
山田 量崇

ヤマダ カズタカ  (Kazutaka Yamada)


兵庫県立大学 自然・環境科学研究所 准教授
兵庫県立人と自然の博物館 自然・環境評価研究部 主任研究員




    Zootaxa 5446(2) 151-178 2024年4月30日  査読有り責任著者
    Zootaxa 5446(1) 127-135 2024年3月12日  査読有り責任著者
  • Tomohide Ohno, Tomohide Yasunaga, Kazutaka Yamada
    Heteropterus Revista de Entomología 23(1) 39-43 2023年6月30日  査読有り最終著者
    Zootaxa 5278(2) 264-288 2023年5月5日  査読有り
    New taxa are proposed and described for several large-sized or uniquely-shaped mirine plant bugs from Taiwan or the northeastern Oriental Region. Two new genera, Rhopalimiris n. gen. and Taiwanocapsus n. gen. are described to accommodate three new species, Rhopalimiris amplissimus n. sp., R. gagai n. sp. and Taiwanocapsus luteocordatus n. sp., which are diagnosed and described. In addition, new species of Eocalocoris Miyamoto & Yasunaga and Eurystylus Stål, namely Eo. gotohi n. sp. and Eu. yixuanae n. sp., are also described. An updated checklist of the Taiwanese Mirini is also provided.
  • Sunghoon Jung, Junggon Kim, Ondřej Balvín, Kazutaka Yamada
    Insects 14(3) 267-267 2023年3月8日  査読有り最終著者
    The molecular phylogeny of the Cimicoidea was reconstructed from an expanded sampling based on mitochondrial (16S, COI) and nuclear (18S, 28SD3) genes. The data were analyzed using maximum likelihood (ML), maximum parsimony (MP), and Bayesian inference (BI) phylogenetic frameworks. The phylogenetic relationships inferred by the model-based analyses (ML and BI) were largely congruent with those inferred by the MP analysis in terms of the monophyly of most of the higher taxonomic groups and the species-level relationships. The following clades were recovered in all analyses: Cimiciformes; Nabidae: Prostemmatinae; Nabidae: Nabinae; Plokiophilidae; Microphysidae; Lasiochilidae; Cimicidae: Cacodminae; Cimicidae; Lyctocoridae; Anthocoridae s. str.; Cardiastethini excluding Amphiareus; Almeidini; Scolopini; Anthocorini; Oriini; Curaliidae + Lasiochilidae; Almeidini + Xylocorini; Oriini + Cardiastethini; and Anthocorini + Amphiareus. Reconstructions of ancestral copulation states based on Bayesian and parsimony inference indicated that at least one shift from standard insemination (SI) to traumatic insemination (TI) occurred within Cimicoidea, and an investigation of the evolutionary correlation between TI and paragenitalia (PG) revealed that the acquisition of PG in cimicoid females was correlated with the TI habit. Additionally, our morphological examination of various types of PG suggested that even the same PG type may not constitute a homologous feature at various taxonomic levels, indicating the convergent evolution of female morphology to adapt to TI.
  • Kazutaka Yamada, Shûhei Yamamoto, Yui Takahashi
    Fossil Record 26(1) 27-38 2023年1月13日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    A new genus and species of cimicoid true bug, Ecpaglocoris ditomeus Yamada & Yamamoto, gen. et sp. nov., is described and illustrated from mid-Cretaceous (Cenomanian–Albian) amber in the Kachin State of northern Myanmar (Burma). This new fossil genus and species is reminiscent of members of Anthocoridae by the strongly flattened and elongated body, four-segmented labium, distinct costal fracture and presence of fossula spongiosa on fore tibiae, but should not be ascribed to this family. The new taxon cannot be placed in any extant cimicoid families, based upon hemelytral, male genital and other morphological structures. Based on the hemelytral membrane venation and presence of dorsal laterotergites on abdominal segments I to VIII, it can be assumed that this new genus belongs to the extinct family Vetanthocoridae. Ecpaglocoris ditomeusgen. et sp. nov. has aberrant male genitalia characterised by sickle-shaped left and right parameres and grooves running throughout the paramere. This characteristic indicates that traumatic insemination occurred in this genus. The peculiar combination of male genital characteristics seen in Ecpaglocorisgen. nov. prevents its placement in any of the extant cimicoid families.
