
藤原 義久

フジワラ ヨシヒサ  (Yoshi Fujiwara)


兵庫県立大学 大学院情報科学研究科 教授
理学博士(1992年3月 東京工業大学)







  • Hideaki Aoyama, Yoshi Fujiwara, Yoshimasa Hidaka, Yuichi Ikeda
    PLOS ONE 17(8) e0273068-e0273068 2022年8月22日  査読有り
    Cryptoassets flow among players as recorded in the ledger of blockchain for all the transactions, comprising a network of players as nodes and flows as edges. The last decade, on the other hand, has witnessed repeating bubbles and crashes of the price of cryptoassets in exchange markets with fiat currencies and other cryptos. We study the relationship between these two important aspects of dynamics, one in the bubble/crash of price and the other in the daily network of crypto, by investigating Bitcoin and XRP. We focus on “regular players” who frequently appear on a weekly basis during a period of time including bubble/crash, and quantify each player’s role with respect to outgoing and incoming flows by defining flow-weighted frequency. During the most significant period of one-year starting from the winter of 2017, we discovered the structure of three groups of players in the diagram of flow-weighted frequency, which is common to Bitcoin and XRP in spite of the different nature of the two cryptos. By examining the identity and business activity of some regular players in the case of Bitcoin, we can observe different roles of them, namely the players balancing surplus and deficit of cryptoassets (Bal-branch), those accumulating the cryptoassets (In-branch), and those reducing it (Out-branch). Using this information, we found that the regime switching among Bal-, In-, Out-branches was presumably brought about by the regular players who are not necessarily dominant and stable in the case of Bitcoin, while such players are simply absent in the case of XRP. We further discuss how one can understand the temporal transitions among the three branches.
  • Hideaki Aoyama, Corrado Di Guilmi, Yoshi Fujiwara, Hiroshi Yoshikawa
    Journal of Evolutionary Economics 32(5) 1419-1435 2022年8月5日  査読有り
    Abstract Low inflation was once welcomed by both policymakers and the public. However, Japan’s experience during the 1990s changed the consensus of economists and central banks around the world regarding prices. Facing deflation and the zero-interest bound at the same time, the Bank of Japan had difficulty conducting an effective monetary policy, making Japan’s stagnation unusually prolonged. The too-low inflation that concerns central banks today translates into the “Phillips curve puzzle.” In the United States and Japan, in the course of the recovery from the Great Recession after the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, the unemployment rate had steadily declined to a level commonly regarded as lower than the natural rate or NAIRU. However, inflation remained low. In this paper, we consider a minimal model of the dual labor market to jointly investigate how the different factors affecting the structural evolution of the labor market have contributed to the observed flattening of the Phillips curve. We find that the level of bargaining power of workers, elasticity of the supply of labor to wage in the secondary market, and composition of the workforce are the main factors jointly explaining the evidence for Japan.
  • Yoshi Fujiwara, Rubaiyat Islam
    JPS Conference Proceedings 36 011002 2021年11月11日  査読有り
  • 藤原 義久
    応用物理 90(8) 476-480 2021年8月  査読有り招待有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Yoshi Fujiwara, Hiroyasu Inoue, Takayuki Yamaguchi, Hideaki Aoyama, Takuma Tanaka, Kentaro Kikuchi
    EPJ Data Science 10(1) 19 2021年4月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Abstract In this study, we investigate the flow of money among bank accounts possessed by firms in a region by employing an exhaustive list of all the bank transfers in a regional bank in Japan, to clarify how the network of money flow is related to the economic activities of the firms. The network statistics and structures are examined and shown to be similar to those of a nationwide production network. Specifically, the bowtie analysis indicates what we refer to as a “walnut” structure with core and upstream/downstream components. To quantify the location of an individual account in the network, we used the Hodge decomposition method and found that the Hodge potential of the account has a significant correlation to its position in the bowtie structure as well as to its net flow of incoming and outgoing money and links, namely the net demand/supply of individual accounts. In addition, we used non-negative matrix factorization to identify important factors underlying the entire flow of money; it can be interpreted that these factors are associated with regional economic activities. One factor has a feature whereby the remittance source is localized to the largest city in the region, while the destination is scattered. The other factors correspond to the economic activities specific to different local places. This study serves as a basis for further investigation on the relationship between money flow and economic activities of firms.
