
高木 俊

タカギ シュン  (Shun Takagi)


兵庫県立大学 自然・環境科学研究所 准教授
博士(農学)(2012年3月 東京大学)



  • 高木俊
    兵庫ワイルドライフモノグラフ 16 12-23 2024年3月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • 遠藤友彦, 高木俊, 菊地玲央, 小寺祐二
    野生生物と社会 11 65-71 2023年10月  査読有り
  • Daishi Higashide, Takeo Kuriyama, Shun Takagi, Hiroo Numata, Mayumi Yokoyama
    Ornithological Science 22(2) 2023年7月26日  査読有り
  • 栗山武夫, 大田康之, 高木俊, 杉本太郎, 横山真弓
    兵庫ワイルドライフモノグラフ 15 72-83 2023年3月  査読有り
  • 杉本太郎, 高木俊, 栗山武夫, 鴻村創, 横山真弓
    兵庫ワイルドライフモノグラフ 15 39-50 2023年3月  査読有り
  • 高木俊, 栗山武夫, 杉本太郎, 横山真弓, 東出大志
    兵庫ワイルドライフモノグラフ 15 15-27 2023年3月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • 久保田彩水, 武山絵美, 東出大志, 濱野博幸, 政本泰幸, 笹山新生, 高木俊, 横山真弓, 小林範之
    農村計画学会論文集 3(1) 9-18 2023年2月  査読有り
  • 東出 大志, 池田 敬, 七條 知哉, 野瀬 紹未, 栗山 武夫, 高木 俊, 横山 真弓
    哺乳類科学 62(1) 45-48 2022年1月  査読有り
    <p>著者らは岐阜県の森林内に設置した自動撮影カメラによって,イノシシSus scrofa幼獣の頸部に噛みつき,捕獲を試みるニホンテンMartes melampusの姿を記録したため報告する.撮影時期は出産ピーク直後の6月下旬であり,襲われたイノシシは生後間もない幼獣であったと考えられる.ニホンテンがイノシシ幼獣を積極的に捕獲し,餌資源として利用しているかは不明であるが,イノシシ幼獣にとって潜在的な捕食者であると考えられる.</p>
  • Daishi Higashide, Takeo Kuriyama, Shun Takagi, Yoshihiro Nakashima, Keita Fukasawa, Gota Yajima, Minoru Kasada, Mayumi Yokoyama
    Wildlife Biology 2021(4) 2021年10月15日  査読有り
  • 高木俊, 森光由樹
    兵庫ワイルドライフモノグラフ 13(13) 44-55 2021年3月  査読有り責任著者
  • 高木 俊
    兵庫ワイルドライフモノグラフ 12 67-78 2020年3月  査読有り
  • 東出大志, 高木俊, 栗山武夫, 横山真弓
    人と自然 30 85-89 2019年12月  査読有り
  • 高木 俊
    兵庫ワイルドライフモノグラフ 11 30-57 2019年3月  査読有り
  • Saito O, Kobayashi T, Hiroi M, Kawatsy M, Takagi S, Nishihiro J, Kagami M
    Limnology 20(1) 21-28 2019年1月  査読有り
  • 横山真弓, 高木 俊
    保全生態学研究 23 57-65 2018年7月  査読有り
  • Shun Takagi, Natsumi Nakanishi, Shota Tanimura, Takeo Kuriyama, Maiko Kagami
    Limnology 20(1) 1-7 2018年5月15日  査読有り
    Water chestnuts (Trapa spp.) dominate many shallow eutrophic lakes, and impact aquatic fauna. Use of Trapa beds by animals may vary with the growth stage of Trapa, but little is known regarding when and how animals use Trapa and nearby, non-Trapa habitat. To clarify seasonal habitat use by the Trapa-feeding chrysomelid beetle (Galerucella nipponensis), we examined seasonal changes in the density of G. nipponensis from Trapa beds and from adjacent emergent vegetation. Furthermore, to determine whether habitat use by beetles is associated with their physiological state, we measured their oviposition and foraging activities. The density of G. nipponensis in each life-stage changed seasonally, with a high density of adults inhabiting emergent vegetation in July, after beetle densities in Trapa beds had declined. Adults collected from Trapa beds showed active egg-laying and foraging activities, while beetles collected from emergent vegetation were in reproductive diapause. This is the first report of G. nipponensis leaving its host plant to initiate summer diapauses in another habitat type.
