence and graph theoretical indicator by EEG would be considered to be useful for discriminating anxiety states using RNN.
  • 山本祐輔, 原地絢斗, 原地絢斗, 山本祐輔, 村松歩, 長原一, 武村紀子, 水野(松本)由子, 下條真司
    電気学会論文誌C 143(4) 2023年4月1日  査読有り責任著者
  • 原地絢斗, 山本祐輔, 村松歩, 長原一, 武村紀子, 水野(松本)由子, 下條真司
    142(10) 1115-1122 2022年10月1日  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • 山本 祐輔, 田中 さや, 原地 絢斗, 村松 歩, 武村 紀子, 長原 一, 水野(松本) 由子, 下條 真司
    知能と情報 34(3) 654-662 2022年8月15日  査読有り責任著者
  • 関谷まり, 村松歩, 山本祐輔, 原地絢斗, 辻下守弘, 水野(松本)由子
    看護理工学会誌 9 253-265 2022年8月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    健常成人の冷え症改善に対し皮膚表面温度と指尖容積脈波を用いてストレッチの有用性を検討した.健常成人31 名(平均年齢22.05±2.6 歳)を上肢筋肉量の上位群(16 名)と上肢筋肉量の下位群(15 名)の2群に分けた.実験1は,手浴後の効果を見るために,1回の手浴を実施した.実験2は,ストレッチと手浴後の効果を見るために,1回の手浴と,ストレッチをして手浴を実施した.実験1と実験2において,手浴後にそれぞれ10 分間脈波振幅値と皮膚表面温度を測定し,各群で比較した.上位群では,脈波振幅値と皮膚表面温度は,両方の実験で,安静時と比較して変化はなかった.下位群では,実験2の安静時,手浴後,ストレッチをして手浴後の脈波振幅値が上位群と比較して,有意に高値を示した.また,実験2の皮膚表面温度は,0分後,2分後,4分後,6分後で上位群と比較して有意に高値を示した.ストレッチは,下位群において,冷え症改善の効果があることが示唆された.<br><br>【キーメッセージ】<br>1.今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?<br> 研究を行うきっかけとなったことはどのようなことか?<br>→ 冷え症は,体調不良の誘因となることに着眼し,セルフケアにより予防できると考えた.<br><br>2.この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?<br>→ 冷え症の軽減により,若年者の健康保持増進や,高齢者のフレイル予防に貢献できる.<br><br>3.今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?<br>→ 簡便な保温方法や,取り組みやすいストレッチ方法の改善が必要である.
  • Yusuke Yamamoto, Ayumi Muramatsu, Yuko Mizuno-Matsumoto
    Electronics and Communications in Japan 105(2) 2022年6月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    In this study, a brain network was created using graph theoretical analysis based on electroencephalography (EEG) data. The purpose of the study was to investigate the functional connectivity of the brain in different states of anxiety. Seventeen adults with anxiety (A-G), and 13 adults without anxiety (AF-G) were examined. They were given three different stimulations: resting, pleasant, and unpleasant. EEG was measured immediately after the stimulation. The EEG was analyzed by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), coherence analysis, and graph theory. The results of FFT and coherence analysis showed that the anxiety group (A-G) had higher power spectra and coherence values than those for the anxiety-free group (AF-G) in all sessions. The results of graph theory analysis showed that the clustering coefficient and small-worldness in A-G were lower than those in AF-G, although the characteristic path length in A-G was higher than that in AF-G. This study shows that the brain of A-G has smaller clusters and longer paths to compare with those of AF-G. These events suggest that the brain of A-G would have an inefficient network structure to transmit emotional information.
