Curriculum Vitaes


  (戸塚 学)

Profile Information

Professor, School Medical Sciences, Fundamental Education, Fujita Health University
Master of Physical Education(Nippon Sport Science University)
Doctor(Medical)(Hirosaki University)

researchmap Member ID


  • Journal of Japan Association for College of Technology, 22(3) 67-71, Jul, 2022  Peer-reviewed
  • 益川満治, 杉本和那美, 戸塚学, 高橋俊哉, 上野秀人, 三上孝志, 佐藤貴史
    弘前大学教育学部紀要, 127(127) 103-108, Mar, 2022  
    type:Article 小学校低学年児を対象とした運動プログラムを考案及び実践し,それらの効果検証としてセルフエフィカシーと運動に対する好意度から検討することを研究の目的とした.対象は,弘前市内にある2つの小学校の2年生児童運動群37名,対象群36名,計73名とし運動介入前後に調査を行った.その結果,運動群において運動好意度の有意な上昇が認められ,運動プログラムの介入効果の可能性が示唆された.しかし,セルフエフィカシーの上昇は認められず,身体活動量などの視点からの検討も行っていないため,今後,長期的な介入や児童の身体活動量の観点からも検討する必要性がある.
  • KAWABATA Ryosuke, SOMA Yuki, TOTSUKA Manabu, OHSHIMA Yoshiharu
    RESEACH REPORTS National Institute of Technology,Hachinohe College, 55 23-27, Feb 19, 2021  
  • Ryosuke Kawabata, Yuki Soma, Yutaro Kudo, Junichi Yokoyama, Hiroyasu Shimizu, Arata Akaike, Daisuke Suzuki, Yoshihisa Katsuragi, Manabu Totsuka, Shigeyuki Nakaji
    PLOS ONE, 15(11) e0242308-e0242308, Nov 17, 2020  Peer-reviewed
    Pulmonary diseases, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), are major chronic diseases that result in decreased pulmonary function. Relationships between body composition and pulmonary function have been reported. However, few epidemiological studies have used the visceral fat area (VFA) to measure body composition. This study aimed to examine the relationship between body composition and pulmonary function. A cross-sectional study was conducted between 2015 and 2016, using data obtained from 1,287 residents aged between 19 and 91 years living in the Iwaki area of Hirosaki City, a rural region in Aomori Prefecture, Japan. Pulmonary function was evaluated using the forced vital capacity (FVC) as a percentage of the predicted value (predicted FVC%) and the ratio of forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) to FVC. The measurements for evaluating body composition included the body fat percentage (BFP) of the whole body and trunk, skeletal muscle index (SMI), body mass index (BMI), VFA, waist circumference (WC) at the navel level, and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR). To adjust for potential confounders, Spearman’s partial correlation analysis was used to examine the relationship between the measurements of body composition and pulmonary function. There were significant correlations between the predicted FVC% and the following parameters: BFP (whole body and trunk) in younger males; SMI in older males; WC, VFA, BMI, and SMI in younger females; and BFP (whole body and trunk) and VFA in older females. Contrastingly, WC and VFA in younger males and WC in younger females were correlated with the FEV1/FVC ratio. VFA was correlated with the FEV1/FVC ratio in younger males and predicted FVC% in older females. These findings suggest that visceral fat accumulation may increase the development of obstructive pulmonary disease in young males and accelerate the decline of pulmonary function (predicted FVC%) in older females.


