
金井 智恵子

カナイ チエコ  (Chieko Kanai)


和洋女子大学 人文学部こども発達学科 准教授
昭和大学 兼任講師





  • Tomoyasu Wakuda, Seico Benner, Yukari Uemura, Tomoko Nishimura, Masaki Kojima Miho, Kuroda Kaori, Matsumoto Chieko, Kanai Naoko, Inada Taeko, Harada Yosuke, Kameno Toshio, Munesue Jun, Inoue, Kazuo Umemura Aya Yamauchi, Nanayo Ogawa, Itaru, Kushima Satoshi, Suyama Takuya, Saito Junko, Hamada Yukiko, Kano, Nami Honda Saya, Kikuchi Moe Seto, Hiroaki Tomita, Noriko Miyoshi Megumi, Matsumoto Yuko, Kawaguchi, Koji Kanai, Manabu Ikeda, Itta Nakamura, Shuichi Isomura, Yoji Hirano, Toshiaki Onitsuka, Norio, Ozaki Hirotaka Kosaka, Takashi Okada, Hitoshi Kuwabara, Hidenori Yamasue
    Brain, behavior, and immunity 2024年5月  査読有り
  • 渡邉天海, 金井智恵子
    日本社会福祉マネージメント学会誌 3 32-39 2023年  査読有り最終著者
  • Hidenori Yamasue, Masaki Kojima, Hitoshi Kuwabara, Miho Kuroda, Kaori Matsumoto, Chieko Kanai, Naoko Inada, Keiho Owada, Keiko Ochi, Nobutaka Ono, Seico Benner, Tomoyasu Wakuda, Yosuke Kameno, Jun Inoue, Taeko Harada, Kenji Tsuchiya, Kazuo Umemura, Aya Yamauchi, Nanayo Ogawa, Itaru Kushima, Norio Ozaki, Satoshi Suyama, Takuya Saito, Yukari Uemura, Junko Hamada, Yukiko Kano, Nami Honda, Saya Kikuchi, Moe Seto, Hiroaki Tomita, Noriko Miyoshi, Megumi Matsumoto, Yuko Kawaguchi, Koji Kanai, Manabu Ikeda, Itta Nakamura, Shuichi Isomura, Yoji Hirano, Toshiaki Onitsuka, Hirotaka Kosaka, Takashi Okada
    Brain : a journal of neurology 145(2) 490-499 2022年4月18日  
    Although intranasal oxytocin is expected to be a novel therapy for the core symptoms of autism spectrum disorder, which has currently no approved medication, the efficacy of repeated administrations was inconsistent, suggesting that the optimal dose for a single administration of oxytocin is not optimal for repeated administration. The current double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre, crossover trial (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03466671) was aimed to test the effect of TTA-121, a new formulation of intranasal oxytocin spray with an enhanced bioavailability (3.6 times higher than Syntocinon® spray, as assessed by area under the concentration-time curve in rabbit brains), which enabled us to test a wide range of multiple doses, on autism spectrum disorder core symptoms and to determine the dose-response relationship. Four-week administrations of TTA-121, at low dose once per day (3 U/day), low dose twice per day (6 U/day), high dose once per day (10 U/day), or high dose twice per day (20 U/day), and 4-week placebo were administered in a crossover manner. The primary outcome was the mean difference in the reciprocity score (range: 0-14, higher values represent worse outcomes) on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule between the baseline and end point of each administration period. This trial with two administration periods and eight groups was conducted at seven university hospitals in Japan, enrolling adult males with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder. Enrolment began from June 2018 and ended December 2019. Follow-up ended March 2020. Of 109 males with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder who were randomized, 103 completed the trial. The smallest P-value, judged as the dose-response relationship, was the contrast with the peak at TTA-121 6 U/day, with inverted U-shape for both the full analysis set (P = 0.182) and per protocol set (P = 0.073). The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule reciprocity score, the primary outcome, was reduced in the TTA-121 6 U/day administration period compared with the placebo (full analysis set: P = 0.118, mean difference = -0.5; 95% CI: -1.1 to 0.1; per protocol set: P = 0.012, mean difference = -0.8; 95% CI: -1.3 to -0.2). The per protocol set was the analysis target population, consisting of all full analysis set participants except those who deviated from the protocol. Most dropouts from the full analysis set to the per protocol set occurred because of poor adherence to the test drug (9 of 12 in the first period and 8 of 15 in the second period). None of the secondary clinical and behavioural outcomes were significantly improved with the TTA-121 compared with the placebo in the full analysis set. A novel intranasal spray of oxytocin with enhanced bioavailability enabled us to test a wide range of multiple doses, revealing an inverted U-shape dose-response curve, with the peak at a dose that was lower than expected from previous studies. The efficacy of TTA-121 shown in the current exploratory study should be verified in a future large-scale, parallel-group trial.