  • 高木 俊, 栗山武夫, 山端直人
    兵庫ワイルドライフモノグラフ 10(10) 32-45 2018年3月  査読有り
  • 山端直人, 栗山武夫, 高木 俊
    兵庫ワイルドライフモノグラフ 10(10) 46-55 2018年3月  査読有り
  • 赤堀 由佳, 高木 俊, 西廣 淳, 鏡味 麻衣子
    陸水学雑誌 77(2) 155-166 2016年5月  査読有り
    <p> 近年国内の浅い富栄養湖のいくつかでヒシ属植物の増加が報告されている。本研究では,オニビシの繁茂が水質に与える影響を明らかにするために,印旛沼においてオニビシが繁茂する地点(オニビシ帯)としない地点(開放水面)の水質を比較した。繁茂期(7月から9月)のオニビシ帯は,開放水面に比べ溶存酸素濃度および濁度が有意に低かった。溶存酸素濃度の低下は夜間と底層で顕著であり,無酸素状態になることもあった。濁度はオニビシが繁茂している時期にオニビシ帯の表層と底層両方で低くなった。オニビシ帯では,浮葉が水面を覆うことにより,水の流動は減少し,遮光により水中での光合成量は低下するため,溶存酸素濃度や濁度が低くなったと考えられる。栄養塩濃度に関してはいずれもオニビシ帯と開放水面の間で有意な差は認められなかったが,8月と9月に,アンモニア態窒素濃度が高くなった。オニビシの枯死分解に伴い無機態窒素が放出されるとともに,貧酸素により底泥から溶出した可能性がある。一方,オニビシが繁茂しない時期には,地点間でこれらの水質項目に明瞭な差は見られなかった。栄養塩濃度の差は,地点間の差よりもむしろ季節による差のほうが顕著で,オニビシ帯と開放水面共に,7月から9月は全リン濃度が高く,それ以外の時期は亜硝酸態窒素及び硝酸態窒素濃度が高かった。印旛沼では,このような栄養塩濃度の季節変動は毎年確認されており,栄養塩濃度の季節変動に与える複数の効果に比べオニビシの効果は小さいと考えられる。</p>
  • 柚原 剛, 高木 俊, 風呂田 利夫
    日本ベントス学会誌 70(2) 50-64 2016年3月  査読有り
    <p>We investigated the spatial distribution of macrobenthos in salt marshes along the coast of Tokyo Bay, with environmental factors that influence their distribution. The field survey was conducted at 31 sites along the entire coast of the bay, in which presence or absence of the salt marsh animals and environmental factors (salinity, ORP, median grain size, elevation, vegetation area) of the habitats were examined. Most of common species of mollusks and crustaceans were distributed on entire coast of the bay, but some of endangered species showed restricted distribution in the coast. The restricted distribution of endangered salt marsh crabs were explained by several environmental factors; higher salinity and lower elevation of the habitat were suitable for Helicana japonica and Parasesarma affines, which were distributed in eastern coast in the bay, and Sesarmops intermedium, that was distributed in western coast and inner part, tended to inhabit higher elevation sites. Since local populations of these salt marsh species in the bay may be consisted of bay scale metapopulation that are formed by connectivity between small local populations through larval dispersal, distributional restriction of the salt marsh crabs in the bay may indicate that these endangered species are regarded as being difficult to persist in the bay. New local populations of the salt marsh benthos animals could be restored by creation of salt marsh habitats along the bay, to increase of the connectivity between local populations in the bay.</p>
  • Shun Takagi, Wataru Toki, Akira Yoshioka
    APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY 51(1) 43-51 2016年2月  査読有り
    Invasions of some areas of Japan by the exotic redback spider Latrodectus hasseltii Thorell (Araneae: Theridiidae) have been reported. While most of these invasions have occurred in urban areas, anthropogenic habitat modifications may provide an opportunity for L. hasseltii to invade semi-natural ecosystems, but the ecological impacts of L. hasseltii have only rarely been studied. We therefore examined the distribution of L. hasseltii in sand dune ecosystems and its potential impacts on other animals. In addition, we surveyed the occurrence of spiders on the exotic yucca Yucca gloriosa L. (Asparagaceae), another invader of sand dune ecosystems. Latrodectus hasseltii was observed in six of 18 sand dunes in the Chita Peninsula, central Japan, and was the dominant web-building spider at one site. The web contents of L. hasseltii consisted of various arthropod species, including the threatened ground beetle Scarites sulcatus Olivier (Carabidae). In all, 24 of 172 patches of exotic yucca were occupied by L. hasseltii, suggesting that colonization by exotic plants may facilitate the invasion of L. hasseltii into sand dunes. This is the first report of the invasion of L. hasseltii into semi-natural habitats in Japan, and these results suggest that L. hasseltii poses a threat to the conservation of coastal insects inhabiting human-modified sand dune ecosystems.