  • 川端良介, 戸塚学
    弘前大学教育学部紀要(Web), 126(126) 95-99, Oct 25, 2021  
  • 山田 夏子, 笠井 里津子, 三宅 良輔, 山本 博, 瀬尾 京子, 戸塚 学, 澤田 かほり, 徳田 糸代, 中路 重之, 梅田 孝
    日本レーザー治療学会誌, 19(2) 22-30, 2021  
  • 高橋 一平, 沢田 かほり, 福井 真司, 石橋 剛士, 小川 武志, 植村 望, 神田 翔太, 高橋 佳子, 清水 宏保, 金野 潤, 戸塚 学, 中路 重之
    体力・栄養・免疫学雑誌, 26(2) 112-113, Nov, 2016  
  • 徳田糸代, 高橋一平, 戸塚学, 岩間孝暢, 吉岡美子, 倉内静香, 小野真実, 大沼由香, 村下公一, 中路重之
    体力・栄養・免疫学雑誌, 第25(第25) 76-82, Oct 15, 2015  Peer-reviewed
  • 佐藤弘道, 高橋一平, 戸塚学, 三宅良輔, 沢田かほり, 平川裕一, 上谷英史, 澄川幸志, 小枝周平, 中路重之
    体力・栄養・免疫学雑誌, 25(1), 2015  
  • 佐藤 弘道, 佐藤 諭, 秋元 直樹, 平川 裕一, 上谷 英史, 岩間 孝暢, 戸塚 学, 中路 重之
    体力科学, 64(1) 30-30, 2015  Peer-reviewed
  • 三宅 良輔, 沢田 かほり, 戸塚 学, 澄川 幸志, 小枝 周平, 高橋 一平, 梅田 孝, 中路 重之
    体力科学, 64(1) 31-31, 2015  Peer-reviewed
  • Takeishi Yosuke, Hasebe Tatsuya, Umeda Takashi, Takahashi Ippei, Sawada Kaori, Okubo Noriyuki, Totsuka Manabu, Yoneda Katsuro, Suzukawa Kazuhiro, Nakaji Shigeyuki
    The Hirosaki medical journal, 64(2) 136-143, 2014  
  • Matsuda Motoko, Takahashi Ippei, Sawada Kaori, Okubo Noriyuki, Miyake Ryosuke, Hirakawa Yuichi, Kamitani Hidefumi, Totsuka Manabu, Umeda Takashi, Nakaji Shigeyuki
    Hirosaki Medical Journal, 64(2-4) 127-135, 2014  Peer-reviewed
    Several researchers have reported in these years that appropriate exercise can decrease oxidative stress, although its mechanism is still unknown. We examined in the present study the influence of 1-hour gymnastic exercise class once in a week for 6 months on reactive oxygen species (ROS) production capability of neutrophils which causes oxidative stress. Subjects were 29 adults who participated in exercise classes as a part of the Iwaki Health Promotion Project 2008. Body composition, blood parameters and ROS production capability before, after and exactly half way through the class. The results showed that body fat percentage, blood pressure and total cholesterol decreased, HDL-cholesterol increased significantly and that SOA decreased significantly immediately after the class. It was concluded that the current exercise class was effective for improving lifestyle-related parameters as well as for inhibiting oxidative stress mediated neutrophil ROS production.
  • 戸塚学, 高橋一平, 松坂方士, 岩根かほり, 梅田孝, 中路重之
    日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌, 20(2) 280-282, Apr 30, 2012  Invited
  • 上谷英史, 平川裕一, 梅田孝, 高橋一平, 松坂方士, 岩根かほり, 檀上和真, 戸塚学, 中路重之
    日本衛生学雑誌, 67(2) 317-317, Feb 17, 2012  
  • Takashi UMEDA
    Journal of Physical Fitness, Nutrition and Immunology, 21(2) 151-155, Jun 30, 2011  
  • Takashi UMEDA
    Journal of Physical Fitness, Nutrition and Immunology, 21(2) 94-98, Jun 30, 2011  
  • Takashi UMEDA
    Journal of Physical Fitness, Nutrition and Immunology, 21(2) 75-82, Jun 30, 2011  
  • Takashi UMEDA
    Journal of Physical Fitness, Nutrition and Immunology, 21(2) 151-155, Jun 30, 2011  
  • Takashi UMEDA
    Journal of Physical Fitness, Nutrition and Immunology, 21(2) 94-98, Jun 30, 2011  
  • Takashi UMEDA
    Journal of Physical Fitness, Nutrition and Immunology, 21(2) 75-82, Jun 30, 2011  
  • 倉内静香, 高橋一平, 徳田糸代, 山本博, 戸塚学, 鈴木大地, 梅田孝, 中路重之
    日本衛生学雑誌, 66(2) 486, Feb 15, 2011  
  • 上谷英史, 松坂方士, 檀上和真, 山居聖典, 井上亮, 岩根かほり, 高橋一平, 梅田孝, 戸塚学, 中路重之
    日本衛生学雑誌, 64(2) 553-553, Mar 15, 2009  
  • 上谷英史, 松坂方士, 檀上和真, 山居聖典, 井上亮, 岩根かほり, 高橋一平, 梅田孝, 戸塚学, 中路重之
    体力・栄養・免疫学雑誌, 18(2) 159-161, Nov 15, 2008  
  • 中澤成子, 松坂方士, 高橋一平, 檀上和真, 梅田孝, 中路重之, 戸塚学
    体力・栄養・免疫学雑誌, 18(2) 138-140, Nov 15, 2008  
  • 地主継, 葛西俊範, 岩根かほり, 井上亮, 山居聖典, 松坂方士, 壇上和真, 梅田孝, 戸塚学, 中路重之
    東北学校保健学会会誌, (56) 31-32, Sep 13, 2008  
  • Takashi Umeda, Kazuo Saito, Masashi Matsuzaka, Shigeyuki Nakaji, Manabu Totsuka, Toshiki Okumura, Toshiaki Tsukamoto, Makoto Yaegaki, Umi Kudoh, Ippei Takahashi
    LUMINESCENCE, 23(3) 115-120, May, 2008  Peer-reviewed