  • Hirokazu Doi, Chieko Kanai, Haruhisa Ohta
    Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research 15(6) 1130-1141 2022年3月28日  査読有り
    An increasing number of studies have shown that autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) share symptoms and aetiologies. However, transdiagnostic comparisons between ASD and ADHD is complicated due to the sex differences within each condition. To clarify the similarities and differences in the cognitive functioning between ASD and ADHD, while considering potential sex differences, this study compared cognitive profiles assessed by the WAIS-III between the four groups created by orthogonally combining diagnosis and sex based on the data from 277 ASD males, 86 ASD females, 99 ADHD males and 64 ADHD females. The analysis revealed three major findings. First, performance IQ and perceptual organization index were higher in ADHD males than in ASD males and ADHD females. Second, Gaussian mixture model fitting revealed two clusters underlying the distribution of subindex scores. The percentage of being classified into the cluster that scored lower in all the subindices was higher in females than in males irrespective of diagnosis. Third, feature importance for classification of ASD and ADHD yielded by random forest classifier, a supervised machine learning algorithm, revealed that autism quotient was most informative feature in classifying ASD and ADHD in males, while the discrepancy between verbal and performance intelligence quotient was in females, indicating that the set of behavioral features contributing to classification differs between males and females. Thus, these findings indicate that sex as well as diagnosis is critical in determining the cognitive profiles of people with ASD and ADHD. LAY SUMMARY: The present study compared profiles of cognitive functions measured by Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale between males and females with ASD and ADHD. The analyses revealed clear sex differences in cognitive functions in both ASD and ADHD and that the set of cognitive functions useful in classifying ASD and ADHD differed between males and females. Thus, biological sex seems to be a critical factor in determining the cognitive profiles of people with ASD and ADHD.
  • Hirokazu Doi, Norimichi Tsumura, Chieko Kanai, Kenta Masui, Ryota Mitsuhashi, Takumi Nagasawa
    Frontiers in Psychiatry 12 625978 2021年5月17日  査読有り
    People with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) exhibit atypicality in various domains of behavior. Previous psychophysiological studies have revealed an atypical pattern of autonomic nervous system (ANS) activation induced by psychosocial stimulation. Thus, it might be feasible to develop a novel assessment tool to evaluate the risk of ASD by measuring ANS activation in response to emotional stimulation. The present study investigated whether people with ASD could be automatically classified from neurotypical adults based solely on physiological data obtained by the recently introduced non-contact measurement of pulse wave. We video-recorded faces of adult males with and without ASD while watching emotion-inducing video clips. Features reflective of ANS activation were extracted from the temporal fluctuation of facial skin coloration and entered into a machine-learning algorithm. Though the performance was modest, the gradient boosting classifier succeeded in classifying people with and without ASD, which indicates that facial skin color fluctuation contains information useful for detecting people with ASD. Taking into consideration the fact that the current study recruited only high-functioning adults who have relatively mild symptoms and probably developed some compensatory strategies, ASD screening by non-contact measurement of pulse wave could be a promising assessment tool to evaluate ASD risk.