  • Hiroshi Iyetomi, Hideaki Aoyama, Yoshi Fujiwara, Wataru Souma, Irena Vodenska, Hiroshi Yoshikawa
    Scientific Reports 10(1) 8420-8420 2020年12月  査読有り
    We analyze monthly time series of 57 US macroeconomic indicators (18 leading, 30 coincident, and 9 lagging) and 5 other trade/money indexes. Using novel methods, we confirm statistically significant co-movements among these time series and identify noteworthy economic events. The methods we use are Complex Hilbert Principal Component Analysis (CHPCA) and Rotational Random Shuffling (RRS). We obtain significant complex correlations among the US economic indicators with leads/lags. We then use the Hodge decomposition to obtain the hierarchical order of each time series. The Hodge potential allows us to better understand the lead/lag relationships. Using both CHPCA and Hodge decomposition approaches, we obtain a new lead/lag order of the macroeconomic indicators and perform clustering analysis for positively serially correlated positive and negative changes of the analyzed indicators. We identify collective negative co-movements around the Dot.com bubble in 2001 as well as the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) in October 2008. We also identify important events such as the Hurricane Katrina in August 2005 and the Oil Price Crisis in July 2008. Additionally, we demonstrate that some coincident and lagging indicators actually show leading indicator characteristics. This suggests that there is a room for existing indicators to be improved.
  • Yoshi Fujiwara
    Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 194(194) 158-164 2012年  査読有り
    After the two giant earthquakes, Kobe 1995 and East Japan 2011, a large-scale destruction took place on supplier-customer network. These primary and exogenous shocks were propagated on the production network, which caused a secondary effect resulting in chained bankruptcies. By employing data of bankrupcies occuring in a neighbor to the primarily damaged firms or regional economy, we show that the number of neighboring failures obeys a Omori law, a power-law relaxation. This finding implies that the recovery from such a huge shock on production network is much more sluggish than one can naively expect.


  • Corrado DI Guilmi, Yoshi Fujiwara
    VOX EU 2022年11月29日  最終著者
    Recent literature has established the roles played by input-output networks and the distribution of firm size in amplifying microeconomic shocks and impacting business cycles. However, the dependencies between the network and firm size distribution are relevant to this mechanism. This column provides a framework to assess how the structure of the network affects firm size distribution in Japan. Demand shocks travel through the supply chain, amplifying the effect on downstream firms. Overall, different network structures can determine different firm size distributions.
  • 池田 裕一, 青山 秀明, 家富 洋, 藤原 義久, 相馬 亘, 吉川 洋
    日本物理学会講演概要集 67(1) 310-310 2012年3月5日  
  • Aoyama Hideaki, Fujiwara Yoshi, Iyetomi Hiroshi, Sato Aki-Hiro
    Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement (194) i-ii 2012年  
  • Hideaki Aoyama, Yoshi Fujiwara, Hiroshi Iyetomi, Aki-Hiro Sato
  • 家富 洋, 青山 秀明, 池田 裕一, 相馬 亘, 藤原 義久, 吉川 洋
    日本物理学会講演概要集 66(2) 241-241 2011年8月24日  
  • Hideaki Aoyama, Yoshi Fujiwara, Yuichi Ikeda, Hiroshi Iyetomi, Wataru Souma
    Econophysics and Companies: Statistical Life and Death in Complex Business Networks 1-234 2010年1月1日  
    Econophysics is an emerging interdisciplinary field that takes advantage of the concepts and methods of statistical physics to analyse economic phenomena. This book expands the explanatory scope of econophysics to the real economy by using methods from statistical physics to analyse the success and failure of companies. Using large data sets of companies and income-earners in Japan and Europe, a distinguished team of researchers show how these methods allow us to analyse companies, from huge corporations to small firms, as heterogeneous agents interacting at multiple layers of complex networks. They then show how successful this approach is in explaining a wide range of recent findings relating to the dynamics of companies. With mathematics kept to a minimum, the book is not only a lively introduction to the field of econophysics but also provides fresh insights into company behaviour.
  • Aoyama Hideaki, Fujiwara Yoshi, Iyetomi Hiroshi, Sato Aki-Hiro
    Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement (179) i-ii 2009年  
  • 藤原 義久, 藤田 裕二
    形の科学会誌 = Bulletin of the Society for Science on Form 23(2) 161-162 2008年11月1日  
  • 藤原 義久
    計算力学講演会講演論文集 2007(20) 54-55 2007年11月25日  
    Production network refers to a line of economic activities in which firms buy intermediate goods from "upstream" firms, put added-values on them, and sell the goods to "downstream" firms or consumers in the end of the line. The entire line of these processes of putting added-values in turn forms a giant network of production ranging from upstream to downstream, down to consumers. Each process of production also requires labor and financing as inputs. Thus, production, labor and finance are the three corner stones for all economic activities. Net sum of added values in production network is basically the net total production, that is, GDP. While production network, its structure and temporal change are crucial in understanding macro-economic dynamics, little has been hitherto studied about them. In this talk, we report on uncovered large-scale features of production network comprising of a million firms (nodes) and millions of transactions (links) among them in Japan. We also talk about applications, epsecially to the problem of chain of bankruptcies, that would be potentially derived from the network informatics of real-data.
