
松原 英雄

マツハラ ヒデオ  (Hideo Matsuhara)


国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究所 宇宙物理学研究系 教授
総合研究大学院大学(総研大) 物理科学研究科 宇宙科学専攻 教授
東京工業大学 大学院理工学研究科 基礎物理学専攻 教授




  • Hiroshi Shibai, Haruyuki Okuda, Takao Nakagawa, Hideo Matsuhara, Toshinori Maihara, Kohei Mizutani, Yukiyasu Kobayashi, Norihisa Hiromoto, Tetsuo Nishimura, Frank J. Low
    Astrophysical Journal 374(2) 522-532 1991年6月20日  
    A diffuse far-infrared [C II] emission line has been detected in an extensive region (30° ≤ l ≤ 51°) along the Galactic plane. The [C II] line is bright and extended far from discrete luminous H II regions. Latitudinal and longitudinal profiles of the [C II] intensity distribution are quite similar to those of CO(J = 1-0) and the 100 μm continuum, but are completely different from those of H I 21 cm. The diffuse [C II] emission probably comes from the photodissociated C regions enveloping giant molecular clouds exposed to the general interstellar UV radiation field. The extended low-density ionized gas might also contribute to the diffuse [C II] emission. The mass of the C regions may be as much as 35%-50% of that of CO molecular gas. The total luminosity of the [C II] line emitted from the inner Galactic disk amounts to 2.8(±1.1) × 10 L , or about 0.36 % of the total far-infrared luminosity of the same region. 12 + + 7 +0.28 ⊙ -0.17
  • Hideo Matsuhara, Norihisa Hiromoto, Hiroshi Shibai, Takao Nakagawa, Haruyuki Okuda, Toshinori Maihara
    Review of Scientific Instruments 62(11) 2535-2539 1991年  
    A wobbling mechanism for a secondary mirror has been developed for a balloon-borne infrared telescope. Friction of the wobbling mechanism is negligibly small, and hence the wobbling mechanism is very reliable for the use in a severe environment at balloon altitudes. Motion is controlled by servo electronics, whose transfer function includes the second-order differential term of the error signal in order to improve the waveform. Good performance of the drive mechanism has been confirmed in two balloon flights in 1988 at an altitude of 31 km.
  • Takao Nakagawa, Tetsuya Nagata, Hideo Matsuhara, Haruyuki Okuda, Hiroshi Shibai, Saeko S. Hayashi
    Astrophysical Journal 351(2) 573-577 1990年3月10日  
    Exceptionally high degrees (up to ∼100%) of polarization was observed in the L′ band (3.8 μm) toward the NGC 6334 V bipolar nebula. The observed symmetric polarization pattern indicates that the nebula is a reflection nebula consisting of two lobes illuminated by a central obscured star. The measured distribution of high degrees of polarization requires that one of the lobes consist of a lemon-shaped cavity which scatters light mainly at its surface, whereas a conical cavity model is appropriate for the other lobe. This asymmetry of the lobes is probably due to a density gradient in the ambient cloud material in this region.
  • Haruyuki Okuda, Hiroshi Shibai, Takao Nakagawa, Hideo Matsuhara, Yukiyasu Kobayashi, Norio Kaifu, Tetsuya Nagata, I. Gatley, T. R. Geballe
    Astrophysical Journal 351(1) 89-97 1990年3月1日  
    A compact cluster of five luminous infrared sources has been found in the vicinity of the Galactic center radio arc. All of the sources have large polarizations in the near-infrared and deep silicate absorptions at 10 μm. Strong absorption lines of CO are seen at 4.6 μm toward each source. The observed polarization and spectral features are likely to be interstellar in origin. The temperatures of the sources, based on infrared photometry and corrected for extinction, are in the range 600-900 K. None of the sources show either infrared recombination line emission from atomic hydrogen, lines of molecular hydrogen, or overtone band of CO at 2.3 μm. Because the objects are tightly clustered, all are likely to be very young objects; however, accurate classifications cannot be made at the present time.
  • Takao Nakagawa, Haruyuki Okuda, Hiroshi Shibai, Hideo Matsuhara, Yukiyasu Kobayashi, Norihisa Hiromoto
    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 1235 pt 1 97-107 1990年  
