Curriculum Vitaes

yoshiko kita

  (北 義子)

Profile Information

Faculty of Human Sciences Department of Human Sciences, Musashino University

researchmap Member ID




  • Keiko ASANO, CP, PhD, Yoshiko KITA, ST, MS, Megumi HATAKEYAMA, ST, MS, Somei SHICHIJI, B, Shohei YAMAGISHI, CP, RN, PHN, MS, Keisuke TSUJI, MD, PhD, Department of, Human Sciences, Faculty of, Human Sciences, Musashino University
    Annual report of Musashino University Clinical Psychology Center, 22(22) 31-39, Jan, 2023  Peer-reviewed
  • Kita Yoshiko
    The Japan Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, 60(1) 1-10, Jan, 2019  Peer-reviewedLead author
    <p>Relationships between infants and their caregivers start to develop from birth, and a wholesome attachment between them is nurtured by the care provided through communication. Recently, such care is regarded to be based on intersubjective communication which shares emotions between the child and the caregiver, and the quality of its communicative musicality. In the case of children with hearing impairments, it is crucial for them to recognize the emotions of both themselves and others and to establish a solid attachment with their caregivers, in order for them to acquire functional language and desirable sociality later in their lives. From this perspective, this paper analyzed clinical scenes of a speech, language, and hearing therapist and examined and defined the necessary intersubjective communication support for children with hearing impairments and their caregivers. It is desirable to establish a methodology for speech, language, and hearing therapists to support caregivers in formulating their care for children with hearing impairments.</p>
  • 浅井研哉, 小栗佑介, 志磨村早紀, 北 義子, 綱川隆司, 西田昌史, 西村雅史
    研究報告アクセシビリティ, 2017-AAC-5(11) 1-6, 2017  Peer-reviewed
  • 下嶋哲也, 坂田善政, 小野久里子, 北 義子
    リハビリテーション教育研究, (21) 78-79, 2016  Peer-reviewed
  • OKANO Yumi, HIROTA Eiko, HARASHIMA Tsuneo, KITA Yoshiko
    AUDIOLOGY JAPAN, 56(1) 91-99, Feb, 2013  Peer-reviewed
    We compared the results of the speech-reading test in 4 persons with unilateral hearing loss (UHL) and 20 persons with normal hearing. We interviewed the persons with UHL regarding speech-reading usage and coping with hearing difficulties. The persons with UHL were asked to evaluate the difficulties in their daily lives themselves. In the results of the speech-reading test, there were no differences in the scores between the persons with UHL and those with normal hearing. According to the interview, there were differences among the individuals with UHL in the speech-reading skills and usages and in coping with their hearing difficulties. Individuals with poor speech-reading skills did not routinely use speech-reading, dealt with their hearing difficulties negatively, and assigned themselves poor scores for their difficulties in conversation. Based on the above findings, we conclude that it is necessary to provide guidance, tailored to each case, to individuals with UHL to cope with their hearing difficulties.
  • 北 義子, 前田 知佳子, 村井 ふみ, 今富 摂子, 湯澤 綾子, 金子 珠江, 根津 泰子, 関根 久美子, 竹村 直子, 吉浦 詠子, 田中 祥子, 安達 のどか, 浅沼 聡, 坂田 英明
    埼玉小児医療センター医学誌, 24(2) 205-210, Mar, 2009  Peer-reviewedLead author
  • 北 義子, 村井ふみ, 坂田英明, 安達のどか
    JOHNS(Journal of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery), 123(9) 1263-1267, 2007  Lead author
  • 狐塚 順子, 宇野 彰, 北 義子
    言語聴覚研究, 2(3) 141-147, Dec, 2005  Peer-reviewed
    9歳右利き女児.モヤモヤ病術後に脳梗塞を起こし,失語症が出現した.失語症発症後約8〜10ヵ月時に行った呼称,復唱,逆唱,仮名音読課題の反応を認知神経心理学的に分析し,成人失語症と比較した.病巣は左縁上回,角回を含む下頭頂小葉にみられた.呼称,復唱,仮名音読の各モダイリティはほぼ同様の傾向で,音韻性誤反応の出現率は実存語-呼称が10.0%,実存語-仮名音読が13.3%,非語-復唱が20.0%,非語-仮名音読が23.3%であった.非語30語の仮名音読では,2語に語彙化が観察された.同年齢の健常児よりも非語復唱の正解率は低く,Rapid Automatized Namingや実存語逆唱の反応時間は遅かった.成人伝導失語症例と比べると,自己修正の単位,発話を中断した位置,母音の誤り方が類似していた.子音の誤り方は転置の割合が大きかった.症例に語音認知障害はなく,聴覚的理解力障害も軽微で,音韻処理機能に障害がある小児の伝導失語と思われた
  • 北 義子, 大塚 美輪子, 狐塚 順子, 香取 玲子, 金子 珠江, 伊藤 淳子, 根津 泰子, 平野 友紀子, 谷 真理子, 田中 学, 望月 美佳, 牧野 七重, 奈良 隆寛
    埼玉小児医療センター医学誌, 20(1) 154-160, Aug, 2003  Peer-reviewedLead author
  • KOZUKA Junko, UNO Akira, KITA Yosiko
    The Japan Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, 44(2) 131-137, Apr, 2003  Peer-reviewed
    We investigated changes in the error patterns of picture naming in a girl with acquired childhood aphasia (ACA) who manifested neologisms and paraphasia. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a lesion in the left posterior hemisphere resulting from cerebrovascular disease. In the naming task of both the standard language test of aphasia (SLTA) and Suzuki picture cards, the ratios of neologisms and paraphasia decreased during the chronic stage of ACA. These results suggest that semantic information processing and retrieval of word sounds improved in this patient. Reports on neologisms and paraphasia in ACA are rare. It had been assumed that neologisms are observed only during the acute stage, and this characteristic of neologisms seemed to be associated with head injuries. However, in our case the aphasia was caused by cerebrovascular disease, and neologisms were observed even one year after onset.These findings suggest that in ACA as well as in adult aphasia, neologisms are observed in patients with cerebrovascular disease and remain even during the chronic stage. In our ACA patient, who speaks fluently, the lesion was localized in the posterior of the left hemisphere. Therefore, it seems that the correlation between the location of the lesion and speech fluency in adult aphasia is applicable even in ACA.
  • 狐塚 順子, 北 義子
    音声言語医学, 42(1) 73-73, Jan, 2001  Peer-reviewed
  • 北義子
    言語聴覚療法, 15(4) 291-294, 2001  Peer-reviewedLead author
  • 北 義子, 大塚 美輪子, 牧野 七重, 狐塚 順子, 谷 真理子, 深谷 淳子, 赤松 裕介, 北川 裕子, 堀内 美智子
    埼玉小児医療センター医学誌, 16(2) 166-171, Mar, 2000  Peer-reviewedLead author
  • 前田 知佳子, 広田 栄子, 北 義子, 小寺 一興, 三浦 雅美, 矢部 進
    AUDIOLOGY JAPAN, 35(4) 395-396, 1992  Peer-reviewed