    In order to examine in detail the influence on the neutrophil immune function in sumo wrestlers of performing traditional and original training we examined changes in the neutrophil immune function in 17 male amateur university sumo wrestlers (aged 20.2 +/- 1.5 years), before ('Pre') and after the training ('Post') for 2.5 h under fasting conditions. Assays included blood leukocyte and neutrophil counts, serum concentration of immunoglobulins, complements, myogenic enzymes and neutrophil oxidative burst activity (OBA) and phagocytic activity (PA). Myogenic enzymes, neutrophil counts, the ratio of neutrophil counts:leukocyte counts significantly increased and immunoglobulins and complements decreased in Post compared with Pre. There was a positive correlation between the change of neutrophil counts before and after the training and the change of creatine kinase (r = 0.667, p < 0.01). The Post OBA significantly increased and PA significantly decreased compared with Pre. It was concluded that sumo training causes muscular damage and an increase in the neutrophil count as a response. In this time, although OBA increased, PA decreased after training. Compensation between PA and reactive oxygen species production may exist to maintain the overall integrity of the neutrophil immune function. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • 工藤うみ, 梅田孝, 戸塚学, 平川裕一, 上谷英史, 塚本利昭, 久米田桂子, 松坂方士, 高橋一平, 中路重之
    日本衛生学雑誌, 63(2) 511-511, Mar 1, 2008  
  • Takashi Umeda, Kiyonori Yamai, Ippei Takahashi, Arata Kojima, Yousuke Yamamoto, Masaru Tanabe, Manabu Totsuka, Shigeyuki Nakaji, Norio Sugawara, Masashi Matsuzaka
    LUMINESCENCE, 23(1) 49-53, Jan, 2008  Peer-reviewed
    The present study examined the effects of judo training on neutrophil and related functions. We measured and studied changes in the neutrophil and its related functions in 22 male university judoists immediately before (Pre values) and immediately after (Post values) a 2 h training session: reactive oxygen species (ROS) production capability, phagocytic activities (PA) and serum opsonic activity (SOA). Neutrophil count in whole blood, myogenic enzymes (creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase), immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA and IgM) and complements (C3 and C4) in serum were also measured. The Post values of the neutrophil count, myogenic enzymes and IgG increased significantly compared with the Pre values. ROS production capability and SOA also significantly increased following training, although PA showed a slight decrease (but not statistically significant). Taking the findings of our previous studies into consideration, three major neutrophil or related functions, namely ROS production capability, PA and SOA, might compensate for each other to maintain the overall integrity of the neutrophil immune function, in that ROS and SOA increased to compensate for the slight decrease in PA, or PA slightly decreased to compensate for the increase in ROA and SOA after exercise. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • SUGAWARA Norio
    日本衞生學雜誌, 62(2), Mar 1, 2007  
  • 梅田孝, 高橋一平, 斎藤一雄, 菅原典夫, 松坂方士, 戸塚学, 北川直子, 北川直子, 塚本利昭, 奥村俊樹, 中路重之
    日本衛生学雑誌, 62(2) 532-532, Mar 1, 2007  
  • 黄仁官, 弘卓三, 戸塚学, 上田大, 山田保, 成東鎮, 堀居昭
    体力・栄養・免疫学雑誌, 16(2) 143-144, Nov 15, 2006  
  • 菅原典夫, 梅田孝, 高橋一平, 松坂方士, 古川照美, 戸塚学, 中路重之
    東北学校保健学会会誌, (54) 33-34, Sep 9, 2006  
  • 梅田 孝, 高橋 一平, 田辺 勝, 中路 重之, 小嶋 新太, 山本 洋祐, 戸塚 学, 太田 誠耕, 佐藤 光毅
    体力科學, 54(5), Oct 1, 2005  
  • S Nakaji, T Umeda, T Kumae, S Ohta, M Totsuka, K Sato, K Sugawara, S Fukuda
    NUTRITION, 20(11-12) 955-960, Nov, 2004  Peer-reviewed
    Objective: The number of bedridden elderly patients who. need a liquid diet has been increasing. We, evaluated the usefulness of a tube-fed liquid diet containing cellulose and oligosaccharide for elderly bedridden patients. Methods: Twenty-two elderly bedridden patients were given a liquid diet containing cellulose and lafinose for 4 wk. Parameters associated with blood and stool weight were measured during this period. Results: Stool weight increased by 32.0 g in men and 8.8 g in women at 2 wk and remained at these weights up to 4 wk (P < 0.05 before and after 2 wk, 3 wk, and 4. wk in men, and P <0.05 before and after 3 wk in women). Body weight increased in men (0.5 kg) and women (0.7 kg) 15 d after starting the diet and then remained at these values up to 29 d thereafter, and statistically significant differences were not seen. There.were no changes in nutritional parameters such as total protein: Conclusion: No significant changes were observed in the general condition of elderly patients, with the exception of a positive increase in fecal weight,by 30-d. supplementation of a liquid diet containing cellulose and lafinose. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • T Umeda, S Nakaji, T Shimoyama, Y Yamamoto, M Totsuka, K Sugawara
    JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, 22(4) 329-338, Apr, 2004  Peer-reviewed
    In this study, we examined the effects of weight reduction by restricting energy intake on muscle function and serum concentrations of myogenic enzymes in judoists. Twenty-seven male judoists aged 19.3+/-0.6 years (mean+/- s ) were divided into three groups based on the extent of body weight reduction: high weight reduction (height 1.70+/-0.05 m, body mass 78.5 +/-13.6 kg), low weight reduction (height 1.70+/-0.05 m, body mass 80.7+/-13.1 kg) and a group that maintained body weight while continuing to perform exercise training (height 1.78+/- 0.07 m, body mass 78.7+/-8.8 kg). Body composition, blood biochemistry, energy intake and anaerobic power were assessed on four occasions: 20 days (baseline data), 4 days and 1 day before and 7 days after competition. Compared with baseline, body mass and fat-free mass were significantly lower 1 day before competition in the high and low weight reduction groups (both P <0.01); these changes persisted for 7 days after competition in the high weight reduction group. Serum creatine kinase was significantly elevated 1 day before competition in all groups (all P <0.05), and remained higher 7 days after competition in both the high and low weight reduction groups. Compared with baseline, maximal anaerobic power was significantly lower 1 day before competition only in the high weight reduction group ( P <0.01). Our results suggest that energy restriction in addition to intense exercise training before major competition has an adverse effect on anaerobic power and elevates serum creatine kinase concentration, leading to an impairment of muscular function and an increased susceptibility of muscle tissue to injury.
  • 戸塚 学, 梅田 孝, 片桐 朝美, 山本 洋祐, 小島 新太, 中路 重之, 菅原 和夫
    体力科學, 52(6), Dec 1, 2003  
  • K Suzuki, S Nakaji, S Kurakake, M Totsuka, K Sato, T Kuriyama, H Fujimoto, K Shibusawa, K Machida, K Sugawara
    It is known that interleukin (IL)-12 p70 promotes the differentiation of type-1 helper T (Th1) cells, which produce type-1 cytokines such as IL-2 and interferon (IFN), thereby supporting cellular immunity, whereas IL-12 p40 acts as an antagonist of IL-12 p70. In contrast, IL-4 and IL-6 promote the differentiation of Th2 cells, which produce type-2 cytokines IL-4, IL-6 and IL-10, induce humoral immunity and are involved in allergic reactions. Exhaustive exercise causes the suppression of T lymphocyte activity while asthmatic and allergic diseases are subclinically more prevalent in athletes. One of the mechanisms behind these observations might be a lower type-1 and higher type-2 cytokine balance, which we previously demonstrated to occur after exhaustive exercise. In the present study, we investigated the type-1/type-2 cytokine balance by measuring plasma concentrations of IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and IFN-gamma with microparticle-based flow cytometric technology. IL-5, IL-6 and IL-13 were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). IL-12 p40 and p70 were measured separately, also by ELISA. Plasma IL-12 p40 concentration rose significantly after maximal exercise and to an even greater extent after a marathon race. Conversely, plasma IL-12 p70 could not be detected even using two different assays. The marathon race caused a marked increase in the plasma concentrations of IL-6 and IL-10. Their responses were correlated (r=0.78, p<0.01), indicating that IL-6 is an inducer of IL-10, and may partly induce the type-1 < type-2 cytokine balance. With the exception of one study involving maximal exercise, other studies have failed to show any change in circulating IL-12 concentration with exercise. The present study demonstrated that IL-12 p40 was present in excess of p70 especially after exercise. This may be one of the mechanisms behind several phenomena including cellular immunosuppression, an increase in the relative proportion of type-2 cytokines following exhaustive exercise, and the higher incidence of infections and allergic disorders in regularly exercising endurance athletes.
