
土川 忠浩

ツチカワ タダヒロ  (Tadahiro Tsuchikawa)


兵庫県立大学 環境人間学部 教授




  • 堀越 哲美, 今西 貴美, 加藤 里実, 近藤 恵美, 土川 忠浩
    愛知産業大学造形学研究所報 (20) 7-16 2024年3月  
  • 渡邊慎一, 齊藤宏之, 土川忠浩, 佐古井智紀
    日本生気象学会雑誌 60(3・4) 55-65 2023年11月  査読有り最終著者
  • 岡田 仁, 岩田 三千子, 土川 忠浩, 西尾 幸一郎
    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集 (近畿) 2271-2274 2023年9月  
  • 土川忠浩, 近藤恵美
    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集(近畿) 2263-2266 2023年9月  筆頭著者
  • Yoshihito Kurazumi, Kenta Fukagawa, Tomonori Sakoi, Ken Yamashita, Akie Naito, Motoe Imai, Yoshiaki Yamato, Emi Kondo, Tadahiro Tsuchikawa
    European Journal of Applied Sciences 11(1) 2023年1月  査読有り最終著者
  • 土川 忠浩, 近藤 恵美, 藏澄 美仁
    第46回人間-生活環境系シンポジウム報告集 46 77-78 2022年12月  筆頭著者
  • Yoshihito Kurazumi, Kenta Fukagawa, Tomonori Sakoi, Ken Yamashita, Akie Naito, Motoe Imai, Yoshiaki Yamato, Emi Kondo, Tadahiro Tsuchikawa
    Heliyon 8(12) e12076 2022年12月  査読有り
    Infants have a low capacity to thermally adapt to their environment and so sufficient consideration must be given to their thermal environment. In investigating an infant's thermal environment, the purpose of this study is to clarify the heat transfer coefficient in natural convection for the posture of an infant in a stroller. The heat transfer coefficients were measured by means of using a thermal manikin. The experimental thermal environment conditions were set for eight cases, at: 16 °C, 18 °C, 20 °C, 22 °C, 24 °C, 26 °C, 28 °C, and 30 °C, and the air and wall surface temperatures were equalized, creating a homogeneous thermal environment. The air velocity (less than 0.2 m/s) and relative humidity (50%RH) were the same for each case. The surface temperature of each part of the thermal manikin was controlled to 34 °C. The difference between the mean surface temperature and air temperature (ΔT [K]) is the driving force for the heat transfer coefficient in natural convection for the posture of an infant in a stroller (hc [W/(m2·K)]). We propose the use of the empirical formula hc = 2.16 ΔT 0.23. The formula of the convective heat transfer coefficient in natural convection of this study can be applied to infants up to about 3 years old.
  • 高柳幸奈, 土川忠浩, 近藤恵美
    令和4年度日本建築学会近畿支部研究報告集 62 25-28 2022年6月  責任著者
  • Yoshihito Kurazumi, Kenta Fukagawa, Tomonori Sakoi, Akie Naito, Motoe Imai, Reiko Hashimoto, Emi Kondo, Tadahiro Tsuchikawa
    Engineering 13(07) 372-387 2021年7月  査読有り
  • Yoshihito Kurazumi, Kenta Fukagawa, Tomonori Sakoi, Ken Yamashita, Akie Naito, Motoe Imai, Reiko Hashimoto, Emi Kondo, Tadahiro Tsuchikawa
    Health 13 955-974 2021年  査読有り
  • Yoshihito Kurazumi, Kenta Fukagawa, Tomonori Sakoi, Akie Naito, Reiko Hashimoto, Emi Kondo, Tadahiro Tsuchikawa
    Health (13) 378-392 2021年  査読有り
  • Yoshihito Kurazumi, Emi Kondo, Kenta Fukagawa, Yoshiaki Yamato, Kunihito Tobita, Tadahiro Tsuchikawa
    E3S Web of Conferences 111 2019年8月13日  
    The purpose of this paper is to clarify the relationship between the physiological and psychological responses of the human body and the outdoor environment evaluation index ETFe (enhanced conduction-corrected modified effective temperature). The experiments were carried out in summer. For the measurements, observation points were selected with consideration for the condition of the ground surface such as bare ground where the surface is gravel or soil; paved ground such as concrete, asphalt or blocks; green areas covered in plants and water surfaces and with consideration for the condition of the sky factor due to buildings or trees. 19 observation points were chosen. Subjects were 38 healthy young. ETFe that was considered to report neither hot nor cold, thermally neutral sensation, was 30.6°C. ETFe that was considered to report neither comfortable nor uncomfortable comfort was 35.5°C. It was considered that the threshold for the human body with regards to thermal environment stimuli in an outdoor space is higher than the thermal environment stimuli in a summer indoor space.
