
橋本 樹明

ハシモト タツアキ  (Tatsuaki Hashimoto)


国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究所 宇宙機応用工学研究系 教授
工学博士(1990年3月 東京大学)




  • D. J. Scheeres, R. Gaskell, S. Abe, O. Barnouin-Jha, T. Hashimoto, J. Kawaguchi, T. Kubota, J. Saito, M. Yoshikawa, N. Hirata, T. Mukai, M. Ishiguro, T. Kominato, K. Shirakawa, M. Uo
    Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, 2006 3 1553-1574 2006年  
    The dynamical environment about and on Asteroid 25143 Itokawa is studied using the shape and rotation state model estimated during the close proximity phase of the Hayabusa mission to that asteroid. We first discuss the general gravitational properties of the shape model assuming a constant density. Next we discuss the actual dynamical environment about this body, both on the surface and in orbit, and consider the orbital dynamics of a Hayabusa-like spacecraft. Then we detail one of the approaches used to estimate the mass of the body, using optical and lidar imaging, during the close proximity phase.
  • R. Gaskell, O. Barnouin-Jha, D. Scheeres, T. Mukai, N. Hirata, S. Abe, J. Saito, M. Ishiguro, T. Kubota, T. Hashimoto, J. Kawaguchi, M. Yoshikawa, K. Shirakawa, T. Kominato
    Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, 2006 3 1541-1552 2006年  
  • Takashi Kubota, Shujiro Sawai, Tatsuaki Hashimoto, Junichiro Kawaguchi
    The MUSES-C mission is the world first sample and return attempt to or from the near Earth asteroid. In deep space, it is hard to navigate, guide, and control a spacecraft on a real-time basis remotely from the earth mainly due to the communication delay. So autonomy is required for final approach and landing to an unknown body. It is important to navigate and guide a spacecraft to the landing point without hitting rocks or big stones. In the final descent phase, cancellation of the horizontal speed relative to the surface of the landing site is essential. This paper describes various kinds of robotics technologies applied for MUSES-C mission. An autonomous descent scheme and a novel visual navigation system are proposed and presented in detail. The validity and the effectiveness of the proposed methods are confirmed and evaluated by numerical simulations and flight results.
  • Takashi Kubota, Tatsuaki Hashimoto, Jun'ichiro Kawaguchi, Masashi Uo, Ken'ichi Shirakawa
    The Japanese asteroid exploration spacecraft Hayabusa autonomously performed touchdown two times in November 2005. The autonomous guidance and navigation capability is installed aboard the spacecraft. The GNC system collects the laser altimeter, laser range finders and navigation cameras information aboard and is designed to estimate where the spacecraft is and to decide the path correction maneuvers. The programmed function includes the image processing designed to detect an artificial target marker location to approach and cancel the relative velocity. A terrain alignment maneuver is also accomplished by both altitude and attitude control. This paper presents how autonomous guidance and navigation was performed in Hayabusa mission.
  • 稲富裕光, 石川毅彦, 橋本樹明, 澤井秀次郎, 齋藤義隆, 吉光徹, 坂井真一郎, 小林弘明, 藤田和央, 坂東信尚, 後藤雅亨, 神保至, 山川宏
    日本マイクログラビテイ応用学会誌,Vol. 23 (4), 2006, pp. 197-203 2006年  査読有り
  • 稲富 裕光, 坂東 信尚, 澤井 秀次郎, 石川 毅彦, 坂井 真一郎, 吉光 徹雄, 斎藤 芳隆, 山川 宏, 橋本 樹明
    JASMA : Journal of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application = 日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌 22(4) 317-317 2005年11月28日  
  • 久保田孝, 吉田和哉, 橋本樹明, 沢井秀次郎, 卯尾匡史
    日本航空宇宙学会誌 53(619) 242-248 2005年8月5日  
  • 橋本樹明, 久保田孝, 卯尾匡史
    日本航空宇宙学会誌 53(619) 237-241 2005年8月5日  
  • T Kubota, S Sawai, T Hashimoto, J Kawaguchi
    2005 12th International Conference on Advanced Robotics 31-38 2005年  査読有り
    The MUSES-C mission is the world's first sample and return attempt to/from the near Earth asteroid. In deep space, it is hard to navigate, guide, and control a spacecraft on a real-time basis remotely from the earth mainly due to the communication delay. So autonomy is required for final approach and landing on an unknown body. It is important to navigate and guide a spacecraft to the landing point without hitting rocks or big stones. In the final descent phase, cancellation of the horizontal speed relative to the surface of the landing site is essential. This paper describes various kinds of robotics technologies applied for MUSES-C mission. A global mapping method, an autonomous descent scheme, and a novel sample-collection method, and asteroid exploration robot are proposed and presented in detail. The validity and the effectiveness of the proposed methods are confirmed and evaluated by numerical simulations and some experiments.