    We have developed a Fabry-Perot spectrometer for far-infrared spectroscopic observations on the Balloon-borne Infrared Telescope (BIRT ). The spectrometer consists of two independent channels for simultaneous observations of two lines, and each channel is composed of two tandem Fabry-Perot interferometers. All the optical components, including the interferometers, are cooled down to 2K with super-fluid liquid helium. We have employed two modes of observations: (1) the frequency switching mode with spatial scanning, and (2) the conventional spatial chopping mode with fixed pointing. The former mode is especially suitable to observe spatially extended emission because the mode dose not require spatial chopping. We have made two successful flights in 1988 with our observing system. For the [CII] (158μm) line, the system NEP was measured to be 1 × 10 W Hz , and the spectral resolving power was 2100. We observed many kinds of objects during the flights, and the frequency switching method was proved to be very efficient to observe extended sources. 1 -14 - 1/2
  • N. Hiromoto, T. Itabe, H. Shibai, T. Nakagawa, H. Okuda, H. Matsuhara
    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 1514 1990年  
    A stressed Ge:Ga photoconductor array with 3 elements has been developed for the Infrared Telescope in Space (IRTS) satellite of Japan. The detectivity was very high at low temperature and under low infrared background. Nonlinear response dependent on photon influx was observed in the experiments and the phenomenon is discussed in the paper.
  • Hiroshi Shibai, Haruyuki Okuda, Takao Nakagawa, Nobuyuki Yajima, Toshinori Maihara, Kohei Mizutani, Hideo Matsuhara, Yukiyasu Kobayashi, Norihisa Hiromoto, Hideki Takami
    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 1235 pt 1 108-118 1990年  
    The Balloon-Borne Infrared Telescope (BIRT) has been developed for far-infrared astronomy by a joint project between the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) and Kyoto University in Japan. It has a 50 cm reflector telescope mounted on an alt-azimuthal pointing system actuated by a control-moment gyro (CMG) torquer in the azimuth. The pointing and tracking are accomplished by a unique offset guide system which utilizes a star tracker and a star field camera mounted on a two-axis offset gimbals. The motion of the gimbals is controlled by an on-board CPU which computes and corrects the rotation rate of the offset direction caused by the celestial diurnal motion as well as the horizontal motion of the balloon gondola. BIRT has been flown 6 times at Alice Springs, Australia in 1985 and 1986, and 2 times at Palestine, Texas in 1988. The pointing and tracking accuracies were less than 1 arcmin, and the peak-to-peak attitude stability was smaller than 30 arcsec in those flights. The last two flights, at which liquid helium cooled Fabry-Perot spectrometer was mounted on the Nasmyth focus, were quite successful for observing far-infrared spectral lines ([CII] 158 μm and [OI] 63 μm) over wide areas of several galactic nebula and Milky Way. These observations have demonstrated that balloon-borne observation is a quite useful method for far-infrared spectroscopy.
    ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 340(2) 729-738 1989年5月  査読有り
  • N. Hiromoto, T. Itabe, T. Aruga, H. Okuda, H. Matsuhara, H. Shibai, T. Nakagawa, M. Saito
    Infrared Physics 29(2-4) 255-259 1989年5月  
    Sensitive far infrared stressed Ge:Ga photoconductors which have response up to 200μm wavelength have been fabricated and studied to apply them to astronomical and atmospherical observations using balloons and satellites. The stressed Ge:Ga photoconductors have shown very high detectivity, i.e. responsivity of 15 A/W and NEP = 2 × 10 W/√Hz when operated at 2 K and at photon fluxes 1.1 × 10 photons/s, and the stable stress operation has been achieved by using the compact stressing mechanism with cone disk springs. The good performance has been confirmed by balloon experiments to detect astronomical CII line at 157.7 μm. © 1989. -18 6
    CENTER OF THE GALAXY 136 281-285 1989年  査読有り
    IAU SYMPOSIA (136) 281-285 1989年  査読有り
  • 廣本 宣久, 板部 敏和, 有賀 規, 猪股 英行, 奥田 治之, 松原 英雄, 芝井 広, 中川 貴雄, 斉藤 稔
    情報通信研究機構ジャーナル 35(175) 143-156 1989年  
  • N. Hiromoto, H. Takami, T. Itabe, H. Okuda, H. Matsuhara, H. Shibai, T. Nakagawa
    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 1039 393-394 1988年11月18日  
    A far infrared monochromator of Czerny-Turner type has been devised which has an output optical system comprising two small spherical mirrors to obtain non-astigmatic image. The far infrared monochromator covers both 50-120 urn and 100-240 urn wavelengths ranges and can be used to measure spectral response of stressed Ge:Ga photoconductors having response up to 200 urn, which we have fabricated to apply them to far infrared astronomical observations by balloons and by sattelites. Experimental performance of the stressed Ge:Ga photoconductors under low photon fluxes conditions also will be given.