  • K Suzuki, S Nakaji, S Kurakake, M Totsuka, K Sato, T Kuriyama, H Fujimoto, K Shibusawa, K Machida, K Sugawara
    EXERCISE IMMUNOLOGY REVIEW, 9 48-57, 2003  Peer-reviewed
    It is known that interleukin (IL)-12 p70 promotes the differentiation of type-1 helper T (Th1) cells, which produce type-1 cytokines such as IL-2 and interferon (IFN), thereby supporting cellular immunity, whereas IL-12 p40 acts as an antagonist of IL-12 p70. In contrast, IL-4 and IL-6 promote the differentiation of Th2 cells, which produce type-2 cytokines IL-4, IL-6 and IL-10, induce humoral immunity and are involved in allergic reactions. Exhaustive exercise causes the suppression of T lymphocyte activity while asthmatic and allergic diseases are subclinically more prevalent in athletes. One of the mechanisms behind these observations might be a lower type-1 and higher type-2 cytokine balance, which we previously demonstrated to occur after exhaustive exercise. In the present study, we investigated the type-1/type-2 cytokine balance by measuring plasma concentrations of IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and IFN-gamma with microparticle-based flow cytometric technology. IL-5, IL-6 and IL-13 were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). IL-12 p40 and p70 were measured separately, also by ELISA. Plasma IL-12 p40 concentration rose significantly after maximal exercise and to an even greater extent after a marathon race. Conversely, plasma IL-12 p70 could not be detected even using two different assays. The marathon race caused a marked increase in the plasma concentrations of IL-6 and IL-10. Their responses were correlated (r=0.78, p<0.01), indicating that IL-6 is an inducer of IL-10, and may partly induce the type-1 < type-2 cytokine balance. With the exception of one study involving maximal exercise, other studies have failed to show any change in circulating IL-12 concentration with exercise. The present study demonstrated that IL-12 p40 was present in excess of p70 especially after exercise. This may be one of the mechanisms behind several phenomena including cellular immunosuppression, an increase in the relative proportion of type-2 cytokines following exhaustive exercise, and the higher incidence of infections and allergic disorders in regularly exercising endurance athletes.
  • Manabu Totsuka, Shigeyuki Nakaji, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Kazuo Sugawara, Koki Sato
    J. Appl. Physiol., 93(4) 1280-1286, Oct, 2002  Peer-reviewedLead author
    We investigated whether there is a break point of creatine kinase (CK) release after daily endurance exercise and whether CK response depends on individual physical characteristics. Fifteen healthy young men performed 90 min of bicycle exercise for 3 consecutive days. Body composition, properties of the quadriceps femoris muscle (QFM), and aerobic and anaerobic capacities were estimated before the test. Blood samples were obtained 22 times during the experimental period. Endurance exercise significantly elevated serum CK from 3 h after the first exercise session (P < 0.05) and gradually increased thereafter. Subjects were classified into two groups according to their peak CK values: high responders (HR; >500 IU/l of CK) and low responders (LR; <300 IU/l of CK). Peak CK values during the experimental period correlated (P < 0.01) with workload/cross-sectional area of the QFM (r = 0.658), workload/volume of the QFM (r = 0.648), and knee extensor strength/body mass (r = -0.634); however, the HR and LR groups were separated in each variable. Thus the break point of CK release after endurance exercise under these conditions is 300-500 IU/l, two or three times higher than in the resting condition, and is associated with properties of the QFM.
  • M Totsuka, S Nakaji, K Suzuki, K Sugawara, K Sato
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 93(4) 1280-1286, Oct, 2002  Peer-reviewed
    We investigated whether there is a break point of creatine kinase (CK) release after daily endurance exercise and whether CK response depends on individual physical characteristics. Fifteen healthy young men performed 90 min of bicycle exercise for 3 consecutive days. Body composition, properties of the quadriceps femoris muscle (QFM), and aerobic and anaerobic capacities were estimated before the test. Blood samples were obtained 22 times during the experimental period. Endurance exercise significantly elevated serum CK from 3 h after the first exercise session (P < 0.05) and gradually increased thereafter. Subjects were classified into two groups according to their peak CK values: high responders (HR; >500 IU/l of CK) and low responders (LR; <300 IU/l of CK). Peak CK values during the experimental period correlated (P < 0.01) with workload/cross-sectional area of the QFM (r = 0.658), workload/volume of the QFM (r = 0.648), and knee extensor strength/body mass (r = -0.634); however, the HR and LR groups were separated in each variable. Thus the break point of CK release after endurance exercise under these conditions is 300-500 IU/l, two or three times higher than in the resting condition, and is associated with properties of the QFM.