  • 橋本 樹明, 斎藤 芳隆, 稲富 裕光, 石川 毅彦, 澤井 秀次郎, 山川 宏, 吉光 徹雄, 坂井 真一郎
    JASMA : Journal of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application = 日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌 21 66-66 2004年11月4日  
  • 山本昌幸, 石島義之, 濱田吉郎, 二宮哲次郎, 松本甲太郎, 四宮康雄, 澤井秀次郎, 橋本樹明, 神谷芳和
    宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発資料 JAXA-RM- (04-011) 123-128 2004年10月29日  
  • 橋本樹明
    日本リモートセンシング学会誌 第24巻, 第3号, pp321-322(3) 321-322 2004年9月3日  
  • 小林慎悟, 出村裕英, 橋本樹明, 斎藤潤
    日本惑星科学会誌 遊・星・人 13(2) 80-86 2004年6月25日  
  • Kohtaro Matsumoto, Yasuo Shinomiya, Takeshi Hoshino, Yukio Matsufuji, Shujiro Sawai, Tatsuaki Hashimoto, Tatsuaki Okada
    International Astronautical Federation - 55th International Astronautical Congress 2004 4 2629-2637 2004年  
    Following the LUNAR-A and SELENE, Japan has studied the moon lander with the reliable and safe landing capability by autonomous obstacle avoidance. The primary mission was set as the moon science around a central peak of a large crater to reveal the moon origin and evolution. For this concept, night survival capability is considered as optional, due to the required hard technology. However, night survival and long stay capability are essential for the genuine and full-scale moon development in the future. Even for the scientific exploration, a few months or a year mission period is requested from the scientists. For lunar base and moon utilization, a few years or unlimited system life period will be required. There are many proposals for this night survival capability, such as RTG utilization, location at the permanent sunshine zone, heat insulation tent by MLI, and so on. As the first step of the night survival capability study, the effect and damage of the moon night coldness is tested by thermal vacuum facility. Also some proposed concepts, including the wide utilization of moon regolith, are evaluated by thermal analysis for the moon base in the future.
  • Tomonao Hayashi, Yoshiwo Okamoto, Koji Yokoyama, Shigeru Hosokawa, Tadayuki Takahashi, Kazuhiro Nakazawa, Takeshi Takashima, Shin Watanabe, Tatsuaki Hashimoto, Masaharu Nomachi, Yoshinari Masumoto
    International Astronautical Federation - 55th International Astronautical Congress 2004 6 3533-3538 2004年  
    We are developing a whale ecology observation satellite system, comprised of a small satellite (WEOS), a ground operation center and probes attached to whales in the ocean. The NASDA (JAXA at present) has successfully launched the small satellite on 14th December, 2002 as one of the piggyback payloads of H-IIA-4 rocket from Tanegashima Space Center. The orbit of the WEOS is sun synchronous with the height of 800 km, and the attitude is stabilized by gravity gradient torque caused by a deployable mast of 3 m long. The satellite is manufactured by using industrial parts through careful environmental tests. Performance of the WEOS on the orbit is perfect, and its antennas for communications are kept facing to the earth. Operations for attaching the probes to whales are going on. The probes send ecological data to the WEOS, in which position data from a GPS receiver onboard the probes are included. The WEOS has a space GPS receiver on board, and the position data on the orbit are sent by telemetry to the ground station together with the Doppler shift data obtained by a PLL receiver of the satellite. We can thus locate the probe on the ocean by inversion analysis, which contributes as an auxiliary tool for studying migration of whales. Based on the experience of this mission, we are proposing a formation flight of 8 to 10 of such small satellites uniformly spaced on two polar orbital planes, which allows a cost effective realization of an advanced multi purpose satellite system. This paper describes the outline of the WEOS system, and the future prospect realized by the formation flight of similar satellites on the earth.