  • 楠見茉耶, 梁瀬美佳, 服部託夢, 竹内道広, 土川忠浩
    電気学会論文誌 C 137(7) 910-911 2017年  査読有り
  • Yoshihito Kurazumi, Emi Kondo, Kenta Fukagawa, Reiko Hashimoto, Tomonori Sakoi, Tadahiro Tsuchikawa
    Healthy Buildings Europe 2017 2017年  
    The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of overall stimuli of the cerebrum on the indoor thermal environmental index ETF and to prove the significance of actively placing visual stimuli in spaces where subjects deem slightly uncomfortable. The experiments were conducted in a thermal environment deemed slightly uncomfortable. Thermal environmental conditions were set at three different temperatures: 25ºC, 28ºC and 31ºC; wall surface temperatures were set to equal these temperatures. Subjects were asked to sit on a chair quietly for the experiments. The visual stimuli consisted of seven different types of office desktop scenery including foliage plants which were baby tears, moss ball, benjamin tree, pothos, oxycardium, cactus and none foliage plant. In ranges as neither hot nor cold neutral thermal sensation with the ETF at around 27-29ºC, improvements in thermal sense resulting from visual stimuli of foliage plants, pothos, moss ball, baby tears, oxycardium, were indicated.
  • Yoshihito Kurazumi, Emi Kondo, Kenta Fukagawa, Reiko Hashimoto, Agnes Nyilas, Tomonori Sakoi, Tadahiro Tsuchikawa
    Health 9(4) 601-621 2016年  査読有り
  • Yoshihito Kurazumi, Emi Kondo, Kenta Fukagawa, Reiko Hashimoto, Yoshiaki Yamato, Kunihito Tobita, Tomonori Sakoi, Tadahiro Tsuchikawa, Tetsumi Horikoshi
    Health 8(6) 583-604 2016年  査読有り
  • Yoshihito Kurazumi, Jin Ishii, Emi Kondo, Kenta Fukagawa, Zhecho Dimitrov Bolashikov, Tomonori Sakoi, Tadahiro Tsuchikawa, Naoki Matsubara, Tetsumi Horikoshi
    The influence of short wave solar radiation appears to be strong outdoors in summer, and the influence of airflow appears to be strong outdoors in winter. The purpose of this paper was to clarify the influence of the outdoor environment on young Japanese females. This research shows the relationship between the physiological and psychological responses of humans and the enhanced conduction-corrected modified effective temperature (ETFe). Subjective experiments were conducted in an outdoor environment. Subjects were exposed to the thermal environment in a standing posture. Air temperature, humidity, air velocity, short wave solar radiation, long wave radiation, ground surface temperature, sky factor, and the green solid angle were measured. The temperatures of skin exposed to the atmosphere and in contact with the ground were measured. Thermal sensation and thermal comfort were measured by means of rating the whole-body thermal sensation (cold-hot) and the whole body thermal comfort (comfortable-uncomfortable) on a linear scale. Linear rating scales are given for the hot (100) and cold (0), and comfortable (100) and uncomfortable (0) directions only. Arbitrary values of 0 and 100 were assigned to each endpoint, the reported values read in, and the entire length converted into a numerical value with an arbitrary scale of 100 to give a linear rating scale. The ETFe considered to report a neither hot nor cold, thermally neutral sensation of 50 was 35.9 A degrees C, with 32.3 A degrees C and 42.9 A degrees C, respectively, corresponding to the low and high temperature ends of the ETFe considered to report a neither comfortable nor uncomfortable comfort value of 50. The mean skin temperature considered to report a neither hot nor cold, thermally neutral sensation of 50 was 33.3 A degrees C, with 31.0 A degrees C and 34.3 A degrees C, respectively, corresponding to the low and high temperature ends of the mean skin temperature considered to report a neither comfortable nor uncomfortable comfort value of 50. The acceptability raised the mean skin temperature even for thermal environment conditions in which ETFe was high.
