
永嶺 仁美

ナガミネ ヒトミ  (Hitomi Nagamine)


和洋女子大学 看護学部 看護学科 助教 (看護学博士)



  • 永嶺仁美, 小稲 文, 石井佳代子, 河村 秋
    和洋女子大学紀要 第65集 183-192 2024年3月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Kayoko Ishii, Hiroko Sumita, Hitomi Nagamine, Kumiko Morita
    BMC public health 24(1) 537-537 2024年2月21日  
    BACKGROUND: In occupational health, the maintenance and promotion of workers' health, especially lifestyle motivation-based interventions, have gained considerable attention and are actively implemented. Motivational theories include self-determination theory, and some studies focus on healthy lifestyles. However, the effectiveness of health promotion interventions varies depending on the health awareness and motivation of the participants. Therefore, this study aimed to clarify the processes by which workers are motivated to improve their health and to identify the need for and type of support according to their motivation. METHODS: Using a mixed-research design, an initial questionnaire survey of 94 employees (mean age = 40.97 ± 9.65) at a multicenter company in Japan, followed by semi-structured interviews with 16 employees (mean age = 40.13 ± 9.45) from the high- and low-motivation groups, were conducted. Multiple regression analysis followed by modified grounded theory-based analysis of the results of the first stage was used and the quantitative and qualitative results were integrated. RESULTS: In the first stage, autonomous motivation scores were predicted by the behavioral change stage and relatedness satisfaction/frustration. The second stage revealed that "the process of reflecting and managing one's own health while receiving support and feedback for maintaining and improving health" was the motivational process of workers. Result integration revealed that motivation increased through repeatedly escaping and adjusting to real problems and situational coping until the behavioral change. Despite interruptions during behavioral change, receiving feedback from others could increase motivation and continued behavioral change. CONCLUSION: Regardless of their level of motivation for health behaviors, workers indicated that support from others was essential. The nature of this support was found to range from providing information to offering feedback. Interventions individualized by the identified process could enable customized motivation-driven health guidance.
  • 永嶺 仁美, 森田 久美子, 小林 美奈子, 青木 利江子, 山本 晴美, 大竹 文, 丸山 佳代, 保木 みか, 角田 紘子, 石井 佳代子, 佐々木 明子
    日本世代間交流学会誌 = Journal of Japan Society for Intergenerational Studies 11(2) 11-20 2022年3月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Kumiko Morita, Minako Kobayashi, Rieko Aoki, Hitomi Nagamine, Harumi Yamamoto, Fumi Ohtake, Mika Hoki, Hiroko Sumita, Kayo Maruyama, Kayoko Mitsuhashi, Akiko Sasaki
    Archives of public health = Archives belges de sante publique 79(1) 41-41 2021年3月25日  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: In the process of community building, it is important to create a place for multigenerational exchanges. To promote multigenerational exchanges in regional locations, it is essential to clarify whether such exchanges are related to government infrastructure, regional characteristics, and social capital, and how these exchanges contribute to community building. METHODS: A cross-sectional questionnaire study was conducted with representatives from 455 Chiiki no Cha-no-Ma (literal translation "community living room," and hereafter "Cha-no-Ma") in Niigata City, Japan. Responses were received from 405 representatives (response rate: 89.0 %), and 401 agreed to participate (4 declined). The survey details included basic information (e.g., date each location was established, frequency of meetings, number of caretakers and participants, qualifications of the representative), activities reflecting local culture, a social capital scale, the effects of the Cha-no-Ma implemented by the representative (12 items), challenges for management (16 items), and the implementation of multigenerational exchanges. RESULTS: Most of the age groups that participated in the Cha-no-Ma were elderly, and multigenerational exchanges took place in 125 locations (31.5 %). Items that