  • Kazutaka Yamada, Sadahisa Yagi
    Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology 28(2) 346-351 2022年12月30日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    A minute pirate bug species, Xylocoris (Proxylocoris) afer (Reuter) was newly recorded from Japan based on specimens collected from a poultry farm in Fukuoka Prefecture and on a single specimen collected by a light trap in the northern part of Okinawa Island. This species originated in tropical Africa and has been currently introduced into various parts of the world (e.g., Asia, Europe, the New World, and Australia). This discovery in Japan was also the first record from eastern Asia. This study aims to review the bionomics and distribution of the species and discuss its occurrence in Japan.
  • Tomohide YASUNAGA, Ram Keshari DUWAL, Kazutaka YAMADA
    ESAKIA (55) 41-59 2022年12月20日  査読有り
  • Serkan Pehlívan, Ekrem Atakan, Tange Denis Achiri, Kazutaka Yamada
    Journal of the Entomological Research Society 24(3) 27-37 2022年12月1日  査読有り
    The Cuban laurel thrips, Gynaikothrips ficorum (Marchal) (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae), is widely distributed to the eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey and causing damage to Ficus microcarpa var. nitida plants. Biological control of G. ficorum has a crucial role to maintain the population density of this pest insect at an acceptable level on Ficus trees. For this reason, to determine the potential biological control agents of this pest, survey studies have been done in Adana and Mersin provinces. The Androthrips ramachandarai (Karny) (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae), and the Montandoniola indica Yamada (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) were reported for the first time in Turkey in 2020 on G. ficorum that damaging young leaves of the F. microcarpa. Brief diagnoses of G. ficorum and both predatory species were provided. A total of 249 adults of A. ramachandrai and 461 individuals of M. indica were detected in the galled leaves infested with G. ficorum. Moreover, 1959 adults, 1335 immatures and 11851 eggs of G. ficorum were also recorded. There was a positive relationship between pest eggs-A. ramachandrai adults and pest larvae-M. indica adults. Ratios of prey/predatory insects indicated that the predators might have the capability in suppressing the pest thrips on Ficus trees.</jats:p>
  • Kazutaka Yamada, Tomohide Yasunaga
    Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 61(2) 375-426 2021年10月19日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Japanese Anthocorini are reviewed. A total of five genera and 13 species were identified, including two new species described below: Temnostethus mirificus sp. nov. and Anthocoris venustus sp. nov. Previous records of Anthocoris miyamotoi Hiura, 1959 from Japan are considered to be confused with A. venustus sp. nov. Anthocoris nemoralis (Fabricius, 1794), which is a common and widespread species in Europe, is recorded in Japan for the first time; it is assumed to have been accidentally introduced into Japan recently. Temnostethus distans Kerzhner, 1973 and Anthocoris kalopanacis Kerzhner, 1977 are newly recorded in Japan proper. Male and female genitalia are illustrated and described for most of the treated species. Identification keys to the genera and species that occur in Japan are provided. Bionomics are provided for each species. Detailed locality information and distribution maps in Japan are presented for all Japanese species and their zoogeography is discussed.
  • Kazutaka Yamada
    Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology 26(1) 138-143 2020年6月30日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    The genus Indocoris Muraleedharan & Ananthakrishnan, 1978, and its type species I. tarsatus Muraleedharan & Ananthakrishnan, 1978 are redescribed and illustrated. Although no record of I. tarsatus has been known since the original description, additional specimens were recognized from Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Thailand. The discovery in the present study thus represents the first distribution records of I. tarsatus from East and Southeast Asia. The generic characters and relationships between the genera of Anthocoridae are discussed.
    Zootaxa 4768(2) 271-281 2020年5月1日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    The genus Alpagut Kıyak, 1995, is recorded from East Asia for the first time based on the description of A. masakazui sp. nov. from Japan. Habitus images and illustrations of diagnostic features, including genitalia structures, are provided. The loculus capsulae of A. masakazui sp. nov. is discussed. The presence of a metacoxal adhesive pad is reconfirmed in Dipsocoridae along with a discussion of its morphology.
  • Zhen Ye, Juanjuan Yuan, Yahui Zhen, Jakob Damgaard, Kazutaka Yamada, Xiuxiu Zhu, Kun Jiang, Xin Yang, Wenwu Wang, Shujing Wang, Jingyu Liang, Siying Fu, Pingping Chen, Wenjun Bu
    Journal of Biogeography 47(5) 1154-1165 2020年5月  査読有り
    Zootaxa 4759(1) 98-106 2020年4月1日  査読有り
    A new species of the little known microphysid genus Loricula Curtis (Microphysidae) is described, based on eleven female specimens recently found from Honshu, Japan. These individuals were collected on tree barks or trunks of broadleaf forest. An updated key is provided to aid in identification of adult females of the Japanese Loricula species.