  • Shinya Takamuku, Haruhisa Ohta, Chieko Kanai, Antonia F de C Hamilton, Hiroaki Gomi
    Experimental brain research 239(4) 1047-1059 2021年4月  
    Previous studies (Haswell et al. in Nat Neurosci 12:970-972, 2009; Marko et al. in Brain J Neurol 138:784-797, 2015) reported that people with autism rely less on vision for learning to reach in a force field. This suggested a possibility that they have difficulties in extracting force information from visual motion signals, a process called inverse dynamics computation. Our recent study (Takamuku et al. in J Int Soc Autism Res 11:1062-1075, 2018) examined the ability of inverse computation with two perceptual tasks and found similar performances in typical and autistic adults. However, this tested the computation only in the context of sensory perception while it was possible that the suspected disability is specific to the motor domain. Here, in order to address the concern, we tested the use of inverse dynamics computation in the context of motor control by measuring changes in grip timing caused by seeing/not seeing a controlled object. The motion of the object was informative of its inertial force and typical participants improved their grip timing based on the visual feedback. Our interest was on whether the autism participants show the same improvement. While some autism participants showed atypical hand slowing when seeing the controlled object, we found no evidence of abnormalities in the inverse computation in our grip timing task or in a replication of the perceptual task. This suggests that the ability of inverse dynamics computation is preserved not only for sensory perception but also for motor control in adults with autism.
  • 金井智恵子
    日本社会福祉マネージメント学会誌 1(1) 14-20 2021年3月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 金井智恵子
    和洋女子大学教職教育支援センター年報第 (7) 85-91 2021年3月  
  • Haruhisa Ohta, Yuta Y Aoki, Takashi Itahashi, Chieko Kanai, Junya Fujino, Motoaki Nakamura, Nobumasa Kato, Ryu-Ichiro Hashimoto
    Molecular autism 11(1) 77-77 2020年10月19日  
    BACKGROUND: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have high rates of co-occurrence and share atypical behavioral characteristics, including sensory symptoms. The present diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) study was conducted to examine whether and how white matter alterations are observed in adult populations with developmental disorders (DD) and to determine how brain-sensory relationships are either shared between or distinct to ASD and ADHD. METHODS: We collected DTI data from adult population with DD (a primary diagnosis of ASD: n = 105, ADHD: n = 55) as well as age- and sex-matched typically developing (TD) participants (n = 58). Voxel-wise fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity, axial diffusivity, and radial diffusivity (RD) were analyzed using tract-based spatial statistics. The severities of sensory symptoms were assessed using the Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile (AASP). RESULTS: Categorical analyses identified voxel clusters showing significant effects of DD on FA and RD in the posterior portion of the corpus callosum and its extension in the right hemisphere. Furthermore, regression analyses using the AASP scores revealed that slopes in relationships of FA or RD with the degree of sensory symptoms were parallel between the two DDs in large parts of the affected corpus callosum regions. A small but significant cluster did exist showing difference in association between an AASP subscale score and RD across ASD and ADHD. LIMITATIONS: Wide age range of the participants may be oversimplified. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that white matter alteration and their relationships to sensory symptoms are largely shared between ASD and ADHD, with localized abnormalities showing significant between-diagnosis differences within DD.
  • 金井智恵子
    和洋女子大学教職教育支援センター年報第 (6) 109-114 2020年3月  筆頭著者
  • Momoko Kayaba, Toshiko Matsushita, Minori Enomoto,Chieko Kanai, Noriko Katayama, Yuichi Inoue,Taeko Sasai-Sakuma
    BMC Public Health 20(371) 2020年2月  査読有り
  • Doi H, Kanai C, Tsumura N, Shinohara K, Kato N.
    Research in developmental disabilities 5(99) 2020年2月  査読有り
  • Togo S, Itahashi T, Hashimoto R, Cai C, Kanai C, Kato N, Imamizu H.
    Scientific Reports 11(9) 1737 2019年2月  査読有り
  • Junya Fujino, Shisei Tei, Takashi Itahashi, Yuta Aoki, Haruhisa Ohta, Chieko Kanai, Manabu Kubota, Ryu-Ichiro Hashimoto, Motoaki Nakamura, Nobumasa Kato, Hidehiko Takahashi
    Journal of autism and developmental disorders 49(1) 1-10 2019年1月  査読有り
    The sunk cost effect, an interesting and well-known decision bias, is pervasive in real life and has been studied in various disciplines. In this study, we modified a task exemplifying the sunk cost effect and used it to evaluate this behavior in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The control group exhibited a typical sunk cost effect in our task. We found that the sunk cost effect was lower in the ASD group than in the control group. The results agree with previous evidence of reduced sensitivity to context stimuli in individuals with ASD and extend this finding to the context of the sunk cost effect. Our findings are useful in addressing the practical implications on their socioeconomic behavior.
