
山端 直人

ヤマバタ ナオト  (naoto yamabata)


兵庫県立大学 自然・環境科学研究所 教授





  • 飯場 聡子, 山端 直人
    関東東海北陸農業経営研究 = Kantō Tōkai Hokuriku journal of farm management / 関東東海北陸農業経営研究会 編 (114) 11-20 2024年2月  
  • Wanyi Lee, Takashi Hayakawa, Mieko Kiyono, Naoto Yamabata, Hiroto Enari, Haruka S. Enari, Shiho Fujita, Tatsuro Kawazoe, Takayuki Asai, Toru Oi, Takashi Kondo, Takeharu Uno, Kentaro Seki, Masaki Shimada, Yamato Tsuji, Abdullah Langgeng, Andrew MacIntosh, Katsuya Suzuki, Kazunori Yamada, Kenji Onishi, Masataka Ueno, Kentaro Kubo, Goro Hanya
    American Journal of Primatology 2023年9月28日  査読有り
    Abstract Although knowledge of the functions of the gut microbiome has increased greatly over the past few decades, our understanding of the mechanisms governing its ecology and evolution remains obscure. While host genetic distance is a strong predictor of the gut microbiome in large‐scale studies and captive settings, its influence has not always been evident at finer taxonomic scales, especially when considering among the recently diverged animals in natural settings. Comparing the gut microbiome of 19 populations of Japanese macaques Macaca fuscata across the Japanese archipelago, we assessed the relative roles of host genetic distance, geographic distance and dietary factors in influencing the macaque gut microbiome. Our results suggested that the macaques may maintain a core gut microbiome, while each population may have acquired some microbes from its specific habitat/diet. Diet‐related factors such as season, forest, and reliance on anthropogenic foods played a stronger role in shaping the macaque gut microbiome. Among closely related mammalian hosts, host genetics may have limited effects on the gut microbiome since the hosts generally have smaller physiological differences. This study contributes to our understanding of the relative roles of host phylogeography and dietary factors in shaping the gut microbiome of closely related mammalian hosts.
  • Hiroto Enari, Hironori Seino, Takeharu Uno, Yoshiki Morimitsu, Masaaki Takiguchi, Katsuya Suzuki, Yamato Tsuji, Naoto Yamabata, Mieko Kiyono, Hisaaki Akaza, Shigeyuki Izumiyama, Toru Oi, Hiroshi Ebihara, Kiyomasa Miki, Musashi Kuramoto, Haruka S. Enari
    Conservation Science and Practice 4(11) 2022年11月  
  • 滝口, 正明, 山端, 直人, 森光, 由樹
    兵庫ワイルドライフモノグラフ (13) 1-12 2021年3月  
  • 池田, 恭介, 山端, 直人, 森光, 由樹
    兵庫ワイルドライフモノグラフ (13) 13-27 2021年3月  
  • 山端, 直人, 森光, 由樹
    兵庫ワイルドライフモノグラフ (13) 28-43 2021年3月  
  • 山端 直人, 池田 恭介, 飯場 聡子
    農村計画学会論文集 1(1) 1-7 2021年  
  • 森光 由樹, 清野 紘典, 山端 直人, 鈴木 克哉, 清野 未恵子
    霊長類研究 37(1) 53-62 2021年  
  • 平田 滋樹, 山端 直人
    ワイルドライフ・フォーラム 25(2) 28-30 2020年  
  • Wanyi Lee, Takashi Hayakawa, Mieko Kiyono, Naoto Yamabata, Goro Hanya
    American journal of primatology 81(12) e23072 2019年12月  査読有り
    In recent decades, human-wildlife interaction and associated anthropogenic food provisioning has been increasing and becoming more severe due to fast population growth and urban development. Noting the role of the gut microbiome in host physiology like nutrition and health, it is thus essential to understand how human-wildlife interactions and availability of anthropogenic food in habitats can affect an animal's gut microbiome. This study, therefore, set out to examine the gut microbiota of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) with varying accessibility to anthropogenic food and the possibility of using gut microbiota as indicator for macaques' reliance on anthropogenic food. Using 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing, we described the microbial composition of Japanese macaques experiencing different types of human disturbance and anthropogenic food availability-captive, provisioned, crop-raiding, and wild. In terms of alpha diversity, our results showed that observed richness of gut microbiota did not differ significantly between disturbance types but among collection sites, whereas Shannon diversity index differed by both disturbance types and sites. In terms of beta diversity, captive populations harbored the most distinctive gut microbial composition, and had the greatest difference compared with wild populations. Whereas for provisioned and crop-raiding groups, the macaques exhibited intermediate microbiota between wild and captive. We identified several potential bacterial taxa at different taxonomic ranks whose abundance potentially could help in assessing macaques' accessibility to anthropogenic food. This study revealed the flexibility of the gut microbiome of Japanese macaques and provided possible indices based on the gut microbiome profile in assessing macaques' accessibility to/reliance on anthropogenic foods.
