
藤原 義久

フジワラ ヨシヒサ  (Yoshi Fujiwara)


兵庫県立大学 大学院情報科学研究科 教授
理学博士(1992年3月 東京工業大学)







  • Hiroyasu Inoue, Wataru Souma, Yoshi Fujiwara
    SSRN Electronic Journal 2024年1月  
  • 藤原義久
    日本物理学会誌 79(1) 4-11 2024年1月  査読有り招待有り筆頭著者
  • 田中琢真, 藤原義久, 山口祟幸
    人工知能学会論文誌 38(2) 125-130 2023年3月  招待有り責任著者
  • Hideaki Aoyama, Yoshi Fujiwara, Yoshimasa Hidaka, Yuichi Ikeda
    PLOS ONE 17(8) e0273068-e0273068 2022年8月22日  査読有り
    Cryptoassets flow among players as recorded in the ledger of blockchain for all the transactions, comprising a network of players as nodes and flows as edges. The last decade, on the other hand, has witnessed repeating bubbles and crashes of the price of cryptoassets in exchange markets with fiat currencies and other cryptos. We study the relationship between these two important aspects of dynamics, one in the bubble/crash of price and the other in the daily network of crypto, by investigating Bitcoin and XRP. We focus on “regular players” who frequently appear on a weekly basis during a period of time including bubble/crash, and quantify each player’s role with respect to outgoing and incoming flows by defining flow-weighted frequency. During the most significant period of one-year starting from the winter of 2017, we discovered the structure of three groups of players in the diagram of flow-weighted frequency, which is common to Bitcoin and XRP in spite of the different nature of the two cryptos. By examining the identity and business activity of some regular players in the case of Bitcoin, we can observe different roles of them, namely the players balancing surplus and deficit of cryptoassets (Bal-branch), those accumulating the cryptoassets (In-branch), and those reducing it (Out-branch). Using this information, we found that the regime switching among Bal-, In-, Out-branches was presumably brought about by the regular players who are not necessarily dominant and stable in the case of Bitcoin, while such players are simply absent in the case of XRP. We further discuss how one can understand the temporal transitions among the three branches.
  • Hideaki Aoyama, Corrado Di Guilmi, Yoshi Fujiwara, Hiroshi Yoshikawa
    Journal of Evolutionary Economics 32(5) 1419-1435 2022年8月5日  査読有り
    Abstract Low inflation was once welcomed by both policymakers and the public. However, Japan’s experience during the 1990s changed the consensus of economists and central banks around the world regarding prices. Facing deflation and the zero-interest bound at the same time, the Bank of Japan had difficulty conducting an effective monetary policy, making Japan’s stagnation unusually prolonged. The too-low inflation that concerns central banks today translates into the “Phillips curve puzzle.” In the United States and Japan, in the course of the recovery from the Great Recession after the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, the unemployment rate had steadily declined to a level commonly regarded as lower than the natural rate or NAIRU. However, inflation remained low. In this paper, we consider a minimal model of the dual labor market to jointly investigate how the different factors affecting the structural evolution of the labor market have contributed to the observed flattening of the Phillips curve. We find that the level of bargaining power of workers, elasticity of the supply of labor to wage in the secondary market, and composition of the workforce are the main factors jointly explaining the evidence for Japan.