  • Shisei Tei, Junya Fujino, Ryu-Ichiro Hashimoto, Takashi Itahashi, Haruhisa Ohta, Chieko Kanai, Manabu Kubota, Motoaki Nakamura, Nobumasa Kato, Hidehiko Takahashi
    Scientific reports 8(1) 8082-8082 2018年5月24日  
    Inflexible behaviours in people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) broadly obstruct social communication. Meanwhile, flexibility implicates cognitive control to resolve socially conflicting situations; however, it remains unclear how people with ASD behave in the face of these conflicts in this respect. We used the ultimatum game (UG) and the implicit-association test (IAT) to examine goal-directed/economic flexibility, both of which involve conflict and cognitive control. In addition, we used the Detail and Flexibility Questionnaire (DFlex) to measure inflexible everyday behaviour with diminished cognitive control and attention shifting. We observed the decreased flexibility in participants with ASD (DFlex and IAT); further, their IAT scores positively correlated with DFlex. However, in the UG, contrary to our prediction, participants with ASD accepted unfair offers more frequently than TD. These results suggest that assessing the automatic/attention processing level with the IAT could be a useful approach to study behavioural flexibility among ASD compared with the UG, which might comprise multiple response strategies besides economic rationality. Overall, the severity of inflexible daily behaviours in people with ASD may be associated with a reduced flexible attitude at an automatic level, altered attention processing and decreased cognitive control.
  • 藤野純也, 鄭志誠, 橋本龍一郎, 太田晴久, 金井智恵子, その他
    Molecular autism 16(8) 45 2017年8月  査読有り
  • 金井 智恵子, 白間 綾, 橋本 龍一郎, 板橋 貴史, 太田 晴久, 藤野 純也
    臨床精神医学 46(6) 805-811 2017年6月  査読有り
  • Chieko Kanai, Ryuichiro Hashimoto, Takashi Itahashi, Masayuki Tani, Takashi Yamada, Haruhisa Ota, Akira Iwanami, Nobumasa Kato
    The cognitive profile differences between adult patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and those with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are not well characterized. We examined the cognitive profiles of adults having either ASD (n = 120) or ADHD (n = 76) with no intellectual disabilities (IQ >= 70) using the Wechsler Intelligence Scale III (WAIS-III). Verbal Intelligence (VIQ) - Performance Intelligence (PIQ) difference discrepancies were detected between the two groups. Information subtest scores of the Verbal Comprehension index and Arithmetic and Digit Span subtests of the Freedom from Distractibility index were significantly higher in ASD than in ADHD, while the Picture Completion subtest was significantly lower in ASD. To our knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate the difference in the cognitive profiles of adults with ASD and those with ADHD based on the WAIS III with a large number of participants. (c) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Takashi Yamada, Takashi Itahashi, Motoaki Nakamura, Hiromi Watanabe, Miho Kuroda, Haruhisa Ohta, Chieko Kanai, Nobumasa Kato, Ryu-ichiro Hashimoto
    MOLECULAR AUTISM 7 2016年10月  査読有り
    Background: The insular cortex comprises multiple functionally differentiated sub-regions, each of which has different patterns of connectivity with other brain regions. Such diverse connectivity patterns are thought to underlie a wide range of insular functions, including cognitive, affective, and sensorimotor processing, many of which are abnormal in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Although past neuroimaging studies of ASD have shown structural and functional abnormalities in the insula, possible alterations in the sub-regional organization of the insula and the functional characteristics of each sub-region have not been examined in the ASD brain. Methods: Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) data were acquired from 36 adult males with ASD and 38 matched typically developed (TD) controls. A data-driven clustering analysis was applied to rs-fMRI data of voxels in the left and right insula to automatically group voxels with similar intrinsic connectivity pattern into a cluster. After determining the optimal number of clusters based on information theoretic measures of variation of information and mutual information, functional parcellation patterns in both the left and the right insula were compared between the TD and ASD groups. Furthermore, functional profiles of each sub-region were meta-analytically decoded using Neurosynth and were compared between the groups. Results: We observed notable alterations in the anterior sector of the left insula and the middle ventral sub-region of the right insula in the ASD brain. Meta-analytic decoding revealed that whereas the anterior sector of the left insula contained two functionally differentiated sub-regions for cognitive, sensorimotor, and emotional/affective functions in TD brain, only a single functional cluster for cognitive and sensorimotor functions was identified in the anterior sector in the ASD brain. In the right insula, the middle ventral sub-region, which is primarily specialized for sensory-and auditory-related functions, showed a significant volumetric increase in the ASD brain compared with the TD brain. Conclusions: The results indicate an altered organization of sub-regions in specific parts of the left and right insula of the ASD brain. The alterations in the left and right insula may constitute neural substrates underlying abnormalities in emotional/affective and sensory functions in ASD.
