
村松 陸雄

ムラマツ リクオ  (Rikuo Muramatsu)


武蔵野大学 工学部 サステナビリティ学科 教授




  • 村松陸雄
    武蔵野大学サステナビリティ研究所紀要 1 2024年3月  筆頭著者
  • 村松陸雄
    武蔵野大学環境研究所紀要 9 2020年3月  筆頭著者
  • 村山史世, 石井雅章, 陣内雄次, 高橋朝美, 滝口直樹, 長岡素彦, 村松陸雄
    武蔵野大学環境研究所紀要 (8) 47-65 2019年3月  
  • 村松陸雄
    武蔵野大学環境研究所紀要 (7) 97-109 2018年3月  
  • 村松陸雄, 石井雅章, 田中優, 長岡素彦, 村山史世
    武蔵野大学環境研究所紀要 (6) 15-20 2017年3月  
  • 村松陸雄, 村山史世
    武蔵野大学環境研究所紀要 (5) 43-57 2016年3月  
  • 根上明, 村松陸雄
    武蔵野大学環境研究所紀要 (4) 105-115 2015年3月  
  • 村松陸雄
    武蔵野大学環境研究所紀要 (4) 117-126 2015年3月  
  • 村松陸雄
    環境研究所紀要 (3) 47-57 2014年3月  
  • 根上明, 村松陸雄
    環境研究所紀要 (3) 77-85 2014年3月  
  • 村松陸雄
    武蔵野大学環境研究所紀要 (2) 57-67 2013年3月  
  • 村松陸雄
    武蔵野大学環境学部紀要 Vol.1 2010年3月  
  • 村松陸雄, 中村芳樹
    武蔵野大学人間関係学部紀要 Vol.3(3) 11-24-24 2006年3月  
  • Rikuo Muramatsu, Yoshiki Nakamura, Masahiko Takano
    Journal of Light and Visual Environment 28(1) 58-64 2004年9月1日  査読有り
    This study aims enable light pollution to be compared with other major environmental issues by estimating the economic values of light pollution based on the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM). Furthermore, through reviewing the relationship between the economic values estimated by CVM, and the level of the subject's environmental consciousness and environmental friendly behaviors, this study attempts to precisely understand people's consciousness of light pollution. © 2004, The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan. All rights reserved.
  • 熊澤貴之, 村松陸雄, 中村芳樹
    環境情報科学論文集 Vol.17 2002年11月  査読有り
  • 小林茂雄, 村松陸雄
    日本建築学会計画系論文集 67(No.555) 107-113-113 2002年5月  査読有り
    本研究の大きな目的は、室内空間における会話者の声の大きさに与える要因として、照明と第三者の影響を明らかにすることである。はじめに写真を刺激として声の大きさを推定させる実験を行い、次に実空間において在室者の会話の音量を測定する実験を行った。実験の結果、会話の声の大きさは、テーブルキャンドルのような低照度では小さくなり、全般照明のような高照度で大きくなった。室内を局部的に照明するスポットライトは、被験者のLocus of Control尺度によって結果が分かれ、外的統制の被験者で声が小さくなった。第三者の存在は、全体的に会話の声を小さくする働きがあるが、内的統制の被験者でスポットライトのときのみ、第三者がいた方が声は大きくなった。(共同研究につき本人分担部分抽出不可能)
  • Rikuo Muramatsu, Yoshiki Nakamura
    Journal of Light and Visual Environment 26(3) 30-39 2002年  査読有り
    In this study, evaluation of the lighting environment in offices, which consists of various attributes that are trade-offs, is conducted using the Conjoint Analysis, common in the field of marketing research. The attributes are illuminance, lighting distribution, glare, design, cost, usage of daylight, and recycling (229 subjects participated.) As a result, preferences of office lighting were quantitatively externalized. In other words, partworth utilities and importance levels of attributes for office lighting displayed general characteristics of all subjects. Moreover, a method of research by grouping the subjects according to the importance levels of attributes or according to their characteristics is proved to be valuable for better understanding the preferences of office lighting.
  • Rikuo Muramatsu
    Journal of human studies(人間研究) 6(No.6) 34-66 2001年3月  
    This study examines environmental consciousness among moving people, specially the hyperopia to global environmental issues which means that people tend to underestimate the severity in the local level and overestimate it in the global level, by comparing the difference concerning the perception of severity of global environmental issues on dimensions centered on the host country (the United Kingdom) and the same dimensions centered on the origin country (Japan). Subjects are high school students (15 - 20 years), were born in Japan and live in the United Kingdom. The results indicate that there is the hyperopia among young Japanese living in the United Kingdom. This difference in the perception of severity depends on whether global environmental issues are closer to the people, or not.
  • 村松陸雄, 中村芳樹, 高野雅彦
    照明学会誌 Vol.85(No.2) 141-146-146 2001年2月  査読有り
  • Rikuo Muramatsu, Yoshiki Nakamura, Seitaroh Nakajima, Shigeo Kobayashi
    Journal of Light and Visual Environment 25(1) XXV-XXVI 2001年  査読有り
