
橋本 樹明

ハシモト タツアキ  (Tatsuaki Hashimoto)


国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究所 宇宙機応用工学研究系 教授
工学博士(1990年3月 東京大学)




  • Tatsuaki Hashimoto, Tetsuya Yamada, Masatsugu Otsuki, Tetsuo Yoshimitsu, Atsushi Tomiki, Wataru Torii, Hiroyuki Toyota, Junji Kikuchi, Naoki Morishita, Yuta Kobayashi, Taichi Ito, Hideyuki Tanno, Aiko Nagamatsu, Hitoshi Morimoto
    IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 34(9) 20-30 2019年9月1日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Satoshi Ikari, Masahiro Fujiwara, Hirotaka Kondo, Shuhei Matsushita, Ichiro Yoshikawa, Kazuo Yoshioka, Reina Hikida, Yosuke Kawabata, Shintaro Nakajima, Ryu Funase, Masaki Kuwabara, Hajime Yano, Kota Miyoshi, Tatsuaki Hashimoto, Shinsuke Abe, Ryota Fuse, Yosuke Masuda, Shosaku Harima, Masahisa Yanagisawa, Kenji Yamamoto, Ryuji Shimada, Takayuki Hirai, Haruki Nakano, Kosuke Kando, Kazuyoshi Arai, Masayuki Fujii
    33rd Annual AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites SSC19(WKV-04) 1-9 2019年8月3日  


  • INATOMI Yuko, ISHIKAWA Takehiko, HASHIMOTO Tatsuaki, SAWAI Shujiro, SAITO Yoshitaka, YOSHIMITSU Tetsuo, SAKAI Shin-ichiro, KOBAYASHI Hiroaki, FUJITA Kazuo, BANDO Nobutaka, GOTO Masayuki, JIMBO Itaru, YAMAKAWA Hiroshi
    日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌 24(3) 2007年  
  • AKITA Daisuke, YAMADA Kazuhiko, IZUTSU Naoki, FUKE Hideyuki, TORIUMI Michihiko, MATSUZAKA Yukihiko, OHTA Shigeo, SEO Motoharu, NAMIKI Michiyoshi, IIJIMA Issei, NONAKA Naoki, KAWADA Jiro, MIZUTA Eiichi, SAITO Yoshitaka, YOSHIDA Tetsuya, YAMAGAMI Takamasa, SAWAI Shujiro, HASHIMOTO Tatsuaki, EGAMI Ikuo, AKIBA Ryojiro
    日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌 24(3) 2007年  
  • 橋本樹明, 澤井秀次郎, 坂井真一郎, 坂東信尚, 小林弘明, 石川毅彦, 稲富裕光, 藤田和央, 吉光徹雄, 斎藤芳隆, 福家英之
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 51st 2007年  
  • 橋本樹明, 斎藤芳隆, 澤井秀次郎, 坂井真一郎, 坂東信尚, 小林弘明, 藤田和央, 稲富裕光, 吉光徹雄, 石川毅彦, 山川宏
    大気球シンポジウム, 2007/1/16,相模原, 2007 2007年  査読有り
  • 瀬戸 直樹, 川村 静児, 安東 正樹, 中村 卓史, 坪野 公夫, 田中 貴浩, 船木 一幸, 沼田 健司, 佐藤 修一, 神田 展行, 高島 健, 井岡 邦仁, 青柳 巧介, 我妻 一博, 阿久津 智忠, 阿久津 朋美, 浅田 秀樹, 麻生 洋一, 新井 宏二, 荒瀬 勇太, 新谷 昌人, 池上 健, 石川 毅彦, 石崎 秀晴, 石徹白 晃治, 石原 秀樹, 市來 淨與, 伊東 宏之, 伊藤 洋介, 井上 開輝, 植田 憲一, 歌島 昌由, 榎 基宏, 戎崎 俊一, 江里口 良治, 大石 奈緒子, 大河 正志, 大橋 正健, 大原 謙一, 奥冨 聡, 小野里 光司, 鎌ヶ迫 将悟, 河島 信樹, 川添 史子, 雁津 克彦, 木内 建太, 岸本 直子, 桐原 裕之, 工藤 秀明, 國中 均, 國森 裕生, 黒田 和明, 小泉 宏之, 洪 鋒雷, 郡 和範, 穀山 渉, 苔山 圭以子, 古在 由秀, 小嶌 康史, 固武 慶, 小林 史歩, 西條 統之, 坂井 真一郎, 阪上 雅昭, 阪田 紫帆里, 佐合 紀親, 佐々木 節, 佐藤 孝, 柴田 大, 真貝 寿明, 杉山 直, 諏訪 雄大, 宗宮 健太郎, 祖谷 元, 高野 忠, 高橋 走, 高橋 慶太郎, 高橋 忠幸, 高橋 弘毅, 高橋 龍一, 高橋 竜太郎, 高森 昭光, 田越 秀行, 田代 寛之, 谷口 敬介, 樽家 篤史, 千葉 剛, 辻川 信二, 常定 芳基, 徳田 充, 徳成 正雄, 豊嶋 守生, 内藤 勲夫, 中尾 憲一, 中川 憲保, 中須賀 真一, 中野 寛之, 長野 重夫, 中村 康二, 中山 典宜, 西澤 篤志, 西田 恵里奈, 西山 和孝, 丹羽 佳人, 橋本 樹明
    日本物理学会講演概要集 62 96-96 2007年  
  • Masateru Ishiguro, Takahiro Hiroi, David J. Tholen, Sho Sasaki, Yuji Ueda, Tokuhiro Nimura, Tokuhiro Nimura, Masanao Abe, Beth E. Clark, Aya Yamamoto, Fumi Yoshida, Ryosuke Nakamura, Naru Hirata, Hideaki Miyamoto, Yasuhiro Yokota, Tatsuaki Hashimoto, Takashi Kubota, Akiko M. Nakamura, Robert W. Gaskell, Robert W. Gaskell, Jun Saito
    Meteoritics and Planetary Science 42 1791-1800 2007年1月1日  