  • 橋本龍一郎, 板橋貴史, 太田晴久, 山田貴, 金井智恵子, 中村元昭, 渡辺浩美, 加藤進昌
    Social Neuroscience 30 1-12 2016年8月  査読有り
  • Aya Shirama, Chieko Kanai, Nobumasa Kato, Makio Kashino
    We examined the factors that influence ocular fixation control in adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) including sensory information, individuals' motor characteristics, and inhibitory control. The ASD group showed difficulty in maintaining fixation especially when there was no fixation target. The fixational eye movement characteristics of individuals were consistent regardless of the presence or absence of a fixation target in the controls, but not in the ASD group. Additionally, fixation stability did not correlate with an ability to suppress reflexive saccades measured by an antisaccade task. These findings suggest that ASD adults have deficits in converting alternative sensory information, such as retinal signals in the peripheral visual field or extraretinal signals, to motor commands when the foveal information is unavailable.
  • 金井智恵子
    臨床精神医学44増刊号 152-157 2015年12月  招待有り
  • 金井智恵子
    臨床精神医学44増刊号 158-164 2015年12月  招待有り
  • 金井智恵子, 加藤進昌
    精神療法 41(5) 733-742 2015年8月  招待有り
  • Takashi Itahashi, Takashi Yamada, Hiromi Watanabe, Motoaki Nakamura, Haruhisa Ohta, Chieko Kanai, Akira Iwanami, Nobumasa Kato, Ryu-ichiro Hashimoto
    MOLECULAR AUTISM 6 2015年5月  査読有り
    Background: Previous autism research has hypothesized that abnormalities of functional connectivity in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may vary with the spatial distance between two brain regions. Although several resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI) studies have extensively examined long-range (or distant) connectivity in the adult ASD brain, short-range (or local) connectivity has been investigated in less depth. Furthermore, the possible relationship between functional connectivity and brain activity level during the resting state remains unclear. Methods: We acquired rsfMRI data from 50 adults with high-functioning ASD and 50 matched controls to examine the properties of spontaneous brain activity using measures of local and distant connectivity together with a measure of the amplitude of brain activity, known as fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation (fALFF). The two connectivity measures were calculated using a common graph-theoretic framework. We also examined the spatial overlaps between these measures and possible relationships of these disrupted functional measures with autistic traits assessed by the Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ). Results: Compared to the controls, participants with ASD exhibited local over-connectivity in the right superior frontal gyrus and middle frontal gyrus, accompanied by local under-connectivity in the bilateral fusiform gyri (FG) and right middle temporal gyrus (MTG). On the other hand, we did not find any significant alterations in distant connectivity. Participants with ASD also exhibited reduced fALFF in the right middle occipital gyrus, lingual gyrus, and FG. Further conjunction and spatial overlap analyses confirmed that the spatial pattern of reduced fALFF substantially overlapped with that of local under-connectivity, demonstrating the co-occurrence of disrupted connectivity and spontaneous activity level in the right inferior occipital gyrus, posterior MTG (pMTG), and FG. Finally, within the ASD group, disrupted local connectivity in the right pMTG significantly correlated with the "social interaction" subscale score of the AQ. Conclusions: These findings revealed local functional disruptions in the occipital and temporal regions, especially the right FG and pMTG, in the form of co-occurrence of spontaneous brain activity level and local connectivity, which may underline social and communicative dysfunctions in adult ASD.