  • S Ohta, S Nakaji, K Suzuki, M Totsuka, T Umeda, K Sugawara
    LUMINESCENCE, 17(3) 150-157, May, 2002  
    We studied changes in serum opsonic activity (SOA) in male judoists who were engaged in active weight reduction. Serum immunoglobulins, complements and SOA, measured by neutrophil-associated chemiluminescence responses. were investigated 20 days, 7 days and I day before a competition and 5 days after the competition, In addition, muscle strength and anaerobic work capacity, as well as body composition, were also determined. A dietary survey was conducted daily during the observation period, Body weight decreased by 4.2 kg over 19 days. SOA significantly decreased 5 days alter the competition. as well as the concentrations of serum immunoglobulins. complements and total proteins. These trends were noted in the marked weight reduction group (i.e. reduction weight of body fat/body fat weight before weight reduction greater than or equal to25%() more than the slight reduction group (<25%). Depressed SOA was closely correlated with the decreased concentrations of intmunoglobulins and complements. These results suggest that the decrease in immunoglobulins and complements following weight reduction is associated with reduced SOA, which might cause susceptibility to infections. This study demonstrated that such immunosuppression appeared in the recovery period after the competition rather than immediately before the competition. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons. Ltd.
  • S Ohta, S Nakaji, K Suzuki, M Totsuka, T Umeda, K Sugawara
    LUMINESCENCE, 17(3) 150-157, May, 2002  
    We studied changes in serum opsonic activity (SOA) in male judoists who were engaged in active weight reduction. Serum immunoglobulins, complements and SOA, measured by neutrophil-associated chemiluminescence responses. were investigated 20 days, 7 days and I day before a competition and 5 days after the competition, In addition, muscle strength and anaerobic work capacity, as well as body composition, were also determined. A dietary survey was conducted daily during the observation period, Body weight decreased by 4.2 kg over 19 days. SOA significantly decreased 5 days alter the competition. as well as the concentrations of serum immunoglobulins. complements and total proteins. These trends were noted in the marked weight reduction group (i.e. reduction weight of body fat/body fat weight before weight reduction greater than or equal to25%() more than the slight reduction group (<25%). Depressed SOA was closely correlated with the decreased concentrations of intmunoglobulins and complements. These results suggest that the decrease in immunoglobulins and complements following weight reduction is associated with reduced SOA, which might cause susceptibility to infections. This study demonstrated that such immunosuppression appeared in the recovery period after the competition rather than immediately before the competition. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons. Ltd.
  • Mutsuo Yamada, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Satoru Kudo, Manabu Totsuka, Shigeyuki Nakaji, Kazuo Sugawara
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 92(5) 1789-1794, May, 2002  Peer-reviewed
    We examined the hypothesis that the short, intensive exercise-induced increase in circulating neutrophil counts is affected by the interaction between the endocrine and immune systems. Twelve male winter-sports athletes underwent a maximal exercise test on a treadmill. Blood samples were collected before, immediately after (Post), and 1 h (Post 1 h) and 2 h (Post 2 h) after the exercise. The neutrophil counts increased significantly at Post 1 h (P < 0.05) and remained significantly high even at Post 2 h (P < 0.05), showing a leftward shift. Plasma granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) increased at Post (P < 0.05), and interleukin-6 (IL-6) increased at Post 1 h (P < 0.05). Plasma G-CSF at Post significantly correlated with the numbers of both neutrophils and stab cells at Post 1 h (P < 0.05). Plasma IL-6 at Post 1 h levels also correlated significantly with the number of neutrophils at Post 2 h (P < 0.05). The increase in the levels of plasma G-CSF and IL-6 after intensive exercise may play a role in the mobilization of neutrophils into the circulatory system.
  • M Yamada, K Suzuki, S Kudo, M Totsuka, S Nakaji, K Sugawara
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 92(5) 1789-1794, May, 2002  Peer-reviewed
    We examined the hypothesis that the short, intensive exercise-induced increase in circulating neutrophil counts is affected by the interaction between the endocrine and immune systems. Twelve male winter-sports athletes underwent a maximal exercise test on a treadmill. Blood samples were collected before, immediately after (Post), and 1 h (Post 1 h) and 2 h (Post 2 h) after the exercise. The neutrophil counts increased significantly at Post 1 h (P < 0.05) and remained significantly high even at Post 2 h (P < 0.05), showing a leftward shift. Plasma granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) increased at Post (P < 0.05), and interleukin-6 (IL-6) increased at Post 1 h (P < 0.05). Plasma G-CSF at Post significantly correlated with the numbers of both neutrophils and stab cells at Post 1 h (P < 0.05). Plasma IL-6 at Post 1 h levels also correlated significantly with the number of neutrophils at Post 2 h (P < 0.05). The increase in the levels of plasma G-CSF and IL-6 after intensive exercise may play a role in the mobilization of neutrophils into the circulatory system.