  • Tomohide Yasunaga, Kazutaka Yamada, Ram Keshari Duwal
    Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 59(2) 391-401 2019年12月1日  査読有り
    Three new species of the flower bug genus Orius Wolff, 1811 (Anthocorinae: Oriini) are described as new, namely Orius (Orius) ekaii sp. nov., O. (Orius) nigromaritus sp. nov., and O. (Xylorius) paveli sp. nov., all from Nepal. The plant association and habitat are documented for each new species. Habitus images of live individuals and scanning electron micrographs are also provided to aid in proper recognition of their identities. A checklist of Orius species known from South Asia (SAARC nations) is incorporated; Orius indicus (Reuter, 1884) is herein placed in the subgenus Dimorphella Reuter, 1884.
  • Kazutaka Yamada, Masami Hayashi
    Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 59(2) 381-390 2019年12月1日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Cryptostemma miyamotoi sp. nov. and C. pavelstysi sp. nov. from Japan are described. Habitus images and illustrations of diagnostic features, including genitalic structures, are provided. A key to the Eastern Palaearctic species is offered to facilitate identification. Habitats and behavior of the two new species are discussed based on the field and laboratory observations. The gender agreement of Pachycoleus japonicus (Miyamoto, 1964) is corrected.
  • Chandish R. Ballal, Shahid Ali Akbar, Kazutaka Yamada, Aijaz Ahmad Wachkoo, Richa Varshney
    Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 58(1) 207-226 2018年6月5日  査読有り
    The present paper provides a checklist of the flower bug families Anthocoridae and Lasiochilidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of India based on literature and newly collected specimens including eleven new records. The Indian fauna of flower bugs is represented by 73 species belonging to 26 genera under eight tribes of two families. Generic transfers of Blaptostethus pluto (Distant, 1910) comb. nov. (from Triphleps pluto Distant, 1910) and Dilasia indica (Muraleedharan, 1978) comb. nov. (from Lasiochilus indica Muraleedharan, 1978) are provided. A lectotype is designated for Blaptostethus pluto. Previous, as well as new, distributional data and bibliographical references for each taxon are included. The following 11 species are recorded from India for the first time: Amphiareus ruficollaris Yamada &amp; Hirowatari, 2003 (Tamil Nadu); Anthocoris dimorphus Zheng, 1984 (Himachal Pradesh); Bilia burma Yasunaga &amp; Yamada, 2016 (Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka); Cardiastethus kathmandu Yamada, 2016 (Uttarakhand); Lippomanus brevicornis Yamada &amp; Hirowatari, 2004 (Karnataka, Mizoram, Tripura); Montandoniola bellatula Yamada, 2007 (Karnataka); Physopleurella armata Poppius, 1909 (Karnataka); P. flava Carayon, 1958 (Karnataka); P. pessoni Carayon, 1956 (Tamil Nadu); Rajburicoris stysi Carpintero &amp; Dellapé, 2008 (Tamil Nadu); and Xylocoris (Proxylocoris) cerealis Yamada &amp; Yasunaga, 2006 (Karnataka). The paper provides synthesis of the regional taxonomical work carried out until now, along with biological notes (habitats, prey types, etc.). The paper will serve as baseline data for future studies on Anthocoridae and Lasiochilidae.
  • Tomohide Yasunaga, Jing-Fu Tsai, Kazutaka Yamada
    Zootaxa 4425(2) 327-341 2018年5月30日  査読有り
    A long neglected plant bug genus Babacoris Miyamoto, 1994 (Mirinae: Mirini), proposed for a single Taiwanese species, B. striatus Miyamoto, is redefined and redescribed as a valid genus, based on recent rediscovery of the type species from Hengchun, Taiwan the neotype is designated for B. striatus. The genus is now presumed to be closely related to Paramiridius Miyamoto &amp Yasunaga which also has been poorly known since the original description. A species recently described from Laos, Babacoris laomontanus (Oh, Yasunaga &amp Lee) comb. n., is transferred from Paramiridius. An up-dated checklist of the tribe Mirini in Taiwan is incorporated, with proposition of a new combination, Adelphocorisella minutum (Poppius) comb. n., having been left in Megacoelum Fieber as incertae sedis.