  • 金井智恵子
    みんなでネット 10-11 2014年11月  
  • Akira Iwanami, Yuka Okajima, Haruhisa Ota, Takashi Yamada, Ryuichiro Hashimoto, Chieko Kanai, Nobumasa Kato
    International Journal of Psychophysiology 77 255-256 2014年10月  査読有り
  • Yuko Takayama, Ryuichiro Hashimoto, Masayuki Tani, Chieko Kanai, Takashi Yamada, Hiromi Watanabe, Taisei Ono, Nobumasa Kato, Akira Iwanami
    RESEARCH IN AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS 8(4) 347-353 2014年4月  査読有り
    Individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) often have sensory processing abnormalities. However, limited measures that assess these problems in adults with ASD have been developed till date, particularly in Japan. Robertson and Simmons (2012) developed a self-rating scale to investigate sensory sensitivity: the Glasgow Sensory Questionnaire (GSQ). In the present study, we developed a Japanese version of GSQ and investigated sensory abnormalities in adults with ASD. We compared results of the Japanese version of GSQ in adults between an ASD group (n = 64) and a control group (n = 70). In addition, we also administered these individuals with the autism spectrum quotient (AQ), which is a questionnaire for assessing autistic traits. The Japanese version of GSQ scores was significantly higher in the ASD group than that in the control group. The total GSQ score and each sensory subscale showed a positive correlation with AQ in the total study sample. These results indicate that individuals with pronounced autistic traits have more frequent and extreme sensory processing problems compared with that in individuals with less pronounced autistic traits. We also assessed validity of the new test. Cronbach's alpha of the questionnaire was calculated, and its high value indicates that the Japanese version of GSQ has high reliability. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 古内希, 金井智恵子
    相模女子大学子ども教育学科紀要 6 40-47 2014年3月  
  • 山元郁月, 金井智恵子
    相模女子大学子ども教育学科紀要 6 3-10 2014年3月  
  • 金井智恵子, 加藤進昌
    児童心理4月号臨時増刊 41-47 2014年3月  招待有り
  • I-Fan Lin, Makio Kashino, Haruhisa Ohta, Takashi Yamada, Masayuki Tani, Hiromi Watanabe, Chieko Kanai, Taisei Ohno, Yuko Takayama, Akira Iwanami, Nobumasa Kato
    MOLECULAR AUTISM 5(5) 2014年2月  査読有り
    Background: Many individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have difficulty with verbal communication, which might be due to a lack of spontaneous orientation toward social auditory stimuli. Previous studies have shown that a single dose of oxytocin improves speech comprehension in autism. The primary aim of this study was to investigate whether the orientation behaviors toward human sounds are different for neurotypical (NT) adults and adults with ASD and whether oxytocin has an effect on their orientation behaviors toward human sounds. Methods: This was a randomized, placebo-controlled, within-subject, crossover design study of intranasal oxytocin versus placebo in 13 NT adults and 16 adults with ASD. Subjects were randomized to 24 IU intranasal oxytocin or placebo on different days, and they were blind to the treatment. The participants then listened passively to human and non-human affective sounds while their skin conductance responses (SCRs) and the changes in peripheral blood vessel constriction were monitored as an indicator of spontaneous orientation. The monitored data were analyzed by a mixed-design ANOVA. Results: Oxytocin enhanced the difference between the SCRs to human and non-human sounds in both the NT and ASD groups (F(1,56) = 6.046, p = 0.017). Further correlation coefficient analysis showed significant correlations between this SCR difference and the scores in the autism spectrum quotient 'attention to detail' and 'social skill' subscales and interpersonal reactivity index and social functioning scale in the ASD group. Oxytocin was well tolerated, and no serious adverse effects were reported. Conclusions: The difference in SCRs implies that oxytocin nasal spray may enhance orientation behaviors toward human sounds in the presence of other environmental sounds in both ASD and NT adults.