  • Corrado Di Guilmi, Yoshi Fujiwara
    RIETI Discussion Paper Series 22-E-082 2022年8月  
  • Corrado Di Guilmi, Yoshi Fujiwara
    Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 196 346-371 2022年4月  査読有り
  • Yoshi Fujiwara, Rubaiyat Islam
    JPS Conference Proceedings 36 011002 2021年11月11日  査読有り
  • 藤原 義久
    応用物理 90(8) 476-480 2021年8月  査読有り招待有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Rubaiyat Islam, Yoshi Fujiwara, Shinya Kawata, Hiwon Yoon
    Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review 18(1) 131-157 2021年4月  査読有り
  • Yoshi Fujiwara, Hiroyasu Inoue, Takayuki Yamaguchi, Hideaki Aoyama, Takuma Tanaka, Kentaro Kikuchi
    EPJ Data Science 10(1) 19 2021年4月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Abstract In this study, we investigate the flow of money among bank accounts possessed by firms in a region by employing an exhaustive list of all the bank transfers in a regional bank in Japan, to clarify how the network of money flow is related to the economic activities of the firms. The network statistics and structures are examined and shown to be similar to those of a nationwide production network. Specifically, the bowtie analysis indicates what we refer to as a “walnut” structure with core and upstream/downstream components. To quantify the location of an individual account in the network, we used the Hodge decomposition method and found that the Hodge potential of the account has a significant correlation to its position in the bowtie structure as well as to its net flow of incoming and outgoing money and links, namely the net demand/supply of individual accounts. In addition, we used non-negative matrix factorization to identify important factors underlying the entire flow of money; it can be interpreted that these factors are associated with regional economic activities. One factor has a feature whereby the remittance source is localized to the largest city in the region, while the destination is scattered. The other factors correspond to the economic activities specific to different local places. This study serves as a basis for further investigation on the relationship between money flow and economic activities of firms.
  • Hiroshi Iyetomi, Hideaki Aoyama, Yoshi Fujiwara, Wataru Souma, Irena Vodenska, Hiroshi Yoshikawa
    Scientific Reports 10(1) 8420-8420 2020年12月  査読有り
    We analyze monthly time series of 57 US macroeconomic indicators (18 leading, 30 coincident, and 9 lagging) and 5 other trade/money indexes. Using novel methods, we confirm statistically significant co-movements among these time series and identify noteworthy economic events. The methods we use are Complex Hilbert Principal Component Analysis (CHPCA) and Rotational Random Shuffling (RRS). We obtain significant complex correlations among the US economic indicators with leads/lags. We then use the Hodge decomposition to obtain the hierarchical order of each time series. The Hodge potential allows us to better understand the lead/lag relationships. Using both CHPCA and Hodge decomposition approaches, we obtain a new lead/lag order of the macroeconomic indicators and perform clustering analysis for positively serially correlated positive and negative changes of the analyzed indicators. We identify collective negative co-movements around the Dot.com bubble in 2001 as well as the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) in October 2008. We also identify important events such as the Hurricane Katrina in August 2005 and the Oil Price Crisis in July 2008. Additionally, we demonstrate that some coincident and lagging indicators actually show leading indicator characteristics. This suggests that there is a room for existing indicators to be improved.
  • Abhijit Chakraborty, Hiroyasu Inoue, Yoshi Fujiwara
    PLOS ONE 15(8) e0238017-e0238017 2020年8月27日  査読有り
    Every nation prioritizes the inclusive economic growth and development of all regions. However, we observe that economic activities are clustered in space, which results in a disparity in per-capita income among different regions. A complexity-based method was proposed by Hidalgo and Hausmann [PNAS 106, 10570-10575 (2009)] to explain the large gaps in per-capita income across countries. Although there have been extensive studies on countries’ economic complexity using international export data, studies on economic complexity at the regional level are relatively less studied. Here, we study the industrial sector complexity of prefectures in Japan based on the basic information of more than one million firms. We aggregate the data as a bipartite network of prefectures and industrial sectors. We decompose the bipartite network as a prefecture-prefecture network and sector-sector network, which reveals the relationships among them. Similarities among the prefectures and among the sectors are measured using a metric. From these similarity matrices, we cluster the prefectures and sectors using the minimal spanning tree technique. The computed economic complexity index from the structure of the bipartite network shows a high correlation with macroeconomic indicators, such as per-capita gross prefectural product and prefectural income per person. We argue that this index reflects the present economic performance and hidden potential of the prefectures for future growth.