  • 藤後栄一, 山本祐輔, 村松歩, 水野(松本)由子
    看護理工学会誌 9 47-59 2021年12月  査読有り最終著者
    本研究では,看護学生を対象にマインドフルネス呼吸法を適用した群と適用していない群に分類し,マインドフルネスの影響を生理学的観点から調べた.被験者(20 名)を無作為に2群に分類し,5日間におけるマインドフルネスを適用した群と,適用しなかった群の課題遂行時の脳波を測定した.解析箇所は両群のタスク間のθ 波,α 波,β 波とし,各周波数帯域のパワースペクトル値含有量を比較した.その結果,マインドフルネスによって,課題遂行中にリラクゼーション効果があること,課題遂行後も注意力を維持することが示唆された.マインドフルネス群の被験者全員が実験期間の5日間継続してマインドフルネスを実践することで,リラクゼーション効果が持続し,緊張が緩和された状況でマインドフルネスを行わない場合でも,リラクゼーション効果が持続した.これらのことから,マインドフルネスは課題遂行やリラクゼーションに有用であることが示唆された.<br><br>【キーメッセージ】<br>1.今回の研究は看護・介護のどのような問題をテーマにしているのか?<br> 研究を行うきっかけとなったことはどのようなことか?<br>→ テーマは看護学生のメンタルヘルス改善であり,看護基礎教育の教育課程の過密がきっかけである.<br><br>2.この研究成果が看護・介護にどのように貢献できるのか?あるいは,将来的に貢献できることは何か?<br>→ 学習面・精神面のつまずきに対する予防や看護学に対するストレスの軽減に貢献できる.<br><br>3.今後どのような技術が必要になるのか?<br>→ マインドフルネスを誰でも活用できるようにするためのプログラム開発と普及啓発が必要となる.
  • 山本祐輔, 村松歩, 水野(松本)由子
    電気学会論文誌C 141(10) 1059-1068 2021年10月1日  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • 村松歩, 山本祐輔, 水野(松本)由子
    知能と情報(日本知能情報ファジィ学会誌) 33(3) 711-717 2021年8月15日  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • 藤後栄一, 山本祐輔, 水野(松本)由子
    電気学会論文誌C 141(7) 784-794 2021年7月1日  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • 備前宏紀, 木村大介, 大歳太郎, 吉弘奈央, 水野(松本)由子
    作業療法 40(3) 281-290 2021年6月  査読有り最終著者
  • 笠井 亮佑, 島峰 徹也, 上條 史記, 加納 敬, 荻野 稔, 田仲 浩平, 篠原 一彦, 水野(松本)由子
    日本福祉工学会誌, 31(1) 34-41 2021年6月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • 関谷まり, 松熊秀明, 尾崎朋文, 山本祐輔, 水野(松本)由子
    日本福祉工学会誌 31(1) 4-11 2021年6月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • Yoshihiro Tsuji, Yasumasa Hitomi, Yuko Mizuno-Matsumoto
    Bulletin of Morinomiya University of Medical Sciences 15 1-10 2021年5月  
  • 村松歩, 山本祐輔, 水野(松本)由子
    電子情報通信学会和文論文誌 J104-D(4) 442-452 2021年4月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • 笠井 亮佑, 上條 史記, 島峰 徹也, 加納 敬, 荻野 稔, 田仲 浩平, 篠原 一彦, 水野(松本)由子
    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 26(1) 4-13 2021年4月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • Ronald P. Lesser, W. R. S. Webber, Diana L. Miglioretti, Yuko Mizuno-Matsumoto, Ayumi Muramatsu, Yusuke Yamamoto
    Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14 2021年1月22日  査読有り
    <jats:p>Cortical stimulation has been used for brain mapping for over a century, and a standard assumption is that stimulation interferes with task execution due to local effects at the stimulation site. Stimulation can however produce afterdischarges which interfere with functional localization and can lead to unwanted seizures. We previously showed that (a) cognitive effort can terminate these afterdischarges, (b) when termination thus occurs, there are electrocorticography changes throughout the cortex, not just at sites with afterdischarges or sites thought functionally important for the cognitive task used, and (c) thresholds for afterdischarges and functional responses can change among stimulation trials. We here show that afterdischarge termination can occur prior to overt performance of the cognitive tasks used to terminate them. These findings, taken together, demonstrate that task-related brain changes are not limited to one or a group of functional regions or a specific network, and not limited to the time directly surrounding overt task execution. Discrete locations, networks and times importantly underpin clinical behaviors. However, brain activity that is diffuse in location and extended in time also affect task execution and can affect brain mapping. This may in part reflect fluctuating levels of attention, engagement, or motivation during testing.</jats:p>
    International Journal of Affective Engineering 20(3) 131-142 2021年  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    Graph theoretical analysis has recently been used to study brain function. This study aims to compare the functional brain networks derived from electroencephalography (EEG) of 10 patients suffering from epilepsy with 10 healthy subjects based on graph theory. Five epochs per healthy subject, and ten epochs (during epileptiform discharge and non-discharge) per patient were selected and analyzed using wavelet-crosscorrelation analysis. The clustering coefficient, characteristic path length, small-worldness, and nodal betweenness centrality were calculated using graph analysis. The results showed that in the patients, Wavelet-crosscorrelation Coefficients (WCC) were significantly higher, and clustering and path length were significantly lower during discharge compared with the healthy subjects, along with alterations in the hub regions. These results suggest a loss of small-world topology in the functional brain network of epilepsy patients. A loss of small-world topology was found even during non-discharge, therefore network indices might aid to distinguish epilepsy patients from healthy individuals.