  • 池田あゆみ, 谷将之, 金井智恵子, 太田晴久, 山田貴志, 岩波明, 加藤進昌
    精神医学 56(2) 133-141 2014年2月  査読有り
  • 金井智恵子
    Social cognitive and affective neuroscience doi: 10.1093/scan/nst016 2014年1月  査読有り
  • Akira Iwanami, Yuka Okajima, Haruhisa Ota, Masayuki Tani, Takashi Yamada, Bun Yamagata, Ryuichiro Hashimoto, Chieko Kanai, Osamu Takashio, Atsuko Inamoto, Taisei Ono, Yukiko Takayama, Nobumasa Kato
    Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology 31(5) 493-499 2014年  査読有り
    In the present study, we investigated auditory event-related potentials in adults with Asperger disorder and normal controls using an auditory oddball task and a novelty oddball task. Task performance and the latencies of P300 evoked by both target and novel stimuli in the two tasks did not differ between the two groups. Analysis of variance revealed that there was a significant interaction effect between group and electrode site on the mean amplitude of the P300 evoked by novel stimuli, which indicated that there was an altered distribution of the P300 in persons with Asperger disorder. In contrast, there was no significant interaction effect on the mean P300 amplitude elicited by target stimuli. Considering that P300 comprises two main subcomponents, frontal-central-dominant P3a and parietal-dominant P3b, our results suggested that persons with Asperger disorder have enhanced amplitude of P3a, which indicated activated prefrontal function in this task.
  • 金井智恵子
    精神科診断学会誌 50-54 2013年10月  
  • 金井智恵子, 加藤進昌
    Clinical Neuroscience 31(1) 1254-1255 2013年10月  招待有り
  • Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 42(9) doi: 10.1007/s10803-013-1760-8 2013年9月  査読有り
  • 金井智恵子, 加藤進昌
    最新医学 68(9) 2013年9月  
  • 金井智恵子, 岩波明
    精神科 23(1) 2013年7月  
  • 金井智恵子, 岩波明
    成人期ADHDガイドブック 2013年7月  
  • 金井智恵子, 松下洋子, 齋藤絵美, 加藤進昌
    精神科 22(6) 679-686 2013年6月  査読有り
  • 伊藤沙瑛子, 金井智恵子
    相模女子大学子ども教育学会誌 11 2013年3月  
  • 金井智恵子
    相模女子大学子ども教育学会誌 11 2013年3月  
  • Yoshinori Yukawa, Haruhisa Ota, Chieko Kanai, Masayuki Tani, Takashi Yamada, Ryuichiro Hashimoto, Hidenori Yamasue, Nobusama Kato, Akira Iwanami
    International Journal on Disability and Human Development 12(1) 25-29 2013年2月  査読有り
    Background: In spite of the relatively high prevalence of pervasive development disorders (PDD), the medical and educational services for persons with PDD are insufficient in Japan. The present study investigated the clinical and psychosocial characteristics of adults with PDD in Japan. Methods: We selected 111 individuals with PDD out of the 257 subjects attending an outpatient clinic for adult PDD at Showa University Karasuyama Hospital, between the period of July 2008 and June of 2009. Sociodemographic factors, psychosocial characteristics, and medication status of the subjects were investigated. Results: The mean age of subjects at the initial visit to a medical organization was 21.4 years however, only 34.2 % were diagnosed as having PDD. These results indicated that persons with PDD are apt to be misdiagnosed. Most of the persons with PDD were unmarried, and lived with their parents. This may be partly due to economic reasons, because the unemployment rate was high in this group. More than 45 % of the subjects with PDD were taking psychoactive medications, which indicated that they carried a high-risk for co-existing mental health problems. Conclusions: The results of the present study indicated that many persons with PDD are socially isolated, in spite of their relatively high level of education, and that these individuals require additional medical and educational services. © 2013, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/Boston.
  • 金井智恵子, 谷将之, 山田貴志, 渡部浩美, 岩波明, 加藤進昌
    臨床精神医学 41(12) 1757-1766 2012年12月  査読有り
  • 金井智恵子, 高山悠子, 大野泰正, 加藤進昌
    精神科 21(6) 646-651 2012年12月  