  • Yuichi Kichikawa, Hiroshi Iyetomi, Hideaki Aoyama, Yoshi Fujiwara, Hiroshi Yoshikawa
    PLOS ONE 15(2) 2020年2月  
    The interactions among macroprices with leads and lags play a significant role in explaining the behavior of an aggregate price index. Thus, to understand inflation and deflation, it is essential to explore the mechanism according to which these macroprices interact with each other. On the basis of a new method, we show that, irrespective of the sources of shocks, a robust flow of changes occurs in domestic prices from upstream to downstream. Moreover, we demonstrate that macroprices change in clusters, and we identify these clusters. Firms are not symmetric. Overall, our analysis suggests that the inertia arising from input/output linkages in production explains the behavior of aggregate prices.
  • Hazem Krichene, Abhijit Chakraborty, Yoshi Fujiwara, Hiroyasu Inoue, Masaaki Terai
    Applied Network Science 4(1) 5-5 2019年12月  査読有り
  • Hazem Krichene, Yoshi Fujiwara, Abhijit Chakraborty, Yoshiyuki Arata, Hiroyasu Inoue, Masaaki Terai
    Social Networks 59 1-9 2019年10月  査読有り
  • Rubaiyat Islam, Yoshi Fujiwara, Shinya Kawata, Hiwon Yoon
    Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review 16(1) 239-257 2019年6月  査読有り
  • Shinsuke Koyama, Yoshi Fujiwara
    Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2019(2) 023402-023402 2019年2月14日  査読有り
  • Yuji Fujita, Yuichi Kichikawa, Yoshi Fujiwara, Wataru Souma, Hiroshi Iyetomi
    Applied Network Science 4(1) 15-15 2019年  査読有り
  • Abhijit Chakraborty, Hazem Krichene, Hiroyasu Inoue, Yoshi Fujiwara
    Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 513 210-221 2019年1月  査読有り
    Inter-firm organizations, which play a driving role in the economy of a country, can be represented in the form of a customer-supplier network. Such a network exhibits a heavy-tailed degree distribution, disassortative mixing and a prominent community structure. We analyze a large-scale data set of customer-supplier relationships containing data from one million Japanese firms. Using a directed network framework, we show that the production network exhibits the characteristics listed above. We conduct detailed investigations to characterize the communities in the network. The topology within smaller communities is found to be very close to a tree-like structure but becomes denser as the community size increases. A large fraction (~40%) of firms with relatively small in- or out-degrees have customers or suppliers solely from within their own communities, indicating interactions of a highly local nature. The interaction strengths between communities as measured by the inter-community link weights follow a highly heterogeneous distribution. We further present the statistically significant over-expressions of different prefectures and sectors within different communities.
  • Abhijit Chakraborty, Hazem Krichene, Hiroyasu Inoue, Yoshi Fujiwara
    Journal of Computational Social Science 2(1) 3-13 2019年1月  査読有り
    We use the exponential random graph models to understand the network structure and its generative process for the Japanese bipartite network of banks and firms. One of the well known and simple model of exponential random graph is the Bernoulli model which shows the links in the bank-firm network are not independent from each other. Another popular exponential random graph model, the two star model, indicates that the bank-firms are in a state where macroscopic variables of the system can show large fluctuations. Moreover, the presence of high fluctuations reflect a fragile nature of the bank-firm network.
  • Abhijit Chakraborty, Yuichi Kichikawa, Takashi Iino, Hiroshi Iyetomi, Hiroyasu Inoue, Yoshi Fujiwara, Hideaki Aoyama
    PLOS ONE 13(8) e0202739-e0202739 2018年8月29日  査読有り
    This paper studies the structure of the Japanese production network, which includes one million firms and five million supplier-customer links. This study finds that this network forms a tightly-knit structure with a core giant strongly connected component (GSCC) surrounded by IN and OUT components constituting two half-shells of the GSCC, which we call a\textit{walnut} structure because of its shape. The hierarchical structure of the communities is studied by the Infomap method, and most of the irreducible communities are found to be at the second level. The composition of some of the major communities, including overexpressions regarding their industrial or regional nature, and the connections that exist between the communities are studied in detail. The findings obtained here cause us to question the validity and accuracy of using the conventional input-output analysis, which is expected to be useful when firms in the same sectors are highly connected to each other.