  • 山端 直人, 飯場 聡子
    農村計画学会誌 38(Special_Issue) 215-220 2019年11月20日  
  • 中村 大輔, 佐藤 正衛, 平田 滋樹, 山端 直人, 竹内 正彦
    農業経営研究 57(2) 83-88 2019年7月25日  査読有り
  • 山端 直人, 飯場 聡子, 鬼頭 敦史
    農業経営研究 56(4) 65-70 2019年1月25日  
  • 山端 直人
    農業経営研究 57 61-66 2019年  査読有り
  • 清野 紘典, 山端 直人, 加藤 洋, 海老原 寛, 檀上 理沙, 藏元 武藏
    霊長類研究 34(2) 141-147 2018年12月20日  
  • 小金澤 正昭, 山端 直人, 望月 翔太
    霊長類研究 34(2) 149-152 2018年12月20日  
  • 飯場 聡子, 山端 直人
    農業経営研究 56(2) 15-20 2018年7月25日  
  • 栗山, 武夫, 山端, 直人, 高木, 俊
    兵庫ワイルドライフモノグラフ (10) 1-8 2018年3月  
  • 栗山, 武夫, 山端, 直人, 高木, 俊
    兵庫ワイルドライフモノグラフ (10) 9-31 2018年3月  
  • 高木, 俊, 栗山, 武夫, 山端, 直人
    兵庫ワイルドライフモノグラフ (10) 32-45 2018年3月  
  • 山端 直人, 栗山 武夫, 高木 俊
    兵庫ワイルドライフモノグラフ (10) 46-55 2018年3月  
  • 飯場, 聡子, 山端, 直人
    関東東海北陸農業経営研究 (108) 17-24 2018年2月  
  • LEE Wanyi, HAYAKAWA Takashi, YAMABATA Naoto, KIYONO Mieko, HANYA Goro
    霊長類研究 Supplement 34 45-45 2018年  
    <p>On a global scale, urban development is the fastest growing form of land use and has led to more severe human-wildlife conflict in recent years. Noting the role of gut microbiome in host physiology like nutrition and immune system, it is thus essential to understand how human-wildlife conflict can affect animals' gut microbiome. This study therefore set out to assess the anthropogenic influence on gut microbiome of Japanese macaques and the possibility of using gut microbiome as indicator for anthropogenic influence. Using 16S rRNA gene sequencing, we described the microbiome composition of Japanese macaques Macaca fuscata experiencing different human disturbance levels - captive, provisioned, crop-raiding and wild. For alpha diversity, our result showed that observed richness of gut microbiome did not differ significantly between disturbance levels but between collection sites. For beta diversity, captive populations harbored the most distinctive gut microbiome composition, and had greatest difference with wild populations. Whereas for provisioned and crop-raiding groups, the macaques exhibited intermediate microbiome between wild and captive. Bacterial taxa from phyla Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes and Cyanobacteria demonstrated shift in abundance along the disturbance level. Specifically, we found Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio and Cyanobacteria abundance elevated in wild macaques. In summary, this study revealed the flexibility of gut microbiome of Japanese macaques and the possibility of using gut microbiome profile in assessing the anthropogenic effect to non-human primates.</p>
  • 辻 大和, 鈴木 克哉, 清野 紘典, 山端 直人, 滝口 正明, 葦田 恵美子, 大井 徹, 宇野 壮春, 大谷 洋介, 江成 広斗, 海老原 寛, 小金澤 正昭
    霊長類研究 34(2) 153-159 2018年  査読有り