  • Ryosuke Kasai, Nana Itoh, Fuminori Kamijo, Takashi Kano, Tetsuya Shimamine, Minoru Ogino, Nae Hinata, Kohei Tanaka, Kazuhiko Shinohara, Yuko Mizuno‐Matsumoto
    Electronics and Communications in Japan 103(11-12) 71-82 2020年12月  査読有り
    The aim of this study was to assess Virtual Reality (VR) based visual auditory stimulation can relieve pain. To achieve this, the impact that body surface electrical stimulation has on the body surface potentials and activity in the central nervous system in VR environments were extracted. Twenty-two adults participated in this study. The body surface potentials and Electroencephalogram frequencies were measured under various conditions: non-viewing, viewing neutral clips, viewing unpleasant clips, and viewing pleasant clips. The pain index was calculated from the body surface potentials. Participants were asked to complete subjective pain measurement scales. Results showed that the pain index and the relative subjective pain score decreased when presented with unpleasant and pleasant video clips. The incidence of alpha waves declined when presented with unpleasant clips, while the incidence of beta waves increased when presented with unpleasant and pleasant video clips. Inattentiveness to pain due to VR immersion and descending pain inhibition due to awareness of emotional stress after viewing VR clips were considered to have contributed to the decline in the pain index and in relative subjective pain score. This study suggests that it is possible to relieve pain by VR viewing related to unpleasant or pleasant.
  • 笠井亮佑, 伊藤奈々, 島峰徹也, 上條史記, 加納敬, 荻野稔, 日向奈惠, 田仲浩平, 篠原一彦, 水野(松本)由子
    日本医工学治療学会論文誌 32(3) 135-147 2020年11月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • 笠井亮佑, 伊藤奈々, 上條史記, 加納敬, 島峰徹也, 荻野稔, 日向奈惠, 田仲浩平, 篠原一彦, 水野(松本)由子
    電気学会論文誌C 140(8) 979-989 2020年8月1日  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    <p>The aim of this study was to assess Virtual Reality (VR) based visual auditory stimulation can relieve pain. To achieve this, the impact that body surface electrical stimulation has on the body surface potentials and activity in the central nervous system in VR environments were extracted. Twenty-two adults participated in this study. The body surface potentials and Electroencephalogram frequencies were measured under various conditions: non-viewing, viewing neutral clips, viewing unpleasant clips, and viewing pleasant clips. The pain index was calculated from the body surface potentials. Participants were asked to complete subjective pain measurement scales. Results showed that the pain index and the relative subjective pain score decreased when presented with unpleasant and pleasant video clips. The incidence of alpha waves declined when presented with unpleasant clips, while the incidence of beta waves increased when presented with unpleasant and pleasant video clips. Inattentiveness to pain due to VR immersion and descending pain inhibition due to awareness of emotional stress after viewing VR clips were considered to have contributed to the decline in the pain index and in relative subjective pain score. This study suggests that it is possible to relieve pain by VR viewing related to unpleasant or pleasant.</p>
  • Yuko Mizuno-Matsumoto, Yuji Inoguchi, Steven M. A. Carpels, Ayumi Muramatsu, Yusuke Yamamoto
    PLOS ONE 15(3) e0229890-e0229890 2020年3月5日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Yoshihiro Tsuji, Yasumasa Hitomi, Naoki Suzuki, Yuko Mizuno-Matsumoto, Toshiko Tokoro, Masato Nishimura
    International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Clinical Science 6(2) 41-41 2020年  査読有り
  • Yoshihiro Tsuji, Naoki Suzuki, Yasumasa Hitomi, Yuko Mizuno-Matsumoto, Toshiko Tokoro, Masato Nishimura
    International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Clinical Science 6(2) 48-48 2020年  査読有り
  • 笠井亮佑, 伊藤奈々, 上條史記, 加納敬, 荻野稔, 田仲浩平, 篠原一彦, 水野(松本)由子
    日本福祉工学会誌 21(2) 54-59 2019年12月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • 藤後栄一, 新田幸子, 水野(松本)由子, 石垣恭子
