
藤木 大介

フジキ ダイスケ  (Daisuke Fujiki)


兵庫県立大学 自然・環境科学研究所 森林動物系森林管理マネジメント研究部門 准教授



  • Shota Sakaguchi, Shigeru Fukumoto, Kazutoshi Masuda, Hiroaki Setoguchi, Shun K. Hirota, Yoshihisa Suyama, Daisuke Fujiki, Reiichi Miura, Kazuki Yamamoto, Misyo Ota, Masae I. Ishihara
    Ecological Research 2024年4月  査読有り
    The overabundance of sika deer has become a significant threat to plant communities across Japan. As a result of the deer overgrazing, rare plants are undergoing a demographic bottleneck, leading to a loss of genetic diversity. Genetic diversity is crucial for the reproductive success of self-incompatible plants, and it also provides evolutionary potential, which increases their long-term population viability. Therefore, it is essential to appropriately manage the remaining genotypes to conserve local genetic resources. In this study, we exemplify this, via a conservation genetic analysis of Parasenecio peltifolius populations impacted by deer. Genetic data revealed that the small populations confined to isolated refugial sites consisted of effectively single genets. Recent reproductive failures in these populations may be attributed to the loss of genotypic diversity. Despite the bottlenecks, the remaining genets exhibited high individual heterozygosity, which is a good indicator that they have not been affected by severe inbreeding. Hybrid simulations suggested that interpopulation outbreeding between the unique genotypes can be a viable option to promote sexual reproduction and re-establish genetic diversity within the local populations. Establishing artificial progenies in botanical gardens can serve as a vital genetic resource for the long-term viability of threatened P. peltifolius populations.
  • 藤木大介
    兵庫ワイルドライフモノグラフ 16 71-89 2024年3月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Hikaru Nakagawa, Daisuke Fujiki, Hiroo Numata, Luhan Wu, Terutaka Mori, Toshifumi Minamoto
    Population Ecology 2024 1-21 2024年1月  査読有り
    Almost all ecosystems are open systems, meaning that significant changes in one ecosystem can lead to unexpected changes in others. Deer overabundance has become a problem worldwide, leading to forest degradation that has impacts on not only terrestrial, but also aquatic ecosystems. This study aims to investigate the regional-scale importance of large herbivores in inter-ecosystem interactions by examining the effects of deer-induced forest degradation on fish populations. We selected similar-scale catchments from river systems in Hyogo, Japan, that differed in the time since deer-induced forest degradation. Conventional surveys for fish densities and microhabitat environments were conducted in 23 catchments, and surveys using quantitative eDNA metabarcoding were conducted in 95 catchments. We examined the relationships between fish population densities, microhabitats, and time since forest degradation, considering confounding effects. Data from 8 and 17 fish taxa detected by snorkeling and eDNA methods, respectively, were available for statistical analysis. Snorkeling-counts (Individuals/1 m transect) and eDNA concentrations (Copies/L) in river water were strongly correlated. Fine sediments on riverbeds were increased in the 3–15 years following forest degradation and decreased after 16 years. Population densities of sand-preferring fishes, as inferred from both eDNA and snorkeling, reasonably followed this pattern. These patterns may be caused by the depletion of fine sediments on mountain slopes. The results of this study suggest that deer-induced worldwide alternation may also occur in aquatic ecosystems.
  • Kohmei Kadowaki, Mie N. Honjo, Naoto Nakamura, Yoichiro Kitagawa, Masae I. Ishihara, Shunsuke Matsuoka, Yuuya Tachiki, Keitaro Fukushima, Shota Sakaguchi, Inoue Mizuki, Daisuke Fujiki, Masaru Sakai, Atsushi Takayanagi, Michimasa Yamasaki, Naoko Tokuchi, Daiki Takahashi, Koki Nagasawa, Kazutoshi Masuda
    Environmental DNA 5(6) 1732-1742 2023年11月  査読有り
    Ungulate overbrowsing is a growing problem in forests worldwide due to its prolonged and pervasive impact on plant biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. It has been shown that overbrowsing not only reduces plant species diversity and biomass (i.e., direct effects) but also causes a loss of associated trophic levels that could potentially feedback to influence plant community structure (i.e., indirect effects). One of the primary pathways of such indirect effects that have not been fully examined is the impact of overbrowsing on soil microorganisms. Recent studies have shown that soil microorganisms maintain vegetation diversity and drive succession, so it is of critical importance to understand how soil microbial communities might be affected by or protected from the deer impact. To assess the consequence of creating artificial grazing refugia on the structure and composition of soil microbial communities, we compared the distribution and abundance of soil microbial taxa (bacteria, archaea, fungi) at the fenced versus unfenced control sites in the context of a catchment-scale field experiment in Japan. The eDNA metabarcoding analysis of soil microbial communities showed that the numbers of archaea and basidiomycetes fungal species were greater in the fenced site than in the control, while no such pattern was found for bacteria and ascomycetes fungi. Despite the lack of significant influence of the fence treatment on taxonomic composition in the soil fungal communities, their functional guild composition was influenced by the fenced treatment, with significant changes in the abundance of animal pathogens. Thus, although the effect of fencing on soil microbial communities is characterized by complex responses that vary from taxon to taxon, our work suggests that creating ecosystem-scale refugia from deer overgrazing might help sustain certain, if not all, taxa of soil microbial communities.


