
川崎 優子

カワサキ ユウコ  (Yuko Kawasaki)


兵庫県立大学 看護学部 教授

兵庫県立大学 看護学部




  • Mitsue Maru, Yuko Kawasaki
    5(1) e067 2025年1月  査読有り
  • Yuri Matsubara, Yosikazu Nakamura, Yoshiko Nakayama, Tomonori Yano, Hideki Ishikawa, Hideki Kumagai, Junji Umeno, Keiichi Uchida, Keisuke Jimbo, Toshiki Yamamoto, Hideyuki Ishida, Okihide Suzuki, Koichi Okamoto, Fumihiko Kakuta, Yuhki Koike, Yuko Kawasaki, Hirotsugu Sakamoto
    Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 2024年12月2日  
    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) and juvenile polyposis syndrome (JPS) are autosomal dominant diseases associated with high cancer risk. In Japan, knowledge about the prevalence and incidence of PJS and JPS is lacking despite being crucial for providing appropriate medical support. We aimed to determine the prevalence and incidence of these diseases. METHODS: In 2022, a nationwide questionnaire survey was conducted to determine the number of patients with PJS or JPS by sex and the number of newly confirmed cases from 2019 to 2021. The target facilities included gastroenterology, pediatrics, and pediatric surgery departments, which were stratified into seven classes on the basis of the total number of beds. We randomly selected target facilities using different extraction rates in each class, resulting in 1748/2912 facilities (extraction rate: 60%) as the final sample. We calculated the estimated number of patients using the response and extraction rates. RESULTS: A total of 1077 facilities responded to the survey. The estimated numbers of patients with PJS and JPS were 701 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 581-820) and 188 (95% CI: 147-230), respectively. The 3-year period prevalences of PJS and JPS were 0.6/100000 and 0.15/100000, whereas the incidences in 2021 were 0.07/100000 and 0.02/100000, respectively. Male patients constituted 53.5% and 59.6% in the PJS and JPS groups, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: We determined the prevalence and incidence of PJS and JPS in Japan for the first time. Further research is needed to obtain more detailed information, including the clinical differences and outcomes in Japan.
  • Yuko Kawasaki, Tamotsu Sudo, Kazuo Tamura, Saki Hinoshita, Kayoko Hasuoka, Satoko Miyawaki, Nao Matsutani, Akira Hirasawa, Atsuko Uchinuno
    Clinics and practice 14(5) 2105-2115 2024年10月12日  
    (1) Background: The number of patients with cancer undergoing cancer genome profiling is increasing; however, it remains unclear how accurately they understand the details of the tests and treatments. This study aimed to clarify the awareness of cancer genome profiling tests among patients with cancer who visited cancer genome medical clinics. (2) Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted on awareness, anxiety, sources of information, and psychological states concerning cancer genome profiling tests. (3) Results: In total, 265 patients with cancer (117 men, 142 women, 6 no response, average age of 58.29 ± 11.9 years) were included in the study, of which 218 (82.3%) were aware of the term "cancer genomic medicine" and 90 (34.0%) were aware of its details. Thus, only a few respondents understood that cancer genome profiling tests facilitate the discovery of secondary findings and of genes associated with hereditary tumors. Regarding their psychological state when visiting the cancer genome clinic, the respondents were anxious about standard treatment and prognosis limits. (4) Conclusions: From the viewpoint of advance care planning, we suggest that medical professionals build a support system that links palliative care and cancer treatment and coordinates genetic counseling at an early stage.
  • 石田 秀行, 山口 達郎, 田辺 記子, 母里 淑子, 吉田 玲子, 平沢 晃, 隈元 謙介, 吉田 輝彦, 中島 健, 川崎 優子, 下平 秀樹, 中山 佳子, 石川 秀樹, 青木 大輔
    日本癌治療学会学術集会抄録集 62回 CCSY1-3 2024年10月  
  • Yuko Kawasaki, Manab Nii, Eina Nishioka
    Healthcare informatics research 30(4) 364-374 2024年10月  
    OBJECTIVES: This study was performed to examine the content of decision-making support and patient responses, as documented in the nursing records of individuals with cancer. These patients had received outpatient treatment at hospitals that met government requirements for providing specialized cancer care. METHODS: Nursing records from the electronic medical record system (in the subjective, objective, assessment, and plan [SOAP] format), along with data from interviews, were extracted for patients receiving outpatient care at the Department of Internal Medicine and Palliative Care and the Department of Breast Oncology. Data analysis involved simple tabulation and text mining, utilizing KH Coder version 3.beta.07d. RESULTS: The study included 42 patients from palliative care internal medicine and 60 from breast oncology, with mean ages of 70.5 ± 12.2 and 55.8 ± 12.2 years, respectively. Decisions most frequently regarded palliative care unit admission (25 cases) and genetic testing (24 cases). The assessment category covered keywords including (1) "pain," "treatment," "future," "recuperation," and "home," as terms related to palliative care and internal medicine, as well as (2) "treatment," "relief," and "genetics" as terms related to breast oncology. The plan category incorporated keywords such as (1) "treatment," "relaxation," and "visit" and (2) "explanation," "confirmation," and "conveyance." CONCLUSIONS: Nurses appear crucial in evaluating patients' symptoms and treatment paths during the decision-making support process, helping them make informed choices about future treatments, care settings, and genetic testing. However, when patients cannot make a decision solely based on the information provided, clinicians must address complex psychological concepts such as disease progression and the potential genetic impact on their children. Further detailed observational studies of nurses' responses to patients' psychological reactions are warranted.