  • Yoshihito Kurazumi, Emi Kondo, Jin Ishii, Tomonori Sakoi, Kenta Fukagawa, Zhecho Dimitrov Bolashikov, Tadahiro Tsuchikawa, Naoki Matsubara, Tetsumi Horikoshi
    Journal of Environmental and Public Health 2013 2013年  
    In order to manage the outdoor thermal environment with regard to human health and the environmental impact of waste heat, quantitative evaluations are indispensable. It is necessary to use a thermal environment evaluation index. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the relationship between the psychological thermal responses of the human body and winter outdoor thermal environment variables. Subjective experiments were conducted in the winter outdoor environment. Environmental factors and human psychological responses were measured. The relationship between the psychological thermal responses of the human body and the outdoor thermal environment index ETFe (enhanced conduction-corrected modified effective temperature) in winter was shown. The variables which influence the thermal sensation vote of the human body are air temperature, long-wave thermal radiation and short-wave solar radiation. The variables that influence the thermal comfort vote of the human body are air temperature, humidity, short-wave solar radiation, long-wave thermal radiation, and heat conduction. Short-wave solar radiation, and heat conduction are among the winter outdoor thermal environment variables that affect psychological responses to heat. The use of thermal environment evaluation indices that comprise short-wave solar radiation and heat conduction in winter outdoor spaces is a valid approach. © 2013 Yoshihito Kurazumi et al.
  • 藏澄美仁, 土川忠浩, 大和義昭, 佐古井智紀, Z.D. Bolashikov, 近藤恵美, 深川健太, 飛田国人, 松原斎樹, 堀越哲美
    人間と生活環境 20(1) 51-61 2013年  査読有り
  • 藏澄美仁, 土川忠浩, 近藤恵美, 石井仁, 深川健太, 大和義昭, 飛田国人, 安藤由佳, 松原斎樹, 堀越哲美
    人間と生活環境 19(2) 115-127 2012年  査読有り
  • 藏澄美仁, 松原斎樹, 土川忠浩, 近藤恵美, 石井仁, 深川健太, 安藤由佳, 大和義昭, 飛田国人, 堀越哲美
    日本生気象学会雑誌 48(4) 129-144 2011年12月  査読有り
  • Yoshihito Kurazumi, Tadahiro Tsuchikawa, Naoki Matsubara, Emi Kondo, Tetsumi Horikoshi
    ENERGY AND BUILDINGS 43(10) 2926-2938 2011年10月  査読有り
    The purpose of this paper is made to clarify that the relationship between the human physiological and psychological responses and the enhanced conduction-corrected modified effective temperature ETFe as the outdoor thermal environment evaluation index upon the human body. Environmental factors and human physiological and psychological responses were measured. It was made clear that the variables by which summer outdoor environmental factors influence the thermal sensation vote are heat conduction, humidity and short-wave solar radiation. The variables that affect the thermal comfort vote are air velocity, heat conduction and humidity. ETFe, into which the environmental factors that are the variables for human response are incorporated, showed good correspondence with the thermal sensation vote. Similarly, ETFe has a good correspondence with thermal comfort vote. The usage of ETFe as a thermal environment evaluation index for summer outdoor spaces is valid. The threshold for the human body with regards to thermal environment stimuli in an outdoor space is higher than the thermal environment stimuli in a summer indoor space. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • 石井仁, 土川忠浩, 深川健太, 大和義昭, 藏澄美仁
    人間と生活環境 18(1) 37-42 2011年5月  査読有り
  • Yoshihito Kurazumi, Kenta Fukagawa, Yoshiaki Yamato, Kunihito Tobita, Emi Kondo, Tadahiro Tsuchikawa, Tetsumi Horikoshi, Naoki Matsubara
    BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT 46(1) 12-21 2011年1月  査読有り
    This paper aims to clarify the handling technique of the solar radiation in an element of the thermal environment evaluation indices and to add expansions and improvements to conduction-corrected modified effective temperature ETF (Kurazumi et al., 2009) that can quantify the comprehensive effect on sensational and physiological sense and the effect of individual meteorological elements on the same evaluation axis applicable to an outdoor environment. Mean radiant temperature and radiant heat transfer coefficient of the outdoor space was defined. Enhanced conduction-corrected modified effective temperature ETFe that is ETF including short-wave solar radiation in outdoor space was defined. This sensational and physiological climatic environment index can make temperature convert each effect of difference in posture; air velocity; long-wave radiation in the outdoor space; short-wave solar radiation; contact surface temperature and humidity into individual meteorological elements. The addition of each temperature-converted factor is possible and quantifying the composite effect on sensational and physiological sense in the outdoor spaces as well as the discrete effect of each meteorological element is possible on the same evaluation axis. Consequently, it is possible to make the climate modification effects due to tree shade and areas of water that improve the urban thermal environment quantitatively explicit. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Yoshihito Kurazumi, Tadahiro Tsuchikawa, Emi Kondo, Tetsumi Horikoshi, Naoki Matsubara
    Energy and Buildings 42(4) 441-448 2010年4月  査読有り