    We obtained color images of near-Earth asteroid 25143 Itokawa by the Hayabusa multiband imaging camera to characterize the regional color properties. Images were obtained for the whole disk from the gate position (GP) and home position (HP) at a spatial resolution of 0.8-3.7 m/pixel. Whole-disk spectra are adjusted to the telescopic data obtained by the University of Hawai'i's 88-inch telescope using the Eight Color Asteroid Survey (ECAS) system. The disk-resolved measurements show large variations in the three visible channels. We present a map of an index related to the degree of space weathering, which has been newly developed based on laboratory measurements. We find large variations in the degree of space weathering on Itokawa. Fresh materials are observed in regions of steep slopes and craters, whereas mature materials are ubiquitously distributed. This result suggests that pristine ordinary chondrite-like materials have been exposed through weathered layers by excavation. By also examining close-up images obtained during touchdown rehearsal, we find that most rocks in Itokawa's rough terrains are weathered. Instead of a regolith blanket, the surface of this small asteroid is covered with weathered rocks and gravels. © The Meteoritical Society, 2007.
  • Takashi Kubota, Masatsugu Otsuki, Tatsuaki Hashimoto, Nobutaka Bando, Hajime Yano, Masashi Uo, Ken'ichi Shirakawa, Jun'ichiro Kawaguchi
    Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, 2006 2 1403-1414 2006年12月1日  
    Hayabusa spacecraft performed the final descents and touchdowns twice in November 2005. In final descent phase, terrain alignment maneuvers were accomplished to control both altitude and attitude with respect to the surface by using four beams Laser Range Finder onboard. Then Hayabusa spacecraft made dynamic touchdowns the surface of the asteroid by the sampler system to collect samples automatically. This paper presents the terrain alignment maneuver and touchdown scheme. This paper also describes the novel sample horn system and touchdown dynamics. Touchdown tests on the ground are presented. Then the flight results on touchdown dynamics are shown and discussed. Copyright © 2006 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Takashi Kubota, Masatsugu Otsuki, Hajime Yano, Tatsuaki Hashimoto, Nobutaka Bando, Makoto Tamura, Masashi Uo, Ken'ichi Shirakawa, Jun'ichiro Kawaguchi
    AIAA 57th International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2006 6 4204-4213 2006年12月1日  
    Hayabusa spacecraft performed the final descents and touchdowns twice in November 2005. In final descent phase, terrain alignment maneuvers were accomplished to control both altitude and attitude with respect to the surface by using four beams Laser Range Finder onboard. Then Hayabusa spacecraft made dynamic touchdowns the surface of the asteroid by the sampler system to collect samples automatically. This paper presents the terrain alignment maneuver and touchdown scheme. This paper also describes the novel sample horn system and touchdown dynamics. Touchdown tests on the ground are presented. Then the flight results on descent and touchdown dynamics are shown and discussed.
