
川口 夏樹

Natsuki Kawaguchi


兵庫県立大学 助教
博士(工学)(2018年3月 兵庫県立大学大学院)





  • Yuki Moriguchi, Masaharu Kuroda, Natsuki Kawaguchi
    IUTAM Bookseries 43 184-198 2025年  
    Under uncontrolled conditions, voltage-controlled suspension-type magnetic levitation systems are unstable systems in which a levitated object either falls or is attracted to the electromagnet. Furthermore, the magnetic force and the electrical characteristics of the circuit have strong nonlinearities. This study applies fractional-order linear quadratic regulator (LQR) control, which combines fractional calculus and modern control theory, to a benchmark problem: a voltage-controlled suspension-type magnetic levitation system. Furthermore, a fractional-order servo LQR control method is developed for a case in which a levitated object is controlled to a target position that deviates from the equilibrium point. To perform state-feedback control such as fractional-order servo LQR control, which requires information of all the states, a fractional-order state-observer is designed to estimate fractional-order states. Simulation results demonstrate that fractional-order servo LQR control enables us not only to achieve stabilization of the equilibrium point; it also enables target-value tracking. Experimental results confirmed that the fractional-order servo LQR control provides higher control performance than that of conventional integer-order servo LQR control.
  • Takao Sato, Tomoka Nishino, Natsuki Kawaguchi, Hisashi Mori, Hayato Uchida, Kiichiro Murotani, Yuichi Kimura, Isao Mizukura, Syoji Kobashi, Orlando Arrieta
    Scientific Reports 14(1) 2024年12月  
    Maximizing healthy life expectancy is essential for enhancing well-being. Optimal exercise intensity is crucial in promoting health and ensuring safe rehabilitation. Since heart rate is related to exercise intensity, the required exercise intensity is achieved by controlling the heart rate. This study aims to control heart rate during exercise by dynamically adjusting the load on a bicycle ergometer using a proportional-integral (PI) control. The choice of PI parameters is very important because the PI parameters significantly affect the performance of heart rate control. Since the dynamic characteristics of heart rate relative to work rate vary widely from subject to subject, the PI parameters for each subject must be determined individually. In this study, PI parameters are optimized directly from exercise data using a data-driven design approach. Thus, the proposed method does not require excessive exercise of the subject to model heart rate dynamics. Using the proposed method, the heart rate can be controlled to follow a designed reference model so that the heart rate is safely increased to the desired value. The quantitative evaluation of the control results of fifteen healthy volunteers confirmed that the proposed method improved the control error of the target heart rate trajectory by approximately 40%, regardless of gender or age. In addition, it was shown that control parameters from the exercise experiment also indicate that females are more likely than males to have an elevated heart rate at the same load.
  • Natsuki Kawaguchi, Haruka Maruyama
    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 36(5) 1255-1261 2024年10月20日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    This paper presents an allocator design that considers the power consumption of rotors in the attitude and altitude control system of a hexarotor drone. Based on the power consumption model, the proposed method computes the thrust force that minimizes the total power consumption of the rotor while satisfying the control force constraints required by the controller. To obtain the rotor power consumption model, we conducted experiments on the rotor characteristics using the motors and electronic speed controllers used in the drones. Finally, numerical simulations were performed using the obtained power consumption models to compare the rotor power consumption of the proposed method with that of the conventional method, quantitatively evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed method.
  • Ryo Yoneda, Yuki Moriguchi, Masaharu Kuroda, Natsuki Kawaguchi
    Fractal and Fractional 8(8) 2024年8月  
    Recent research on fractional-order control laws has introduced the fractional calculus concept into the field of control engineering. As described herein, we apply fractional-order linear quadratic regulator (LQR) control to a current-controlled attractive-force-type magnetic levitation system, which is a strongly nonlinear and unstable system, to investigate its control performance through experimentation. First, to design the controller, a current-controlled attractive-force-type magnetic levitation system expressed as an integer-order system is extended to a fractional-order system expressed using fractional-order derivatives. Then, target value tracking control of a levitated object is achieved by adding states, described by the integrals of the deviation between the output and the target value, to the extended system. Next, a fractional-order LQR controller is designed for the extended system. For state-feedback control, such as fractional-order servo LQR control, which requires the information of all states, a fractional-order state observer is configured to estimate fractional-order states. Simulation results demonstrate that fractional-order servo LQR control can achieve equilibrium point stabilization and enable target value tracking. Finally, to verify the fractional-order servo LQR control effectiveness, experiments using the designed fractional-order servo LQR control law are conducted with comparison to a conventional integer-order servo LQR control.
  • Ryo Yoneda, Yuki Moriguchi, Masaharu Kuroda, Natsuki Kawaguchi
    Recent research on fractional order control laws has introduced the fractional calculus concept into the field of control engineering. As described herein, we apply fractional order LQR control to a current-controlled attractive-force type magnetic levitation system, which is a strongly nonlinear and unstable system, to investigate its control performance through experimentation. First, to design the controller, a current-controlled attractive-force type magnetic levitation system expressed as an integer-order system is extended to a fractional order system expressed using fractional order derivatives. Then target value tracking control of levitated objects is achieved by adding states, described by the integrals of the deviation between the output and the target value, to the extended system. Next, a fractional order LQR controller is designed for the extended system. For state-feedback control such as fractional order servo LQR control, which requires information of all states, a fractional order state-observer is configured to estimate fractional order states. Simulation results demonstrate that fractional order servo LQR control can achieve equilibrium point stabilization and enable target-value tracking. Finally, to verify the fractional order servo LQR control effectiveness, experiments using the designed fractional order servo LQR control law are done with comparison to conventional integer-order servo LQR control.