had a significant connection to the implementation of multigenerational exchanges were "Frequency of meetings" (p < 0.001) and "Activities reflecting local culture" (p = 0.026). Binomial logistic regression analysis indicated that a high frequency of meetings was associated with the implementation of multigenerational exchanges (Odds ratio = 3.839). There was a significantly higher ratio of implementation of multigenerational exchanges when the effects were a "connection with the region" (p = 0.006) and "conversations with different generations" (p = 0.004), and when the challenge was "no support from residents" (p = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Cha-no-Ma participation is low among young people. The following ideas can be considered in order to increase multigenerational exchanges in regional locations. These exchanges may be promoted by increasing the frequency of meetings with qualified personnel and by adding activities that reflect local culture, such as festivals and making local foods. This community-based study clearly indicates that implementing multigenerational exchanges is an important activity for community building because it is related to connection within the community.
  • Xiaowei Lyu, Kumiko Morita, Hitomi Nagamine, Kayo Maruyama
    Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences 68 63-74 2021年1月  査読有り
  • 丸山 佳代, 永嶺 仁美, 森田 久美子
    日本健康医学会雑誌 29(4) 417-424 2021年1月  査読有り
  • 大竹 文, 永嶺 仁美, 丸山 佳代, 角田 紘子, 森田 久美子
    日本看護科学会誌 40 298-304 2020年12月  査読有り
    目的:文献レビューにより精神障害をもつ人のニーズアセスメント尺度を比較し,実用性を検討する.方法:PubMed,CINAHL,医学中央雑誌を用い,"mental disorders""needs assessment""tool"「精神障害」「ニーズアセスメント」をキーワードとして2018年11月までに発表された文献を検索した.結果:海外文献からニーズアセスメント尺度が9種得られた.その中でCamberwell Assessment of Need(CAN)が広く使用されている信頼性の高い尺度であった.CANのアセスメント項目や評価段階を増加する試みも見られたが,新たな尺度で臨床における実用性が改善したものは見られなかった.国内文献からはニーズアセスメント尺度は見当たらなかった.考察:今後CANの和訳と改良を検討し,精神障害をもつ人の支援に活用できるよう検討することが必要である.(著者抄録)
  • 山本 晴美, 森田 久美子, 永嶺 仁美, 青木 利江子, 小林 美奈子, 呂 暁衛, 佐々木 明子
    老年社会科学 41(4) 391-399 2020年1月20日  査読有り
    本研究では,全国1,815か所の学童保育を対象に,高齢者との世代間交流プログラムの現状と今後の期待について明らかにし,都市規模別に比較・検討することを目的とした. 本研究では,学童保育を「大都市」「人口10万人以上」「人口10万人未満」「郡部」の都市規模別に区分し,世代間交流活動の「実施群」「未実施群」の層化分析を行った.世代間交流プログラムの関心は,大都市では「将棋・囲碁」,人口10万人以上の都市では「昔遊び」「楽器演奏・音楽鑑賞・合唱」「体験談」「読み聞かせ・紙芝居」が高かった.人口10万人未満の都市では,「料理・おやつ作り」が高かった.今後の課題として,その地域における学童保育側から高齢者への期待,また高齢者の生活意識などの点から,お互いに参加しやすくニーズに合った世代間交流プログラムを構築する必要があることが示唆された.
  • Hitomi Nagamine, Xiaowei Lyu, Kayo Maruyama, Kumiko Morita
    Nursing open 7(1) 137-149 2020年1月  査読有り筆頭著者
    AIM: To determine the effects of a primary diabetes prevention programme created for healthy young adults. DESIGN: This study was a non-randomized controlled trial. METHODS: The participants were 20-39-year-old employees of two automobile sales companies. The intervention group (N = 154) received six original educational brochures and films created specifically for young adults, while the control group (N = 157) received none. Data were collected pre-intervention and immediately after and 10 weeks after intervention. Change in knowledge about diabetes, its prevention and health management were measured. RESULTS: Overall, 129 interventions and 141 controls completed the trial. In items related to diabetes prevention, the intervention group increased their knowledge relative to controls (all p < .05). Awareness of susceptibility to diabetes also increased more in the interventions (p = .029). The interventions also improved more with items related to dietary behaviour (p < .05). This trial has been registered with UMIN-CTR clinical trial (UMIN000023749).
  • 呂 暁衛, 森田 久美子, 山本 晴美, 永嶺 仁美
    日本世代間交流学会誌 = Journal of Japan Society for Intergenerational Studies 9(1) 23-30 2019年3月  査読有り
  • 永嶺 仁美, 山本 晴美, 森田 久美子
    日本健康医学会雑誌 27(1) 9-16 2018年4月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 青木 利江子, 森田 久美子, 小林 美奈子, 山本 晴美, 呂 暁衛, 永嶺 仁美, 佐々木 明子
    日本世代間交流学会誌 = Journal of Japan Society for Intergenerational Studies 7(1) 23-32 2018年2月  査読有り
  • 森田 久美子, 青木 利江子, 小林 美奈子, 山本 晴美, 呂 暁衛, 永嶺 仁美, 佐々木 明子
    日本世代間交流学会誌 = Journal of Japan Society for Intergenerational Studies 6(1) 27-36 2017年1月  査読有り
  • 森田久美子, 青木利江子, 小林美奈子, 山本晴美, 呂暁衛, 永嶺仁美, 佐々木明子
    日本世代間交流学会誌 5(1) 11-20 2015年9月  査読有り