  • S Ohta, S Nakaji, K Suzuki, M Totsuka, T Umeda, K Sugawara
    LUMINESCENCE, 17(3) 150-157, May, 2002  Peer-reviewed
    We studied changes in serum opsonic activity (SOA) in male judoists who were engaged in active weight reduction. Serum immunoglobulins, complements and SOA, measured by neutrophil-associated chemiluminescence responses. were investigated 20 days, 7 days and I day before a competition and 5 days after the competition, In addition, muscle strength and anaerobic work capacity, as well as body composition, were also determined. A dietary survey was conducted daily during the observation period, Body weight decreased by 4.2 kg over 19 days. SOA significantly decreased 5 days alter the competition. as well as the concentrations of serum immunoglobulins. complements and total proteins. These trends were noted in the marked weight reduction group (i.e. reduction weight of body fat/body fat weight before weight reduction greater than or equal to25%() more than the slight reduction group (<25%). Depressed SOA was closely correlated with the decreased concentrations of intmunoglobulins and complements. These results suggest that the decrease in immunoglobulins and complements following weight reduction is associated with reduced SOA, which might cause susceptibility to infections. This study demonstrated that such immunosuppression appeared in the recovery period after the competition rather than immediately before the competition. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons. Ltd.
  • Journal of Applied Physiology, vol93, 1280-1286, 2002  
  • K Suzuki, S Nakaji, M Yamada, M Totsuka, K Sato, K Sugawara
    It has been documented that strenuous exercise not only induces pyrogenesis but also elicits mobilization and functional augmentation of neutrophils and monocytes whereas it suppresses cellular immunity leading to increased susceptibility to infections. As mediators Of these phenomena, cytokines released into the circulation have been a recent focus of attention. Indeed, there are as many as one hundred original reports concerning exercise and cytokines, and half of them have been published in rapid succession from 2000, resulting in a tremendous accumulation of new knowledge within such a short term. The first aim of this review is to comprehensively summarize previous studies on systemic cytokine kinetics following exercise, with a special focus on reproducibility and quantitative comparison in human studies using specific immunoassays. Although tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and interleukin (IL)-1 beta have traditionally been understood to be the main inducer cytokines of acute phase reactions, the majority of studies have shown that the circulating concentration of these cytokines is either unchanged following exercise, or exhibits relatively small, delayed increments. Plasma interferon (IFN)-alpha and IFN-gamma do not appear to change following exercise, whereas IL-2 decreases after endurance exercise. The small changes of these proinflammatory and immunomodulatory cytokines could well be mediated by anti-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra), IL-6 and IL-10 and cytokine inhibitors (cortisol, prostaglandin E-2 and soluble receptors against TNF and IL-2), which are known to increase markedly in the circulation following endurance exercise. Moreover it has been recently demonstrated that endurance exercise induces systemic release of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), macrophage CSF (M-CSF), IL-8 and monocyte chemotactic protein 1 (MCP-1). Although the majority of available data have been obtained following prolonged exercise, it remains to be elucidated whether short-duration intensive exercise also causes rapid systemic cytokine release. In addition, there have been few studies that have simultaneously compared the extent of each cytokine response to exercise from a wider perspective. The second aim of this study was to examine possible changes of not only plasma but also urine concentrations of a broad spectrum of cytokines (16 kinds) following maximal exercise, including the time course of recovery. Although plasma TNF-alpha could not be detected throughout, it was present in urine 2 It after exercise. Plasma IL-1 beta rose significantly 2 h after exercise, but plasma IL-1ra increased more rapidly and markedly than IL-1 beta, thus IL-1 bioactivity should be blocked at least in the circulation. Although there was only a trend toward increased plasma IL-6 concentrations after exercise, urine IL-6 rose significantly I h after exercise, indicating that IL-6 was released systemically but eliminated rapidly into the urine. Furthermore, it is shown for the first time that plasma and urine IL-4 concentrations were significantly elevated 2 h after exercise. Therefore, it is possible that anti-inflammatory cytokines might be released into the circulation as a regulatory mode of the cytokine network for adaptation against systemic inflammatory stress. Additionally, we have demonstrated that plasma concentrations of G-CSF granulocyte-macrophage CSF (GM-CSF), M-CSF IL-8 and MCP-1 increased immediately after short-duration exercise and that the urine concentrations of these cytokines were much more pronounced than the changes observed in plasma. In conclusion, cytokines that are considered to induce systemic bioactivity following exercise are not only anti-inflammatory cytokines but also colony-stimulating factors and chemokines, which were secreted in an earlier phase of exercise without the kinetic involvement of traditional proinflammatory cytokines. Although the wider physiological and pathological implications are still not clearly understood, these cytokine kinetics may partly explain suppressed cell-mediated immunity and increased allergic reactions derived from a lower type-1 to type-2 cytokine ratio, along with mobilization and functional augmentation of neutrophils and monocytes. The sources and stimuli of cytokine production are not fully elucidated at present, but several hypotheses based on recent experimental evidence are discussed in this review herein.