  • Kazutaka Yamada, Shûhei Yamamoto, Yui Takahashi
    Cretaceous Research 84 442-450 2018年4月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    A new genus and species of cimicomorphan bug, Aphrastomedes anthocoroides Yamada and Yamamoto, gen. and sp. nov., is described and illustrated based on two specimens preserved in Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) amber from the Hukawng Valley of northern Myanmar (Burma). This remarkable cimicomorphan species is tentatively assigned to the family Velocipedidae primarily on the basis of the structure of the labium, forewings, and genitalia. Aphrastomedes is considered best placed in the Cimiciformes as a member of the Velocipedidae, and it also has a close relationship to the Medocostidae.
  • Tomohide Yasunaga, Kazutaka Yamada, Jing-Fu Tsai
    ZOOTAXA 4365(4) 421-439 2017年12月20日  査読有り
    The fauna of plant bug subfamily Isometopinae in Taiwan and Japanese Southwest (Nansei) Islands is reviewed. Twenty-five species are recognized, including two new species of Myiomma Puton, M. austroccidens sp. nov. and M. kentingense sp. nov., which are herein diagnosed and described. In addition, Isometopus yehi Lin, 2004 is synonymized with I. bipunctatus Lin; Isometopidea yangi Lin is transferred to Kohnometopus; and a substitute name, Alcecoris linyangorum, is proposed for A. formosanus (Lin & Yang) (- a junior secondary homonym of Alcecoris formosanus Lin). An annotated checklist, with updated distributional record and biological information, is provided for all treated taxa. A new tribe Sophianini is proposed for two genera, Alcecoris and Sophianus, characterized principally by the conspicuously modified antennal structures. An additional new species, Alcecoris cochlearatus sp. nov., found during examination of related Oriental specimens, is described from the Malay Peninsula.
  • Tomohide Yasunaga, Kazutaka Yamada
    JOURNAL OF NATURAL HISTORY 51(21-22) 1209-1227 2017年6月6日  査読有り責任著者
    Japanese fauna of the cimicomorphan family Microphysidae is documented. Four species of the genus Loricula Curtis are recognised, including three new species herein described from Japan, Loricula miyamotoi, L. nikko and L. yakushima, representing the first discovery of new taxa in the twenty-first century for the Asian Microphysidae. A single known species, L. pilosella Miyamoto, is rediagnosed. A key is provided to distinguish both sexes of the Japanese Loricula species. http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub: C01445E4-FD3E-4953-932C-7835FC8BDD16
  • Tomohide Yasunaga, Kazutaka Yamada, Zayar Soe, Shine Shane Naing
    ZOOTAXA 4158(4) 544-556 2016年8月31日  査読有り責任著者
    Two oriine flower bug (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) genera, Bilia Distant, 1904 and Wollastoniella Reuter, 1884 are reported from Myanmar for the first time, diagnosed, and discussed. A new species, Bilia burma Yasunaga & Yamada sp. nov., is described, with information on the immature form, habitat and assumed prey; its closest sister species, B. castanea (Carvalho, 1951), is also re-diagnosed. Wollastoniella rotunda Yasunaga & Miyamoto, 1993 originally described from northern Thailand, is also documented along with its immature form and new host association. Both of the anthocorids found in Myanmar co-occurred with lace bugs (Tingidae). A checklist of all current members of Bilia and Wollastoniella is provided. The phylogenic positions of Bilia and Wollastoniella in the tribe Oriini is discussed.
  • Danli Zhang, Zhen Ye, Kazutaka Yamada, Yahui Zhen, Chenguang Zheng, Wenjun Bu
    BMC EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 16 174 2016年8月31日  査読有り
    Background: On account of repeated exposure and submergence of the East China Sea (ECS) land bridge, sea level fluctuation played an important role in shaping the population structure of many temperate species across the ECS during the glacial period. The flower bug Amphiareus obscuriceps (Poppius, 1909) ( Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) is an invasive species native to the Sino-Japanese Region (SJR) of East Asia. We tested the hypothesis of the ECS land bridge acting as a dispersal corridor or filter for A. obscuriceps during the glacial period. Specifically, we tested whether and the extent to which dispersal ability and host plant habitat requirement influenced the genetic structure of A. obscuriceps during the exposure of the ECS land bridge. Results: Phylogenetic and network analyses indicated that A. obscuriceps is composed of two major lineages, i.e., China and Japan. Divergence time on both sides of the ECS was estimated to be approximately 1.07 (0.79-1.32) Ma, which was about the same period that the sea level increased. No significant Isolation by Distance (IBD) relationship was found between empty setst and Euclidean distances in the Mantel tests, which is consistent with the hypothesis that this species has a good dispersal ability. Our Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) niche modeling of plants that constitute preferred habitats for A. obscuriceps exhibited a similar habitat gap on the exposed ECS continental shelf between China and Japan, but showed a continuous distribution across the Taiwan Strait. Conclusion: Our results suggest that ecological properties (habitat requirement and dispersal ability), together with sea level fluctuation during the Pleistocene across the ECS, have shaped the genetic structure and demographic history of A. obscuriceps in its native area. The host plant habitat requirement could also be a key to the colonization of the A. obscuriceps species during the exposure of the ECS land bridge. Our findings will shed light on the potential role of habitat requirement in the process of biological invasion in future studies.