  • 遠藤絵実, 藤木大介, 坂田宏志
    日本生態学会大会講演要旨集 56th 2009年  
  • 岸本 康誉, 藤木 大介, 坂田 宏志
    日本森林学会大会発表データベース 120 728-728 2009年  
  • 阪口 翔太, 櫻井 聖悟, 藤木 大介, 井上 みずき, 山崎 理正, 高柳 敦
    日本森林学会大会発表データベース 120 462-462 2009年  
  • 阪口翔太, 藤木大介, 井上みずき, 高柳敦, 藤崎憲治
    日本生態学会大会講演要旨集 55th 468 2008年3月14日  
  • 岸本康誉, 藤木大介, 坂田宏志
    日本生態学会大会講演要旨集 55th 2008年  
  • 藤木大介, 坂田宏志
    日本生態学会大会講演要旨集 55th 2008年  
  • 坂田宏志, 岸本康隆, 藤木大介
    日本生態学会大会講演要旨集 55th 2008年  
  • 藤木 大介, 菊澤 喜八郎
    日本生態学会大会講演要旨集 ESJ52 655-655 2005年  
    株立ち型木本植物の中には,攪乱によって損傷をうけた樹体を修復するためでなく,その構成幹を更新するために,自律的に萌芽によって幹交換する種が存在する(例えば,クロモジ,イヌブナ,カツラ).これらの植物では,娘幹は母幹の根元から萌芽し,母幹からの同化産物の供給を受けて母親の樹冠下で成長する.母幹が枯死すると,娘幹は母幹が占めていた樹冠空間を埋め更新が完了する.<br>地上幹は繁殖機能をもつことを考えると,その幹交換過程において株自身の繁殖量を最大化するような幹交換タイミングが存在するはずである.例えば,母幹は生理的限界まで生存して繁殖し,娘幹へその占有空間を譲り渡すより,生理的限界以前のある時点で枯死して娘幹にその占有空間を譲り渡した方が,株個体としての繁殖量は多くなる可能性がある.そこで我々は,株サイズが定常に達した株における最適幹交換モデルを構築した.林床低木クロモジ(Lindera umbellata)を対象に,野外に生育する株での幹交換が,モデルの予測するタイミングで生じているかどうかを検証する.<br>
  • 藤木 大介, 菊沢 喜八郎
    日本生態学会大会講演要旨集 ESJ51 217-217 2004年  
    木本植物の幹の生育段階の指標として相対成長速度(RGR)の逆数を対数化したLRR (the logarithmic reciprocal RGR)を使うことを提案する.最初に我々は,生育段階の指標変数としての必要十分条件を以下のように仮定した.1)変数は個体発生直後にある極値をとり,枯死直前に別の極値をとる.2)異なる個体間で変数の変動幅に差はない.この条件に基づき,LRR,齢,サイズの3変数の中で,どの変数がもっとも上記条件を満たすかを調査した.<br><br>林床低木のクロモジ(Lindera umbellata)の自然枯死地上幹を対象に樹幹解析を行い,幹の寿命,LRRと幹材積量の生存期間を通した変化を明らかにした.その結果,以下の点が明らかになった,1)全ての枯死地上幹において3変数ともにその最小齢において最小値をとり,最終齢に最大値をとること.2)各変数の変動幅の幹間変異は,LRRで最も小さいこと.以上より,生育段階の指標変数としての必要十分条件は,3変数の中でLRRがもっとも満たしていることが明らかになった.<br><br>次に,野外に生育する生存地上幹を対象に,そのLRR,幹材積,幹齢,樹冠上の当年生枝の年間加入率と死亡率,繁殖努力(単位材積成長量当たりの年間花序生産量)を調査した.得られたデータを用いて,当年生枝の年間加入率と死亡率,繁殖努力をそれぞれ従属変数とし,LRR,幹材積,齢を独立変数として回帰した.その結果,それぞれの従属変数においてLRRを独立変数として回帰した場合に最も高い決定係数が得られた.このことは,樹木個体レベルにおいて,生育段階に依存して変化するパラメータは,LRRを用いることでこれまでより高い精度で予測できることを示唆していた.<br>
  • 藤木大介, 玉井重信, 山中典和, 菊沢喜八郎
    日本林学会大会学術講演集 113th 2002年  