  • 瀧本幸司, 佐野圭, 當銘優斗, 川崎悠貴, 中川俊輔, AREDA Eyoas Ergetu, FIELDING Ezra, CHATAR Keenan Alexsei Aamir, 松浦周二, 廣瀬優樹, 小鹿哲雅, 津本明音, 津村耕司, 中川貴雄, 松原英雄, 磯部直樹, 榎木谷海, 田中颯, 高橋葵
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2023 2023年  
  • 佐野圭, 趙孟佑, 北村健太郎, 寺本万里子, 増井博一, 布施哲人, 瀧本幸司, 山内貴志, 中山大輔, OERGER Necmi Cihan, CORDOVA-ALARCON Jose Rodrigo, SCHULZ Victor Hugo, OFOSU Joseph, 中川貴雄, 松原英雄, 磯部直樹, 宮崎康行, 平子敬一, 船瀬龍, 松浦周二, 和田武彦, 津村耕司, 高橋葵, 五十里哲, 谷津陽一, 軸屋一郎, 青柳賢英
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2023 2023年  
  • 瀧本幸司, 佐野圭, 松浦周二, 津村耕司, 中川貴雄, 松原英雄, 磯部直樹, 和田武彦, 高橋葵, 布施哲人, 趙孟佑, 北村健太郎, 増井博一, 寺本万里子, NECMI Oerger, RODRIGO Cordova-Alarcon Jose, VICTOR Schulz, JOSEPH Ofosu, 宮崎康行, 船瀬龍, 五十里哲, 青柳賢英, 谷津陽一, 軸屋一郎
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2023 2023年  
  • 和田武彦, 金田英宏, 金田英宏, 石原大助, 長勢晃一, 内山瑞穂, 伊藤哲司, 國生拓摩, 平原靖大, 土川拓朗, 前嶋宏志, 前嶋宏志, 大西崇介, 大西崇介, 松本光生, 松本光生, HUANG Ting-Chi, HUANG Ting-Chi, 榎木谷海, 榎木谷海, 海老原大路, 海老原大路, 笠羽康正, 坂野井健, 大薮進喜, 鈴木仁研, 中川貴雄, 松原英雄, 山岸光義, WANG Shiang-Yu, 大山陽一
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2021 2021年  
  • 山村一誠, 金田英宏, 小川博之, 中川貴雄, 松原英雄, 山田亨, 鈴木仁研, 尾中敬, 河野孝太郎
    日本天文学会年会講演予稿集 2021 2021年  






  • 2011年4月 - 現在
    宇宙科学II  (東京大学(前期課程))