  • 二宮敬けん, 橋本樹明, 前田健, 斎藤徹, 秋末雅彦, 玄葉麻美
    宇宙科学研究所報告 121(121) 217P-213 2003年3月  
  • 齋藤 潤, 秋山 演亮, 石黒 正晃, 十亀 昭人, 出村 裕英, 中村 昭子, 中村 良介, 橋本 樹明, 林 彩, 平田 成, 道上 達広, AMICA チーム
    日本惑星科学会秋季講演会予稿集 2003f 83-83 2003年  
    「はやぶさ」は2003年5月9日に打ち上げられた小惑星探査ミッションで、S型小惑星1998SF36をそのターゲット天体としている。現在ミッションは打ち上げ後の初期運用フェーズを終え、定常運用へと移行している。 このミッションは工学ミッションとして(1)電気推進の運用:(2)自律航法;(3)微小低重力下でのサンプリング;(4)カプセルの再突入と回収、の4つの大きな課題を担っている。 サイエンス観測としては、本講演で延べるAMICA(Asteroid Multiband Imaging CAmera)の他に赤外分光計、蛍光X線スペクトロメータ、LIDARが理学観測に用いられることになっている。 AMICAは光学航法カメラ(Optical Navigation Camera: ONC)の望遠カメラ(ONC-T)にフィルタと偏光子を装着したもので、衛星システム上では望遠光学航法カメラ(ONC-T)を理学観測機器として捉えるときに限り、特にAMICAというシステム呼称が用いられている。 このカメラは8バンドのフィルタホイールを搭載しているが、1バンドを航法用のwideバンドフィルタに用いるため分光フィルタは7バンドを装備している。これらは小惑星の分光観測システムであるECAS(EightColor Asteroid Survey)で使用されるフィルタセットに準拠させている。また偏光子は視野の一部を占めるよう、CCDの直上に配置している。これは光学ガラスに一定の方向に整列した細長い銀粒子を埋めこんだもので、これをCCD面の1辺に4方向の偏光面角(0、 45、 90、 135度)を持つように切り出した小片を配置したものである。 本講演では、これら総合試験・性能評価で最終的に得られた結果、また初期運用で得られたデータの紹介など、AMICAの現況と今後実施する小惑星観測について紹介する。
  • T Kubota, T Hashimoto, J Kawaguchi
    The MUSES-C mission is the world's first sample and return attempt from the near Earth asteroid. In deep space, it is hard to navigate and guide a spacecraft on a real-time basis remotely from the earth mainly due to the communication delay. So autonomy is required for final approach and landing to an unknown body. It is important to guide a spacecraft to the landing point without hitting rocks or big stones. In the final descent phase, cancellation of the horizontal speed relative to the surface of the landing site is essential. This paper describes image processing methods applied for MUSES-C mission. A global mapping method and an image based descent scheme are proposed and presented in detail. The effectiveness of the proposed methods is confirmed by graphical simulations.
  • 橋本 樹明, 久保田 孝
    映像情報メディア学会誌 57(10) 1230-1234 2003年  
  • Advances in the Astronautical Sciences 111 181-192 2002年  
  • M Uo, K Baba, T Kubota, T Hashimoto, J Kawaguchi, S Sawai
    NEC RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 42(2) 188-192 2001年4月  査読有り
    This paper describes a GNC (Guidance Navigation and Control) in MUSES-C asteroid sample return mission. In deep space, it is difficult to navigate, guide, and control a spacecraft on a realtime basis remotely from the earth mainly due to the communication delay. So autonomous navigation and guidance is required for the final approach and landing to an asteroid. It is important to navigate and guide a spacecraft to the landing point without hitting rocks or big stones. In the final descent phase, cancellation of the horizontal speed relative to the surface of the landing site is essential. This paper describes the CNC method based on optical sensors. The validity of the proposed method has been confirmed by computer simulations.
  • T Hashimoto, Y Imamura, T Kubota, K Ninomiya
    SPACEFLIGHT MECHANICS 2001, VOL 108, PTS 1 AND 2 108 667-676 2001年  査読有り
    This paper presents accurate onboard navigation system for Lunar landers or orbiters, based on the crater identification. The navigation system consists of three stages. At first, craters are extracted from the surface images taken onboard, and the list of positions and radii of detected craters is obtained. The second step is identification between detected craters and known terrain maps obtained by other missions in advance, The final stage is the calculation of position towards Moon-fixed coordinates. To verify the effectiveness and performance of the proposed navigation system, computer simulations including image processing are performed.