  • 野口 高明, 土'山 明, 平田 成, 中村 良介, 宮本 英昭, 出村 裕英, 矢野 創, 中村 智樹, 齋藤 潤, 佐々木 晶, 橋本 樹明, 久保田 孝, 石黒 正晃, ZOLENSKY M. E.
    形の科学会誌 = Bulletin of the Society for Science on Form 21(2) 192-193 2006年10月1日  
  • 田島賢一, 澤井秀次郎, 坂井真一郎, 坂東信尚, 橋本樹明, 星野慎二
    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集 2006(Vol.5) 317-318 2006年9月15日  
    Balloon-based Operation Vehicle (BOV) is currently developed at JAXA for the realization of microgravity environment. As for this research, second experiment of 2006 and third experiment of 2007 are already planned. As a member of the control and electric system group, we estimate a method to detect the relative position of an integumentary covering as an inner shell of an experimental device with laser sensors. In this paper is explained a summary of a microgravity experimental device and shown it about an experiment performed in May, 2006.
  • 澤井秀次郎, 橋本樹明, 曽子隆博, 上野誠也
    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集 2006(Vol.5) 319-320 2006年9月15日  
    This paper discusses on control law of the micro-gravity experimental vehicle with a balloon. To attain the micro-gravity environment, it is necessary that the experiment sphere in the experiment module does not collide with inner shell of the vehicle. This is achieved by designing the control law with 16 gas-jet thrusters. The velocity during free fall is accelerated to a supersonic region by the end of experiment. The design of control law corresponding to the remarkable increase of dynamic pressure is required. The performances of actual thrusters have high non-linearity. This paper proposes a new control law of thruster to control the vehicle with high accuracy.
  • 高橋龍一, 川村静児, 中村卓史, 安東正樹, 坪野公夫, 瀬戸直樹, 石川毅彦, 平林久, 高野忠, 橋本樹明, 高橋忠幸, 松原英雄, 坂井真一郎, 植田憲一, 武者満, 三浦純一, 佐藤孝, 大河正志, 伊東宏之, 長野重夫, 細川瑞彦, 國森裕生, ベルナー クラウス, 豊嶋守生, 沼田健司, 藤本眞克, 佐藤修一, 山崎利孝, 福嶋美津広, 新井宏二, 大石奈緒子, 高橋竜太郎, 榎基宏, 中村康二, 森本睦子, 樽家篤史, 姫本宣朗, 阿久津智忠, 石徹白晃治, 工藤秀明
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2006 205 2006年8月20日  
  • Hashimoto Tatsuaki, Kubota Takashi, Kawaguchi Jun'ichiro, Saito Jun, Uo Masashi
    電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集 2006(1) "SE-20"-"SE-21" 2006年3月8日  
  • Kawaguchi Jun'ichiro, Fujiwara Akira, Hashimoto Tatsuaki
    電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集 2006(1) "SS-22"-"SS-27" 2006年3月8日  
  • KOMINATO Takashi, MATSUOKA Masatoshi, UO Masashi, HASHIMOTO Tatsuaki, KUBOTA Takashi, KAWAGUCHI Jun'ichiro
    The Journal of space technology and science : a publication of Japanese Rocket Society 22(1) 11-20 2006年3月  
  • 村田泰宏, 平林久, EDWARDS Philip G, 朝木義晴, 望月奈々子, 名取通弘, 橋本樹明, 井上允, 坪井昌人, 梅本智文, 亀野誠二, 河野裕介, 浅田圭一, 永井洋, 春日隆, 藤沢健太
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2006 232 2006年2月20日  
  • 高橋龍一, 川村静児, 中村卓史, 安東正樹, 坪野公夫, 瀬戸直樹, 石川毅彦, 平林久, 高野忠, 橋本樹明, 高橋忠幸, 松原英雄, 植田憲一, 武者満, 佐藤孝, 大河正志, 細川瑞彦, 國森裕生, 沼田健司, 長野重夫, 藤本眞克, 佐藤修一, 山崎利孝, 福嶋美津広, 新井宏二, 市耒浄與, 大石奈緒子, 杉山道, 高橋竜太郎, 端山和大, 樽家篤史, 姫本宜朗, 阿久津智忠, 麻生洋一, 石徹白晃治, 工藤秀明, 辻川信二, 平松尚志, 向山信治, 横山順一
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2006 194 2006年2月20日  
  • 橋本樹明, 広川英治, 紀伊恒男, 佐藤康志, 東野勇
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 50th 2E03 2006年  
