
Yushi Utaka

  (宇高 雄志)

Profile Information

Professor, School of Human Science and Environment, University of Hyogo
博士(工学)(Mar, 1997)

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Yushi Utaka is working as Professor at the University of Hyogo. Before he joined the University of Hyogo in 2005, he taught at Hiroshima University for eight years.

Research interest is in Asian urbanism with a special focus on built environments and cultural diversity in Asia. He has been conducting field research in Southeast Asia for the past 30 years.

Yushi Utaka was researcher at University Science Malaysia in Penang State from 1995-1996 and 2001-2003, and at the National University of Singapore in 2001. He obtained his doctorate in engineering at Kyoto University in 1997, and has been awarded academic prizes from institutions, including the Architectural Institute of Japan and the Osaka and Nagoya City. Yushi Utaka has been teaching architecture and urban design subjects since 1997.

Currently, he is involved in heritage conservation and site management in Japan and the Asian region under the auspices of the authorities and international organizations. While joining these field projects spend time to think and write following areas past years around the cities in Asia.

1. Globalizing Heritage Conservation: Place, Society and Politics
2. Cultural Diversity and Multi-ethnic Built Environment
3. Reinventing Traditional Built Heritages, Cultural Landscapes and Community



Books and Other Publications


Teaching Experience


Social Activities