  • 成田 あゆみ, 下嶋 哲也, 北 義子, 西村 雅史
    コミュニケーション障害学, 37(3) 192-192, Dec, 2020  
  • 成田 あゆみ, 下嶋 哲也, 北 義子, 西村 雅史
    日本コミュニケーション障害学会学術講演会予稿集, 46回(2019) 109-109, Apr, 2020  
  • 相澤 馨子, 成田 あゆみ, 北 義子, 西村 雅史
    第82回全国大会講演論文集, 2020(1) 405-406, Feb 20, 2020  
    加齢性の難聴が進行すると、話が通じにくいだけでなく、車や自転車の接近に気付かないなどの危険な状態も生じる。特に左右に聴力差がある場合においては音の到来方向について誤判断を行う危険性が高い。 そこで我々は、高齢難聴特性の模擬難聴システムを活用し、方向音を含む身の回りの音に対する聞こえを仮想現実(VR)の技術を用いてリアルに体験できるVR模擬難聴システムの開発を行っている。今回、このシステムを用いて環境音の到来方向知覚に関する評価実験を行なった。ここでは音による判断だけでなく、目で見て音の到来方向を確認した場合も含めて評価を行ったのでその実験結果について報告する。
  • 成田 あゆみ, 角田 航平, 大畑 秀央, 北 義子, 石川 浩太郎
    AUDIOLOGY JAPAN, 62(5) 373-373, 2019  
  • 角田 航平, 大畑 秀央, 成田 あゆみ, 北 義子, 石川 浩太郎
    Audiology Japan, 61(5) 379-379, Sep, 2018  

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