  • Tomohide Yasunaga, Kazutaka Yamada, Jomsurang Duangthisan, Taksin Artchawakom
    ZOOTAXA 4154(5) 581-588 2016年8月24日  査読有り
    The deraeocorine plant bug genus Fingulus Distant from Indochina is reviewed, diagnosed and discussed. Seven species are currently recognized, including two new species described herein: F. angkorensis and F. rubricatus from Cambodia and Thailand. Behavior and habitat of F. angkorensis are documented, which was observed to be associated with two anthocorids and a thrips in leaf margin curl-galls produced by the thrips on a banyan tree Ficus microcarpa. A checklist including two species of the assumed sister genus Angerianus Distant is provided, with available distributional records; images of two Angerianus species are also shown for the first time.
  • Tomohide Yasunaga, Kazutaka Yamada, Rut Morakote, Charuwat Taekul, Jomsurang Duangthisan
    ZOOTAXA 4107(3) 444-446 2016年5月3日  査読有り
  • Kazutaka Yamada, Tomohide Yasunaga, Taksin Artchawakom
    JOURNAL OF NATURAL HISTORY 50(17-18) 1103-1157 2016年5月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    The flower bug genus Orius Wolff, 1811 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Anthocoridae: Oriini) in Thailand is reviewed. Eleven valid species are recognised; seven of them are described as new to science: Orius (O.) sakaerat, O. (O.) taksini, O. (O.) tomokunii, O. (O.) filiferus, O. (O.) machaerus, O. (O.) inthanonus and O. (Trichorius) crassus. Orius (Heterorius) dravidiensis Muraleedharan, 1977, which has been known from India, is recorded from Thailand for the first time, and is correctly placed in the subgenus Dimorphella Reuter, 1884. The subgenus Paraorius Yasunaga and Miyamoto, 1993 is proposed as a synonym of Dimorphella. Diagnoses, digital habitus images, scanning electron micrographs and illustrations of diagnostic features including both male and female genitalia are provided. Keys to the Thai species are offered to facilitate identification. Biology of Thai species is also discussed.
  • Kazutaka Yamada
    Entomologica Americana 122(1-2) 1-17 2016年5月1日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Cardiastethus brevirostris Poppius, 1909 and its close relatives in Asia are reviewed. Four new species are recognized: C. hiurai sp. nov. from eastern and south-eastern Asia, C. nepalensis sp. nov. from Nepal, C. kathmandu sp. nov. from Nepal, and C. linnavuorii sp. nov. from the Russian Far East and Japan. All the specimens previously identified as Dysepicritus rufescens (A. Costa, 1847) from Japan and Thailand are shown to be C. hiurai. Diagnoses, digital habitus images, scanning-electron micrographs, and illustrations of diagnostic features including male genitalia are provided. A key to the species of C. brevirostris and allies is offered to facilitate identification. Zoogeography and biology are briefly discussed.
  • Ballal, C. R, Yamada, K, Joshi, S
    Entomon 41(1) 11-20 2016年3月  査読有り
  • Shigeki Kobayashi, Hiroaki Sato, Nagao Hirano, Kazutaka Yamada, Toshiya Hirowatari
    ZOOKEYS 601(601) 127-151 2016年  査読有り
    This paper provides taxonomic and biological data on one new and one newly recorded species of Coptotriche Walsingham and one new and one newly recorded species of Tischeria Zeller from Japan. Coptotriche symplocosella Kobayashi & Hirowatari, sp. n. (host Symplocos lucida, Symplocaceae), and Tischeria kumatai Sato, Kobayashi & Hirowatari, sp. n. (host Tilia japonica, Malvaceae) are described. The pupal morphology of C. symplocosella is illustrated with scanning electron micrographs. Coptotriche minuta Diskus & Stonis, 2014 and Tischeria relictana Ermolaev, 1986 are newly recorded from Japan. The female, hostplants (Carpinus, Corylus, and Ostrya species), and immature stages of C. minuta and the adult features, female, and hostplants (Betula species) of T. relictana are described with photographs and drawings for the first time. Mine types and characters of Japanese Tischeriidae are reviewed with photographs.