  • Shun Takagi, Tadashi Miyashita
    JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY 84(6) 1657-1665 2015年11月  査読有り
    Despite recent attempts to quantify the relative strength of density- and trait-mediated indirect effects, rarely has the issue been properly addressed at the population level. Most research is based on short-term small-scale experiments in which behavioural and/or physiological responses prevail. Here, we estimated the time-scales during which density- and trait-mediated effects manifest, as well as the strength of these effects, using an interaction chain with three organisms (deer-plant-butterfly). A hierarchical Bayesian model was performed by using a long-term data set of deer density in the Boso Peninsula, central Japan (where local densities differ spatially and temporally) as well as densities of the swallowtail butterfly Byasa alcinous and its host plant Aristolochia kaempferi. The time-scale effect of deer on plant quantity and quality was estimated according to the degree of carry-over effects. The negative influence on leaf density showed a temporal saturation pattern over the long term, while the positive influence on leaf quality due to resprouting of leaves after deer browsing showed no clear temporal trend. The net indirect effect changed from positive to negative with time, with the negative density-mediated effect becoming prominent in the long term. Our novel approach is widely applicable in assessing the dynamic impacts of wildlife if the spatio-temporal variability of expansion and/or invasion history is known.
  • Akeboshi A, Takagi S, Murakami M, Hasegawa M, Miyashita T
    Journal of Insect Conservation 19(1) 15-24 2015年2月  査読有り
  • Mayura B. Takada, Shun Takagi, Shigeki Iwabuchi, Takuya Mineta, Izumi Washitani
    SPRINGERPLUS 3 418 2014年8月  査読有り
    Winter-flooding of rice paddies without the application of agricultural chemicals is attracting attention as a new agricultural method for enhancing the habitat conditions of wintering waterfowl in rice paddy ecosystems throughout Japan and east Asia. Conditions in these paddies are expected to result in restoration of not only the winter habitats of waterfowl but also those of other taxonomic groups during the rice growing season. In this study, we tested whether the diversity of summer spiders-ubiquitous predators in rice paddies-was higher in the winter-flooded paddies than in the conventional ones by conducting field measurements in 31 winter-flooded and 7 conventional paddies. Limiting factors of spiders in the winter-flooded paddies were then examined. Results revealed that both the density and species richness of spiders were significantly higher in the winter-flooded paddies than in the conventional ones both before and after the insecticide application against pecky rice bug Stenotus rubrovittatus (Matsumura) (Hemiptera: Miridae) to conventional paddies. In addition, spider density and species richness in the winter-flooded paddies correlated with the availability of two prey groups-chironomids and other nematocera. These findings suggest that in the winter-flooded paddies the diversity of generalist predators is higher than in the conventional ones during the rice-growing season and that the combination of management at both the landscape and field level is likely more effective for increasing spider abundance in winter-flooded paddies.