    日本感性工学会論文誌 18(4) 331-341 2019年8月  査読有り
  • 村松歩, 小林昌平, 水野(松本)由子
    日本感性工学会論文誌 18(4) 263-271 2019年8月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • Shinichi Tamura, Yoshi Nishitani, Chie Hosokawa, Yuko Mizuno-Matsumoto
    IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 30(8) 2336-2345 2019年8月  査読有り最終著者
    © 2012 IEEE. Neurons behave like transistors, but have fluctuating characteristics. In this paper, we show that several asynchronous multiplex communication channels can be established in a 2-D mesh neural network with randomly generated weights between eight neighbors. Neurons were simulated by integrate-and-fire neuron models without leakage and with fluctuating refractory period and output delay. If one of the transmitting neuron groups is stimulated, the signal is propagated in the form of spike waves. The corresponding receiving neuron group is able to identify the signal after having learned to form an asynchronous multiplex communication channel. The channel is composed of many intermediate/interstitial neurons working as relays. Each neuron can work as an I/O and as a relay element, i.e., as a multiuse unit. Grouping and synchronic firing is often seen in natural neuronal networks and seems to be effective for stable/robust communication in conjunction with spatial multiplex communication. This communication pattern corresponds to our wet lab experiments on cultured neuronal networks and is similar to sound identification by the ear and mobile adaptive communication systems.
  • Yuko Mizuno‐Matsumoto, Yuji Inoguchi, Shohei Kobayashi, Steven M. A. Carpels, Ayumi Muramatsu
    IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering 14(7) 1082-1090 2019年7月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • 辻義弘, 坂井勇亮, 鈴木尚紀, 人見泰正, 水野(松本)由子, 所敏子, 西村眞人
    腎と透析 86(5) 645-649 2019年5月  査読有り
    クエン酸第二鉄(FCH)服用中の血液透析患者を対象として、貧血関連指標の特徴を後方視的に検討した。FCH服用によりヘモグロビン(Hb)overshootを起こした61例、ならびにHb overshootを起こしていない血液透析患者で赤血球数(RBC)>350万/μLの34例とRBC≦350万/μLの46例について血液検査評価項目、血液透析処方項目を比較した結果、RBC>350万/μLがHb overshootの必要条件であると考えられた。また、血清フェリチンの変動はFCHの服用量に依存するのではなく、赤血球造血刺激因子(ESA)製剤投与量の変動により鉄が多く分布しているRBCの増減に依存していると考えられた。RBCと平均赤血球ヘモグロビン量を指標にESA製剤投与量を設定することで、FCH服用に伴うHb overshootをコントロールできると考えられた。
  • 猪口祐次, 小林昌平, カーペルス M.A, スティーブン, 水野(松本)由子
    電子情報通信学会和文論文誌 J102-D(4) 350-358 2019年4月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • Yoshi Nishitani, Chie Hosokawa, Yuko Mizuno-Matsumoto, Tomomitsu Miyoshi, Shinichi Tamura
    AIMS Neuroscience 6(4) 240-249 2019年  査読有り
    © 2019 the Author(s). It is well known that various types of information can be learned and memorized via repetitive training. In brain information science, it is very important to determine how neuronal networks comprising neurons with fluctuating characteristics reliably learn and memorize information. The aim of this study is to investigate the learning process in cultured neuronal networks and to address the question described above. Previously, we reported that the spikes resulting from stimulation at a specific neuron propagate as a cluster of excitation waves called spike wave propagation in cultured neuronal networks. We also reported that these waves have an individual spatiotemporal pattern that varies according to the type of neuron that is stimulated. Therefore, different spike wave propagations can be identified via pattern analysis of spike trains at particular neurons. Here, we assessed repetitive stimulation using intervals of 0.5 and 1.5 ms. Subsequently, we analyzed the relationship between the repetition of the stimulation and the identification of the different spike wave propagations. We showed that the various spike wave propagations were identified more precisely after stimulation was repeated several times using an interval of 1.5 ms. These results suggest the existence of a learning process in neuronal networks that occurs via repetitive training using a suitable interval.