  • Tomohide Yasunaga, Takayuki Shishido, Kazutaka Yamada
    RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY 64 250-256 2016年  査読有り
    The mirine plant bug genus Adelphocorisella Miyamoto & Yasunaga, 1993 is reported from Central Thailand and the Oriental Region for the first time. Two new species, A. adelphocoroides and A. sarika, are described, with habitus images of live individuals. Generic characters are reviewed, and the phylogenetic relationship of Adelphocorisella to superficially similar genera is discussed.
  • Tomohide Yasunaga, Jomsurang Duangthisan, Kazutaka Yamada, Taksin Artchawakom
    Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 159(2) 89-96 2016年  査読有り
    Three new species, Isometopus chaiyaphum, Paloniella microchelys, and Myiomma phuvasae, of the plant bug subfamily Isometopinae Fieber are described additional records for I. siamensis Yasunaga, Yamada &amp Artchawakom are documented. The habitat of P. microchelys is reported. A checklist of the isometopine fauna of Thailand is provided.
  • Tomohide Yasunaga, Kazutaka Yamada, Taksin Artchawakom
    ZOOTAXA 3925(1) 75-93 2015年2月  査読有り
    The phyline plant bug genus Hypseloecus Reuter is reported from Thailand as well as the Indochina region for the first time, diagnosed, and discussed on its phylogenetic position. Eight new species, Hypseloecus castaneus, Hypseloecus katrinae, Hypseloecus nigrobrevis, Hypseloecus phuvasae, Hypseloecus sakaerat, Hypseloecus schuhianus, Hypseloecus sericosagus and Hypseloecus siamensis, are described, all with color photographic images of live individuals. Four species were confirmed to be associated with inflorescence and/or fruits of Loranthaceae mistletoe (Santalales), particularly Scurrula spp. in Thailand. A checklist of Asian and New Guinean congeners and a key to Asian species (from Japan, Indochina and Philippines) are provided.
  • Kazutaka Yamada
    ZOOTAXA 3847(2) 292-296 2014年8月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Scoloposcelis seidaii sp. nov. is described from the Malay Peninsula based on a single specimen collected under the bark of a decaying tree. This discovery represents the first distribution record of the genus Scoloposcelis from Malaysia. Habitus photographs and diagnosis of S. parallela (Motschulsky, 1863) are provided for comparison with S. seidaii.
  • Tomohide Yasunaga, Kazutaka Yamada, Taksin Artchawakom
    ZOOTAXA 3795(1) 1-15 2014年5月  査読有り
    Eleven species of the ant-mimetic plant bug genus Pilophorus Hahn from Thailand are documented, with photographic images of live individuals. Four new species with conventional, moderate antlike shape, Pilophorus meteorus, P. saovapruki, P. subparallelus and P. suwimonae, are described. Two known Thai species, P. alstoni Schuh and P. typicus (Distant), are further reported and diagnosed. Biological information including host association is provided for P. alstoni, P. meteorus, P. saovapruki and P. typicus. A checklist of all currently known species of Pilophorus in Thailand and a key to known Thai species are included. Pilophorus typicus is reported from Singapore for the first time.
  • Sunghoon Jung, Kazutaka Yamada, Seunghwan Lee
    Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 16(4) 421-427 2013年12月  査読有り
    The flower bugs or minute pirate bugs, Anthocoridae sensu lato, are represented by 12 genera and 24 species in the Korean Peninsula. The present catalog includes three newly recorded species to the fauna: Anthocoris confusus Reuter, Bilia japonica Carayon et Miyamoto, and Montandoniola pictipennis (Esaki). Distributional data and bibliographical references of each taxon are included. Biological notes (habitats, prey types, etc.) and diagnoses based on the local materials of the Korean Peninsula are also presented for the field of applied entomology. © 2013.
  • Kazutaka Yamada, Tomohide Yasunaga, Taksin Artchawakom
    ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA MUSEI NATIONALIS PRAGAE 53(2) 493-504 2013年11月15日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Two species of the minute pirate bug genus Xylocoris Dufour, 1931 were found from plant debris on the ground in central Thailand: Xylocoris (Arrostelus) ampoli Yamada & Yasunaga sp. nov., showing wing dimorphism, and X (Proxylocoris) cerealis Yamada & Yasunaga, 2006, previously known only from the rice mill factories. A finding of X ampoli Yamada & Yasunaga sp. nov. represents the second discovery of the subgenus Arrostelus Kirkaldy, 1906 in the Oriental Region. Biology and zoogeography of Arrostelus are discussed and a key to the species occurring in the Oriental Region is also provided.