  • 日下 咲, 須藤 保, 川崎 優子
    日本がん看護学会誌 38 2024年3月  最終著者
  • 林 直子, 沖村 愛子, 小笠 美春, 鈴木 久美, 雄西 智恵美, 入澤 裕子, 内田 恵, 田代 真理, 遠藤 久美, 川崎 優子, 藤田 佐和, 渡邉 眞理, 日本がん看護学会令和4年度将来構想推進委員会
    日本がん看護学会誌 38 1-6 2024年1月  
  • 川崎 優子
    日本放射線看護学会誌 11(1) 26-28 2023年6月  
  • 川崎 優子
    日本遺伝カウンセリング学会誌 44(2) 69-69 2023年6月  
  • 今井 芳枝, 阿部 彰子, 村上 好恵, 武田 祐子, 川崎 優子, 板東 孝枝, 高橋 亜希, 井上 勇太, 阪本 朋香, 吉田 加奈子
    遺伝性腫瘍 22(3) 68-74 2023年2月  
    本研究は,遺伝性乳癌卵巣癌症候群(hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome;HBOC)と診断された乳癌罹患患者のリスク低減卵管卵巣摘出術(risk reducing birateral salpingo-oophorectomy;RRSO)後の思いを明らかにすることを目的とした.対象者は,HBOCと診断された乳癌罹患患者でRRSO後の20歳以上の成人患者12名とし,半構造化面接方法でデータ収集をした.結果,HBOCと診断された乳癌罹患患者のRRSO後の思いとして【がんという恐怖から解き放たれて安らいでいる】【タイミングがよかったので、手術を決心できた】【後続の人のために自分の手術経験を役立てる】【RRSOが終わった今だからこそ身内のがんに向き合う】【手術をしても自分の状態を思い煩う】【手術で卵巣を取り除いたことに負い目がある】の6つのカテゴリーが導き出された.HBOCと診断された乳癌罹患患者はRRSOの意義を十分に理解しており、RRSOは自身のがんのリスク低減だけではなく身内のためでもあり,HBOCの家系が関わる遺伝の特徴が見出されていた.一方で、RRSO後にも自分の身体状態に対して不安や心配などネガティブな心情を持ち続けていたことが示された.(著者抄録)