    This study examined to know how the function of house exterior lighting, especially gate lighting, entry way lighting and ornament lighting, for the evaluation of lighting environment on the nighttime residential streets. An experiment using a real residential street, where people actually live, was carried out. The results suggested that the evaluation of lighting environment can be improved not only by the amount of light but by the light fittings attached on the gate or at the entry way or on the hedge belonging to private property. Copyright (c) 2007 The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan.
  • 村松陸雄, 中村芳樹
    照明学会誌 Vol.84(No.11) 815-823-823 2000年11月  査読有り
  • 村松 陸雄, 中村 芳樹, 中島 政太郎, 小林 茂雄
    日本建築学会計画系論文集 65(528) 23-28 2000年  査読有り
    This study examined to know how the function of house exterior lighting, especially gate lighting, porch lighting and ornament lighting, for the evaluation of lighting environment on the nighttime residential streets. An experiment using a real residential street, where people actually live, was carried out. The results suggested that the evaluation of lighting environment can be improved not only by the amount of light but by the light fittings attached on the gate or at the porch or on the hedge. Moreover, house exterior lighting can indicate the personality of the owner.
  • 小林 茂雄, 荻原 史郎, 中村 芳樹, 村松 陸雄
    日本建築学会計画系論文集 64(515) 97-103 1999年  査読有り
    Streets are not space only for people to walk on. Especially, streets in commercial areas can be regarded as a place for many people to behave in various ways. Physical features of streets affect what people do on streets and how they do them. And existence of others may affect their behaviors, too. Also, what kind of behaviors people take affects the relationship with the street. It is, therefore, assumed that people's behaviors determine how they perceive the street. This study examines the factors which affect people's behaviors in various ways. At the same time, it also considers how streets appear to people depending on their kind of behaviors. At first, an evaluation experiment was done by showing picture of streets as stimuli. Factors in the experiment were width of the street, whether trees are planted or not, number of walkers and those who are staying, etc. As a result, it was found out that susceptibility of people's behaviors were strongly related to existence of others. However, this relationship was found to be dependent on the kinds of street; that is, in some cases existence of others disturbs their behaviors. Next, an experiment was done in which subjects actually behaved on some streets. As a result, it was found that 'suitability for human behaviors' depended on their attitude to perceive and behave on the street.
  • Rikuo Muramatsu
    MSc Dissertation No.p7786280, University of Surrey Library (No.7786280) 113 1998年  
  • 村松 陸雄, 中島 政太郎, 中村 芳樹, 小林 茂雄
    照明学会雑誌 81 134-134 1997年  
  • Yukio Akashi, Rikuo Muramatsu, Sueko Kanaya
    Lighting Research & Technology 28(4) 199-206 1996年  査読有り
    The study investigated the correlation between the subjective glare rating and the Unified Glare Rating (UGR). Experiments and analyses were carried out. The results showed that there was a good correlation between the subjective glare rating and the UGR glare indices, but that the subjective glare ratings were always a few units lower than the UGR glare indices. The reason for the difference between them may be that simply ‘adding up’ the glare sensation is not an appropriate way to evaluate discomfort glare. Finally, a method is proposed for modification concerning the additivity of discomfort glare. © 1996, Sage Publications. All rights reserved.
  • 明石行生, 村松陸雄, 金谷末子
    照明学会誌 Vol.78(No.10) 22-32-526 1994年10月  




  • 武蔵野大学サステナビリティ学科
    武蔵野大学出版会 2023年11月 (ISBN: 9784903281612)
  • 日本建築学会 (担当:共著)
    彰国社 2013年4月 (ISBN: 4395100481)
  • 羽生和紀, 槇究, 村松陸雄共同監訳 (担当:共著)
    北大路書房 2007年6月
  • (担当:共著)
    机械工业出版社 2006年1月
    「光と色の視環境デザイン」中国語版ISBN: 7111174593
  • 羽生和紀, 槇究, 村松陸雄共同監訳 (担当:共著)
    北大路書房 2005年6月