    In living spaces, people sit or lie on the floor and adopt a posture in which much of the surface of the body is in contact with the floor. When the temperature of the spatial structure or the surface temperature of an object in contact with the human body is not equivalent to the air temperature, these effects are non-negligible. Most research examining the physiological and psychological responses of the human body has involved subjects sitting in chairs. Research that takes into account body heat balance and assessments of thermal conduction into the environment is uncommon. Thus, in this study, conduction-corrected modified effective temperature (ETF), which is a new thermal environmental index incorporating heat conduction, is defined in order to make possible the evaluation of thermal environments that take into account different postures. This sensational temperature index converts the effects of the following parameters into a temperature equivalent: air velocity, thermal radiation, contact material surface temperature and humidity. This index has the features of a summation formula. Through the use of these parameters, it is possible to represent and quantify their composite influence on bodily sensation and the effects of discrete meteorological elements through an evaluation on an identical axis. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Yoshihito Kurazumi, Tadahiro Tsuchikawa, Jin Ishii, Kenta Fukagawa, Yoshiaki Yamato, Naoki Matsubara
    BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT 43(12) 2142-2153 2008年12月  査読有り
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the convective and radiative heat transfer coefficients of the human body, while focusing on the convective heat transfer area of the human body. Thermal sensors directly measuring the total heat flux and radiative heat flux were employed. The mannequin was placed in seven postures as follows: standing (exposed to the atmosphere, floor contact); chair sitting (exposed to the atmosphere, contact with seat, chair back, and floor); cross-legged sitting (floor contact); legs-out sitting (floor contact); and supine (floor contact). The radiative heat transfer coefficient was determined for each posture, and empirical formulas were proposed for the convective heat transfer coefficient of the entire human body tinder natural convection, driven by the difference between the air temperature and mean skin temperature corrected using the convective heat transfer area. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Yoshihito Kurazumi, Tadahiro Tsuchikawa, Naoki Matsubara, Tetsumi Horikoshi
    Building and Environment 43(10) 1555-1565 2008年10月  査読有り
    The purpose of this paper is to measure the heat transfer areas of the human body and to examine the effect of posture on these values, which is necessary data for calculating heat exchange between the human body and its environment. The total surface area of a subject's body was measured directly. Then, the convective heat transfer area, radiative heat transfer area and conductive heat transfer area were measured for the same subject in 9 postures: standing, chair sitting, seiza sitting, cross-legged sitting, sideways sitting, both-knees-erect sitting, legs-out sitting, lateral position and supine. The ratios of the radiative heat transfer area, convective heat transfer area ratio and conductive heat transfer area to body surface area were as follows: Standing, 0.942, 0.773, 0.013 chair sitting, 0.910, 0.732, 0.008 seiza sitting, 0.853, 0.621, 0.013 cross-legged sitting, 0.843, 0.606, 0.029 sideways sitting, 0.877, 0.634, 0.030 both-knees-erect sitting, 0.865, 0.609, 0.023 legs-out sitting, 0.878, 0.686, 0.038 lateral position, 0.879, 0.712, 0.039 and supine, 0.811, 0.708, 0.100. Posture was shown to have a noticeable effect on the heat transfer areas of the human body. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 坂本英彦, 松原斎樹, 藏澄美仁, 合掌顕, 土川忠浩
    日本建築学会計画系論文集 (615) 9-14 2007年5月30日  査読有り
  • 藏澄 美仁, 土川 忠浩, 松原 斎樹, 小林 和幸
    空気調和・衛生工学会論文集 31(114) 51-60 2006年9月  査読有り
  • 藏澄 美仁, 土川 忠浩, 鳥居 孝行, 九手 貴行, 山下 千華, 松原 斎樹, 堀越 哲美
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 70(598) 31-36 2005年  
    The purpose of this paper is to offer the specific data for calculating the amount of heat exchange between the human body and environments by radiative heat transfer. The total body surface area was measured. Radiative heat transfer areas of the naked human body for the following nine body postures were measured: standing, chair sitting, seiza sitting, cross-legged sitting, sideway sitting, both-knees-erect sitting, leg-out sitting, lateral and supine postures. The results showed that the radiative heat transfer area of the naked human body in the standing posture was 0.773, the chair sitting posture was 0.732, the seiza sitting posture was 0.621, the cross-legged sitting posture was 0.606, the sideway sitting posture was 0.634, the both-knees-erect sitting posture was 0.609, the leg-out sitting posture was 0.686, the lateral posture was 0.712 and the supine posture was 0.708. The radiative heat transfer areas of the naked human body showed clearly that it is strongly influenced in the postures.