    International Journal of Affective Engineering 19(1) 21-30 2019年  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    In some individuals, alpha waves appear in many regions of the brain, and this is considered abnormal electroencephalography (EEG). This phenomenon is known as diffuse alpha pattern. This study aims to extract and compare the features of the connectivity between the parts of the brain. The EEGs of healthy individuals and mental disorder patients with the diffuse alpha pattern were analyzed using wavelet-crosscorrelation analysis. Five epochs of 2 seconds were analyzed for each subject. Wavelet-crosscorrelation coefficients were calculated for frequencies in the alpha band for all epochs in each subject. The results showed that the WCC values were higher in the patients with diffuse alpha. The highest wavelet power spectra in the alpha band of the patients occurred at a lower frequency. Our results suggest that the connectivity strength along the sagittal and occipital orientations in the brain of the patients could be stronger than healthy individuals.
  • 奥谷研, 丸野美佐, 濱崎光弘, 安福ひとみ, 山田大豪, 水野(松本)由子
    日本作業療法研究学会雑誌 21(2) 1-7 2018年12月  査読有り最終著者
  • 笠井亮佑, 伊藤奈々, 加納敬, 荻野稔, 田仲浩平, 篠原一彦, 水野(松本)由子
    電気学会論文誌C 138(8) 1036-1044 2018年8月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
    <p>The authors carried out a physiological evaluation involving plethysmographic analysis and subjective evaluation to identify differences in the usability of personal computer peripherals. As workload items, the speed of the mouse pointer was changed in three stages, and the plethysmography was measured while the users performed a Trail Making Test. Sympathetic nerve activity in the peripheral region and the central trunk region increases when the movement speed of the mouse pointer is slow. However, there was no significant difference in subjective evaluation and activity of autonomic nervous function. Competitive factors of mental workloads suggested that subjects experienced differences in load recognition of psychological stress and that this may affect the activity of autonomic nerve function.</p>
  • 山口梢, 猪口祐次, 佐久間俊, Steven M.A. CARPELS, 水野(松本)由子
    電気学会論文誌C 138(8) 1045-1053 2018年8月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • Kozue Yamaguchi, Yuji Inoguchi, Shun Sakuma, Steven M.A. Carpels, Yuko Mizuno-Matsumoto
    IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems 138(8) 1045-1053 2018年  
    We investigated the correlation and time-lag (LAG) between the sites of the brain for different durations of epileptiform discharges, using wavelet-crosscorrelation (WCC) analysis. Electroencephalography (EEG) was classified into two epochs according to the epileptiform discharge durations, as follows: short run, 2-3 seconds and long run, 3 seconds or more. Both runs were categorized into before, during, and after the epileptiform discharges. WCC coefficients and LAG in the 6 and 8 Hz bands for each segment were calculated in all the patients. The results of the comparison among all the electrodes in both runs showed that the correlation during the epileptiform discharges was higher than before and after the epileptiform discharges. In the 6 Hz band, in the short run, the results of the comparison among the temporal region electrodes showed that the correlation and LAG between the sites could be stronger in the 2 seconds immediately prior to the beginning of the epileptiform discharges in the EEG. In the long run, the results of the comparison among the temporal region electrodes showed that high correlation and LAG between the sites could be stronger in the 2-4 seconds immediately prior to the beginning of the epileptiform discharges and 2-4 seconds after to the epileptiform discharges in the ipsilateral hemisphere and contralateral hemisphere. It can be suggested that the difference in the duration of the epileptiform discharges may be caused by the balance between the suppressive and excitatory processes in the brain, before and after epileptiform discharges.