  • Shun Takagi, Tadashi Miyashita
    POPULATION ECOLOGY 56(3) 435-445 2014年7月  査読有り
    An increasing number of studies are being conducted to examine the density- or trait-mediated indirect effects of large herbivores on phytophagous insects. However, these effects are highly context dependent and no general trends have been made clear. We conducted a meta-analysis focusing on three factors capable of affecting detection of the indirect effects of large herbivores on phytophagous insects: type of response variable, experimental scale, and characteristics of study organisms. Overall, large herbivores exerted a negative effect on insects, a trend that was prominent in studies using insect abundance as a response variable. No particular trends were observed in studies using herbivory rate as a variable, and these studies often focused on plant trait-mediated effects more than density-mediated ones. Experimental scale affected the strength of indirect effects: within-year or individual tree level experiments did not follow any trends, whereas 1-10 year experiments or 0-10 ha scale experiments show a negative impact on insects. Characteristics of large herbivores and growth forms of transmitter plants also contributed to variations in the observed effect size; negative effects were reported in livestock-grassland ecosystems and neutral effects in tree-dominated systems. There was a close association between response variable, experimental scale, and characteristics of study organisms, and these effects jointly contributed to the apparent trends. To predict the impacts of large herbivores at ecosystem level, it is necessary to eliminate these biases arising from study design and to evaluate the effect on insect densities at large spatial and temporal scales.
  • Mayura B. Takada, Tetsuya Kobayashi, Akira Yoshioka, Shun Takagi, Izumi Washitani
    JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY 41(1) 31-35 2013年  査読有り
    Trait-mediated effects of predators can impact prey population dynamics by affecting prey behavior,. The mind bug Stenotus rubrovittatus (Matsumura) (Hemiptera: Miridae), a major insect pest in Japanese rice production, usually remains in the upper layer of paddies to feed on rice ears. However, the minds are frequently trapped by horizontal webs of Tetragnatha spp. spiders, which are highly abundant in organic rice paddies, and fall to the bottom layers of paddies where they are preyed upon by ground-dwelling predators. It is hypothesized that Tetragnatha spp. spiders facilitate bug predation by wolf spiders through trait-mediated effects, in which their horizontal Webs force the bugs onto or near the ground and thereby into the hunting zones of wolf spiders. Molecular gut-content analysis of 619 wolf spiders coupled with field measurements revealed that the number of wolf spiders that tested positive for mind bug predation increased significantly with the density of Tetragnatha spp. spiders in the paddies. We also observed a positive relationship between Tetragnatha spp. abundance and total cover by their webs in paddies. We identified the potential for an unexpected interaction between an herbivorous insect pest and ground-dwelling spiders that usually inhabit different microhabitats in paddy fields by focusing on trait-mediated effects of webs built by Tetragnatha spp. Because spider webs occupy a certain proportion of the available space in terrestrial ecosystems, consideration of trait-mediated effects on interactions between flying insects and other predators may lead to a better understanding of local food webs.
  • Tadashi Miyashita, Yuki Chishiki, Shun R. Takagi
    POPULATION ECOLOGY 54(4) 573-581 2012年10月  査読有り
    Landscape supplementation, which enhances densities of organisms by combination of different landscape elements, is likely common in heterogeneous landscapes, but its prevalence and effects on species richness have been little explored. Using grassland-dwelling spiders in an agricultural landscape, we postulated that richness and abundances of major constituent species are both highest in intermediate mixtures of forests and paddy fields, and that this effect derives from multi-scale landscape heterogeneity. We collected spiders in 35 grasslands in an agricultural landscape in Japan and determined how species richness and abundances of major species related to local and landscape factors across different spatial scales. We used a generalized linear model to fit data, created all possible combinations of variables at 15 spatial scales, and then explored the best models using Akaike's information criterion. Species richness showed a hump-shaped pattern in relation to surrounding forest cover, and the spatial scale determining this relationship was a 300-500-m radius around the study sites. Local variables were of minor importance for species richness. Abundances of major species also exhibited a hump-shaped pattern when plotted against forest cover. Thus, a combination of paddy fields and forests is important for enhancement of grassland spider species richness and abundance, suggesting habitat supplementation. The effective spatial scales determining abundances varied, ranging from 200 to &gt; 1000 m, probably representing different dispersal abilities. Landscape compositional heterogeneity at multiple spatial scales may be thus crucial for the maintenance of species diversity.
