Ultradiscretization is a limiting procedure transforming a given difference equation into a cellular automaton. In this talk, we propose a discretization and an ultradiscretization of Gray-Scott model which is a reaction-diffusion system and whose solutions give various spatial patterns. The ultradiscrete system is directly related to the elementary cellular automaton Rule 90 which gives a Sierpinski gasket pattern. We also discuss relation between spatial patterns of the discrete system and Turing instability.
Mathematics for Materials Science and Processing, Feb, 2016, Institute of Mathematics for Industry
Ultradiscretization is a limiting procedure transforming a given difference equation into a cellular automaton. In addition the cellular automaton constructed by this procedure preserves the essential properties of the original equation, such as the structure of exact solutions for integrable equations. In this article, we propose a discretization and an ultradiscretization of Gray-Scott model which is not an integrable system and which gives various spatial patterns with appropriate initial data and parameters. The resulting systems give a traveling pulse and a self-replication pattern with appropriate initial data and parameters. The ultradiscrete system is directly related to the elementary cellular automaton Rule 90 which gives a Sierpinski gasket pattern. A (2+1) dimension ultradiscrete Gray-Scott model that gives a ring pattern and a self-replication pattern are also constructed.
Symmetries and Integrability in Difference Equations, Jun, 2014, The National Mathematics Initiative
Ultradiscretization is a limiting procedure transforming a given difference equation into a cellular automaton. In addition the cellular automaton constructed by this procedure preserves the essential properties of the original equation, such as the structure of exact solutions for integrable equations. In this article, we propose a discretization and an ultradiscretization of Gray-Scott model which is not an integrable system and which gives various spatial patterns with appropriate initial data and parameters. The resulting systems give a traveling pulse and a self-replication pattern with appropriate initial data and parameters. The ultradiscrete system is directly related to the elementary cellular automaton Rule 90 which gives a Sierpinski gasket pattern. A (2+1) dimension ultradiscrete Gray-Scott model that gives a ring pattern and a self-replication pattern are also constructed.
Joint iBMath and QGM workshop Geometry and topology of macromolecule folding, Dec, 2013, Centre for Quantum Geometry of Moduli Spaces
Ultradiscretization is a limiting procedure transforming a given difference equation into a cellular automaton. In addition the cellular automaton constructed by this procedure preserves the essential properties of the original equation, such as the structure of exact solutions for integrable equations. In this article, we propose a discretization and an ultradiscretization of Gray-Scott model which is not an integrable system and which gives various spatial patterns with appropriate initial data and parameters. The resulting systems give a traveling pulse and a self-replication pattern with appropriate initial data and parameters. The ultradiscrete system is directly related to the elementary cellular automaton Rule 90 which gives a Sierpinski gasket pattern. A (2+1) dimension ultradiscrete Gray-Scott model that gives a ring pattern and a self-replication pattern are also constructed.