  • 家富 洋, 青山 秀明, 池田 裕一, 相馬 亘, 藤原 義久
    日本物理学会講演概要集 62(2) 277-277 2007年8月21日  
  • 相馬 亘, 藤原 義久, 青山 秀明, 家富 洋, 池田 裕一
    日本物理学会講演概要集 61(2) 181-181 2006年8月18日  
  • 家富 洋, 青山 秀明, 池田 裕一, 相馬 亘, 藤原 義久
    日本物理学会講演概要集 61(2) 181-181 2006年8月18日  
  • 池田 裕一, 青山 秀明, 家富 洋, 海蔵寺 大成, 藤原 義久, 相馬 亘
    日本物理学会講演概要集 61(1) 327-327 2006年3月4日  
  • 家富 洋, 青山 秀明, 池田 裕一, 海蔵寺 大成, 相馬 亘, 藤原 義久
    日本物理学会講演概要集 61(1) 327-327 2006年3月4日  
  • 相馬 亘, 青山 秀明, 家富 洋, 池田 裕一, 海蔵寺 大成, 藤原 義久
    日本物理学会講演概要集 61(1) 327-327 2006年3月4日  
  • 家富 洋, 青山 秀明, 池田 裕一, 海蔵寺 大成, 相馬 亘, 藤原 義久
    日本物理学会講演概要集 60(2) 172-172 2005年8月19日  
  • 相馬 亘, 青山 秀明, 家富 洋, 池田 裕一, 海蔵寺 大成, 藤原 義久
    日本物理学会講演概要集 60(1) 276-276 2005年3月4日  
  • 家富 洋, 青山 秀明, 池田 裕一, 海蔵寺 大成, 相馬 亘, 藤原 義久
    日本物理学会講演概要集 60(1) 275-275 2005年3月4日  
  • 池田 裕一, 久保 理, 川本 茂, 小林 康弘, 福井 千尋, 青山 秀明, 家富 洋, 海蔵寺 大成, 藤原 義久, 相馬 亘
    日本物理学会講演概要集 60(1) 275-275 2005年3月4日  
  • 相馬 亘, 藤原 義久, 青山 秀明
    情報処理学会研究報告知能と複雑系(ICS) 2004(85) 175-180 2004年8月5日  
    経済におけるネットワークとして、会社が株所有関係によってつながる株所有ネットワークについて研究する。実証的な研究を通じて、株所有ネットワークの次数分布の裾野部分が、冪分布p(k)?k^(-γ)にしたがっていることを明らかにする。株所有ネットワークはまた、実対称な隣接行列として表現される。そして、その隣接行列の固有値分布の裾野部分が、冪分布p(λ)?|λ|^(-δ)にしたがっていることを明らかにする。これらの分布の指数の間にスケーリング則δ=2γ-1が成り立っていることを示し、この関係式が存在する根拠がネットワークの局所樹状性にあることを明らかにする。As complex networks in the economy, the shareholding network, which is constructed by companies and shareholding relationships, is studied. Through empirical studies, it is shown that the degree distribution of shareholding networks follows the power law distribution, p(k)縲很^(-γ), in the large degree range. Shareholding networks are also represented by the real symmetric adjacency matrix, and it is shown that the eigenvalue distribution of this adjacency matrix follows the power law distribution, p(λ)縲忿λ|^(-δ), in the tail part. A scaling relation, δ=2γ-1, is found and explained by the local tree-like structure of networks.
  • 藤原 義久, 湯田聴夫, 下原 勝憲
    情報処理学会研究報告知能と複雑系(ICS) 2004(85) 139-145 2004年8月5日  
    帰無仮説としてランダムネットワークを利用することについてレビューを行い,その応用とともに発表する.(1) ランダムネットワークのさまざまな量を計算する母関数法について述べ,二部グラフへの適用例をあげる.(2) betweenness というネットワークの中心性を測る量を使い,ネットワークのコミュニティ(クラスター)構造を発見する際に,コミュニティ間の連結性をランダムな連結からのずれとして測る方法について述べる.ここまではレビューであり,紙面の都合上限られた形で述べる.講演では,これらの手法を応用したオリジナルな研究を,人的ネットワークと社会経済的な関係性ネットワークについて述べる.We review on utlization of random network as a null hypothesis, and talk about its applications. Reviewed are (1) generating-functional method for calculating several topological quantities of network with application to bipartite graph, (2) quantification of inter-communicties connectivity in finding communicty or cluster structure by centrality measure of betweenness. In the workshop, we will talk about our original work of application to human network and social-economic network.