  • Yoshihito Kurazumi, Tadahiro Tsuchikawa, Naoki Matsubara, Tetsumi Horikoshi
    European Journal of Applied Physiology 93(3) 273-285 2004年12月  査読有り
    In order to clarify the heat transfer area involved in convective heat exchange for the human body, the total body surface area of six healthy subjects was measured, and the non-convective heat transfer area and floor and chair contact areas for the following nine common body positions were measured: Standing, sitting on a chair, sitting in the seiza position, sitting cross-legged, sitting sideways, sitting with both knees erect, sitting with a leg out, and the lateral and supine positions. The main non-convective heat transfer areas were: The armpits (contact between the upper arm and trunk regions), contact between the two legs, contacts between the fingers and toes, and contact between the hands and the body surface. Also, when sitting on the floor with some degree of leg contact (sitting in the seiza position, cross-legged, or sideways), there was a large non-convective heat transfer area on the thighs and legs. Even when standing or sitting in a chair, about 6-8% of the body surface did not transfer heat by convection. The results showed that the effective thermal convective area factor for the naked whole body in the standing position was 0.942. While sitting in a chair this factor was 0.860, while sitting in a chair but excluding the chair contact area it was 0.918, when sitting in the seiza position 0.818, when sitting cross-legged 0.843, in the sideways sitting position 0.855, when sitting with both knees erect 0.887, in the leg-out sitting position 0.906, while in the lateral position it was 0.877 and the supine position 0.844. For all body positions, the effective thermal convective area factor was greater than the effective thermal radiation area factor, but smaller than the total body surface area. © Springer-Verlag 2004.
  • 藏澄 美仁, 土川 忠浩, 角谷 孝一郎, 大和 義昭, 鳥居 孝行, 松原 斎樹, 堀越 哲美
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 69(585) 19-26 2004年11月  査読有り
    In order to accurately quantify convective heat exchange between the human body and the surrounding environment, it is necessary to clarify convective heat transfer areas before calculating mean skin temperature. In other words, when determining mean skin temperature, we must only consider convective heat transfer areas. The purpose of this study is to establish a technique for calculating mean skin temperature that takes this into account. The total body surface area of six healthy subjects was measured. Non-convective heat transfer areas and areas in contact with the floor were also measured for the each of following seven common body positions : seiza sitting, cross-legged sitting, sideway sitting, both-knees-erect sitting, leg-out sitting, lateral and supine positions. The results showed that the main non-convective heat transfer areas were the armpits, areas of contact between the legs, areas of contact among the fingers and toes, and areas of contact between the hands and the body surface. When sitting on the floor with some degree of leg contact (seiza sitting, cross-legged sitting and sideway sitting positions), there were large non-convective heat transfer areas on the thighs and legs. We have proposed weighting coefficients for taking into account convective heat transfer area when calculating mean skin temperature.