  • 巳谷真司, 橋本樹明, 戸田知朗, 鈴木秀人, 石島義之, 大野有孝
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 50th 1E10 2006年  
  • 久保田孝, 橋本樹明, 卯尾匡, 大槻真嗣, 田村誠, 白川健一, 森田秀郎, 川口淳一郎
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 50th 2H13 2006年  
  • 大竹真紀子, 岡田達明, 松本甲太郎, 橋本樹明
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 50th 1C09 2006年  
  • 出村裕英, 斎藤潤, 雪下晃, 平田成, 村中昇, 白川健一, 森田秀郎, 小林慎悟, 古谷元宏, 丸家誠, 大山洋, 卯尾匡, 久保田孝, 橋本樹明, 川口淳一郎, 宮本英昭, 佐々木晶
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 50th 2H08 2006年  
  • 井澤克彦, 市川信一郎, 成田伸一郎, 橋本樹明, 菊池均, 佐藤典夫
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 50th 1E12 2006年  
  • 小湊隆, 松岡正敏, 卯尾匡史, 橋本樹明, 川口淳一郎
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 50th 2H06 2006年  
  • Toyokawa Takaaki, Yoshimitsu Tetsuo, Hashimoto Tatsuaki, Kawaguchi Jun'ichiro
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2006 "1P1-B15(1)"-"1P1-B15(2)" 2006年  
    The MUSES-C mission is the world's first sample and return attempt to/from the near Earth asteroid. In deep space, it is hard to navigate, guide, and control a spacecraft on a real-time basis remotely from the earth mainly due to the communication delay. So autonomy is required for final approach and landing on an unknown body. It is important to navigate and guide a spacecraft to the landing point without hitting rocks or big stones. In the final descent phase, cancellation of the horizontal speed relative to the surface of the landing site is essential. This paper describes various kinds of robotics technologies applied for MUSES-C mission. A global mapping method, an autonomous descent scheme, and a novel sample-collection method, and asteroid exploration robot are proposed and presented in detail. This paper also presents the flight data and results.
  • 橋本樹明, 斎藤芳隆, 澤井秀次郎, 坂井真一郎, 坂東信尚, 小林弘明, 藤田和央, 稲富裕光, 吉光徹雄, 石川毅彦, 山川宏
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 50th 2006年  
  • MORITA Hideo, SHIRAKAWA Ken&rsquo, ichi, UO Masashi, HASHIMOTO Tatsuaki, KUBOTA Takashi, KAWAGUCHI Jun&rsquo, ichiro
    The Journal of Space Technology and Science 22(1) 1_21-1_31 2006年  
    The spacecraft Hayabusa performed the descent flights to the target asteroid ltokawa in November of 2005. The surface of ltokawa has a lot of boulders and there are few flat areas where the spacecraft can touch down safely. With the reaction wheels lost prior to the touchdown events, it was very difficult to control translational motion accurately, since the guidance accuracy of several millimeters per second was requested. To accurately determine the spacecraft position, a landmark tracking scheme with the help of the ground operation was introduced and developed in the Hayabusa mission. The Hayahusa project team developed new tools that combined human assist with the computer aided terminal display. The proposed landmark tracking scheme did contribute to the successful precise navigation to the specified area on the surface. This paper presents a descent navigation method with the landmark tracking used for the Hayahusa mission, including the developed ground operation tools.