  • Hazem Krichene, Abhijit Chakraborty, Hiroyasu Inoue, Yoshi Fujiwara
    PLOS ONE 12(10) e0186467-e0186467 2017年10月23日  査読有り
  • Yoshiyuki Arata, Abhijit Chakraborty, Yoshi Fujiwara, Hiroyasu Inoue, Hazem Krichene, Masaaki Terai
    Complex Networks & Their Applications VI - Proceedings of Complex Networks 2017 (The Sixth International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications) 1100-1110 2017年  査読有り
  • Yuji Fujita, Yoshi Fujiwara, Wataru Souma
    Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review 13(2) 397-408 2016年12月  査読有り
  • Shinya Kawata, Yoshi Fujiwara
    Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review 13(2) 423-436 2016年12月  査読有り
  • Luca Marotta, Salvatore Miccichè, Yoshi Fujiwara, Hiroshi Iyetomi, Hideaki Aoyama, Mauro Gallegati, Rosario N Mantegna
    EPJ Data Science 5(1) 10-10 2016年12月  査読有り
    We detect the backbone of the weighted bipartite network of the Japanese credit market relationships. The backbone is detected by adapting a general method used in the investigation of weighted networks. With this approach we detect a backbone that is statistically validated against a null hypothesis of uniform diversification of loans for banks and firms. Our investigation is done year by year and it covers more than thirty years during the period from 1980 to 2011. We relate some of our findings with economic events that have characterized the Japanese credit market during the last years. The study of the time evolution of the backbone allows us to detect changes occurred in network size, fraction of credit explained, and attributes characterizing the banks and the firms present in the backbone.
  • Irena Vodenska, Hideaki Aoyama, Yoshi Fujiwara, Hiroshi Iyetomi, Yuta Arai
    PLOS ONE 11(3) e0150994-e0150994 2016年3月15日  査読有り
    We explore the foreign exchange and stock market networks for 48 countries from 1999 to 2012 and propose a model, based on complex Hilbert principal component analysis, for extracting significant lead-lag relationships between these markets. The global set of countries, including large and small countries in Europe, the Americas, Asia, and the Middle East, is contrasted with the limited scopes of targets, e.g., G5, G7 or the emerging Asian countries, adopted by previous works. We construct a coupled synchronization network, perform community analysis, and identify formation of four distinct network communities that are relatively stable over time. In addition to investigating the entire period, we divide the time period into into "mild crisis," (1999-2002), "calm," (2003-2006) and "severe crisis" (2007-2012) sub-periods and find that the severe crisis period behavior dominates the dynamics in the foreign exchange-equity synchronization network. We observe that in general the foreign exchange market has predictive power for the global stock market performances. In addition, the United States, German and Mexican markets have forecasting power for the performances of other global equity markets.
  • Luca Marotta, Salvatore Miccichè, Yoshi Fujiwara, Hiroshi Iyetomi, Hideaki Aoyama, Mauro Gallegati, Rosario N. Mantegna
    PLoS ONE 10(5) e0123079-e0123079 2015年5月1日  査読有り
    We investigate the networked nature of the Japanese credit market. Our investigation is performed with tools of network science. In our investigation we perform community detection with an algorithm which is identifying communities composed of both banks and firms. We show that the communities obtained by directly working on the bipartite network carry information about the networked nature of the Japanese credit market. Our analysis is performed for each calendar year during the time period from 1980 to 2011. To investigate the time evolution of the networked structure of the credit market we introduce a new statistical method to track the time evolution of detected communities. We then characterize the time evolution of communities by detecting for each time evolving set of communities the over-expression of attributes of firms and banks. Specifically, we consider as attributes the economic sector and the geographical location of firms and the type of banks. In our 32-year-long analysis we detect a persistence of the over-expression of attributes of communities of banks and firms together with a slow dynamic of changes from some specific attributes to new ones. Our empirical observations show that the credit market in Japan is a networked market where the type of banks, geographical location of firms and banks, and economic sector of the firm play a role in shaping the credit relationships between banks and firms.