  • 鳥居 孝行, 藏澄 美仁, 土川 忠浩, 大和 義昭, 松原 斎樹
    人間と生活環境 10(2) 94-100 2003年11月  査読有り
  • 藏澄 美仁, 土川 忠浩, 角谷 孝一郎, 鳥居 孝行, 松原 斎樹, 堀越 哲美
    日本生気象学会雑誌 39(4) 101-106 2003年2月  査読有り
    藏澄らは日本人の体格や体型の変化に着目し,身長と体重を構成要素とした人体の体表面積算出式(藏澄ほか, 1994)を提案したが,実測をしてから約10年が経過した.人体はさまざまな要因により変化を続けているが,藏澄らの人体の体表面積算出式が約10年を経た今日の日本人の成人へも適用可能かの検討をおこなった.健康な成人男女6名を被験者として人体の体表面積を実測し,実測結果と体表面積算出値とを比較した.DuBoisの算出式と藤本・渡辺らの算出式については,算出値と実測値との間には有意な差が示され,その使用には注意する必要があることを明らかにした.一方,藏澄らの算出式と藏澄らの男性の算出式,藏澄らの女性の算出式については,算出値と実測値との間の差は有意ではなく,実測値と適合することを確認した.<br>
  • 藏澄 美仁, 土川 忠浩, 角谷 孝一郎, 鳥居 孝行, 松原 斎樹, 堀越 哲美
    日本生気象学会雑誌 39(3) S52 2002年10月  査読有り
  • 垣鍔 直, 飯島 祥二, 稲垣 卓造, 鈴木 建次, 土川 忠浩, 堀越 哲美, 松原 斎樹, 光田 恵, 山岸 明浩
    日本生理人類学会誌 3(4) 169-184 1998年  
    The research group called PADEE(Physio-Anthropologieal Dwelling Environment Evaluation)have put a continuing effort to establish the methodology on how to evaluate living environment since it was organized in 1995. As part of research activities of PADEE, the current members decided to write a preview on the related study with a brief introduction of the important papers. Although the present report may not cover every study on the related areas, we hope it could be of great help for young scientists who would initiate his/her study in relation to evaluation of living environment.
  • 蔵澄美仁, 松原斎樹, 鳴海大典, 長野和雄, 土川忠浩, 堀越哲美
    日本生気象学会雑誌 35(1) 35-44 1998年  査読有り
  • 垣鍔 直, 鈴木 健次, 土川 忠浩, 堀越 哲美
    日本建築学会計画系論文集 62(493) 85-91 1997年  
    A human calorimeter may have advantages in the estimation of body heat exchange and the rate of body heat storage in favor of the direct measurement of heat loss or gain from the human body. In this study, the human calorimeter is described that allows for precise measurement of local heat loss from forearm, trunk, thigh, calf and head. Thirty eight experiments were performed on nine male and ten female subjects. During each experiment, heat production was calculated from continuously measured oxygen consumption. Tympanic and skin temperatures were also continuously measured. Subject's body composition was assessed to provide percent body fat and adiposity. The rates of body heat storage measured showed a better correlation with those calculated from authors' equation incorporating body composition as compared with the conventional equation. In addition, heat loss was found to be dependent on insulation of adipose tissues when no sweat and shivering were induced.
  • 藏 澄美仁, 堀越 哲美, 土川 忠浩, 松原 斎樹
    日本生気象学会雑誌 32(3) S25 1995年10月27日  
  • 藏澄 美仁, 堀越 哲美, 土川 忠浩, 松原 斎樹
    日本生気象学会雑誌 31(1) 5-29 1994年  
    日本人の体表面積の現状を把握するために, 45人の青年の体表面積を実測し比較・検討を行った.実測は, 体表解剖学上の区分に従って区分された区域毎に, 直接非伸縮性の粘着テープを貼付することで行った.その結果, 1) 性別による体表区分面積の間に有意な差が認められた.また, 同様に体型別による体表区分面積の間にも有意な差が確認された.2) 体表面積算出式の根拠となっているDuBoisら, 高比良, 藤本・渡邊らの行った実測値と本実測値との間に有意な差が認められた.3) 身長や体重といった身体諸値の一要因による体表面積の推定値は, 身長と体重の両方を構成要素とする算出値に比べ, 実測値との偏差が大きくなる傾向がある.4) 実測の結果より, 現在の日本人に最も適合性のある体表面積の算出式として, S=100.315W0.383H0.693を提案した.また, 日本人に対してDuBoisの体表面積算出式の定数項を修正した結果, S=72.18W0.425H0.725を提案した.
  • Hidekado Ishigaki, Tetsumi Horikoshi, Tomoki Uematsu, Masato Sahashi, Tadahiro Tsuchikawa, Tohru Mochida, Tetsuya Hieda, Norio Isoda, Hiroko Kubo
    Journal of Thermal Biology 18(5-6) 455-458 1993年  査読有り
    1. 1. The convective heat transfer coefficient of the human body is essential to predict convective heat loss from the body. 2. 2. The object of this paper is to calculate the convective heat transfer coefficient of the human body using heat flow meters and to estimate the thermally equivalent sphere and cylinder to the human body. 3. 3. The experimental formulae of the convective heat transfer coefficient for the whole body were obtained by regression analysis for natural, forced and mixed convection. 4. 4. Diameters of the thermally equivalent sphere and cylinder of the human body were calculated as 12.9 and 12.2 cm, respectively. © 1993.













