
原 光彦

ハラ ミツヒコ  (Hara Mitsuhiko)


和洋女子大学 家政学部 健康栄養学科 教授




  • Tatsuhiko Urakami, Remi Kuwahara, Junichi Suzuki, Yuriko Abe, Mitsuhiko Hara, Ichiro Morioka
    Endocrine Journal 70(4) 115-452 2023年7月  査読有り
    The aim of the study was to determine the pathogenesis of non-obese children with type 2 diabetes, and its relationship with fat distribution. The study participants included 36 obese children with type 2 diabetes (age: 13.5 years, BMI: 28.3, BMI percentile: 91.9) and 30 non-obese children with type 2 diabetes (age: 13.5 years, BMI: 23.1, BMI percentile: 74.0). The proportion of female participants was significantly higher in non-obese children than in obese children (73.3% vs. 41.7%, p < 0.001). Abdominal fat distribution, evaluated by subcutaneous fat (SF) area, visceral fat (VF) area, and the ratio of VF area to SF area (V/S ratio), measured using computed tomography, and serum lipid levels and liver function were compared between the two groups. Non-obese children with type 2 diabetes had significantly smaller SF area and also smaller VF area than obese children with type 2 diabetes (SF area: 158.3 m2 vs. 295.3 m2, p < 0.001, VF area: 71.0 m2 vs. 94.7 m2, p = 0.032). Whereas non-obese children with type 2 diabetes had significantly greater V/S ratio than obese children with type 2 diabetes (0.41 vs. 0.31, p = 0.007).The prevalence of dyslipidemia and liver dysfunction were similar in the two groups. In conclusion, non-obese children with type 2 diabetes had excess accumulation of VF despite a small amount of SF, which might be associated with glucose intolerance and other metabolic disorders.
  • Katsumi Mizuno, Toshiaki Shimizu, Shinobu Ida, Setsuko Ito, Mikako Inokuchi, Toshihiro Ohura, Akihisa Okumura, Masanobu Kawai, Toru Kikuchi, Motoichiro Sakurai, Shigetaka Sugihara, Mitsuyoshi Suzuki, Kimitaka Takitani, Daisuke Tanaka, Sotaro Mushiake, Nobuo Yoshiike, Hiroko Kodama, Kazuo Okada, Chiharu Tsutsumi, Mitsuhiko Hara, Yoshio Hanawa, Kazue Kawakami, Hiroaki Inomata, Tatsuya Oguni, Yuko Bito, Keiichi Uchida, Akihide Sugiyama
    Pediatrics International 2020年  査読有り
    © 2019 The Authors. Pediatrics International published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd on behalf of Japan Pediatric Society For preterm and very low birthweight infants, the mother’s own milk is the best nutrition. Based on the latest information for mothers who give birth to preterm and very low birthweight infants, medical staff should encourage and assist mothers to pump or express and provide their own milk whenever possible. If the supply of maternal milk is insufficient even though they receive adequate support, or the mother’s own milk cannot be given to her infant for any reason, donor human milk should be used. Donors who donate their breast milk need to meet the Guideline of the Japan Human Milk Bank Association. Donor human milk should be provided according to the medical needs of preterm and very low birthweight infants, regardless of their family’s financial status. In the future, it will be necessary to create a system to supply an exclusive human milk-based diet (EHMD), consisting of human milk with the addition of a human milk-derived human milk fortifier, to preterm and very low birthweight infants.
  • 原光彦, 斉藤恵美子, 阿部百合子, 朝原 祟, 高橋琢也, 山城雄一郎
    肥満研究 24(3) 158-165 2018年12月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 原 光彦, 斉藤恵美子, 阿部百合子, 岡田知雄
    肥満研究 23(2) 171-177 2017年1月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Mitsuhiko Hara
    JOURNAL OF ATHEROSCLEROSIS AND THROMBOSIS 23(3) 295-296 2016年  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Emiko Saito, Tomoo Okada, Yuriko Abe, Minako Odaka, Yuki Kuromori, Fujihiko Iwata, Mitsuhiko Hara, Hideo Mugishima, Yohei Kitamura
    OBESITY RESEARCH & CLINICAL PRACTICE 8(3) E266-E270 2014年5月  査読有り
    Background: Abdominal obesity alters the composition of plasma and tissue long chain fatty acids and thus affects a number of important physiological functions relating to the development of cardiometabolic diseases. The fatty acid composition is modulated by desaturases; stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD), delta-6 desaturase (D6D) and delta-5 desaturase (D5D). Therefore, we examined the relationship between the desaturase activities and abdominal adiposity. Methods: One hundred eighty-one children (98 males, 83 females), including 42 children with abdominal obesity having waist to height ratio (WHtR) &gt;0.5, were recruited. Fatty acid composition in plasma phospholipids was analyzed by gas chromatography after overnight fast, and SCD activity was estimated by 18:1/18:0 ratio. Results: In children without abdominal obesity, WHtR correlated positively with D6D activity (r = 0.252, p = 0.0027) and negatively with SCD activity (r = -0.289, p = 0.0006), but not with D5D activity (r = -0.159, p = 0.0607). While in children with abdominal obesity, WHtR had a positive association with SCD activity (r = 0.332, p = 0.0315), but not with D6D (r = 0.267, p = 0.0847) or D5D activity (r = 0.008, p = 0.9600). Conclusion: The relationship between the desaturase activities and abdominal adiposity altered in children with abdominal obesity. Especially, SCD activity demonstrated a U-shaped association with WHtR. (C) 2013 Asian Oceanian Association for the Study of Obesity. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 高谷 竜三, 片山 博視, 森 保彦, 奥村 謙一, 玉井 浩, 岡田 知雄, 能登 信孝, 原 光彦, 石井 正浩, 稲井 慶, 中西 敏雄, 杉原 茂孝, 伊藤 けい子, 小林 浩司, 長嶺 健次郎, 吉永 正夫, 石川 貴充, 大関 武彦
    肥満研究 : 日本肥満学会誌 = Journal of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity 17(1) 49-53 2011年4月25日  査読有り
  • K Asayama, H Hayashibe, A Endo, T Okada, M Hara, H Masuda, S Sugihara
    PEDIATRICS INTERNATIONAL 47(5) 498-504 2005年10月  査読有り
    Background: In order to define the diagnostic criteria for visceral adipose tissue (VAT) accumulation and abdominal obesity in Japanese youths, a cross-sectional, multicenter study was conducted. Methods: Subjects were 194 boys and 96 girls ranging in age from 6 to 15 years. Obese youths were classified according to the occurrence of abnormal values in serum triglyceride, alanine aminotransferase or insulin level. A threshold value of each criterion was calculated, using the analysis of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. The areas of total abdominal adipose tissue (AT), VAT and subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) were estimated by single slice computed tomography at the level of umbilicus. Results: VAT area was greater in boys than it was in girls. The critical values for VAT area and waist circumference in all subjects were 54.8 cm(2) and 83.5 cm, respectively. The values for the area under the ROC curves were VAT area &gt; total AT area &gt; waist circumference &gt; SAT area &gt; percentage overweight &gt; percentage body fat. The sensitivity and specificity for VAT area were 90.5 and 79.5%, respectively. Those for waist circumference were high enough (&gt; 70%) for clinical use. In the linear regression analysis assigning VAT area as an independent variable and waist circumference as a dependent variable, the expected value for the waist circumference was 82 cm. Conclusion: In Japanese obese youths ranging in age from 6 to 15 years, the diagnostic criteria for the waist circumference was 82 cm, and that for VAT area was 55 cm(2).
  • Hara M, Saitou E, Iwata F, Okada T, Harada K
    Journal of atherosclerosis and thrombosis 9(3) 127-132 2002年  査読有り筆頭著者