  • 山田量崇, 中山恒友
    日本応用動物昆虫学会誌 57(3) 185-189 2013年11月7日  査読有り
  • Tomohide Yasunaga, Kazutaka Yamada, Taksin Artchawakom
    ZOOTAXA 3701(5) 596-599 2013年8月  査読有り
  • Tomohide Yasunaga, Kazutaka Yamada, Taksin Artchawakom
    ZOOTAXA 3647(3) 429-442 2013年5月  査読有り
    New or little known genera and species of the phyline plant bug tribe Hallodapini are documented. The genus Acrorrhinium Noualhier is reported from Thailand for the first time and diagnosed. Three new species, Acrorrhinium kranion, A. lancialium and A. tritonion, are described. The immature forms are confirmed for A. lancialium (5th instar) and A. tritonion (4th instar); the latter species was found to be associated with Hibiscus tiliaceus L. The little known hallodapines in Asia, Alloeomimus muiri Schuh and Clapmarius thailandana Schuh, are also diagnosed. An annotated check list of the Hallodapini in Thailand and color digital images in life for all currently known Thai species are provided. Hallodapus brunneus (Poppius) is reported from the Oriental Region for the first time.
  • Tomohide Yasunaga, Kazutaka Yamada, Taksin Artchawakom
    Zootaxa 3599(2) 197-200 2013年  査読有り
  • Kazutaka Yamada, Tomohide Yasunaga, Toshihide Ichikawa
    ZOOTAXA 3525(3525) 65-74 2012年10月24日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    A new species of the family Lyctocoridae, Lyctocoris ichikawai Yamada & Yasunaga sp. nov., is described from Shikoku and Kyushu, southwestern Japan. The species was found to inhabit near the sap-exuding parts on the trunk of Sawtooth Oak, Quercus acutissima Carruth. (Fagaceae). Lyctocoris ichikawai is considered to be most closely related to L. zhangi Bu & Zheng, 2001 from continental China and L. variegatus Pericart, 1969 from the Caucasus. The unique biology of the new species, including its habitat use, feeding activities, and phenology, is documented and discussed. A key is provided to distinguish among the three Japanese species of Lyctocoris.
  • Kazutaka Yamada, Tadashi Ishikawa
    Species Diversity 16 93-101 2011年11月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Kazutaka Yamada, K. Bindu, A. Nasreem, M. Nasser
    ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA MUSEI NATIONALIS PRAGAE 51(1) 1-10 2011年6月30日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    A new flower bug, Montandoniola indica Yamada, sp. nov., is described on the basis of specimens collected in Kerala State, southern India. It is an efficient predator of gall-forming thrips, Liothrips karnyi Bagnall, 1924 (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae), infesting black-pepper leaves. Montandoniola indica Yamada, sp. nov. is distinguished from its related species, M. thripodes Bergroth, 1916, by slightly sinuate flagellum approximately twice as long as cone and by the copulatory tube apex exceeding the anterior margin of sternum VII. Biology of this new species and identity of Indian species of Montandoniola Poppius, 1909 are discussed.
  • Sunghoon Jung, Kazutaka Yamada, Seunghwan Lee
    ZOOTAXA 2766(2766) 64-68 2011年2月  査読有り
    One new species of flower bug, Scoloposcelis koreanus Jung & Yamada, sp. nov., that inhabits shiitake mushroom farms, is described from Gangwon-do Province, South Korea. Diagnosis, description and biological notes of the new species are presented, along with a key to the species of Scolopocelis from the Palaearctic Region.
  • Kazutaka Yamada, Chandish R. Ballal, Tripti Gupta, Janakiraman Poorani
    ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA MUSEI NATIONALIS PRAGAE 50(2) 415-424 2010年12月15日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Anthocoris muraleedharani Yamada, sp. nov. is described from Karnataka State, southern India, and is distinguished from its allies, A. dividens Bu & Zheng, 2001 and A. miyamotoi Hiura, 1959, by the coloration of hemelytra and legs and structure of male genitalia. Anthocoris muraleedharani Yamada, sp. nov. feeds on striped mealybug, Ferrisia virgata (Cockerell, 1893) (Coccomorpha: Pseudococcidae), which attacks purple orchid tree, Bauhinia purpurea Linnaeus (Fabaceae). Biology of the new bug is briefly discussed. A key to the Indian species of Anthocoris Fallen, 1814 is also given.