    <p>We studied the crop species damaged by wild Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata), including those found in orchards and forests, as well as garden plants, grain crops, and vegetables, to estimate the number of crop species damaged by this species across Japan. This information is useful for fundamental and applied studies of this species. Through a web and library search, we collected 488 datasets from 461 articles from 43 (out of 47) Japanese prefectures wherein macaques inhabit. The number of articles in eastern Japan, where crop raiding by macaques has become severe since the 1980s, was significantly greater than that of articles in western Japan. Macaques fed on 179 crop items, including garden plants (29 items), orchard crops (38 items), grain crops (8 items), pasture (5 items), beans (8 items), vegetables (62 items), forestry crops (7 items), and other crops (22 items). Notably, the number of damaged crop species substantially varied among the prefectures, possibly due to differences in terms of the extent of countermeasures against crop raiding by macaques. To discuss the regional variation in the preference for specific crop species, quantitative and qualitative data should be standardized among the prefectures. The information on the crops damaged by macaques is generally retrieved from government reports, which are only retained for a short period; therefore, digital archiving is necessary for their future use. In addition, we discuss future challenges about the use of information on the diet of crop-raiding macaques. Moreover, we emphasize the importance of collaboration between researchers of fundamental and applied research.</p>
  • 森光 由樹, 山端 直人, 鈴木 克哉
    霊長類研究 Supplement 34 41-41 2018年  
  • 山端 直人, 清野 紘典, 鬼頭 敦史, 六波羅 聡
    霊長類研究 34(2) 133-140 2018年  
    <p>Agricultural crop damage caused by Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) is a serious problem in Iga City, Mie Prefecture, central Japan. We conducted a long-term study of agricultural damage management and population management of the macaques over 10 years (2008-2018). During the study period, we decreased the number of macaque troops from 10 to 4, and the average number of individuals in each troop from as many as 171 to ca. 30 individuals. In parallel, we promoted community-based agricultural damage management over the study period. As a result, agricultural damage caused by macaques in Iga City were significantly reduced. In addition, the level of harm caused by the macaques decreased and the local community became more likely to take positive action. Our study demonstrated the possibility of a community-based management model. Considering future perspectives, our results can aid other areas in which serious agricultural damage is caused by the macaques.</p>
  • 山端 直人, 飯場 聡子, 鬼頭 敦史
    農村計画学会誌 36(Special_Issue) 363-368 2017年11月20日  
  • 佐藤, 正衛, 竹内, 正彦, 山端, 直人, 平田, 滋樹
    関東東海北陸農業経営研究 (107) 55-61 2017年2月  
  • 本田 剛, 山端 直人