  • T Kubota, T Hashimoto, M Uo, M Maruya, K Baba
    SPACEFLIGHT MECHANICS 2001, VOL 108, PTS 1 AND 2 108 769-779 2001年  査読有り
    Global mapping from the sun side and the terminator side are scheduled in MUSES-C mission. The spacecraft keeps the home position around the asteroid during global mapping. This paper proposes a method for a spacecraft to keep the home position autonomously. The spacecraft is navigated based on the image obtained by ONC and the range information obtained by LIDAR. This paper also proposes a global mapping method to estimate the shape of the asteroid based on motion stereo techniques.
  • T Kubota, T Misu, T Hashimoto, K Ninomiya
    This paper proposes a direct geographic recognition scheme from a gray-scale image without shape reconstruction. Several geographic categories are expressed in 3 x 3-arrays of normal-vector directions. Only by looking up a table, observed pixel-values (intensities) in a window are transformed into indices of conformity whether the scene in the window is due to each geographic category or not. Geographical features are extracted by multi-resolution interpretation and fuzzy-logical operations. The feasibility and robustness of the proposed method is shown by some computer simulations.
  • T Hashimoto, T Kubota, J Kawaguchi, M Uo, K Baba, T Yamashita
    SPACEFLIGHT MECHANICS 2001, VOL 108, PTS 1 AND 2 108 469-480 2001年  査読有り
    This paper presents an autonomous descent and touch-down scheme of the asteroid sample and return spacecraft, MUSES-C. The spacecraft uses some optical sensors. such as a navigation camera (ONC-W1). a laser altimeter (LIDAR), a short range laser sensor (LRF), and an artificial landmark (TM) which is released at about 100m altitude. Navigation system contains image processing, integration of visual and range information, and Kalman filtering. To realize "time of arrival" guidance, the descending plan is uploaded to the spacecraft, considering the asteroid motion. Six degree-of-freedom control is performed by RCS and reaction wheels (RW). In this paper, after brief explanation of MUSES-C navigation, guidance, and control (NGC) system and descent and touch-down scenario, the navigation scheme mainly focused on image processing, descent guidance scheme, and six degree-of-freedom thruster control are described. To verify the performance of the proposed scheme, computer simulations including Graphical Asteroid Simulator are performed.
  • Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers 40(5) 400 2001年  
  • 計測と制御 40(5) 400 2001年  
  • H Takahashi, H Katoh, T Kubota, T Hashimoto, K Ninomiya
    In recent years, many researchers have earnestly studied and developed walking robots. Walking robots have so high mobility that they can move on rough terrain, climb steps, and cross ditches. In the field of planetary exploration, robots with multiple legs are expected to explore inside craters etc. However, so far developed walking robots are too big and heavy to explore the lunar or planetary surface. So this paper proposes a novel design scheme for multi-legged robots. To show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme, the design analysis on static and dynamic motion is performed.
  • T Kubota, T Hashimoto, J Kawaguchi, S Sawai, K Baba, M Uo, M Ogasawara, H Osanai
    This paper describes a descent navigation and guidance in MUSES-C sample return mission. In deep space, it is difficult to navigate, guide, and control a spacecraft on a real-time basis remotely from the earth mainly due to the communication delay. So autonomous navigation and guidance is required for final approach and landing to an unknown body. It is important to navigate and guide a spacecraft to the landing point without hitting rocks or big stones. In the final descent phase, cancellation of the horizontal speed relative to the surface of the landing site is essential. This paper proposes a GNC method based on optical sensors. The validity of the proposed method is confirmed by computer simulations.