  • 藤原 義久, 湯田 聴夫, 下原 勝憲
    知識ベ-スシステム研究会 65 135-141 2004年8月4日  
  • 前川 聡, 藤原 義久
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NC, ニューロコンピューティング 102(628) 25-29 2003年1月28日  
  • 有本 隆彦, 前川 聡, 藤原 義久, 小谷 学
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NC, ニューロコンピューティング 101(736) 159-166 2002年3月12日  
  • 藤原 義久, 前川 聡
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. MBE, MEとバイオサイバネティックス 99(82) 41-46 1999年5月21日  
    前腕皮膚上に巻くようにして置かれた16チャンネル表面電極から各指の伸屈についての筋電データを測定した. 各チャンネルの信号が指の伸展・屈曲に関係する筋電の重ね合わせであるという仮定にもとづき, フィルタリングと整流によって平滑化されたデータに独立成分分析を適用した. その結果, 各指の運動に関係する独立な信号成分を分離した. さらにその結果から各指の運動を生じる伸筋と屈筋の大まかな場所を推定し, 生理学的知見と整合的であることを確かめた.
  • 藤原 義久, 前川 聡
    自律分散システム・シンポジウム資料 = SICE Symposium on Decentralized Autonomous Systems 11 391-396 1999年1月18日  
  • 前川 聡, 藤原 義久
    自律分散システム・シンポジウム資料 = SICE Symposium on Decentralized Autonomous Systems 11 387-390 1999年1月18日  
  • 前川 聡, 藤原 義久
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. AI, 人工知能と知識処理 98(499) 17-22 1999年1月12日  
    日次株価対数収益率の連続する2時刻における同時確率分布から, それらが統計的独立とはみなせないであろうことを観測した.そこで株価変動の独立成分への分解を行うために, 収益率の時系列に対して独立成分分析を行い, 各独立成分に対するインパルス応答を得た.このインパルス応答は直交性が高いため, 回転フィルターを用いたモデル化を行った.この直交性は収益率の自己相関関数がほぼゼロであることと合致している.一方位相情報から, インパルス応答の数十日に渡る長期間の微細構造をかなり良く説明することができることが分かった.このように, 日々の価格変動が統計的独立でないにも関わらず, 市場に長期に渡る効率性は成立しており, 効率的市場における価格のオーバーシュート, いわゆる合理的バブルを観測したものと考えられる.この観測は, 効率的市場における情報伝達の非一様性や裁定取引者の存在などに有用な知識を含むだろう.
  • 前川 聡, 藤原 義久
    情報処理学会研究報告知能と複雑系(ICS) 1999(1) 63-68 1999年1月11日  
    日次株価対数収益率の連続する2時刻における同時確率分布から,それらが統計的独立とはみなせないであろうことを観測した.そこで株価変動の独立成分への分解を行うために,収益率の時系列に対して独立成分分析を行い,各独立成分に対するインパルス応答を得た.このインパルス応答は直交性が高いため,回転フィルターを用いたモデル化を行った.この直交性は収益率の自己相関関数がほぼゼロであることと合致している.一方位相情報から,インパルス応答の数十日に渡る長期間の微細構造をかなり良く説明することができることが分かった.このように,日々の価格変動が統計的独立でないにも関わらず,市場に長期に渡る効率性は成立しており,効率的市場における価格のオーバーシュート,いわゆる合理的バブルを観測したものと考えられる.この観測は,効率的市場における情報伝達の非一様性や裁定取引者の存在などに有用な知識を含むだろう.We observe from the joint probability distribution for successive logarithmic returns of daily stock prices that they are statistically dependent. We apply independent component analysis to decompose the stock price changes into independent components, and obtained the impulse response for each component. Because the impulse responses are almost orthogonal, we model it with a rotation filter. The orthogonality is compatible with vanishing autocorrelation function. On the other hand, from the phase information, we show that the rotational model can explain a long-term fine structure of the impulse response for decades of days. Thus, although the daily returns are not independent, long-term efficiency in market holds. We believe that this work observes overshoot of price change, or the so-called rational bubble. This observation might contain a useful information on heterogeneity of information and presence of arbitragers in an efficient market.
    自律分散システム・シンポジウム資料 = SICE Symposium on Decentralized Autonomous Systems 10 95-100 1998年1月20日  