  • Mayura B. Takada, Akira Yoshioka, Shun Takagi, Shigeki Iwabuchi, Izumi Washitani
    BIOLOGICAL CONTROL 60(2) 169-174 2012年2月  査読有り
    Mirid bugs, major insect pests in rice production, have dramatically expanded their range in Japan, resulting in increased economic losses especially for organic rice farmers. In this study, the within-field and landscape-scale factors affecting the bug and its damage to crops were examined in organic rice farms. Bug densities and crop damage levels showed significant positive relationships with weed densities (Schoenoplectus juncoides and Echinochloa crus-galli) within individual fields. Bug densities were negatively associated with Tetragnatha spp. and Pachygnatha clercki densities, indicating that these spiders act as biological control agents that help to decrease crop damage levels. At the landscape scale, bug densities increased with the proportion of the area that was fallow within a 400-m radius around focal fields. Fallows represent important source habitat for the bug and the spatial extent at which bug abundance was affected indicates the mobility of these insects. These results suggest that the combination of biological control by natural enemies, and weed management within individual paddies and surrounding landscapes inside a buffer zone of less than half a kilometre may be effective in controlling mirid bugs and the damage they cause in organic paddy fields. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Shun Takagi, Tadashi Miyashita
    BASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY 13(3) 260-267 2012年  査読有り
    Phytophagous insects can be affected by plant trait-mediated indirect effects of large herbivores, but little is known regarding how these effects change in response to different densities of large herbivores. To assess the response of an insect to plant qualitative change, the response of a woody vine (Aristolochia kaempferi) to browsing by sika deer (Cervus nippon) and utilization of young leaves by a swallowtail butterfly (Byasa alcinous) were investigated across a deer density gradient. Natural and simulated deer browsing stimulated the regrowth of A. kaempferi and improved nutritional and physical quality of leaves. Young leaves were frequently observed in areas with high deer densities. The proportion of young leaves among the leaves selected for oviposition was higher than their proportion of the total number of leaves. In areas with low deer densities, the utilization of young leaves by B. alcinous increased linearly with deer density, whereas in areas with high deer densities, the utilization of young leaves was around 90%.
  • Tetsuya Kobayashi, Mayura Takada, Shun Takagi, Akira Yoshioka, Izumi Washitani
    BASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY 12(6) 532-539 2011年  査読有り
    Spiders are common generalist predators, and understanding their potential in biological control is important for the development of integrated pest management programs. In this study, predation by three groups of spiders on the mind bug Stenotus rubrovittatus (Hemiptera: Miridae) in rice paddies was investigated using DNA-based gut-content analysis. A laboratory feeding study revealed that the detection half-lives of bug DNA in the spider gut at 25 degrees C was 3.4 days for Lycosidae and 1.5 days for Tetragnathidae. Individual spider predation on the mind bug was investigated by detecting DNA of prey in field-collected spiders. In total, 1199 spiders were assayed from three spider groups: Pirata subpiraticus (Lycosidae), Tetragnatha spp. (Tetra-gnathidae), and Pachygnatha clercki (Tetra-gnathidae), which each differ in their preferred microhabitat as well as their predatory habits. Detection rates of prey DNA in spiders increased significantly with the density of prey across all spider groups. P subpiraticus and Tetragnatha spp. predation showed a better fit to a saturated response curve to increasing prey density, while P. clercki showed a simple linear relationship with prey density. Densities of alternative prey species did not affect the detection rates of minds. These results suggest that predation on pests by generalist predators in an agroecosystem is affected not only by prey abundance but also by predator preference for specific prey. Predator preference is therefore an important factor to consider when estimating the role of natural enemies as biological control agents.
  • Shun Takagi, Tadashi Miyashita
    Using host plant quality as a diapause-inducing stimulus may be adaptive for herbivorous insects that use host plants whose phenology is unpredictable based on photoperiod or temperature. We examined the effects of leaf toughness of the woody vine Aristolochia kaempferi Willd. on larval performance and pupal diapause induction of the swallowtail butterfly Byasa alcinous Klug (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). We also conducted field observations to assess whether human disturbance affects leaf phenology of A. kaempferi. Laboratory experiments showed that tough leaves decreased the survival rate of young larvae and lengthened the larval period, although pupal weight was not affected by leaf toughness. The incidence of pupal diapause was greater with tough leaves than with soft leaves and increased with larval duration. In the field, leaf age composition in A. kaempferi was greatly influenced by human mowing, which led to changes in leaf quality. These results suggest that B. alcinous has a plastic diapause strategy using host plant quality as a diapause-inducing stimulus, which may have evolved in frequently disturbed environments.