  • Ryosuke Kasai, Nana Itoh, Minoru Ogino, Kohei Tanaka, Kazuhiko Shinohara, Yuko Mizuno-Matsumoto
    In recent years, research has been conducted to quantitatively evaluate the psychological state of a person when he/she is using the target system through the evaluation of biofunctional activity based on physiological indicators. Therefore, in the present study, we extracted autonomic nervous function activity caused by differences in operability of computer operation equipment using fingertip plethysmographic analysis, and evaluated differences in autonomic nervous function activity caused by mood states. The Profile of Mood States (POMS) was used for psychological examination. The fingertip volume pulse wave was measured while the subject performed the Trail Making Test (TMT) at three different mouse point movement speeds as a workload item. The results showed that sympathetic nervous activity in the central (trunk) region as well as the peripheral (distal) vascular region increased when mouse point movement speed was low. On the other hand, it was suggested that there may have been no differences in sympathetic nervous activity of the peripheral (distal) vascular area when the subject's mood tended to be negative as motivation to engage in the task decreased, creating variations in perception of the degree of psychological stress among the subjects. The subject's mood state prior to the experiment should also be evaluated when quantitatively evaluating psychological state during use of the target system.
  • Yoshi Nishitani, Chie Hosokawa, Yuko Mizuno-Matsumoto, Tomomitsu Miyoshi, Shinichi Tamura
    AIMS Neuroscience 5(1) 18-31 2018年  
    © 2018 the Author(s). Neuronal networks have fluctuating characteristics, unlike the stable characteristics seen in computers. The underlying mechanisms that drive reliable communication among neuronal networks and their ability to perform intelligible tasks remain unknown. Recently, in an attempt to resolve this issue, we showed that stimulated neurons communicate via spikes that propagate temporally, in the form of spike trains. We named this phenomenon "spike wave propagation". In these previous studies, using neural networks cultured from rat hippocampal neurons, we found that multiple neurons, e.g., 3 neurons, correlate to identify various spike wave propagations in a cultured neuronal network. Specifically, the number of classifiable neurons in the neuronal network increased through correlation of spike trains between current and adjacent neurons. Although we previously obtained similar findings through stimulation, here we report these observations on a physiological level. Considering that individual spike wave propagation corresponds to individual communication, a correlation between some adjacent neurons to improve the quality of communication classification in a neuronal network, similar to a diversity antenna, which is used to improve the quality of communication in artificial data communication systems, is suggested.
  • Yoshihiro TSUJI, Naoki SUZUKI, Yasumasa HITOMI, Yusuke SAKAI, Toshiko TOKORO, Masato NISHIMURA, Yuko MIZUNO-MATSUMOTO
    International Journal of Affective Engineering 17(3) 213-220 2018年  最終著者
  • Shun Sakuma, Yuko Mizuno-Matsumoto, Yoshi Nishitani, Shinichi Tamura
    AIMS Neuroscience 4(4) 238-253 2017年12月  査読有り
  • 岡島恵子, 佐久間俊, 山口梢, 水野(松本)由子
    電気学会論文誌C 137(7) 934-940 2017年7月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • 古屋肇子, 水野(松本)由子, 石垣恭子, 西村治彦
    日本感性工学会論文誌 16(5) 449-456 2017年7月  査読有り




  • McHugh, Paul R. (Paul Rodney), Slavney, Phillip R. (Phillip Richard), 澤明監訳、糸川昌成、阪井一雄、清水真理、清水義雄、曽良一郎、高柳陽一郎、楯林義孝、田中徹平、田中有史、松田太郎、水野(松本)由子、横井優麿 訳
    みすず書房 2019年6月 (ISBN: 9784622086895)