  • Hideaki Aoyama, Yoshi Fujiwara, Mauro Gallegati
    Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination 10(1) 67-78 2015年4月1日  査読有り
    We show that an economic system populated by multiple agents generates an equilibrium distribution in the form of multiple scaling laws of conditional probability density functions, which are sufficient for characterizing the probability distribution. The existence of the double scaling law is demonstrated empirically for the sales and the labor of one million Japanese firms. Theoretical study of the scaling laws suggests lognormal joint distributions of sales and labor and a scaling law for labor productivity, both of which are confirmed empirically. This framework offers characterization of the equilibrium distribution with a small number of scaling indices, which determine macroscopic quantities, thus setting the stage for an equivalence with statistical physics, bridging micro- and macro-economics.
  • Yoshi Fujiwara
    SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Visualization in High Performance Computing 18-1 2015年  査読有り
  • Yuji Fujita, Yoshi Fujiwara, Wataru Souma
    SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Visualization in High Performance Computing 13-4 2015年  査読有り
  • Yoshi Fujiwara, Hideaki Aoyama, Hiroshi Iyetomi, Hiroshi Yoshikawa
    Proceedings of the 2014 European Conference on Complex Systems(ECCS) 297-308 2014年  査読有り
  • Yoshi Fujiwara
    New Economic Windows 13 39-47 2013年  査読有り
    We study the relaxation process of a supplier-customer network after mass destruction due to two giant earthquakes, Kobe 1995 and East Japan 2011, by investigating the number of chained failures. Firstly, a mass destruction and intervention of business activities in the damaged areas can be considered as a main shock. The exogenous shock was propagated on the supplier-customer network deteriorating financial states of other firms, even if they are not located in geographical neighbors. To quantify such aftershocks, we use chained failures on the network assuming that they indicate the trace of propagation of shocks. We show that the number of chained failures in its temporal change obeys an Omori-law, a power-law relaxation. This finding implies that the relaxation is much more sluggish than one would naively expect, and that it might be possible to estimate the extent and duration of aftershocks by using the empirical law. Several issues are discussed including the origin of the long-time relaxation. © Springer-Verlag Italia 2013.
  • Hiroshi Iyetomi, Hideaki Aoyama, Yoshi Fujiwara, Yuichi Ikeda, Wataru Souma
    Quantitative Finance 12(9) 1453-1466 2012年9月  査読有り
    The heterogeneity of economic agents is emphasized in a new trend in macroeconomics. Accordingly, the new emerging discipline requires one to replace the production function, one of the key ideas in conventional economics, by an alternative that can take explicit account of the distribution of firms' production activities. In this paper we propose a new idea referred to as a production copula a copula is an analytic means for modeling the dependence among variables. Such a production copula predicts the value added by firms with given capital and labor in a probabilistic way. It is thereby in sharp contrast to the production function, where the output of firms is completely deterministic. We demonstrate the empirical construction of a production copula using financial data of listed Japanese firms. Analysis of the data shows that there are significant correlations among capital, labor and value added, and confirms that the values added are too widely scattered to be represented by a production function. We employ four models for the production copula, that is trivariate versions of Frank, Gumbel and survival Clayton and non-exchangeable trivariate Gumbel. The latter was found to be the best. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
  • IKEDA Yuichi, AOYAMA Hideaki, FUJIWARA Yoshi, IYETOMI Hiroshi, OGIMOTO Kazuhiko, SOUMA Wataru, YOSHIKAWA Hiroshi
    Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement (194) 111-121 2012年  
    The sectoral synchronization observed for the Japanese business cycle in the Indices of Industrial Production data is an example of synchronization. The stability of this synchronization under a shock, e.g., fluctuation of supply or demand, is a matter of interest in physics and economics. We consider an economic system made up of industry sectors and goods markets in order to analyze the sectoral synchronization observed for the Japanese business cycle. A coupled oscillator model that exhibits synchronization is developed based on the Kuramoto model with inertia by adding goods markets, and analytic solutions of the stationary state and the coupling strength are obtained. We simulate the effects on synchronization of a sectoral shock for systems with different price elasticities and the coupling strengths. Synchronization is reproduced as an equilibrium solution in a nearest neighbor graph. Analysis of the order parameters shows that the synchronization is stable for a finite elasticity, whereas the synchronization is broken and the oscillators behave like a giant oscillator with a certain frequency additional to the common frequency for zero elasticity.