  • K Suzuki, S Nakaji, M Yamada, M Totsuka, K Sato, K Sugawara
    EXERCISE IMMUNOLOGY REVIEW, 8 6-48, 2002  Peer-reviewed
    It has been documented that strenuous exercise not only induces pyrogenesis but also elicits mobilization and functional augmentation of neutrophils and monocytes whereas it suppresses cellular immunity leading to increased susceptibility to infections. As mediators Of these phenomena, cytokines released into the circulation have been a recent focus of attention. Indeed, there are as many as one hundred original reports concerning exercise and cytokines, and half of them have been published in rapid succession from 2000, resulting in a tremendous accumulation of new knowledge within such a short term. The first aim of this review is to comprehensively summarize previous studies on systemic cytokine kinetics following exercise, with a special focus on reproducibility and quantitative comparison in human studies using specific immunoassays. Although tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and interleukin (IL)-1 beta have traditionally been understood to be the main inducer cytokines of acute phase reactions, the majority of studies have shown that the circulating concentration of these cytokines is either unchanged following exercise, or exhibits relatively small, delayed increments. Plasma interferon (IFN)-alpha and IFN-gamma do not appear to change following exercise, whereas IL-2 decreases after endurance exercise. The small changes of these proinflammatory and immunomodulatory cytokines could well be mediated by anti-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra), IL-6 and IL-10 and cytokine inhibitors (cortisol, prostaglandin E-2 and soluble receptors against TNF and IL-2), which are known to increase markedly in the circulation following endurance exercise. Moreover it has been recently demonstrated that endurance exercise induces systemic release of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), macrophage CSF (M-CSF), IL-8 and monocyte chemotactic protein 1 (MCP-1). Although the majority of available data have been obtained following prolonged exercise, it remains to be elucidated whether short-duration intensive exercise also causes rapid systemic cytokine release. In addition, there have been few studies that have simultaneously compared the extent of each cytokine response to exercise from a wider perspective. The second aim of this study was to examine possible changes of not only plasma but also urine concentrations of a broad spectrum of cytokines (16 kinds) following maximal exercise, including the time course of recovery. Although plasma TNF-alpha could not be detected throughout, it was present in urine 2 It after exercise. Plasma IL-1 beta rose significantly 2 h after exercise, but plasma IL-1ra increased more rapidly and markedly than IL-1 beta, thus IL-1 bioactivity should be blocked at least in the circulation. Although there was only a trend toward increased plasma IL-6 concentrations after exercise, urine IL-6 rose significantly I h after exercise, indicating that IL-6 was released systemically but eliminated rapidly into the urine. Furthermore, it is shown for the first time that plasma and urine IL-4 concentrations were significantly elevated 2 h after exercise. Therefore, it is possible that anti-inflammatory cytokines might be released into the circulation as a regulatory mode of the cytokine network for adaptation against systemic inflammatory stress. Additionally, we have demonstrated that plasma concentrations of G-CSF granulocyte-macrophage CSF (GM-CSF), M-CSF IL-8 and MCP-1 increased immediately after short-duration exercise and that the urine concentrations of these cytokines were much more pronounced than the changes observed in plasma. In conclusion, cytokines that are considered to induce systemic bioactivity following exercise are not only anti-inflammatory cytokines but also colony-stimulating factors and chemokines, which were secreted in an earlier phase of exercise without the kinetic involvement of traditional proinflammatory cytokines. Although the wider physiological and pathological implications are still not clearly understood, these cytokine kinetics may partly explain suppressed cell-mediated immunity and increased allergic reactions derived from a lower type-1 to type-2 cytokine ratio, along with mobilization and functional augmentation of neutrophils and monocytes. The sources and stimuli of cytokine production are not fully elucidated at present, but several hypotheses based on recent experimental evidence are discussed in this review herein.
  • 戸塚 学, 片桐 朝美, 梅田 孝, 山本 洋祐, 持田 典子, 小嶋 新太, 田辺 勝, 菅原 和夫
    体力科學, 50(6) 871-871, Dec 1, 2001  
  • 鈴木 克彦, 中路 重之, 山田 睦雄, 戸塚 学, 佐藤 光毅, 菅原 和夫
    体力科學, 50(6), Dec 1, 2001  
  • 田辺 勝, 山本 洋祐, 小嶋 新太, 戸塚 学, 鈴木 雅博, 梅田 孝, 中路 重之, 菅原 和夫
    体力科學, 50(6), Dec 1, 2001  



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