  • 原 光彦
    ニュー ダイエット セラピー 日本臨床栄養協会誌 36(4) 47-53 2021年3月  査読有り招待有り筆頭著者
  • 原 光彦
    肥満研究 26(3) 328-332 2020年12月  査読有り筆頭著者
    肥満は成人後の心血管病(cardiovascular disease:CVD)や2型糖尿病(type 2 diabetes mellitus:T2DM)の発症リスクを高めるだけでなく、小児期からさまざまな健康障害を引き起こす。肥満は健康障害のない「肥満」と、健康障害を合併するか、合併が予測される「肥満症」に二分される。日本肥満学会は2000年、世界に先駆けて「肥満症」の概念を発表し、2002年に同学会の小児適正体格検討委員会が「小児肥満症判定基準」を策定し、小児でも医学的管理が必要な「肥満症」の概念が明確になった。その後、小児の高血圧や糖尿病の診断基準が改訂されたことから、小児肥満症判定基準が見直され、2014年に小児肥満症診断基準(概要)が発表された。そして、その内容を元に「小児肥満症診療ガイドライン2017」(GL2017)が発刊された。GL2017は6歳以上18歳未満に適用され、診断項目に早期動脈硬化症や高non HDL-C血症が加えられ、参考項目に運動器検診結果を反映する運動器機能障害やdevelopmental origins of health and disease(DOHaD)の概念を反映する出生体重が加えられた。肥満は遺伝的素因に望ましくない生活習慣が蓄積されることで形成されるため、肥満に伴う健康障害は予防可能である。肥満症対策は早期に行うほど効果的である。小児肥満症の予防効果を上げるには、教育現場の校医や教職員、スポーツ現場の指導者の協力と、地域社会や家庭の「小児肥満症」への正しい理解が不可欠である。そこで、GL2017の執筆者が中心になって、GL2017の内容を平易に解説した「子どもの肥満症Q&A」を作成した。さらに、GL2017に掲載されている小児肥満症や小児期メタボリックシンドローム(metabolic syndrome:MetS)の診断基準に準拠した新しい小児生活習慣病予防健診システムを構築した。多数の疫学調査から学童期以降の肥満の多くは、その起源が幼児期にあることが明らかになったため、幼児期からの肥満予防を目的とする「幼児肥満ガイド」も作成した。(著者抄録)
  • 原光彦, 位田忍, 位田忍, 清水俊明, 清水俊明, 杉原茂孝, 杉原茂孝, 菊池透, 菊池透, 土橋一重, 土橋一重, 猪股弘明, 猪股弘明, 小國龍也, 小國龍也, 岡田知雄, 岡田知雄, 太田百合子, 太田百合子, 花木啓一, 花木啓一, 井ノ口美香子, 井ノ口美香子, 内田恵一, 内田恵一, 伊藤善也, 村田光範, 有阪治, 田中大介, 内田則彦, 西本裕紀子, 川井正信, 小山さとみ, 堤ちはる
    日本小児科学会雑誌 123(7) 1101‐1107-1107 2019年7月1日  筆頭著者








  • 原 光彦, 堤ちはる, 太田百合子, 長谷川智子, 岩田富士彦, 花木啓一, 桑田弘美, 岡田知雄
    2021年3月16日 その他
  • 原 光彦, 位田 忍, 清水俊明, 杉原茂孝, 菊池 透, 土橋一重, 猪股弘明, 小國龍也, 岡田知雄, 太田百合子, 花木恵一, 井ノ口美香子, 内田恵一
    2019年3月 その他
  • 原 光彦, 岡田知雄, 杉原茂孝, 花木啓一, 菊池透, 太田百合子, 井ノ口美香子, 松野泰一
    2017年9月12日 その他