  • Yoshi Fujiwara
    Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 194(194) 158-164 2012年  査読有り
    After the two giant earthquakes, Kobe 1995 and East Japan 2011, a large-scale destruction took place on supplier-customer network. These primary and exogenous shocks were propagated on the production network, which caused a secondary effect resulting in chained bankruptcies. By employing data of bankrupcies occuring in a neighbor to the primarily damaged firms or regional economy, we show that the number of neighboring failures obeys a Omori law, a power-law relaxation. This finding implies that the recovery from such a huge shock on production network is much more sluggish than one can naively expect.
  • Hiroshi Iyetomi, Yasuhiro Nakayama, Hiroshi Yoshikawa, Hideaki Aoyama, Yoshi Fujiwara, Yuichi Ikeda, Wataru Souma
    Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 25(3) 246-272 2011年9月  査読有り
  • Masi Giulia De, Fujiwara Yoshi, Gallegati Mauro, Greenwald Bruce, Stiglitz Joseph E.
    Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review 7(2) 209-232 2011年3月  査読有り
    An analysis of the Japanese credit market in 2004 between banks and quoted firms is done in this paper using the tools of the networks theory. It can be pointed out that: (i) a backbone of the credit channel emerges, where some links play a crucial role. (ii) Big banks favor long-term contracts. The "minimal spanning trees" (iii) disclose a highly hierarchical backbone, where the central positions are occupied by the largest banks, and (iv) a strong geographical characterization is emphasized, while (v) the clusters of firms do not have specific common properties. Moreover, (vi) while larger firms have multiple lending stakes, (vii) the demand for credit (long vs. short term debt and multi-credit lines) of firms with similar sizes is very heterogeneous.
  • Hiroshi Iyetomi, Yasuhiro Nakayama, Hideaki Aoyama, Yoshi Fujiwara, Yuichi Ikeda, Wataru Souma
    Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 83(1) 2011年1月11日  査読有り
    In this study, the fluctuation-dissipation theory is invoked to shed light on input-output interindustrial relations at a macroscopic level by its application to indices of industrial production (IIP) data for Japan. Statistical noise arising from finiteness of the time series data is carefully removed by making use of the random matrix theory in an eigenvalue analysis of the correlation matrix as a result, two dominant eigenmodes are detected. Our previous study successfully used these two modes to demonstrate the existence of intrinsic business cycles. Here a correlation matrix constructed from the two modes describes genuine interindustrial correlations in a statistically meaningful way. Furthermore, it enables us to quantitatively discuss the relationship between shipments of final demand goods and production of intermediate goods in a linear response framework. We also investigate distinctive external stimuli for the Japanese economy exerted by the current global economic crisis. These stimuli are derived from residuals of moving-average fluctuations of the IIP remaining after subtracting the long-period components arising from inherent business cycles. The observation reveals that the fluctuation-dissipation theory is applicable to an economic system that is supposed to be far from physical equilibrium. © 2011 American Physical Society.