  • T Misu, T Hashimoto, K Ninomiya
    ACTA ASTRONAUTICA 45(4-9) 357-364 1999年8月  査読有り
    This paper proposes a direct geographic recognition scheme from a gray-scale image without shape reconstruction. Several geographic categories are expressed in 3x3-arrays of normal-vector directions. Only by looking up stable, observed pixel-values (intensities) in a window are transformed into indeces of conformity whether the scene in the window is due to each geographic category or not. The recognition is accomplished by multi-resolution interpretation and fuzzy-logical operations. The results of recognition-has shown the feasibility and robustness of the proposed method. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Acta Astronautica 45(4-9) 597-604 1999年8月  
    IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 35(2) 459-473 1999年4月  査読有り
  • J Kawaguchi, T Hashimoto, T Misu, S Sawai
    ACTA ASTRONAUTICA 44(5-6) 267-280 1999年3月  査読有り
    An impending demand for exploring the small bodies such as the comets and the asteroids envisioned the Japanese MUSES-C mission to the near Earth asteroid Nereus, An autonomous optical guidance and navigation strategy around the asteroid is discussed in this paper. Four major new schemes are dealt with hers: They are (1) Aligned intercept guidance, (2) Strategic building of the flight phases, (3) Image processing of line-of-sight shift information instead of characteristic point tracking, and (4) Stability and accuracy analysis associated with the guidance and navigation strategies developed here. Some comprehensive numerical illustrations are also given to support them. 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • 二宮敬けん, 橋本樹明, 飯田浩, 卯尾匡史, 村中昇, 前田健, 小倉直人, 斎藤徹, 藤原宏悦
    宇宙科学研究所報告 102(102) 1-88 1999年2月  
    本報告書は, 宇宙科学研究所のこれまでおよび近い将来の天文観測用科学衛星の姿勢決定系に採用されてきたカルマンフィルタに関して, そのアルゴリズムおよび実用上の工夫を中心に記述する。宇宙科学研究所の天文観測用科学衛星で, 姿勢決定にカルマンフィルタがはじめて適用されたひ"ぎんが"の打ち上げ(1987年2月)から10年以上が経過した。この間に打ち上げられた天文観測衛星の飛翔ごとに, その経験にもとづいてカルマンフィルタにおいても実用上の工夫が取り入れられてきた。一方, 観測ミッションの達成に必要な姿勢制御精度/姿勢決定精度はますます厳しくなり, カルマンフィルタを用いる場合にも, より厳密なアルゴリズムを適用することが必要となってきた。以上の背景を基に, 本報告書では, これまで用いてきたカルマンフィルタの設計や適用の方法をまとめておくことを通じて, 今後の衛星への確実な技術継承を図ることを目的としている。本報告書の構成は, 以下の通りである。第1章では, 宇宙科学研究所の天文観測用科学衛星における姿勢決定系の開発の流れを示す。第2章では, 姿勢決定系におけるカルマンフィルタのアルゴリズムを, 付録 A に示した一般的定式化を基に記述する。第3章では, カルマンフィルタの性能を定めるパラメータと性能との関係を明らかにし, カルマンフィルタの設計指針を与える。第4章では, これまでの天文観測用科学衛星におけるカルマンフィルタの適用方法を, 実際の衛星を対象として具体的に説明する。付録 A には, カルマンフィルタの一般的定式化をまとめて記載しておく。なお, 付録 B 以下では, 姿勢決定系カルマンフィルタの定式化を図る上で不可欠であるオイラーパラメータ, それに基づく姿勢運動の方程式の記述, カルマンフィルタの状態変数を決定する上で必要となる可観測性の検証方法についてまとめておく。
  • T Kubota, S Sawai, T Misu, T Hashimoto, J Kawaguchi, A Fujiwara
    This paper describes an autonomous landing system for MUSES-C sample return mission. In deep space, it is difficult to navigate, guide, and control a spacecraft on a real-time basis remotely from the earth mainly due to the communication delay. So autonomous navigation and guidance is required for final approach and landing to atl unknown body. It is important to navigate and Guide a spacecraft to the landing point without hitting rocks or big stones. In the final descent phase, cancellation of the horizontal speed relative to the surface of the landing site is essential. This paper proposes an autonomous landing method based on optical sensors. The validity of the proposed method is confirmed by graphical simulations. This paper also proposes a sample collector method to collect the surface materials.
