Akira Takeuchi, Junqiang Wang, Na Chen, Wei Zhang, Yoshihiko Yokoyama, Kunio Yubuta
TMS 2013: 142nd Annual Meeting & Exhibition 2013年3月3日 招待有り
March 6, 2013
Room: 203B
Location: Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center
10:40 AM Invited
High-Entropy Glassy Alloys Designed from Ti2Ni Structure Using Digitalized Crystallographic Database : Akira Takeuchi1; Junqiang Wang1; Na Chen1; Wei Zhang2; Yoshihiko Yokoyama2; Kunio Yubuta2; 1WPI-Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University; 2Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
High-entropy (H-E) alloys in a glassy phase were designed by referring to a digitalized crystallographic database. The present study focuses on a Ti2Ni structure, which is widely-accepted as a corresponding crystalline structure to Zr-based bulk metallic glasses. Searching the Ti2Ni structure with Pearson's crystallographic database in CD-ROM version indicated that AuZr1.5Al0.5 is a prototypical ternary compound and is a candidate for multicomponent H-E alloy. A strategy of equi-atomic alloy design inherent to H-E alloys makes it possible to regard the AuZr1.5Al0.5 alloy as Au2TiZrHfAl alloy. Further equi-atomic replacements of Au with the elements from novel metals enable us to regard AuPtTiZrHfAl, AuPdTiZrHfAl and AuAgTiZrHfAl H-E alloys as candidates for H-E glassy alloys. These