  • Sunghoon Jung, Hyojoong Kim, Kazutaka Yamada, Seunghwan Lee
    MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION 57(3) 1173-1183 2010年12月  査読有り
    We performed a molecular phylogenetic study of the Anthocoridae, the flower bugs, based on maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony, and Bayesian analyses of similar to 3000 base pairs (bp) of DNA sequence from the mitochondrial 16S rRNA and nuclear 18S rRNA and 28S rRNA genes for 44 taxa. Our phylogenetic analyses indicates that (i) the tribe Cardiastethini (Dufouriellini) could be a paraphyletic group, as the genera Amphiareus and Dysepicritus are not included in the tribe; (ii) the main subgroups, Oriini and Anthocorini, are monophyletic within Anthocoridae; (iii) three tribes of Blaptostethini, Xylocorini, and Scolopini are separated from the main anthocorid clade which is composed of Anthocorini, Cardiastethini, and Oriini, suggesting that Anthocoridae could not be monophyletic. We compared our molecular phylogeny to previous hypotheses of evolutionary relationships within Cimicoidea based on different anthocorid classification systems using alternative hypothesis tests (Kishino-Hasegawa and Shimodaira-Hasegawa tests). BayesTraits were used to examine the ancestral character states inferring historical habitat patterns of the Anthocoridae. Reconstruction of the ancestral habitat patterns of the Anthocoridae suggests that dead plants may have served as an important habitat for the common ancestor of anthocorids. The biological events such as diversification of angiosperms and anthocorid prey might have provided anthocorids with more habitat options, such as living plants; thereafter, Anthocorini and Amphiareus appeared to have evolved increasingly specialized habitat relationships. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Kazutaka Yamada, Tomohide Yasunaga, Taksin Artchawakom
    Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 153(2) 203-211 2010年12月1日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    The flower bug genus Wollastoniella Reuter, 1884 is reviewed, on the basis of the specimens recently collected in central Thailand. Wollastoniella dichroma is described as new. Two species previously recorded from Thailand, W. rotunda Yasunaga &amp Miyamoto, 1993 and W. parvicuneis Yasunaga, 1995, are diagnosed and supplementary descriptions and illustrations of the female genitalia are provided. A key to the three species from Thailand is given.
  • Kazutaka Yamada, Tomohide Yasunaga, Syoiti Miyamoto
    ZOOTAXA 2530(2530) 19-28 2010年7月8日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    The flower bug genus Montandoniola Poppius, 1909 of Japan, which previously was represented by a single species, is herein reviewed. Three species are recognized. A new species, M. kerzhneri sp. nov., is described from Iriomote Island of the Ryukyus. Montandoniola thripodes Bergroth, 1916 is recorded from Japan for the first time. Montandoniola thripodes and M. pictipennis (Esaki, 1931) are diagnosed, with detailed descriptions and illustrations of the male and female genitalia. Digital images of the habitus and external characters are provided for all species. Biological notes on M. thripodes and M. pictipennis and a key to the Japanese species are also given.
  • Kazutaka Yamada, Bindu, K, Nasser, M
    Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 112(3) 464-472 2010年7月1日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    The recently established genus Rajburicoris Carpintero and Dellape, 2008 is recorded from India for the first time based on a new species, R. keralanus Yamada, collected from Kerala State. This new species feeds on Liothrips karnyi, which infests black pepper leaves and forms leaf-curl galls. It differs from R. stysi Carpintero and Dellape 2008 by the labium reaching middle of mesosternum, the ostiolar peritreme weakly curving anteriorly before strongly recurving posteriorly at apex, and the omphalus basally widened and gradually more slender apicad. Biological information of the new species is provided. The genus is redefined based on the following autapomorphies: 1) pygophore with an irregular, small parameroid along left edge; 2) paramere strongly curved, very long, basally widened, and gradually narrowed toward apex; and 3) omphalus extremely long and circularly curved.
  • Tomohide Yasunaga, Kazutaka Yamada, Taksin Artchawakom
    Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 153(1) 91-98 2010年6月1日  査読有り
    The plant bug subfamily Psallopinae Schuh is reported from Thailand, or continental Southeast Asia, for the first time. Tw o new species of the genus Psallops Usinger, 1946, P. fulvioides and P. sakaerat, are described from northeastern Thailand. The detailed habit and immature forms are described for P. fulvioides. The discovery also represents the first record of the immature stages for the subfamily. Habitus images of these new species are provided.