    野生生物と社会 5(2) 17-23 2017年  
  • 鈴木 克哉, 江成 広斗, 山端 直人, 清野 紘典, 宇野 壮春, 森光 由樹, 滝口 正明
    哺乳類科学 56(2) 241-249 2016年  査読有り
    <p>現在,多くの国で人とマカクザルの軋轢が課題となっている.日本ではニホンザル(Macaca fuscata)が深刻な被害を発生させる主要な害獣の一つとして認識されている地域が多く,効果的な管理を行うための研究や実践が進められている.一方,農村では人口減少や高齢化が進行しており,管理手法の整理や体制の再構築が急がれている.第5回国際野生動物管理学術会議における本シンポジウムでは人口減少・高齢化が進行する日本の社会情勢と,ニホンザル管理の現状を紹介し,今後の課題について議論した.一般的にマカクザルは運動能力や学習能力が高く,被害を防ぐことは容易ではないが,近年,日本では2つのアプローチが有効であることが示されている.一つは,地域が主体となって被害管理を行うアプローチで,地域住民が協力して取り組むことで効果を上げることが示されている.もう一つは,管理すべき対象の群れを識別したうえで,群れ毎に計画的な個体数管理を行うアプローチである.このアプローチでは,群れの個体数や特性についての科学的データを基に,適切な捕獲手法を選択することが求められる.最近では計画的な個体数管理を実施しはじめる自治体もあり,その効果に関するデータも得られている.これらの成果はマカクザルの管理に新しい知見をもたらすことが期待される.今後,これらのアプローチを組み合わせた統合的な管理手法について議論するとともに,長期的にニホンザルの個体群を維持していくために,管理計画の中に保全をどう位置付けるかについて検討しなければならない.</p>
  • 山端 直人, 九鬼 康彰, 星野 敏
    農村計画学会誌 34(3) 369-375 2015年  
  • 鈴木, 克哉, 山端, 直人, 中田, 彩子, 上田, 剛平, 稲葉, 一明, 森光, 由樹, 室山, 泰之
    兵庫ワイルドライフモノグラフ (5) 94-101 2013年3月  査読有り
  • 山端 直人, 鈴木 克哉
    兵庫ワイルドライフモノグラフ (5) 87-93 2013年3月  
  • 中山 優, 小林 秀幸, 中井 一文, 江崎 修央, 山端 直人, 糀谷 斉, 杉浦 彰彦
    システム制御情報学会論文誌 26(2) 84-85 2013年  
  • 山端 直人, 鈴木 克哉, 室山 泰之
    農村計画学会誌 = Journal of Rural Planning Association 31 333-338 2012年11月20日  
  • 中山優, 杉浦彰彦, 小林秀幸, 中井一文, 江崎修央, 山端直人, 糀谷斉
    第74回全国大会講演論文集 2012(1) 415-416 2012年3月6日  
  • 柴田頼紀, 杉浦彰彦, 小林秀幸, 中井一文, 江崎修央, 山端直人, 糀谷斉
    第74回全国大会講演論文集 2012(1) 259-260 2012年3月6日  
  • 山端 直人
    農村計画学会誌 = Journal of Rural Planning Association 28 273-278 2010年2月28日  
    Progress of "chase-off of monkeys by collaboration of a whole village" improves three indexes of "rate of chase-off by sighting", "rate of participation by farmers" and "rate of preventive chase-off". <br>With improvement of these indexes, villages which are considered to have promoted chase-off of monkeys made by collaboration of the village succeeded in mitigating damage to crops. <br>Also, it was indicated that villages which succeeded in mitigating damage to crops by progress of "chase-off of monkeys by collaboration of the whole village" succeed in enhancing their consciousness for countermeasures against animal damage.
  • 山端 直人
    農村計画学会誌 (29) 245-250 2010年  
    The purpose of countermeasure to agricultural damage by wildlife is to maintain regional farming by reducing the damage. <BR>This requires demonstrating that the reduction of agricultural damage by wildlife will help raise farmers' awareness of farmland management.<BR>This study shows that the farmers' awareness of the countermeasure to agricultural damage by wildlife correlates with the awareness of farmland management. Further, this study has verified that in the community where agricultural damage has been reduced, farmers in the community tend to improve &ldquo;the awareness of countermeasure to agricultural damage by wildlife&rdquo; and &ldquo;the awareness of farmland management&rdquo;.