  • 斉藤光伯, 福島一彦, 佐藤典夫, 井沢克彦, 橋本樹明, 中島厚
    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集 2005(Vol.5) 359-360 2005年9月18日  
    A Magnetic Bearing Wheel (MBW) with inclined magnetic poles is under development, which enables the 5-DOF magnetic bearing to be composed of six electromagnets. This paper deals with the low disturbance control method of the MBW. This method feeds back force/moment disturbance of the MBW, and generates rotor position command to reduce the disturbance, which can decrease the disturbance induced by all disturbance factors such as rotor static/dynamic imbalance, sensor detection surface distortion, magnetic pole surface distortion, and resonance of the MBW and the MBW foundation.
  • 沢井秀次郎, 橋本樹明, 上野誠也
    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集 2005(Vol.5) 419-420 2005年9月18日  
    This paper discusses on control law for Balloon Based Micro-Gravity Experimental Vehicle. The vehicle is carried up to an altitude of 40km by a balloon and released. During the free fall, micro-gravity environment is provided in a spherical laboratory floating in the vehicle. Gas-jet thrusters control the vehicle to keep the clearance between the laboratory and the inner wall of vehicle. The disturbances acting on the vehicle is related to the dynamic pressure of vehicle, thus the proposed control law uses a compensatory factor that is given as a function of the dynamic pressure. The numerical results show that the controller has robustness against the initial position error.
  • 川村静児, 中村卓史, 安東正樹, 坪野公夫, 瀬戸直樹, 長野重夫, 田中貴浩, 石川毅彦, 植田憲一, 武者満, 佐藤孝, 細川瑞彦, 沼田健司, 平林久, 高野忠, 藤本眞克, 樽家篤史, 姫本宣朗, 柳哲文, 中尾憲一, 原田知広, 井岡邦仁, 佐合紀親, 疋田渉, 佐藤修一, 苔山圭以子, 福嶋美津広, 國森裕生, 山崎利孝, 大河正志, 橋本樹明, 高橋忠幸, 青柳巧介, 我妻一博, 阿久津智忠, 浅田秀樹, 麻生洋一, 新井宏二, 新谷昌人, 池上健
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2005 323 2005年8月20日  
  • 村田泰宏, 平林久, EDWARDS Philip G, 朝木義晴, 望月奈々子, 名取通弘, 橋本樹明, 井上允, 坪井昌人, 梅本智文, 亀野誠二, 河野裕介, 浅田圭一, 永井洋, 春日隆, 藤沢健太
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2005 303 2005年8月20日  
  • 橋本 樹明, 久保田 孝, 出村 裕英, 齋藤 潤, 安部 正真, 岡田 達明, 藤原 顕, 川口 淳一郎
    電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集 2005(1) "SS-12"-"SS-13" 2005年3月7日  
  • 沢井秀次郎, 橋本樹明, 水野貴秀, 福田盛介, 久保田孝
    太陽系科学シンポジウム 26th 25-28 2005年3月  
  • NAKAMURA Akiko M., SHIRAISHI Hiroaki, HONDA Rie, IIJIMA Yu-ichi, HASHIMOTO Tatsuaki, NINOMIYA Keiken, YOKOTA Yasuhiro, SHIRAO Motomaro, TAKATA Toshiko, YAMAJI Atsushi, SASAKI Sho, OKADA Tatsuaki, MATSUNAGA Tsuneo, DEMURA Hirohide, HIRATA Naru, HONDA Chikatoshi, HARUYAMA Jun'ichi, OHTAKE Makiko, NODA Hirotomo, MIYAMOTO Hideaki, YOSHIKAWA Makoto, TSUCHIDA Satoshi, OHTAKI Toshiki, MURAKAMI Hideki, KOMORI Chosei, MASSON Phillippe, PINET Patrick, CHEVREL Serge D., DAYDOU Yves, HIRAMATSU Masaru
    宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告 4 1-63 2005年3月  
    Lunar Imaging Camera (LIC) is a small, compact and lightweight monochromatic imager designed and developed for LUNAR-A, Japanese lunar mission. The scientific objectives of the camera address impact cratering, tectonic processes, volcanic features, and optical properties of the regolith surface.The image sensor is a linear CCD and is aligned with the spin axis of the spacecraft, which orbits the Moon at altitudes of 200-300 km. The two-dimensional image is taken using the spin motion of the spacecraft. The total field of view (FOV) of the camera is 360°(around the spin axis)×14.6°(along the CCD-array). LIC obtains an image in one spin. The angular resolution of the camera is about 20 arcsec/pixel at a spin rate of 3 rpm. The spatial resolution is about 25 m/pixels at the surface when the altitude is 250 km. The spin axis of the LUNAR-A approximately points toward the Sun, therefore, LIC can take images of the lunar surface with highly oblique illumination conditions near the terminator. A series of pre-flight tests of LIC was performed. In those tests, the hardware performance and the functions of LIC were verified and the data for radiometric and geometric corrections were obtained. This paper outlines the scientific objective, characteristics of LIC, the procedure and the results of the pre-flight tests and the operation plan of LIC.