  • 二宮 敬虔, 橋本 樹明, 飯田 浩, 卯尾 匡史, 村中 昇, 前田 健, 小倉 直人, 斎藤 徹, 藤原 宏悦
    宇宙科学研究所報告 102(102) 1-88 1999年  
    本報告書は, 宇宙科学研究所のこれまでおよび近い将来の天文観測用科学衛星の姿勢決定系に採用されてきたカルマンフィルタに関して, そのアルゴリズムおよび実用上の工夫を中心に記述する。宇宙科学研究所の天文観測用科学衛星で, 姿勢決定にカルマンフィルタがはじめて適用されたひ"ぎんが"の打ち上げ(1987年2月)から10年以上が経過した。この間に打ち上げられた天文観測衛星の飛翔ごとに, その経験にもとづいてカルマンフィルタにおいても実用上の工夫が取り入れられてきた。一方, 観測ミッションの達成に必要な姿勢制御精度/姿勢決定精度はますます厳しくなり, カルマンフィルタを用いる場合にも, より厳密なアルゴリズムを適用することが必要となってきた。以上の背景を基に, 本報告書では, これまで用いてきたカルマンフィルタの設計や適用の方法をまとめておくことを通じて, 今後の衛星への確実な技術継承を図ることを目的としている。本報告書の構成は, 以下の通りである。第1章では, 宇宙科学研究所の天文観測用科学衛星における姿勢決定系の開発の流れを示す。第2章では, 姿勢決定系におけるカルマンフィルタのアルゴリズムを, 付録 A に示した一般的定式化を基に記述する。第3章では, カルマンフィルタの性能を定めるパラメータと性能との関係を明らかにし, カルマンフィルタの設計指針を与える。第4章では, これまでの天文観測用科学衛星におけるカルマンフィルタの適用方法を, 実際の衛星を対象として具体的に説明する。付録 A には, カルマンフィルタの一般的定式化をまとめて記載しておく。なお, 付録 B 以下では, 姿勢決定系カルマンフィルタの定式化を図る上で不可欠であるオイラーパラメータ, それに基づく姿勢運動の方程式の記述, カルマンフィルタの状態変数を決定する上で必要となる可観測性の検証方法についてまとめておく。
  • Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 20(5) 1010-1017 1997年9月  
  • Advances in the Astronautical Sciences 96 795-804 1997年  
  • Acta Astronautica 37 141-151 1995年10月  
    Space Technology 15(5) 277-284 1995年9月  
  • Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 18(3) 605-610 1995年5月  
  • 二宮敬けん, 小川原嘉明, 橋本樹明, 村中昇, 前田健, 藤原宏悦, 飯田浩, 河原哲雄, 木村雅文
    宇宙科学研究所報告 81(81) 97P 1995年3月  


  • 船瀬龍, 船瀬龍, 中島晋太郎, 川端洋輔, 布施綾太, 三好航太, 秋山茉莉子, 松下将典, 石川晃寛, 五十里哲, 野村俊一郎, 柿原浩太, 船曳敦漠, 松下周平, 鈴本遼, 渋川季裕, 近藤宙貴, 鈴木聡宏, NERY Vinicius, 伊藤湧太郎, 筒井真輝, 高嶋一輝, 関根啓貴, 望月友貴, 小川巧海, 荻野浩佑, 草野湧貴, 瀬戸翔一, 中村陸希, 近澤拓弥, 小泉宏之, 関根北斗, 藤森蒼天, 森合勲武, 安宅泰穂, 室原昌弥, 小林雄太, 鳥居航, 冨木淳史, 伊藤大智, 吉川一朗, 吉岡和夫, 桑原正輝, 矢野創, 平井隆之, 阿部新助, 池永敏憲, 橋本樹明
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 67th 2023年  
  • 橋本樹明, 平澤遼, 菊池隼仁, 徳永翔, 森下直樹, 鳥居航, 冨木淳史, 三好航太, 坂東信尚, 廣瀬史子, 中島晋太郎, 竹内央
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 67th 2023年  
  • 橋本樹明
    電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会 BI-1-2 2022年9月  招待有り
  • 森下 直樹, 徳永 翔, 橋本 樹明
    第32回アストロダイナミクスシンポジウム、ASTRO-2022-B003 2022年7月  
  • 船瀬龍, 船瀬龍, 中島晋太郎, 布施綾太, 川端洋輔, 藤原正寛, 石川晃寛, 野村俊一郎, 五十里哲, 三好航太, 松下周平, 鈴本遼, 渋川季裕, 近藤宙貴, 牛佳成, 鈴木聡宏, 西本慎吾, 平山龍一, 藤本和真, 榎田健太郎, NERY Vinicius, 伊藤湧太郎, 関根啓貴, 高嶋一輝, 筒井真輝, 藤間一輝, 望月友貴, 関根北斗, 藤森蒼天, 森合勲武, 安宅泰穂, 秋山茉莉子, 室原昌弥, 小泉宏之, 小林雄太, 鳥居航, 冨木淳史, 伊藤大智, 吉川一朗, 吉岡和夫, 桑原正輝, 矢野創, 平井隆之, 阿部新助, 池永敏憲, 橋本樹明
    宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集(CD-ROM) 66th 2022年  












  • 件名

● 専任大学名

  • 専任大学名
    東京大学(University of Tokyo)

● 所属する所内委員会

  • 所内委員会名