  • Hideaki Aoyama, Lars Grüne, Willi Semmler, Yoshi Fujiwara, Wataru Souma
    Adv. Operations Research 2011 269239-21 2011年  査読有り
  • Y. Fujiwara, H. Aoyama
    The European Physical Journal B 77(4) 565-580 2010年10月  査読有り
  • Y. Ikeda, W. Souma, H. Aoyama, Y. Fujiwara, H. Iyetomi
    European Physical Journal B 76(4) 491-499 2010年8月  査読有り
    We investigated labor productivity distribution by analyzing large-scale financial statement data consisting of listed and unlisted Japanese firms to clarify the characteristics of the Japanese labor market. Both high and low productivity sides of the labor productivity distribution follows the power-law distribution. Large inequality in the low productivity side was observed only for the manufacturing sectors in Japan fiscal year (JFY) 1999 and observed for both the manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors in JFY 2002. The decline in the Japanese GDP in JFY 1999 and JFY 2002 were coincided with the large inequality in the low productivity side of the distribution. A lower peak was found for all non-manufacturing sectors. This might be the origin of the low productivity of the non-manufacturing sectors reported in recent economic studies. © 2009 EDP Sciences, SIF, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Hideaki Aoyama, Yoshi Fujiwara, Yuichi Ikeda, Hiroshi Iyetomi, Wataru Souma
    2010年6月29日  査読有り
    Research activities of Kyoto Econophysics Group is reviewed. Strong emphasis has been placed on real economy. While the initial stage of research was a first high-definition data analysis on personal income, it soon progressed to firm dynamics, growth rate distribution and establishment of Pareto's law and Gibrat's law. It then led to analysis and simulation of firm dynamics on economic network. Currently it covers a wide rage of dynamics of firms and financial institutions on complex network, using Japanese large-scale network data, some of which are not available in other countries. Activities of this group for publicising and promoting understanding of econophysics is also reviewed.
  • Hideaki Aoyama, Hiroshi Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Iyetomi, Yoshi Fujiwara
    Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination 5(1) 27-54 2010年6月  査読有り
  • Hideaki Aoyama, Yoshi Fujiwara, Mauro Gallegati
    2010年3月11日  査読有り
    We show that an economic system populated by multiple agents generates an equilibrium distribution in the form of multiple scaling laws of conditional PDFs, which are sufficient for characterizing the probability distribution. The existence of the double scaling law is demonstrated empirically for the sales and the labor of one million Japanese firms. Theoretical study of the scaling laws suggests lognormal joint distributions of sales and labor and a scaling law for labor productivity, both of which are confirmed empirically. This framework offers characterization of the equilibrium distribution with a small number of scaling indices, which determine macroscopic quantities, thus setting the stage for an equivalence with statistical physics, bridging micro- and macro-economics.
  • Wataru Souma, Yuichi Ikeda, Hiroshi Iyetomi, Yoshi Fujiwara
    The distribution of labour productivity is investigated by analyzing the longitudinal micro-level data set which contains the detailed financial conditions of large numbers of Japanese companies over the period 1996-2006. The authors show that the distribution of labour productivity in both the high and low productivity ranges follows a power law distribution. The generalized beta function of the second kind, which asymptotically reproduces a power law function, is applied to explain the distribution of labour productivity. By comparing the power law exponents that characterize high and low productivity ranges, the authors show that for manufacturing industries, inequality in the low productivity range is larger than that in the high productivity range. For the manufacturing industries, the authors also clarify that the change of inequality in the low productivity range has strong correlation with GDP. In addition, by comparing the power law exponents of the high productivity range in the manufacturing and non-manufacturing industries, the authors show that the inequality of the non-manufacturing industry is higher than that of the manufacturing industry.
  • Yoshi Fujiwara
    Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 179 167-177 2009年  査読有り
  • Yoshi Fujiwara, Hideaki Aoyama, Yuichi Ikeda, Hiroshi Iyetomi, Wataru Souma
    Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal 2009年  査読有り
  • Hiroshi Iyetomi, Hideaki Aoyama, Yoshi Fujiwara, Yuichi Ikeda, Wataru Souma
    Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 179 123-133 2009年  査読有り