  • 村田泰宏, 平林久, EDWARDS Philip G, 朝木義晴, 望月奈々子, 名取通弘, 橋本樹明, 井上允, 坪井昌人, 梅本智文, 亀野誠二, 河野裕介, 浅田圭一, 永井洋, 春日隆, 藤沢健太
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2005 241 2005年2月20日  
  • 橋本 樹明, 廣川 英治, 坂井 真一郎
    宇宙科学シンポジウム 5 413-416 2005年1月6日  
  • 橋本 樹明, 澤井 秀次郎, 水野 貴秀
    宇宙科学シンポジウム 5 157-160 2005年1月6日  
  • 澤井 秀次郎, 水野 貴秀, 橋本 樹明
    宇宙科学シンポジウム 5 161-164 2005年1月6日  
  • 望月 奈々子, 橋本 樹明, 坂井 真一郎
    宇宙科学シンポジウム 5 82-85 2005年1月6日  
  • 藤原 顕, 橋本 樹明, 安部 正真
    宇宙科学シンポジウム 5 615-618 2005年1月6日  
  • 巳谷真司, 鈴木秀人, 橋本樹明, 戸田知明, 川井洋志, 大野有孝
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 49th 1H10 2005年  
  • 根本絵津子, 浅田智朗, 出村裕英, 小林慎悟, 中村良介, 平田成, 藤井良明, 浜田善夫, 久保田孝, 橋本樹明, 斉藤潤
    日本惑星科学会秋季講演会予稿集 2005 42 2005年  
  • 小林慎悟, 土本智一, 出村裕英, 浅田智朗, 根本絵津子, 松本直也, 雪下晃, 藤田浩気, 新田淳, 浜田善夫, 原田直人, 藤井良明, 藤田武, 橋本樹明, 久保田孝, 斉藤潤
    日本惑星科学会秋季講演会予稿集 2005 41 2005年  
  • 沢井秀次郎, 松本甲太郎, 橋本樹明, 神谷芳和, 久保田孝
    太陽系科学シンポジウム 25th 50-53 2004年4月  
  • 金田良介, 矢崎文都, 坂井真一郎, 橋本樹明, 斎藤宏文
    電気学会産業計測制御研究会資料 IIC-04(1-23) 91-96 2004年3月10日  
  • Kubota Takashi, Hashimoto Tatsuaki, Uo Masashi, Shirakawa Kenichi
    電子情報通信学会総合大会講演論文集 2004(1) "SE-33"-"SE-34" 2004年3月8日  
    MUSES-C engineering spacecraft for asteroid sample and return technologies was successfully launched on May 9th, in 2003 and was renamed as Hayabusa in orbit. The spacecraft is now in the cruising phase toward the asteroid 1998SF36. This report presents the outline of Hayabusa spacecraft. This report also describes AOCS(Attitude and Orbit Control System), which is focused on the cruising phase functions, autonomous star identification, Ion engine gimbal control, back-up attitude control mode, etc. The performance evaluated in orbit is also shown in this report.
  • 望月 奈々子, 橋本 樹明, 坂井 真一郎
    宇宙科学シンポジウム 4 149-152 2004年1月8日  
  • 金田 良介, 坂井 真一郎, 橋本 樹明
    宇宙科学シンポジウム 4 543-546 2004年1月8日  
  • 出村裕英, 小林慎悟, 根本絵津子, 古谷元宏, 浅田智朗, 橋本樹明, 斎藤潤
    日本惑星科学会秋季講演会予稿集 2004 118 2004年  
  • 久保雅仁, 清水敏文, 広川英治, 紀伊恒男, 橋本樹明, 小杉健郎, 二宮敬虔, 山本貴久, 奥村徹, 津野克彦
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2004 250 2004年  












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    東京大学(University of Tokyo)

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